Why don't you believe in theory of evolution?
By alnilam
@alnilam (969)
United States
February 2, 2009 4:58am CST
This question is set mainly to religious people, which do not believe in evolution. I have nothing against that I just wanna know what are the facts/reasons that make you believe that evolution had nothing to do with us beeing the way we are today.
Thank you for your opinions/views
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18 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Leaving the bible out of it I believe in creation. Every thing is so much more complicated to have just evolved. To may parts of each animal human and plant has to evolve at the same time and in just the right time and way. Take they eye it is so complex and for it to work every thing has to be in place at the same time. As far as I'm concerned to take more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in a Creator. Besides how can life just spring from nothing into something even if it was by evolution? something had to start the process and provide the elements
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
3 Feb 09
The theory of evolution does not say life started from something out of nothing. This is a philosophical question. Evolution is rather saying that we evolve through mutation from a common descent.
Scientists who are atheists see the entire evolutionary process as random mutation, but to me as a Christian I see the entire process as being guided by the hand of God. I can't prove to them that is guided nor can they prove to me that the process is not guided. So I see no problem with evolution as a Christian. I can believe in Bible as well as in evolution. Bible says God is the creator who brings everything to life. Bible does not describe step by step scientific account of how life came about as much as it does not describe step by step account of how stars are formed or how entire history evolved.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Classycat; on the contrary animals kill for a reason they kill for food, and you are dooing the same only on a more classy way, you buy food that somebody else killed for you, (i do not think this is wrong, nor am I a vegetarian or somehing, it is a fact). They defend their teritory then again so would you if some stranger would want to move in to your house, they battle for their family, don't you?
Some species also mate for life and are more faithfull than a lot of human. And there is another thing animals are not capable of commiting crimes of hate, they do not murder eachother withot any reason as some humans tend to, they do not start wars. In fact if i would have to choose which one is more pure harted a deer or an human I would go for a deer, you never see her do anything hatefull now do you. I think in this manner animals are way better than man.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
3 Feb 09
The human mind and reasoning always wants
things explained "step by step."
When it says "God SPOKE AND IT WAS DONE" - I
believe it. Who are any of us to question the
ability of God to create all things?
What makes us think that in the beginning
anything had to have a 'process' in it's formation?
God said it, and it was so.
In the Garden of Eden - there was no process. God
created man and woman, just like it says, and they
were perfect in the making.
If anything mankind isn't a part of evolution - but
rather de-volution, if I can make up such a word,
because mankind is not getting better, but worse as
time goes on.
Evolution is a lie. Many today not only believe in it,
but live it - they believe that man is a part of the
animal kingdom, and therefore acts as the animals.
Animals kill without a need - they have multiple
relationships, and they have no genuine feeling
of remorse after killing or maiming another, just
like many who kill and harm others today.
Just my 2 cents worth.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Simply because God made every living thing complete and with a purpose. Notice it is called a "theory." I like to deal in facts not theories.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
3 Feb 09
But theory does not mean it is untrue. We have "theory" in all academic disciplines. "Theory" is that paradigm through which we explain facts. Theory of gravity, theory of relativity, string theory etc are all trying to explain facts. Theory could be wrong, but it could also be right. If a theory is wrong, then it will be dumped later as new theory is being used to describe facts better.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am puzzled how you like to deal with fact not theories, is there any facts that God made every living thing?
About the chicken and the egg, well it does explain that, first there was an egg and then there was a chicken. Chicken is not the first bird that ever populated this world, and there were zillions of animals that laid eggs before chicken first roamed the world. So one bird laid an egg which had a genetic flaw, a mutation and from the egg hatched the chicken as we know today note that this is very shortened explanation-a lot of generations was necessery and probably hole lot more mutations to get to the chicken part.
• India
3 Feb 09
Thats right. Does the evolution theory explain which came first the chicken or the egg?
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I am pretty sure i am not a decedent of ape with my present DNA, it sum up why i don't fully believe in this theory, it probably hold true to certain people in certain part of the world, since some do behave quite similar to apes and find joy living among them in the jungle instead of modern world.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Feb 09
As my archaeology teacher says.... genetically, you are 96% chimp, but you're also 25% carrot. 

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@stevelvis (394)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
First of all Darwin's theory of evolution is still a theory. If we truly came from the apes, how come there are still apes nowadays? If there is an ongoing trend of evolution, then all of the apes should have turned into humans by now.

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
2 Feb 09
But theory of evolution simply does not say that, stevelvis. Evolutionary biology just does not work like that. You have misunderstood evolution. Evolution says we have common descent.
@alnilam (969)
• United States
2 Feb 09
No they would not. Evolution is not taking the same steps in each and every sample, the fact that there are so many different species on Earth "proves" that. If everything evolved in the same manner there would be only one species on Earth. And evolution is not really fond on perfect timing so before another ape (or other species) will evolve into another "higher" life form (not neccesery a human) a lot of time may pass. + Evolution is not a one way process either.
*My opinion*
@stevelvis (394)
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
Evolution theory dwells on similarities rather than differences. By doing so they lead us away from the truth: that similarities are evidence of a COMMON DESIGNER (GOD) behind the structure and function of the life forms. Each species of animals was created and designed to exist and thrive in a particular way. Darwin's theory focused on similarities within the major classification of animals and drew the assumption that those similarities prove that all animals are related to one another through common ancestors. If life had common ancestors, then the fossil records should overflow with many intermediate forms.
Evolution relies on fossil records that shows only that fully formed species appearing for a time and then disappearing. Fossils can't support the thesis of Darwin that species slowly changed from one to another.
Consider the building blocks of life-the cell and its components are far too complex for their codependent parts and processes to have evolved without an outside, intelligent designer at work (God) :-)
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@randis1 (112)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I believe in evolution and I think more Christians should. As Galileo noted, "scripture tells us how to get to heaven, not how the heavens go." Genesis 1 and 2 are theological passages within a historical setting. But this historical setting does not delimit the theory of evolution.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
3 Feb 09
murderistic, I agree that we are made is His image and likeness. That is why though we have similarities with animals, we are also different. That is why we are able to take care of the sick and poor. That is why we ask the meaning of our life. That is why we talk about moral issues. That is why human being have the faculty to respond to God in faith. For an atheist the entire mechanism is through random mutation, but for a believer like you and me I don't see why it cannot be understood as a guided mechanism.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I disagree. Scriptures give us a lot of insight on how we should view science. Humans have something inherently different than animals - we are made in God's image. How could God make us in His image through evolution - random mutations? I am not discounting the fact that animals adapt to their environment through natural selection. But humans have not evolved for their biological benefit. We have soft nails and flat teeth, for example. We need tools to make up for our biological shortfalls. Not only that, but we have "evolved" to do everything possible to take care of the sick and the mentally and physical disabled, keep them alive as long as possible and even allow them to breed. The Bible calls for us to care for those who are sick, poor, and crippled. In this way the Bible completely rejects human evolution entirely.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Feb 09
It could be if there were enough evidence to support that. From what I have seen, there is not.
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@terriann75 (10)
2 Feb 09
From a young age I never believed in the theory of evolution. I knew houses have to be built, you can't put slates, bricks, mortar and glass and water in a big bag and shake it up and a house comes out purely by chance. I knew that our bodies and everything in the universe is far more complex, so I can't believe that we came about by chance. Also I wondered, if we evolved where are the "halflings"? Why are the basic species still around today?
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
3 Feb 09
Scientists who are atheists see the entire evolutionary process as random mutation, but to me as a Christian I see the entire process as being guided by the hand of God. They can't prove to me that it is not guided, nor can I prove to them that is guided. (By 'prove' I meant it as in the sense of showing as if 2x2=4). So I see no problem with evolution as a Christian.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
3 Feb 09
But how to you know scientifically that it has no guidance? I say it has guidance because I am going beyond science to argue for my point.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Darwinian evolution has no guidance, it's all random mutations done for immediate benefit.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Feb 09
I don't believe in the theory of evolution because there is no such theory. Darwin's theory was the theory of decent by natural selection. He did not mention evolution.
That being said I do not believe in evolution because it does not require belief. Evolution is an ongoing physical process that has so much factual support that belief is not necessary. The facts are there to see.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Feb 09
If you have to ask then you need to find them yourself. I ca give you a good places to start.
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
2 Feb 09
By the way wihout being a scientist only one of these sites make any sence at all to me.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I know I'm technically not qualified to respond to this thread, seeing as I accept evolution. Like Chiang_Mai_Boy, I too don't "believe" in evolution, I merely understand and accept it.
I feel the need to point out that you won't get any facts behind a denial of evolution - most of it is creationism, or regurgitated creationist propaganda. That probably sounds pretty harsh, but that's essentially what it is. I've been playing in the Intelligent Design vs. Evolution arena for over 5 years, and I've yet to see any relevant facts provided by people who don't accept evolution.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Feb 09
So I guess "God did it" isn't an acceptable answer on your paleontology exam? *chuckle*
Usually it's personal faith that's the cause behind it. They'll source people like Behe and (*shudder*) Hovind, but even they base their objections on personal beliefs. This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves when discussing the issue.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I know I set my goal on getting the "why" answered with fact a bit high. But nevertheless I am feeling lucky today :D. Well except for facts I would be satisfied with the information from where this "dis-belief" came from, parents, school (hope not), personal investigation in the matter.
I just find it interesting that believing one thing that has no proof (creation) is more likely than believing another thing which I see some people think there is no proof for (evolution).
There are books for both, lol.
On a personall note curentlly I really would prefer there was no such thing as evolution and that I could use the "religion card" considering I have an exam (paleontolgy) comming soon :D.

@patms1 (521)
• United States
3 Feb 09
This is what I truly believe and even though is sounds crazy if you think about it it make sense. I believe that at the time of the Neanderthal a space craft landed the beings got out, surveyed the earth then returned home. They then emptied all their prisons, mental hospitals, rounded up all their malcontents and brought them here. Even thought this sounds nuts if you think about it for a minuet it makes sense. It explains what hap pend to the Neanderthals. It also answer all the questions in the Bible. It also explains why we have been trying to kill each other since the beginning of human time. And just maybe that's why we don't care about the earth. We are always looking to the stars. Maybe we are just home sick. I do not mean I believe in what Tom Cruz's and Madonna thinks. There is no one inside us. We are ourselves.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
5 Feb 09
A process of development is not how creation is described in the Bible. I think all creation is too complicated to have come into being that way. There had to have been intelligence behind creation. To me evolution seems too hit and miss to work. Conditions would have to be just right too often for evolution to work. Evolution just doesn't make sense to me. Too many variables.
@Crocket (315)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
How could we not think about what evolution is?
After all we either came from the fish or the monkey and that is a lot of evolving going on.
If I had wings like a bird I would have thought I was an angel but so far I don't see any wings growing on me.
I do have those little wing bones though on my back so possibly I was a bird first.
The big bang theory and scientists all over the world have proved this theory.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I don't believe in the Darwinian theory of evolution because it doesn't explain why human cells have not developed any resistance to HIV or Malaria despite the new medications that have come out. It also does not explain how something like the flagellum in the cell could have come to be. The flagellum is literally a tiny machine with a propeller, and in order for it to have come to be through Darwinian evolution, multiple mutations in the cell would have had to happen at once - which is very unlikely given the complexity of the flagellum. Michael Behe is a good read if you're interested in learning about intelligent design.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
2 Feb 09
So much for the flagellum. Do you have any other silly theories you would like me to debunk.
Here is a review of Michael Behe's latest book. He is the only academic I know whose own university has published a disclaimer on it's web site which states;
"While we respect Prof. Behe’s right to express his views, they are his alone and are in no way endorsed by the department. It is our collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally and should not be regarded as scientific.”
If I want to read fiction I prefer it to be a bit more entertaining.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Feb 09
"I don't believe in the Darwinian theory of evolution because it doesn't explain why human cells have not developed any resistance to HIV or Malaria despite the new medications that have come out. "
Oh, but we have. You will find that more people of European descent have a higher resistance (sometime even complete immunity) to HIV than people from other geographic backgrounds. This is due mostly to the aftermath of the black plague. Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/03/050325234239.htm
The problem with developing immunity to HIV is that HIV effectively destroys the immune system, so it leaves very few survivors. It's kind of hard to have an evolutionary jump from easily affected to resistant when the virus you're dealing with is a microscopic grim reaper. However, let's not forget that HIV is a fairly recent development - given time we'll eventually evolve immunities to it.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Viruses evolve too. Anyway I do think there were some cases of people which had natural immunity to HIV. + Some medications were sucessfull in destroying the virus but did have too strong side effects which harmed the person more than the virus itself.

@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I do not bekieve in the teory of evolution because there has never been a cofirmed find of any species halfway through an evolutionary process. People choose to believe we descended from apes simply because we have similar DNA. We also have similar internal organs to pigs, what keeps us from being more directly descended fronm them if there is evolution?? ONe makes as much since as the other to me. I believe in creation. We were made as humans. If there is anyoone who can show me multiple CONFIRMED specimens of something that is halfway through any evolutinary stage great. Until then I will maintain my beliefs.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Thanks. I do have one question though, you do not believe in evolution because you say there is no solid evidence (that would persuade you) on it and on the other hand you belive in something that also can not be confirmed, that fascinates me. I have nothing against it, nor I am picking on you. But I am more than interested why have you decided in that way, why do you think creation is more probable than evolution? I really am looking forward on your answer.
• India
3 Feb 09
MichellinaGem regarding 'the bible itself tells you that a day is as a thousand years to the lord' Could you tell me was it Lord or was it Jesus who told the writer this, whom did he tell and what was the conversation about?
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I do belive in creation, however unlike what is stated in the article from the Washington Post I do not believe and have never been taught that the world was created 6,000 years ago. Nor do I literally believe that God made it in 6 days. The bible itself tels you that a day is as a thousand years to the Lord. I do believe that God made the world however long ago it was made and I believe it took him about 6,000 years to make. Which is I am sure what most believe as there is obvious science to back the world being way more than 6,000 years old. I am willing to believe science, but not when it makes statements it cannot back up. And a moth population changing colors is not the same as sying that random sludge came together and made a living creature and that one cell living creature suddenly got a bunch of them suck together to make a fish. Which is my understanding of how evolutionists belive that life started.
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@mindymelena (158)
• United States
3 Feb 09
i strongly believe in intelligent design. evolution only makes sense and science has proven many times that beings evolve... but if there is no higher being having some sort of influence over that... or an idea.. or a plan.. or a big picture... then whats the point ? i
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
2 Feb 09
I am a religion guy. In fact, I am a Christian, yet I firmly believe in evolution. Evolution is not against Christian belief. If I have to have problem with it, it will be solely based on scientific evidences. And as of now that is the best scientific account. Competing theories are just too weak to subscribe too.
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@furqanoops (363)
• Pakistan
12 Apr 09
Darwins theory is very old and its now prove wrong by science with the theory of big bang.
i want to ask a question with you suppose darwin is right. that this world is exisit by it self and human get alive with the reactions of chemicals or maliqules what ever. than tell me chicken come to earth first or egg?
its a very very simple example that i am giving you than think the scientists who study day and night for the theory of big bang, how much proves they have to denie this theory
big bang is the right one
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
22 Apr 09
Darwins theory is very old and its now prove wrong by science with the theory of big bang.
What in the world are you talking about? The Big Bang Theory deals with the origin of the universe while Darwin's theory deals with natural selection being the driving force for the natural process of evolution. There is no relationship between the two. You are talking apples and oranges here which makes the rest of your question rather silly.
• India
3 Feb 09
I am religious but I do believe few spicies might have evolved. But not about humans evolving from apes. Besides its a theory, and no proof about humans evolving from apes (don't forget the missing link). It could also be that there was a species that looked liked humans at that time and lived at the time of humans but later became extict. Somewhat like there being different types of cats (lions, tigers, etc). I also wonder what Platypus evolved from. Also don't forget which came first the chicken or the egg?
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@hacker006 (126)
• United States
12 Apr 09
My view as to it's truth i will not say, but why can't these theories agree on one another has to do with methedology. A scientist looks for tangability, while a religous principled looks for faith & logic. Evidence can be misinterpetted, & facts can be misreasoned. So who is right? That's a mater of self infliction.