Temper Tantrums
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
February 3, 2009 7:38am CST
How old were your kids when they began throwing temper tantrums?
So far as I can remember, my older 3 never once had a temper tantrum ever!
The toddler had his first tantrum at about 18 months because we were playing outside and it was time to go in. He started screaming and crying and wouldn't budge. So I picked him up, carried him in, and sat him down so he could finish his tantrum while I ignored it. A year later he's still throwing tantrums now and then, but usually only when his siblings try to get him to do something he doesn't want to. He doesn't give me too many problems.
But the baby... wow! He's only a year old, but he's been throwing temper tantrums all his life! Honestly, he threw a temper tantrum at 3 months old because he was bored.
He's been throwing a tantrum all morning thus far because he's tired, and he only just woke up a little while ago. So I just put him up to bed, and the tantrum got worse. He's shrieking at the top of his lungs because he's mad that I put him to bed.
This one is certainly going to be my difficult child, lol.
13 responses
@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
3 Feb 09
18 months old for my son and he is still throwing some when we don;t do what he wants ( i.e: going outside when it's pouring down! lol)
He would lay on the floor on his stomach and bangs his feet and arms on the floor, which I alwasy try to ignore and which usually helps him quiet down
However 3 months sounds like very early for a tantrum, meaning that to me a tantrum is a deliberate act showing that we disagree or want something that doesn't hurt us physically ... for instance when he's hungry or sleepy he will become fussy but I do not call that a tantrum ... I am not sure at 3 month old babies have the scheme of "manipulation" in them ...because most of the time kids throw tantrums to make us do what they want
maybe something else is going on with your youngest
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I can tell the difference between just being cranky, and throwing an actual temper tantrum, and I'm telling you, my youngest was throwing temper tantrums at 3 months old when he wasn't being stimulated, and still throws them to this day over various reasons. He's only a year old now, but he will shriek and scream at the top of his lungs, which he only does when throwing a tantrum, when he's just cranky or needs something he will only whine. During his tantrums he quiets for a second or two to listen if anyone is coming, then he starts again. That is a tantrum!
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Isn't it funny on how different kids can be? We have had 7 and are raising our 2 year old granddaughter. Our 3rd child would throw a temper tantrum and hold her breath! She was about 3 when she started this as I would ignore her screaming and she learnt that wasn't getting her anywhere. So she started this and I asked our doctor about it. He said to let her hold her breath that she wouldn't die. She would pass out first and then breathe. I did that one time, making sure that she couldn't get hurt. She never did it again! I can tell you it sure was scary thou!!!
She was the only one that had thrown temper tantrums that is until our 2 year old granddaughter. She will throw herself to the floor and kick the feet and everything! She is doing it less and less and I think that is because when she does it I ignore it. I tell her when she calms down I will hold her. I love the little bugger but at 43 somedays it takes all the energy I have. LOL!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I usually ignore mine too when they get like that. Sometimes I'll put them up to bed or something until the tantrum passes. I'll also give them time outs. This is why none of the older ones had tantrums, because I never tolerated them or gave in.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My son was not too much for throwing temper tantrums, but my daughter is about like your youngest. She is constantly throwing temper tantrums. Having her brother around just makes them worse. She throws a fit about everything. For example, if you try to give her something to drink in a sippy cup the the lid and cup do not MATCH she gets mad and insists that you correct the error on your part. Two years old and she worries about things matching!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Wow! She's certainly going to be a handful! My younger 2 are both much worse when the older 3 are home, and even lately they've been making each other scream. Who would have thought that a 1 year old and 2 and 1/2 year old would get on each other's nerves that much?
But girls are a bit more testy than boys. I remember when my daughter was about 3 she'd flip out if she had to wear any clothes that looked like they should belong to her brother. Someone bought her a pair of blue sweat pants, definitly girls pants, but she kept putting them in her brother's drawer. Then one time she was all out of clean clothes and I told her to wear them "No, those are Tyler's" no they're not, they're girl pants "But they're blue, girls don't wear blue, boys do!"
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Considering I have 4 children that were all born in the time span of 2 1/2 years and were all babies together, I can really only remember one time that one of them actually had a tantrum. I was out shopping with a friend, we had gone into a dollar store and then we were going to go grocery shopping. She was buying my 3 boys and my daughter each a coloring book at the dollar store but my daughter wanted 2 books...that is when it all started. I figured by the time we got into the grocery store she would have settled down but it got to the point that she was so upset she couldn't settle herself down (she was about 18 months old). I actually had people coming up to me telling me to shut my baby up. I had to leave my cart and take her to my Mom's house. She was so exhausted from throwing such a fit she was asleep practically before we had left the store parking lot. She is 8 now and she doesn't throw tantrums but she is the most work out of the 4.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Wow! so far as I can remember, none of my kids have ever thrown a fit in public. It's always at home. Guess I'm lucky. But the youngest will probably be the one to give me the most trouble. He does get cranky in stores, but hasn't ever actually thrown a temper tantrum in the store. I buy him some Gerber Crunchies every week and let him snack on those while we're shopping. That's usually enough to keep him calm and quiet. At least until we get to the register.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
3 Feb 09
hello katsmeow
i guess that my sons were around three or so when they started throwing temper tantrums like that. what i couldn't stand is when one of them decided to do that while we would be out in public somewhere over something that they might have seen in the store. lol you know? Kroger's grocery stores around here have those carts that look like "cars" for youngster's to get into while that you are shopping, well one day my youngest son, after that i had put all of the groceries into the trunk of the car, he decided that he wasn't going to get out of the "car" cart, he bit me on my hand, he threw him one more fit in that cart. lol i finally wrestled him out of the cart, and he never got to ride in the "car" cart anymore.
take care and have a beautiful day today!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My boys love those car carts, unfortunatly I do most of my shopping at Walmart, and they don't have those yet, at least not the one I go to. But whenever I stop at a store that does, my boys get the car carts and they love them. But they're good boys and have never given me an issue about getting out of them.
@elfbwillow (307)
13 Jun 10
My daughter started having temper tantrums around 14 months old maybe a bit before! I couldnt believe it came so early! She is two and a half now and doesnt have many though when she does she goes all out. I think she has less now than she used to as she has a better understanding of what is right and wrong etc
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
4 Feb 09
Well my only child (9 yrs) was OK till about a few years ago. We were staying with my in-laws and he was surrounded by lovely people whom he has seen since birth. Then two years back, we shifted and started living separately. Though he stays now with my parents while I am at office, its been a complete shift in the environs and people for him. My parents love him more than they love me but its just not the same for him, somehow. Maybe coz of this, he has been throwing temper tantrums and misbehaving with us more often during this time. we understand and counsel him as best as we can, my parents do their bit and we are hoping this will pass on in due course.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Well, atleast your difficult child is your last one lol. Mine is my middle one. Everyone blames it on being the "middle child" but she has acted like this since way before her brother came along. I'm sure my oldest had probably thrown a tantrum or two around age 2 even though for the most part she has always been really laid back. My middle one has had meltdowns starting around 18 months and at almost 4 she still does every so often. Sometimes she screams and then she goes and cries for a few minutes and she's over it. But if she is really tired or pushed too far by her sister she will have a complete meltdown. The baby is 18 months and he has his moments every so often but I think he is going to be more laid back like our oldest.
@makeupbycher (165)
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
reading your story i think it's good that you chose to ignore your toddler when he was having a fit. when these things happen it's good not to be "excited" or get some sort of attention from the child. else, they will associate this behavior in getting what they want, or upsetting you.
but at 3 months old, i think maybe it's not really a temper tantrum. babies really couldn't talk what they want, and maybe the baby was trying to tell you guys something (needs changing, get diaper, handling making him/her unconfortable).
and as you say with your toddler that he only asks up now when his older siblings upset him. probably because he gets some sort of reaction from them (as they are all still children). catch these moments and try to make the older ones understand why their younger brother is acting that way (if they are old enough). but definitely set his mind to think that only positive actions yeald positive results. praise good behavior and ignore tantrums but when he's calmed down, just give a short talk (as children have short attention spans) that behaving that way will not get him what he wants. and why you didn't give in to his requests.
i don't have children yet but my mom said that me and my younger brother never threw a tantrum. while i sulk in a corner i was never the one to cry out loud. i just remember that my mom would call my attention if so much as she hears me muttering or stomping my feet. so in the end me and my brother just keep quiet.
good luck!
@aidenofthetower (1814)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I would say that my 2 1/2 year old was about 18 months when he threw his first temper tantrum. There were a few times that he cried and cried, but it wasn't an intentional to get my way kind of thing, so I never counted them as temper tantrums. The first big temper tantrum happened when we went shopping. He was tired and I knew it and tried to hurry through the store. He was crying so loud and hard while I tried to shop and cuddle him that the produce lady brought us a banana. Which worked until it was gone! Then one little old lady stopped us and patted him on the shoulder. She says, "its really not as bad as it seems" to him. He paused. Looked at her and started screaming at the top of his lungs. She smiled at him, "Okay, maybe I was wrong and it is." Then she patted my on the shoulder and said, "It won't last forever, sweety."
He still throws fits every now and again, but not very often. I usually just make him do what he doesn't want to and then let him throw his fit.
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Oct 09
I think mine were around 18 months old when they started having temper tantrums, but 3 out of 4 of mine never really had many. Jack my third child however was the worst, every day at 4 oclock he would start and boy did he ever throw a tantrum, it was a nightmare! Luckily only one of my children have ever had a tantrum while out, and that was my daughter, we went shopping a few weeks ago to a big clothing department and she threw a fit right in the middle of the place. I was so embarrassed that I cried haha it was horrible, we could not shut her up at all and she was just screaming and screaming! That is the only time that its ever happened and I really hope that it does not happen again!
@GreenMoo (11833)
4 Feb 09
How funny that I should come across this discussion this morning. My youngest just threw his very first wobbly on the kitchen floor this morning. I can't even remember what it was over now, but I think it was about wanting something to eat that I wans't budging on.
I left him to it, and he got bored shortly and went off to do something else.
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My oldest while honestly my difficult one still doesn't throw temperfits relly. He is two and a half. MY middle one though is 18 months and has been throwing them since around 12 months. She now just screams at the top of her lungs and kicks and cries. She has even thrown herself on the ground screaming, luckily it seems temper tantrums are pretty well reserved for at home. My littlest is four months and I think he is going to start early with them. He will now scream and cry at times just because I will not hold him or play with him at the time. I am usually either cooking dinner or changing the others or something like that where I can't, but he can't understand that I know. My middle one does the whoe thing of being impossible because they are so tired and then throwing a fit if you put them to bed. Good luck to you with all your little ones.