I am wondering how Muslims agree with this

@urbandekay (18278)
February 3, 2009 7:12am CST
On another post a Muslim girl has quoted the following in her discussion; "Hiler once says in one of his books that he could murder all Jewish people but he said that he left some of them for us to know why he was killing them." Another Muslim agreed with her and added. "I agree with you and believe that the mission which was left incomplete by Hitler, will be done by Prophet Jesus(pbuh)" Now I am wondering if Muslims out there feel the same or condemn the words of these two Muslims? all the best urban
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12 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Unfortunately the situation in Gaza, which very much resembles a holocaust, has brought about an evil anger in people that have made some gross statements about Jews. This is unacceptable and is certainly not Qu'ranic. The Qu'ran, while obviously stating that Islam is the best of all religions, gives an unbelievable amount of respect for Judaism and Christianity. It gives no such message that God has a plan to destroy the Jews in the last days - that is ridiculous.
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• United States
3 Feb 09
anta "troll"... daboun muk
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• United States
3 Feb 09
1) I'm not Muslim 2) You didn't prove anything 3) That wasn't rubbish, it's Arabic, and it has something to do with your mom.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Feb 09
I dated a guy from Gambia once... I really hope you aren't him.
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@mathss1 (1181)
• United States
24 Apr 09
It sees none of them condemn this
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@urbandekay (18278)
25 Apr 09
Which is not nice all the best urban
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@snowy22315 (185901)
• United States
3 Feb 09
The average Muslim is no more terrorist than the average Christian is like Eric Rudolph or other abortion clinic bombers. They are both extremists and you can not judge an entire group by the actions of a few. That is discrimination pure and simple. You are never going to get all Muslims to agree with an extremist position as outlined above.
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@urbandekay (18278)
3 Feb 09
I am not trying to get them to agree with it, but to condemn it all the best urban
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Feb 09
I really do not understand all this hate. Why hate someone you do not know just because of their religion. I am not muslim.BUt I do not judge people by their religion. I do not feel all muslims are terrorist that are going to try and crash more planes into our buildings. IT is just judgemental and wrong to think that. There are good and bad people in every religion.
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• Netherlands
29 May 09
You can not understand because you were not indoctrinated into a culture where you are not allowed to question. You were lucky to be born into a culture that teaches you that religion equates to peace and love.... Sadly not every religion has evolved into a more love oriented way of life. It is hard to wrap your mind around those that still live mentally in barbaric times of the past when you come from an enlightened and evolved mentality. You shouldnt try to understand because it will drive you insane.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Urban, since you're so interested in the Muslim point of view I will give you some insight into how my husband feels. My husband grew up in a Muslim country and while they do have certain prejudices against Jews there my husband has tried very hard to be completely tolerant. These prejudices are not like Hitler's prejudices. The dominant prejudices are silly ones, about money and the like. He has no racist ideas against Jews and although he is devastated about what has been happening in Gaza and the West Bank he has not said one bad things about Jews. As for condemning a statement like that, I can't speak for him because I've never seen him in that situation before, but knowing him he'd probably just say no and change the subject because he honestly doesn't like to talk about serious political or religious issues very much.
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@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 09
That your husband would not condemn it speaks volumes all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
15 Mar 09
That's a bizarre response. That your husband doesn't condemn it shows he has at least some sympathy with it and is indeed a little racist. all the best urban
• United States
4 Feb 09
I don't know about that, how many Jews were sticking up for the Germans during the Holocaust?
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• United States
3 Feb 09
I agree with pieronne. Urban, you cannot judge a whole religion by 2 people. Personally, I believe religion is a human fallacy and the cause of too much trouble in the world. I in no way condone genocide
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
10 Mar 09
urban wasnt judging he took what they said & asked IF all muslims believed it, thats all.
@urbandekay (18278)
15 Mar 09
he all the best urban
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
10 Mar 09
or she...sorry not sure...
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Feb 09
This is more of a cultural argument than religious. The Qur'aan makes mentions of righteous Christians, Jews, and Muslim alike. The issue is with the events that are transpiring in the Middle East, that may have influenced that persons agreement with Hitler. I am not going to criticize any group of people but I do understand the history of Israel/Palestine and the relations of people in the Middle East. No, this comment isn't the feeling of all Muslim, but that of one. I wonder where she was from as well. Let us not forget a month ago when Israel was dropping White Phosphorous on citizens of Gaza, killing innocent men, women and children. We cannot begin to understand the frustration these people are feeling in other countries. Before condemning her words I'd make an attempt to understand where she(they)was coming from. But overall this is not what Islam teaches us. No religion teaches hate or violence as far as I know but that has never stopped people from using religion to validate violent acts. Hitler used the Bible, as did the Spanish settlers of America when they slaughtered millions of Native Americans. George Bush used the Bible and Christianity as his validation for bombing Afghanistan and the upheaval of Sadaam Hussein. My point is this is not a religious argument, it is a social one, even political. You cannot blame religion for societies woes but there are those who use religion for their own means as well..
@urbandekay (18278)
3 Feb 09
Those concerned were from Qatar and Pakistan respectively. Let us also not forget that Hamas were forcing those innocents to stay in areas Israel had warned it would be bombing. all the best urban
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Regardless, the government of Israel found it mete to employ WMD's to drive Hamas out and 1. failed in doing so and 2. Killed many innocent people. I am not going into the politics of Israel or Hamas my point was just trying to understand where these two were coming from. I am also not supporting their views. I always try to see both sides of the story and I bet these two have a very different outlook on things than most of us. I would enjoy the opportunity to converse with them as well.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Feb 09
And I meant the two Muslim who are the focus of this discussion.
• Pakistan
2 Apr 09
[b]well thats .... just nice... i dont know if he will kill all the Jews i havent read this yet... .. but Jesus(PBUH) on his return will kill that anti-christ .... he really is a "monster"... monster in a sense that he will be very cruel... but JESUS (PBUH) will be a Muslim not a jew or a christian when he returns... and this is the truth.. . i nkow everyone will disagree but... thats going to happen... [/b]
@urbandekay (18278)
2 Apr 09
Please answer the question all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
2 Apr 09
So, I take it then that at present you do not condemn it? all the best urban
• Pakistan
2 Apr 09
i haven't read this yet... i will answer when i read it... about Jesus(PBUH) killing all jews...
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
3 Feb 09
I guess religion wars are idiot. They were idiot in the ancient times, and are more idiots nowadays. And no religion escaped from this stupidity. Jewish, Christians, Muslims and so on. Each of them had made at least 1 war against one of the other. Anyway approve what someone like uncle Adolf done, is really something horribly stupid. What can i wish to these idiot people is the hope a newlty Hitler come and decide that the problem are not jewish but muslims. Maybe at that time they will better understand what they are talking about right now.
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• India
4 Feb 09
well those are the ancient stories i think now all are educated people who are on my lot as well as Muslims who are in this site too are educated so i think responding to this or making a nuisance on this issue basing religion will be of no issue because it was a past and bringing the past and starting a fight makes no seance
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 09
No, these posts were within the last week, the purpose is to see if good Muslims will condemn the actions of these lunatics all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 09
It certainly seems that none have come forward to condemn it but there is still time all the best urban
• United States
4 Feb 09
Urban, this is a message board, not exactly an accurate place to perform a statistical analysis of how many Muslims would do _____.
• India
4 Feb 09
im not muslim but i do have muslim friends and i have heard them say things about jew...we dont have any jew around here but they cant stand their name even...they strongly support hitler and say that wt he did was right .i dnt kno if all muslims are like this ...
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 09
Well, hopefully some good Muslims will show up here and condemn these evil words all the best urban
@dOnAr7 (14)
• Singapore
4 Feb 09
We want World Peace!
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 09
Are you Muslim? all the best urban