Lie to Me!
By AnnieOakley1
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
February 2, 2009 8:31am CST
Have you watched this yet?
He can tell with the teeniest hidden facial expressions as well as body language, whether you believe what you are saying or not, and if you are lying or not.
I would love to take lessons from this guy and be able to tell so easily if someone is lying.
I for one, would just love to get some mylotters in front of THIS GUY for a few minutes and ask them a few very important questions. Wouldn't you?
Do you hate lying?
How do you deal with lying?
Would you like to take lessons from this guy?
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30 responses
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I despise lying! I give exceptions only to surprise parties, Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Faerie. Even then, I feel guilty about it.
I don't take very kindly to being lied to. I went through it for far too many years with nuckfuts, and even my father. It irks me to no end, and gets me frustrated with angry emotions and hurt.
I haven't heard of the program you're referring to here, but it does sound like it could be interesting.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
My first husband, whom fathered my first child, was a pathological liar. He even seemed to BELIEVE his own lies for crying out loud. I'm a very trusting person, because I have the same beliefs as you noted....only in happy surprize circumstances is it acceptable. But, sadly, not everyone believes as we do and so many people just make it a part of their everyday lives to lie all the time. I am told that I am BRUTALLY HONEST or HONEST TO A FAULT, because I don't sugar coat anything, just TELL IT LIKE IT IS. Unfortunately that sometimes hurts feelings, but at least I didn't lie and don't have to look over my shoulder. And it never hurts feelings as bad as the lying would. I have a real AVERSION to people that lie. A SERIOUS AVERSION!
The show has already had 2 episodes and I just love it! At the end of yesterday's episode, he was walking past a few people, overheard their conversations, and couldn't help himself but to tap this one girl on the shoulder and tell her that her boyfriend had just lied to her. I won't spoil the show for ya, but I just find it very, very interesting. I will be paying close attention to the clues.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
Wednesdays at 9pm on FOX. But I have satellite, so it is on several different channels at different times with timeshifting.;title;1
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Feb 09
My daughter watched that show last week and really enjoyed it. I came into the room around the end but it did look like a good show. I think she just wanted to watch the show because of the man, not the content
No, I don't think I would want to have his ability, it might be too scary to know every time someone was lying to you.

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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I just love it. I'm too old to watch shows just because of the hotties. Well, maybe Mel Gibson. I'm a sucker for a movie with HIM in it. Although, I will say, the british accent gives it something......
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I watched some of that show the other day. The only thing I hate about that show is that on the previews they say how people will lie like 10 times in a 3 minute conversation or something like that and that the question is not if someone is lying it's what they're lying about or something to that effect. That ticks me off because I always try to tell the truth. I don't like to lie. My parents used to always think I lied about stuff when I didn't...then I started lying to them because I figured hey what the heck, they don't believe me when I tell the truth. But, I don't do that anymore. I like to be honest and I think it's important to be honest. The only time I really ever lie is to protect someone's feelings from being hurt because I hate to hurt peoples' feelings. I don't know if I would need to take lessons from this guy, although I'm sure you could learn some cools stuff. I am a very good judge of character and I pick up on body language pretty well. I can usually tell if someone is the real deal or if they're pulling my chain. It's a good thing to be able to do.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
7 Feb 09
Yep, me too. I resent being told that EVERYBODY lies, when I do not make a habit of it at all. I don't even lie to spare someone's feelings and THAT gets me in trouble sometimes. But, ya know? I would rather be in trouble for telling the truth than a lie. At least my conscience is clear.
I would just like to learn a few more tricks on how to tell if someone is lying to me. Cause it seems I'm still too trusting and cannot tell that often. If it is someone I know well, then I have a better chance. But strangers, not so much. And that's where I always get into trouble. Believing someone is as honest as I am. It seems I'm pretty weird in that regard. You seem pretty similar, too.
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@KatieDidit (989)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I love this show. Tim Roth was a good pick for the lead. He can be so deadpan and yet funny. I hope it has a long run (and the Mentalist too)
As for the serious side of your question...I think motive has a lot to do with how much I mind. We all do it from time to time one way or another. White lies, half truths, omission. It's human nature. We want to spare someone else's feelings, avoid conflict, a fight, don't make waves, project a confidence we don't actually feel, provide encouragement even while we secretly worry, allow for differences in taste etc.
For example if my friend wanted to do her house over in a retro 70's style with avacodo greens, golds, orange, browns I'd hate it. I hated that look then, still do now, but if that's her taste and she's happy with it, who am I to burst her happy bubble? I wouldn't push my distaste of the color scheme on her. I'd be lying by ommission while I praised the positives...what a good job she did coordinating it, bringing all the elements together, finding the formica table, the shell lampshades etc. I'd mean that truthfully too, but someone like Roth's character would probably see my distaste for it written on my face.

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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Yes, part of the show's plot is that he is deadpan, so he does work well in that character for sure. Something about his british accent, too, that gives it something more, too. Respect, credibility, sexy, etc.
Yes, most people are taught that little white lies to protect the innocent or not hurt feelings are okay.
Unlike me, you are able to do what my girlfriend can do......Be politically correct. Disagree with someone without making them feel put down. And the way you describe focusing on the positives...............yep, kudos to you. I am incapable of being so tactful most times.
btw: I love your user name. It's like, "I didn't do it, Kate did it". Is that right? Or are you Kate? 

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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
Well, I love it! It is very imaginative, and witty.

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@KatieDidit (989)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Thanks for the compliment. I have to confess, I'm Kate, Katie, Kat, Kath, Kathy. I have so many nicknames I can get confused as to who I am!

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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I despise liars!
i hate them with a passion
they are the lowest forms of life on this earth
they arent intelligent enough to research and find the truth so they make up lies to make them look superior
its a shame because everyone always eventually sees them for the scum that they truly are
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I'm with ya! You hit the nail on the head for sure.
I hate em and wish I could bury em all!
This show....the guy is a human lie detector. He showed how you can even beat a lie detector machine, but couldn't lie to him.
I wanna learn his tecniques. I want his wisdom.
Wouldn't that be a cool power to have? To be able to EXPOSE ALL THE LIARS! Then, the world would definitely be a better place.

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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
10 Mar 09

@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
15 Mar 09
Yeah, my youngest was easy to read, so she grew up not lying. But the oldest took lessons from a true pathological liar (her father), so she had time to practise and I found out about so many that she had gotten past me that I got to the point of not believing her most of the time without corroberation. 

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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
3 Feb 09
Usually... people who lies... always get caught out.
In order to cover a lie... you need to make another lie.
And it becomes endless... until you don't know what you are saying anymore... and start contradicting yourself. That's when you get caught.
Because of it... I use a different techmic.
I prefer not to lie. So if I don't want to answer a question which might compromise me... I'll be evasive and I will change of subject.
As for lies in order to gain something by deceipt... I consider myself far too honest to do such things. On the contrary... I am often my own worse ennemy for being too honest... and I am exploited as a result.
Then you have the people who repeat a lie so often that they start believing their own lies. That's quite an incredible thing to watch. But not so funny when you are the victim of that person.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Yep, that is how I caught my first husband. He was a pathological liar and actually seemed to believe his own lies. I swear he could have passed a lie detector test. He was so convincing.
And I want to believe that liars will always be caught, but alas, it is not always so. It disheartens me terribly that they can lie and I cannot even get away with the teensiest lie. And to see them getting things that they do not deserve from lying, just drives me nuts.
I'm like you, I prefer not to lie. It truly is pointless, as I have never once even gotten away with it. Well, unless you count surprize birthday parties? But then, afterwards, they all tell me that they knew I was, cause I just can't lie worth a shyte. So there ya go, eh?
And also like you, being brutally honest, is also one of my biggest faults. But, oh well, I can sleep at night because I have no guilt. The guilt would just eat me up. So, if you think about it, not lying is also self-preservation for me.

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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Feb 09
LOL I think I'd wear myself out watching ppl to see if they are lying to me. Out of the ppl around me I can pretty much tell who I can believe and who I can't. I also tend to follow my Hubby's way of thinking (he worked as a Corrections Officer for 17 years) TRUST BUT VERIFY.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
I'm glad you can tell. I really like your husband's motto.

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Apr 09
You don't need lessons....just go to your local library and read up on body language. There are a couple of very tried and true ways to tell if someone is lying. I could always always tell when my ex was lying without one shred of evidence. It used to make him crazy.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
1 May 09
Thanks sid.
I do enjoy the show every week though. The main character is quite amusing. He can tell in a second if someone is lying, but he is a master of keeping a poker face and lies all the time.
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@twilight_75 (479)
2 Feb 09
I can't live with liars, and its really hard when you have a house full of teenagers belive me! You don't know where you stand, i'd rather live with a thief, i can hide my purse and valuables!!
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@twilight_75 (479)
2 Feb 09
Me too, but i think its too late for adoption lol, they like to try their luck, but they don't often get away with it, lucky for me the have a conscience and give themselves away
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I would rather live with neither myself.
Grrrrr, teenagers. I pity you. Testing EVERY limit ALL the time. You poor thing.
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@fisherman258 (24)
• China
4 Feb 09
I watched the show "lie to me" yesterday, and i'm eager for the next episode.
I'm afraid that maybe everybody lied and had been lied to, but what counts is why he or she lied to you. It's easy to tell whether she or he is lying to you, while it's hard to find out the reason which makes he or she lie to you.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
4 Feb 09
I am also eager for the next episode. I think it is a very interesting show.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
14 May 09
Liars disgust me. I'm usually pretty good at figuring them out. I haven't watched the show, it is likely opposite something I watch on another channel.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
14 May 09
Yeah, it was on last night and repeats tonight at 7pm.
I'm a bit naive sometimes, and too trusting. Likely not cynical enough because I am so brutally honest myself.
But I take serious offense to someone who lies repeatedly about me or if I witness it being done to others. 

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@janelacson (200)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
Last December, I was also a victim of a liar, he is a big time liar maybe we can call it pathological liar. He is a consistent liar, the more he made an excuse that more it made me feel how big time liar he is. If there is a liar there is a thief so I call this man also a thief. People like them have no place on earth. I just wish they will die according to the punishment of the Lord where they took advantage of the goodness of the people who cares. If I can read between the lips or I can observe gestures, id ont think that people can cheat me. I am by nature helpful, but now, I have to think million times before helping someone. Liars makes me seek. I was able to prove that the man is a consistent liar to everyone. He dont deserve anyone's trust and respect because he is a liar. How it feels to be a liar to everyone, surely it hurts. But he deserves it for chaeting the people who trusted him. I do lie but not to the extend that I will use and hurt other people. Oh I feel terrible everytime I think of him.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
4 Feb 09
I don't agree that all liars are theives. But I do believe that all theives have to be liars.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Personally I hate liars as well. I know there are many everywhere you go anymore and the problem is so many of them are so Good at it they end up not knowing they are doing it, and if you really ask them they do not know what the Truth is on anything either.
I wonder if some of the people in life we always catch lying if they really knew what they were saying, and caught in those lies I wonder what would happen then?
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
Most of the time when I catch someone lying, they are speechless. Since they know there is no more point lying again to cover the lie, since I have already caught them.
But the better liars, just lie again and again, weaving a tangled web of lies, so they don't even know where the truth and lies started and where they end.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
15 Feb 09
I can't lie if I want to, every time something will go wrong but as the victim of the lies of liars I see where they are above others and that disturbs me when they are telling blatant lies and allowed to get away with their lying behavior.
I can take a step back and learn using my past experiences and envision a situation where things are not adding up.
Others on this thread have contributed where someone has made a false claim, I've even met people who brag about how they have lied to gain this affection or that, (I used to be a participant at, I met a guy that met a lady from there he was trying to give me pointers on how to attract a nice lady... I didn't employ his technique.)
I'm not going to lie and misrepresent myself to anyone.
There is a lot more magic in telling the truth than there is in telling a lie.
Each individual in a relationship to be a couple has a role to play.
When lying enters into the relationship one has to withdraw I had to take a step back and look with a new perspective.
Sometimes things just jump out at you...
You just know!
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Thank You Annie,
Thank You for the BR and thank you for being a friend to Sparky, I Love you gals both, and I'm so glad that we are here sharing and laughing.
You are both Blessings,
You are a Blessing,
Bringing Peace,
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
I'm like you Gary. I couldn't lie well if my life depended on it. The few times I've tried, I've failed miserably, so it truly is pointless. And even when I don't really lie, but omit things, I still get found out, so I may as well just keep going as I am. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.
Oh, that's the worst offense, yet so many take it for granted as being okay. Lying during dating. I mean, your whole relationship could all be based on a lie. My first common-law spouse was like that. I got sucked in so bad by his lies. It took me years to find out all the things he had lied about or omitted. And we only lived together for a blasted year! Good thing I cancelled THAT wedding, eh?
Yeah, the things that sort of jump out at me, are usually things that you can only tell by actually meeting them, though. Like, you just get this 'feeling' or 'vibe' when you are near them that isn't good.
And yes, I have been the victim of way too many liars and their lies to count. It really makes me mad that they are able to get away with it, too. It's just not fair.

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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
21 Feb 09
[i]"I'm not going to lie and misrepresent myself to anyone.
There is a lot more magic in telling the truth than there is in telling a lie."[/i]
Very well put, Gary. 

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@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I do not like being lied to either. I hve told my children over and over that you will always get into more trouble for lying than you will anything from me. I have watched this show. I watched it last week. I love the show itself. I would love to take pointers from him. I have learned with my children that if you ask them "Why are you lying to me." If they are lying they will break down and say cause I did not want to get in trouble. Of course, then they are in trouble. Noone likes liars. I would not my daughter play with one girl because she did nothing but lie and after about a week of that I would not let her be around that girl. If my children lie to me it is automatic trouble and if adults just keep lying I just cut my ties. Funny that this has come up it made me think. Me and my cousin were talking today and she asked me why does my sister have on Facebook that she is married with 2 kids. Because she is not married and she only has one child. I do not understand why she put this because it is not true and it does annoy me that she has done this. Why lie and definately why lie about something so stupid??
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
It is good that you removed that lying child from your daughter's daily influence. They will be influenced by other's actions. So in hanging around someone who thinks that lying is just a normal part of everyday life, your daughter may have acquired the habit. Smart move!
Your sister, must be living in a bit of a fantasy world. Maybe she wants to be married and have another child. I dunno.
Yeah, it never ceases to amaze me what people will lie about, because they think they won't get caught. Or that person will never know. You always get found out eventually, so why bother?
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I've been a people watcher for most of my life. I can generally tell when someone is lying or not, as long as I am in front of them, watching not only their facial expressions but also their body language.
Some people are harder to read than others, though. If I am able to watch them for awhile, I can generally find things about them that indicate a lie.
My ex's eyebrows would twitch whenever he was lying. Obviously, I did not know that early enough, since I married him but, after being with him awhile, I knew that whenever his eyebrows were twitching as he talked, he was lying.
Still, I am fooled sometimes. I would love to know that man's secrets, even though I have no idea as to what man you're speaking of! LOL
Yes, I hate liars. How do I deal with them? I'll usually try to 'catch' them at their own game by asking question after question until the lie is revealed. It's either that or I simply turn and walk away. I refuse to listen to a liar.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I'm not as good at telling when someone is lying to me.
Atta girl, keep it up until they spill the beans. I like your methods. 

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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hi annie! I hate liars! I am pretty good at picking up on if
someone is lying! My father was a pathological liar so I had
plenty of practice! I can't deal with someone that lies! I
had a girlfriend who constantly lied about stupid stuff and I
finally had it with her! In fact I started a discussion about
it in November! I have not spoken to her since! I don't want
to deal with anyone who can't tell the truth!
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Me too! I usually just walk away from those types of people. They just don't see the error of their ways. It becomes second nature to them and they are always justifying their 'lies'. I can't stand it.
The truth sets me free! I can't live any other way.
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
I am not a fan of liars at all. I have also watched this show and think that it is a really good show. I would of course really like to have this ability. My husband is really good at telling whether or not people are lying but not quite like this guy has though.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
I think I will be watching the show and taking notes.

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