How close are you to your mom?

February 3, 2009 4:51am CST
I am closer to my mom than to my dad. I guess that's because we had so much time together when I was growing up. She's a housewife so she just stays at home, cooks food and does household chores. One good thing is we don't need to hire a housemaid because my mom already does almost everything(of course, I help her whenever I can). I feel so lucky because I know some of my friends who have working moms and that's really difficult. At least I do have a mother who knows me well because she was able to guide me since I was a child. She's been always there whenever I have problems. I am really proud of my mom!
7 responses
• South Africa
3 Feb 09
My mom is one of a kind, a true gem. She never says no to helping anyone out and she is truly loved by so many people. I am close to her now but this was not always so. When my daughter was born, she stayed with me and helped me through my caesar recovery. She cannot sit still and does not sleep much so she is always busy and mostly doing something for somebody else. When I have extra cash, I try and do special things for her to tell her how much she is appreciated. I'm proud of my mom too!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
Your mom really deserves to be appreciated. I looks like she really has the passion to help other people. That's good but don't forget to advise her to always take care of her health. In my case, I always treat my mom especially on special occasions. I never fail to give her part of my salary since I got my job. She's very good on money budgeting! This Valentines Day, I am actually planning to give her flowers.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
28 Apr 11
@saffron your mother sounds like a lovely
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am close to my mom. It seems we have always been close but since having my son we have become even closer. My mom has been there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. She has helped me through tough times. She was there coaching me while in labor. My mom is tough and i love and respect her so much.
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
I can imagine how excited your mom was when you had your son. It seems that you have a very close grandma-daughter-grandson relationship! Just a little question, have you ever had misunderstandings about certain things that you don't agree upon when it comes to taking care of your son? Say, your mom says you should do this but for you, it's the other way.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
28 Apr 11
wow your mom sounds awesome.what a great relationship to have.
@amy0214 (1513)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am not close to my mom at all. I am really close the my dad.
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
It's nice to know that you're close to your dad. I have a lot of friends who are "Papa's girl". Can you share us details about being closer to your dad than to your mom?
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I wish i was close to both parents i didnt grow up with dad so i am a mama's girl.
• Australia
3 Feb 09
I was very close to my dad(he's passed now)but am not close to my mother,in fact I have no bond with her at all, she ran away with another man when I was a baby and my dad bought me and my older siblings up by himself,I see my mother about once every 5 years but there is no bond whatsoever and my children wouldn't know her if they passed her in the street and vise versa.
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
That is really sad. I am sorry for what happened. Sometimes, there are things that we just don't have the control over. Your dad is a hero. He managed to take care of his children, which is a task that should have been taken by your mom. I hope everything goes well with you and your time.
• India
3 Feb 09
my mother too is a house wife so i got all the attention i needed and she is always there when i need her.its great.that one reason why i am doing part-time that i can also be always available to cater to my kids needs.
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
It's great that you're giving attention to your kids, the same way how your mom took care of you. I think the children really needs to have thorough guidance from their parents, especially the mother, so that they'll grow up equipped with the right values.
@AXLAERO (426)
• Philippines
8 Feb 09
im not close to my mom.i didnt grew up with grandmother is the one who support me,and im with her since i was a baby.i also dont have a father.but its ok.atleast i have my grandma.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
27 Apr 11
i understand what you mean except its reverse for me.I didnt grow up with my dad.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
27 Apr 11
I am pretty close with my mom I mean we didn't use to be but as of this past year we have gotten closer because she has been more tolerable compared to how she was in my teenage years.I dont have the same connection with my father