Big Bang or God, which one is the true origin of life?
By arnwart
@arnwart (21)
Russian Federation
February 2, 2009 1:36am CST
This would be a serious debate and honestly, I have no idea which one is really true. But since I'm a believer, I would have to say God (not sure though, or yet). Personally, I find it hard to believe that the Big Bang was the cause behind this thing called life. Non-believers may say that "Hey, where did God came from?" in contrast with the above statement.
Well like I said, I believe but not sure. The same thing applies with scientists who believes in the Big Bang but obviously, they can't be sure of that for no one had ever witnessed what really happened in "the beginning".
So, it stands to reason how we got here, its no question about it. For the ones that don't believe in a God. Man made buildings, computers, and everyday things that we all use. So, how would you explain how the sun, stars, moon, rivers, rain, flowers and everything else you see get here. I don't think they came out of no where. Yes, they had to have a creator. The Almighty God himself. Just as man made things, God made us and the earth, and heavens.
At least that's the only thing I have to support my belief.
Anyway, what's your opinion?
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30 responses
@kishusia (1066)
• India
2 Feb 09
I am a believer too. I believe that there was no time when God was not there. God has no beginning or end. He is the cause of creation of everything, which we see and do not see. Our knowledge is limited, and because of that we ask such questions, 'where did God came from?'.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Feb 09
There is strong physical evidence to support the Big Bang. The same can not be said for god. There is also evidence that the Big Bang that resulted in this universe was only one of many and if this is so than our universe is not so special and neither are we.
When you look at something and say; "I don't understand it so it must be the hand of god" you are being lazy. Look at things, say why and then find out. Most of the information is out there if you look.
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@urbandekay (18278)
2 Feb 09
Sorry, there is absolutely no evidence that there were other Big Bangs nor other universes, such theories are wild speculation and strictly speaking no part of science, since they are not open to refutation.
Nor is most of the information out there to see, imagine if you will, a completed science, still much remains to be answered, for instance, why anything?
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
3 Feb 09
Please read more carefully what I have written, I said that OTHER big bangs and the THEORY OF OTHER UNIVERSES are wild speculation
all the best urban
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@tehsnipes (45)
• United States
3 Feb 09
haha omg urban, that reeks of irony. You're calling the big bang wild speculation and an unprovable theory yet existence God is just fact?
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am going to make a lot of people mad, but here is MY opinion: All the beauty that we see as earth, came about with the big bang and nature, animals and man slowly started emerging and changing into what they needed to adjust to nature so they can all reproduce. And I also think: Man created God, NOT the other way around. This is my opinion and we are all entitled to our OWN opinion!
@blindmoongoddess (426)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
No human being can really say for sure where the universe came from, because as common sense will tell you, nobody was here yet when the universe was born. Humans can only make educated guesses from their observations.
However, I think belief in God and the Big Bang theory need not be contradictory. What if God chose to create the universe by putting a ball of dense matter that exploded and expanded into the universe as we now know?
I, too, am a believer. I believe that our Creator is a Divine Artist who finds beauty in processes. See, God doesn't create babies by just a flick of a finger or by just saying, "Let there be babies!" There was a process that led to the existence of these babies (wink). Most trees have to be seeds first before they grow leaves and branches. I think the same thing goes for the universe. The process that led to the existence of the universe may have been the Big Bang. But as I've said, nobody knows for sure.
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@aidenofthetower (1814)
• United States
2 Feb 09
The origin of life is a complicated issue and usually attributed to evolution. The big bang is a theory of how the planets, stars, and other celestial matter came into existence in the form and patterns that it currently has. To me, the idea that something could explode with a big bang and produce order is ridiculous. After all, when we see explosions in smaller proportions it always creates a mess from the matter, not something that follows laws, lines up with one another, and works together in a perfect universe, with perfect galaxies, solar systems, and planets.
Creationism (the science of trying to make science and the Bible work together) is dangerous and often not based on science. However, Intelligent design has a lot of dedicated scientists who are doing a fairly good job of working toward evidence in theories based on a higher power creating or starting life here on earth.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Feb 09
Please name one creditable scientist that is doing any work on intelligent design. There are none because there is no science involved. It is only religion hiding behind smoke and mirrors.
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@urbandekay (18278)
2 Feb 09
Can I add that creditable scientist is one that publishes in independent peer assessed professional journals
all the best urban

@jworkman (38)
• Sweden
2 Feb 09
Why not both? Is it possible that God used the Big Bang as his method of creation? Scientists do seem to generally agree that species and systems "evolve" over time, but they debate about the complexity of that evolution. In other words, can a species essentially develop into a completely different species? In terms of God using a Bang, even believers in God debate the methodology that God used to create the universe. Believers debate whether it was in six literal days, or if the Genesis account is more of an allegory.
Regardless of your belief on this issue, the question of origins must be addressed. In other words, one has to deal with the concept of "the beginning of time" and whether or not anyone (or anything) was there at the beginning. While we may never be able to determine this as humans, we will continue to strive for clarification and deeper understanding.
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
2 Feb 09
Dear friend,
There are even more things and more we know more and more is to be known and it is remembered that once it was believed the earth was flat and later it was found it is round. But I am stronger believer of God and I am sure that God exist. The existence of God is like a starting and ending of a circle. If we go on asking questing there is no answers in many like who created God, before big bag theory occurred what was the situation, who created sun so on. But it is God we know there is lot more we know. Even we think like this is itself is the proof of existence of God. 

@buzzmaker (630)
• India
3 Feb 09
I would say the answer is GOD!
I believe that God is the only creator and destroyer of whatever exists, or we feel like it exists! If one says that Big Bang caused this earth and other living things, then who/what caused the Big Bang itself? and what was there before the Big Bang? Ask any question and it leads to God, the supreme power above everything.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Big Bang theory has not fully explain many questions in the universe yet, it is not conclusive in answering many cosmic phenomena happening out there, the seemingly invisible energy occupy the universe, the noises originated from far away, the arrangement of milky way in universe and the intricate solar system.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
God is the Big Bang.
The universe is making of itself.
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@killhawaii (112)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Well that is one question I don't think we will ever be able to answer. Some say its god's work and some say its the big bang theory. I can't really say. As an agonistic I believe in some great being out there but at the same time I also believe in science. No one can truly answer this question unless we get some real proof saying so.I would find it really funny if the answer turned out to be something else. Well either way it will take a long time for us to know an answer.
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@valkan101 (21)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Why does this question pop up? Why do humans have to try to limit themselves to a finite existance by believing, absolutely in God or Science? In believing in only pure science, or purely religion you close your mind to possibilities. Why don't people see that?
@thndr68 (4)
• United States
2 Feb 09
the universe is all around us, we can see it, therefore it is real. god is not. i was raised christian, but i grew up and realized that santa is not real. for all of you that believe god is real, i am him! i must have one hundred wives, and anyone who dosen't believe me must be killed! you have no reason not to believe me, and if you don't, you will go to hell!
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@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I am not a scientist, however I would have to say God just off the top of my head. I mean how can I go about believing that some big bang created all of what we have? Just is not possible.
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• India
19 Feb 09
I accept both. That there was a Big Bang and this was "perhaps" the beginning of this Universe. I "believe" that there are several Universes but there will "never" be any evidence generated - for that would mean at least a material particle as an observer will have to be sent and received back to confirm their existence. Quantum Mechanical constructions for the existence of other Universes as I see are only mathematical formulations without the need for them to be anyway connected to reality.
Scientific study for me is an interesting diversion, a way of letting our neurons fire to form interesting patterns as if to mimic the formation of the universe itself. The study of Reality happens in the Absolute Silence where syntax and semantics are rendered redundant. I enjoy Science because it makes Engineering, Technology and Commerce possible. Sometimes Science does bring out the aesthetic beauty- well that is another reason why I enjoy Science.
I must confess I did like the dialog, or call it a war of words if you will, between Chiang-Mai-Boy and santuccie. I tried making a copy of it(in one select-copy-paste operation) into a word file for a leisurely read, but I have not been lucky. I will have to think of another way of doing it perhaps. Thanks a lot for initiating a very interesting debate.
@ibraurt (20)
• Germany
2 Feb 09
First of all, why would anyone agree that the most wonderfully made life forms were created by chance? The rules that allow for an atom, the most minute form of creation, to function are the same rules that allow for galaxies, the biggest form of creation, to function. And everything in the universe is so precisely placed. For example, the earth is precisely at the right tilt to allow for the right amount of daylight. The sun is at just the right distance from the earth so that life can survive. And every part of body is so wonderfully put together that it is unbelievable to think that it was all by chance.
Every creation points to an intelligent designer and creator. Someone had to put those rules into to place. The more that scientists examine the many complexities of molecular structures and various organisms, this becomes even more evident and logical.
@barzales (20)
• Sweden
2 Feb 09
Now correct me if I am wrong , but to my limited knowledge, science is yet to come close to creating anything that can accomplish this feat in such a compact size as you would find in a sunflower. Not to mention a blade of grass. We can put astronauts and capsules in space, on the moon and robots on Mars. But we cannot create a flower from scratch. And believe me if man could they would have by now. The constant race of science trying to play God is amazing to me . Knowledge and power without moral or ethical responsibility.
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@henates (20)
• Australia
2 Feb 09
If the Bible has anything to go by, it does state that there were mighty giant men upon Earth, who lived around 1000 years. Creation theorists argue that this would only be possible if the gravity field of Earth was weaker while the magnetic field higher. If, as they claim, the Big Bang was caused by the fallen angel Lucifer (otherwise known as Satan) falling to Earth, then the original Earth would have exploded several times and consequently expanded to three times its size. This would explain why the gravity field increased while the magnetic field diminished. Many scientists agree upon the previous existence of a sole continent upon Earth, commonly known as Pangaea. There is much evidence to support this theory, including the fact that all the continents of the modern map line up to form this large C-shaped piece of land. According to Creation scientists, the force with which Lucifer fell was apparently not only enough to break up this supercontinent, but also to trigger the Big Bang and thus start the modern universe.
On the other hand, other theories claim that the universe is 6000 million years old. The Bible places our existence at a mere 6000 years. Why the discrepancy? Dinosaur fossils were Carbon-14 dated, estimating their ages as several millions of years old. What few people realize is that Carbon-14 can disintegrate in a couple of hours in the laboratory. Therefore, this makes this method of dating highly inaccurate.
In conclusion, both the Big Bang and God theories hold water. At the end of the day - the belief of whether the Big Bang or the Creator got us here is in the mind of the beholder, depending on what they believe.
@tmae87 (17)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I don't think it's realistic to think that we came from particals and just evovled over all this time. We are too complex. And there are too many things that disprove this. Science is not exact. There are exceptions to every rule. Why is this? Because God has made everythign unique. I am a strong beleiver in God and I just can't except that a "big bang" occured and poof...there's living organisms.
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