Can you define GOD?
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
United States
15 responses
@Scorpionok (343)
• Brazil
3 Feb 09
It could be a little hard to me but lets try it.
I think the same GOD you believe is the that someone from the other side of the world believe. The difference is not what him do, because all do the same thing.
For example, for the that believe in Jesus, GOD is one and he have power over everybody and everything he will save your soul (he is the salvation) he is your last and first chance, he is unique and you should know of this.
For older civilization like Egypt have just one difference... the same GOD from catolics is not one anymore, now is a plenty of GOD, each one have your own function and all of them save you. You just need to follow the way you believe is the right.
What i'm trying to say is: The GOD i believe, you believe, he, she, they, everybody believe is the same. We just build our own faith, the way we need to follow to be accepted by them.
And what about the religious books, what is the right one? No one. All of them have been wrote by men, not GODs. Based on their own faith.. you follow what you believe is the right.
Regards from Brazil,
sry the bad english... xD
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
3 Feb 09
your English is fine hon
I agree regardless of the name a person calls "God" its all the same energy
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@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
4 Feb 09
Hi there, Scorpio
What a great response. I was thinking about how I would formulate some of my thoughts as I was reading your posting and I think you did amazing job! And you're English is just fine, I was able to understand what you are saying very well. I also believe some of the same things that you do, I don't think it matters what one calls God, as long as they have the intention for good and use the concept of God in a way that makes them feel connected to something outside of themselves.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
My definition of God is the universal consciousness, the energy being that created everything to feel and learn the truth behind its own existence. Through us and the other life forces created in this universe God develops a physical knowledge that it couldn't have in its energy state. We are divine entities of the God unit that are separated at our creation from the mass to learn and grow and upon our enlightenment of the divine truth and by developing a full understanding of our divine presence in the universe we will reach our goal of reuniting with the creator in our true energy state. Through our lessons that we lay out at our birth and the lessons we over come through or freedom of choice in this life and the others we lived, and will live not only do we gain knowledge by God shares in that knowledge. The names(and there are many)of God is not the important thing here but the truth of its vast being is what is our task to learn and grow into.
That is a very quick and very direct concept of God but it is not the full truth that would take so much longer then I have right now and be so much more then anyone wishes to read I am sure. There is so much to learn and know about our divine existence that nobody can lay it all out right here and now. God is so much bigger then any of us can every full understand. The profound beauty and greatness of God dumbfounds me and makes me realize my own beauty in it grace.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Nice answer, and the name of GOD is really not a name at all but a reverence for that which is greater than any God that is made in any image here on Earth. GOD is universal for a belief in something that is beyond our human comprehension and yet it exists and is real where a total peace beyond all understanding is present as a source of all that is spiritual.
Is the Universe spiritual?
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@santuccie (3384)
• United States
17 Feb 09
After reading your response, I don't even feel like posting my own; rather, I would just like to comment on yours. If this were my thread, I would give you BR. This is a terrific description that covers ground I'd never set foot on prior to reading.
Your description coincides with my own (poor) understanding of the Creative Intelligence. In fact, my conception of the Creator's role in evolution is that He (I say "He" only because it's easier than saying "It") is an incorporeal spirit that initially had to figure out how to make a living thing from nonliving matter. He started with an anaerobic bacterium, and gradually built on this achievement until He was able to create multi-celled organisms with limbs, coordination, and varying degrees of thought capacity.
The fact that I have performed seeming "miracles" involuntarily, and sometimes unaware at the time that I was doing so, hints to my connection with an external guiding force. And it only makes sense that an incorporeal spirit would value input from a physical animal, as a spirit on its own may not be able to appreciate the effects of the dimensions in which physical beings live. When you said that God is learning through us, that sounded right to me. Thank you for posting, and I hope others may benefit from this as I have.
P.S.: Laughing at dumb jokes is still good for your health!!!
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I should say that I call the Great Spirit the Creator of ALL things... Would be even better...

@shivram123 (656)
• India
3 Feb 09
very good question gary,
i think i had once explained abt the defenition of god in hinduism,let me explain it again
in hindhu dharma there is only one god {seems in different forms}
and this god is known as brahman or brahmom.
and this brahmom can be explained by the help of upanishads as "the intrinsic,inherent, self guiding,the intrinsic,inherent, self guiding,conscious present from each and every atom to the universe itself, is the Brahman

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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
It would be great to find links to those old discussions...
I wasn't going to start this one all over again, but due to the fact that in my search I came up empty for what I know we have all written extensively about, well you know...
Knowledge is to know the things that you can control and Wisdom is to know what things you can not change.
One thing that can be changed is the way most of America, Rome, Israel, Europe and the Middle East worships when they come to know the truth about their practices and the houses that they built upon false foundations.
The walls are tumbling down...
Let the voice be heard...
@shivram123 (656)
• India
3 Feb 09
i said abt the concepts of god in hidu dharma in the discussion named the science of hindu spirituality
the link is
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@shivram123 (656)
• India
3 Feb 09
sorry when i tried to make words bold the first few words repeated
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@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I usually say the Divine or Source. I will happily express my thoughts here.
I would like to say what the God and Goddess are to me. They are parents, family, teachers, healers and protectors. They are strong and wise, as well as gentle and nurturing. They love me unconditionally. We want unconditional love. We don't give it. Does that make us hypocrites? No, it means we have values and ethics, we need those. But we do get unconditional love from the Lord and Lady. They don't have to think about things for 1 year or more before forgiving. They don't stop loving us because we do stupid things. When we are heartbroken, they are there. When we are jubilant, they are there. When we look beyond the mundane, they are there. When we share our hearts, they are there. When we get messages, they are there.
They are with us in all that we see, say, think, and do. There are the things that most people take for granted. The first flower that blooms in my yard always touches my heart. Picking a dandelion and making a wish. Painting from the heart, or writing. The little moments where you stop to catch your breath. The quiet times. When that sudden creative idea just pops into your head and you know you will burst if you don't share it. A baby's first breath. Children laughing.
How about the moments where you can look at an object, such as a flower and feel a part of it, the colors, the aroma, actually being the flower. Seeing things through the eyes of an animal. Feeling your whiskers twitch, chewing on a carrot or blade of grass. All the aromas you missed with your human senses. There are the times when you are surrounded by love and light, when you feel the Divine presence touch your face and the energies flow through your body and out about you. When a totem appears to you, when you are flooded with joy and the tears stream down you face. In the times of meditation where you are open to possibilities, to insight, to sharing what is in your heart.
You may not immediately see it, but even in the darkest and most frightening moments, they are there. When everyone was yelling, let me pray for you because of the Bell's Palsy, I kept saying, no, it was a blessing. I needed to slow down. I needed to go to the doctor. I needed to be aware of what was going on with my body.
No matter what we are doing, we need to keep that in mind, all of us, including me, and when someone is standing before us getting on our last nerve, that is when we need to remember the most. Somewhere within that annoying person, the Lord and Lady reside. It isn't that they aren't there, it is that we weren't looking.
Yes, they are a part of my life each and every day. What I need to remember is that I am a reflection of them and when I act out, I’m not showing that the Divine resides within. I too am a teacher, a healer, a sister, family, a friend. In doing these things I am showing the Lord and Lady within me. Look beyond the mundane, let your spirit and that of the Divine shine through.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The Lord and the Lady,
In two they are creative as one.
I was listening to WHYY and the show 'Fresh Air.' Today, Terry Gross had this guest on and the topic was very interesting to me. He went to school to learn what I was taught through the experience of an injustice.
He learned and wrote a book through his paperwork.
I got to experience and know what he was taught, I learned it first hand. Will my book sell? I think I have a movie, two or three...
I have heard of Bell's Palsy, I need to refresh on that...
Peace and Blessings,
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
6 Mar 09
I have something to share about those blessings, those prayers that get answered in ways that don't make sense at the time and in the way that things would unfold, but with this documentation that I'm waiting on and the final curtain call, all will come together and there is quite a story here... A story of abuse, and greed and selfishness. Hatred at the root and core of the human psyche.
The one thing you and others have to be sure of and I can't at this time prove to be true is that I am not the one filled with this hatred, I am disappointed that those who have lied will not and have not worked to fix the errors of their ways. Why do they continue to cover up lies that are clearly exposed? They are only trying to fool themselves. It is this story that I have that I would like to share a little more about and I'm a bit restricted until I have another piece of the puzzle and have the opportunity to deliver the gift that I have which ties one to another. Talk about patterns, when the patter cycles all of the past and brings forth in and as a present where you know you are sitting on something larger than life. Jaw dropping...
I wish I could reveal now, but not just yet... I will report as things progress.
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
We all have the masculine and feminine residing within. They need to be in balance within us, not just seen as an external force, one stronger and one weaker. Just as well all need to remember and reintegrate the child like innocence so that we may see with new eyes.
The Bell's Palsy, for me, it was a blessing. It finally got me the help I needed with my blood pressure. It made me slow down. Though it is still a minor nuisance a year later, I am still thankful. Sometimes what seems terrible really is a blessing in disquise.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
3 Feb 09
that is a tough one
What is God? hmmmm
I guess i would say that God is an unseen force that is greater than ourselves but radiates from within all of us.
God is the essence of goodness represented by all mankind
god is a reflection of ourselves not like a mirror but a reflection of the pure essence of our souls.
stop me if its not making any sense LOL
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Who said that our essence was not good? Where did you learn to think that way?
I suspect that there has been some brainwashing at work once again.
Hey' WTL did you get up to chapter five in that GQ book yet? Did you get the part about Olav and his method of preaching?
I love your source of spirit... Very enlightening... 

@Scorpionok (343)
• Brazil
3 Feb 09
OK! I STOP YOU! Talk about soul did me rembmer RPG :D
What you say make sense. Like the people hate what their own and fell complete when found what haven't.
For example... I hate when the people talk much, But WHY!? Because i talk much and i hate it!
I love read book, because i do not know write and i believe is the more beautiful thing one person can do.
Let me translate what i'm trying to say again.. xD
Like you say GOD can be a reflection of our soul essence. We create a perfect.. man, woman, animal, whatever.. based on our own defects.
Our essence are not good, we are not completely beautiful, we fail, we did mistakes. And this GOD doesn't!
Best regards.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 Feb 09
God is the Father and creator of all of us, and the universe.
Who is trying to force you to believe in their god or gods? From my undestanding of God, he doesn't force anyone to believe in him. If he won't, I can't see where anyone else has the right.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
5 Feb 09
How about, that if, and only if, we presuppose two things 1) there is a god/God and 2)said God is a perfect being...
Then, if those two qualifiers are true, it is perfectly accurate and safe to say that a perfect being is above and beyond any of us imperfect human beings abilities to characterize or define.

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Well, I don't want to add qualifiers (such as "so, extremely, " etc.)... Also being a student of duality it is easy to see how we can be perfect and imperfect at the same time... But philosophy and semantics aside, the most common definition of a god/deity is perfect being, and we know we fail in many regards--in thinking, in learning, in acting, so I stuck to my earlier statement... "a god is a perfect being" (if we allow such a definition to be a given) "so thus, none of us can perfectly, let alone adequately, define or describe that Being."
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I can't agree that we human beings are so imperfect, maybe we are perfectly designed to do the things that we do?

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Feb 09
First off, no one should force anyone to believe in their should be each persons personal decision. Just b/c I believe in God doesn't mean that anyone else has to. I can worship a teacup if it makes me feel good, that doesn't mean that I'm right and everyone else is wrong.
I believe in God b/c that's how I was raised. I was taught to have faith in Him and as I grew up I found my own faith in Him. I believe in Heaven, Hell, God, the Devil, doing what's right and living by the Golden Rules. I believe we all make our own choices and although God loves us and has a plan for each of us He also gave us free will so we can choose what path to take. I don't believe He forces anyone to follow Him but rather gives them the choice to if they want...some do and some don't.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Feb 09
First off, no one should force anyone to believe in their should be each persons personal decision. Just b/c I believe in God doesn't mean that anyone else has to. I can worship a teacup if it makes me feel good, that doesn't mean that I'm right and everyone else is wrong
Very well said and so true! Too bad more ppl dont not only realize that but also apply it to their lives ya know..
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
Hi TheGreatWhiteBuffalo! This question seems so easy to answer but when I am about to answer it, I had a hard time really to define my God. I am a Christian and I see my God to be above all. He is my Father in Heaven, He is my friend and He also lives in my heart.
I have searched the net to help me more in defining God. Here's some of the definitions and descriptions I got:
God is Life. He gives us promises in the Bible that were true centuries ago, are true today, and will be true tomorrow. He has promised us ‘life and life abundantly.’ So if His Word is true, He is Truth.
God is Grace and Mercy, for He has forgiven us for our past mistakes and sins. He is longsuffering, wanting no one to perish.
God is not a man, but we were made in His image, as in, we resemble His likeness. But man has the tendency to sin whereas God is without sin, pure, and blameless. He cannot look upon sin, so He is also Judge.
God is the Creator of all of the universe and beyond. His divine plan has placed us in the exact place to support our life and that of our world.
Take care and have a great day!
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
7 Feb 09
hi great
long time i was not in religious discussion, but cant help but to respond to yours ..
god is your "Mother" and her "believes"
Reason 1 : "Mother", she is the only person in the whole wide world, never thought of harm to you, she was there for you from the day you existed in the womb, she held you and feed you when you were hungry, she thought you the world and the good and the bad and the ugly world, she guided you all your life. she is "god" that you can touch, feel, love and say "thank you" to
Reason 2 : "Believes" - her believe was entrusted to her "god" meaning the one she pray too, be it Jesus, Shiva, Allah - as she prayed to that "image" for the best of you for you ...
i am sorry for the "unlucky" people who never saw god in their "mother"
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
7 Feb 09
You obviously never met my mother... I'm sorry you don't know of evil women that would assault their own children while playing favorites.
My story is a Mommy dearest story that is really sad...
A mother should love her children, but instead my mother hated me... Do you know what it is like to never be touched?
My mother taught my wife that trick...
They are certainly false gods, not deserving of friendship or worship to say the least is giving to them too much credit for the evil that they practice.
I'm sorry that you couldn't do more research to know of my plight.
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
7 Feb 09
hi grat, sorry to hear that..
my mother was one person, who sacrificed herself and her dreams for 4 children, she was beaten and illtreated by my dad and his family but she stayed on ..i used to see her crying in front of food, she will push n swallow handful of rice into her mouth, tears flowing on her eyes, sobbing n chocking ... she mumbles, i have to eat .. i have to survive .. i have all of you to take care off .. and she did ..3 of us graduated n now having near to wonderful life, because of her and my dad too he did not neglect us
my dad is not bad in his own way but confused by his mothers love and demands, that he mistreated my mother ..
btw they are still together, it is 47 years now ..
i found my "god" in her ..
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@worldbestwriter2008 (1633)
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
well..GOD is the creator is of the know more about God read the holy chapters the creation starts at the first of the holy bible entitled Genesis..then you will now know who is God and What is God...
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
18 Feb 09
You know me well enough to know I don't buy the creation myths of the bible, I have a different understanding of our Universe and how it has no origins... But you would have to find some divine understanding to know what I mean...
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
It is impossible to define God because nobody has seen God, nobody has spoken to God. It is just that people feel that this large universe needs a creator and we have named that creator as God.
It is even difficult to say whether there is a God or not. However, there are occassions when we feel that there is some strange power guiding us and so, we label this power as God.
I would define God as the undefinable, the unexplainable, the most mysterious.
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@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
3 Feb 09
There are lot of different religions which are different from each other. I think that all religions are good, because all religions say that there is something powerful above us. I am catholic and catholics belive that there is A God who will save our souls.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I'll take your catholic, and give you GOD raising you to a higher level right up and out of that structure called church... You will no longer need salvation or saving but you will do what is best for all living creatures large and small...
This would be a new religion with an old theme, based upon faith and grace.
GOD forgives with a word, you are FORGIVEN! When you ask to be forgiven, who do you ask to forgive you? First you go to the person that you have harmed then you turn your prayer to GOD... No one had to die for your salvation, it is and always was...
GOD is great... Above and Beyond all GOD is good, pure and holy.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
3 Feb 09
lemme try to define god using science...
GOD may be defined as "a person who can travel with the velocity of light!"