Yet another operation to face this year.... ....
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
February 3, 2009 7:57am CST
Two years ago I had a partial hysterectomy and it was awful, I had to be off my feet for ages and with having four kids, a working hubby and not much family to support me it was really hard. Well that should have been the end of it, but without going into too many details things went wrong and now 2 years later I have to go through the whole thing again.
My name went on the waiting list this week and its a three month waiting list but really it will be any time from now so I should get prepared really. I will be in for a few days and then off my feet for three months, I have to rally as much family support as I can and also I have to sort the finances out so my hubby can run things while I am out of action without making us bankrupt!! It is funny how things tick along and then all of a sudden something happens and everything suddenly seems so chaotic and disorganised so I need to get things sorted and ready!! I am hopeful that it will all be OK, as it is at the minute my quality of life with regards to running about and playing with the kids and being unable to stand for long periods of time or dance or exercise is pretty poor so it just has to make it better.
In life things happen that are unexpected, I mean I knew that I MIGHT have to have an op but was not certain, so if anything unexpected was to happen to either you or your partner are you prepared for it? In terms of keeping the family and house running do you have a plan or ideas of how you will manage or would you just cross that bridge when you came to it?
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14 responses
@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My mom needed to have her uterus removed several years ago. The doctor (who was a female) told her to go ahead and get the entire hysterectomy, to take the ovaries as well. It would take away the concern of ovarian cancer, which is very hard to catch until it is too late. And it would save my mom the trouble of having to have the ovaries removed later if anything should happen. So she had it all out at once.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Feb 09
They left mine in because of my age, I have not got a clue what they will end up doing this time. Even the consultant does not know until he has a look!!
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
4 Feb 09
First of all, I would like to wish you the best with your upcoming surgery. It sounds like you really have a battle ahead of you, but I am sure you will get through it all with flying colors.
Now, to answer your question. If either my husband or I had to face any surgery, even if it only put one of us out of commission for a week, that would be a challenge. We have talked about it, but not in any grat detail. I have been having a lotof problems with my neck and back, and with my history, I know I could face more surgery on it. He also has a bad back and is having a lot of trouble recently, and years ago, he was told he needed surgery, but so far, has refused to have it done. It takes absolutely everything we make put together for us to make ends meet right now. If one of us was down and out, I know the other one would take on another job to cover finances, and his family would help when they could. I am sure we would get through it (and so will you), but it would be difficult.
Just remember this, If the Lord brings you to it, He will see you through it.
God Bless you and your family.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Feb 09
Thank you for your well wishes, things will be fine it is just a case of having some plans in action for the kids.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
3 Feb 09
That does sound awful and I hope this time round the recovery isn't as bad as the first. Best of luck gemini_rose and please keep us updated on your progress. Sending lots of prayers your way.
We often worry about this kind of thing too as my hubby travels a lot and I am always concerned about his safety and well being. He has told me what I need to do if anything happens and even though I hate to even think about anything happening, I have a rough plan of what to do. I know that my son and I will not be living in the US very much longer and will move back home to New Zealand. That is where our family is and that is where we will go. We will sell everything we have, pay off what we owe and move back home. I will have my hubby cremated and taken back with us.
If on the other hand I pass, then my hubby will be fine to carry on with living in the US, with his job and all. He might have to hire a full time nanny for our son and to take care of our home.
It will be hard to manage and get through thats for sure.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Ok I think I went further than just a little setback LOL sorry.
If my husband wasn't able to work because of an operation then his sick and annual leave should cover the time he is off work. He has a lot of accumulated hours at the moment so we would be ok for now and he would still get his full pay. I could always pick up more hours to help out as well.
If was I was to get sick then I'll have to get someone in to help out, while hubby is at work. He could probably take time off to help out but I won't bet on it LOL I could always bring my mother over to help if we were really desperate.
We are trying to put a little bit in our savings every pay. It's only small at the moment but we have started so if anything major happens, at least we have something saved to help out for a little bit.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Feb 09
If I have to wait the full three months then it is going to be in May sometime I guess but when I had my hysterectomy I was called in really fast on a cancellation so it could be anytime but will try and let you know. It sounds like you have some plans for what to do, we dont have any. I was sent home with all the info on the op I am having and at the back there is the list of complications, its three pages long and it scared me senseless BUT I have to consider the fact that god forbid something might go wrong. I need to make plans.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Feb 09
Firstly I hope that all goes well with the op. The NHS is a wondrous beast and hopefully they will have you in sooner rather than later. The Boss runs the money and I do as I am told. If she had to be away I know where everything is and I know that I could do the job. Good luck and I am thinking of you. XX
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Feb 09
Thank you for your well wishes, I just hate the thought of being away from home!!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Well I wish you the best of luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery. Hopefully you'll at least be able to get online and keep up with us while you're on bedrest. Otherwise we'll really miss you.
To answer your question... if something were to happen to me or hubby, we'd be scr#wed. He's not salary anymore, he's hourly, so if he misses any work, it comes out of his paycheck. He can't even call in sick anymore, because sick time won't be paid in overtime. As it is right now he gets 10 hours overtime each week, which is paid at about $20 an hour. His sick time would only be paid at $13 an hour, and would only be 8 hours, so we'd lose out on a lot of money. He only gets 2 weeks of vacation, and that's not paid in overtime either, so we're still losing money.
If it took more than 2 weeks to recover, well, if it were me that had the operation, he'd just go back to work and I'd just have to deal. If it were him, then we'd just have to deal with no money, or I'd have to find a temporary job until he were able to get back on his feet.
We also have no family, except for my in laws (you know how that one works, lol). Even they wouldn't be very much help because they're too busy with their own lives to help us out at all.
So hopefully nothing will happen to us anytime soon, because I certainly don't think we could handle it.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Feb 09
Well I am hoping that I come out of it as good as I did after the hysterectomy, the only problem I have is that last time I was unconscious for two days because my blood pressure dropped after surgery but other than that I was fine, but that worries me a bit. Anyway it is nice to know I will be missed and I guess if I feel fine I can sit at the computer for a while heehee!! I dont acually know where my hubby will be working when this happens but he aint going to be able to just take loads of time off for me so like you I would just have to get on with it.
When I had the hysterectomy we were lucky because it fell in factory shut down so he was off for three weeks with me which was the time I needed to be off my feet and then after that my eldest son did everything, but he wont be here this time either so I am real worried about what is going to happen. Like you we cannot afford for him to have time off work if he has a job by then fingers crossed!!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
You know, through my years on various online communities I've said or have had others say to me "I wish we lived closer to each other so I could help you out" and here's another time where it's coming up. If I lived anywhere near you'd I'd be more than willing to come over and help out any chance that I could.
@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Hi there,
Perhaps you may just be surprised. You said you don't think we could handle it, but the problem is we can not plan for this thing called life, sometimes life happens to us and were left to go with the flow, it always amazes me that when someone is faced with a challenge more often than not they rise to meet it and often succeed in overcoming it... Some might suggest that this is something that makes life interesting or worthwhile... I don't know I for one would like boring and mundane I don't like surprises! I would love for boring to be my middle name... unfortunately life usually has other plans for me!
Happy Mylotting!

@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Hi there Gemini,
I can certainly relate to your posting, sometimes waiting for the surgery can be just as difficult as the surgery itself and your recovery time.
I'm not sure if you're aware of it are not but I use a power wheelchair because I have Cerebral Palsy, and throughout my life I have had numerous surgeries, and that the present moment I am waiting for my next one as well. I have been waiting for approximately two years, since they agreed to do the surgery, to actually have the surgery performed.
This is a little bit of a thorn in my side because I live in Canada and we're supposed to have universal Health Care but I am unable to get at type of pain pump that would control my pain and muscle spasms. The thing that really makes me angry, is that the longer they wait the more function I lose, and even when they do eventually give me the pump, I probably will not get the function I lost back. In fact the truth be told I am so frustrated and tired of waiting that I have considered going public with my story and contacting the media, but I will not make a decision like that out of anger or desperation and so I've not called anybody yet, but I've definitely put it on the table as an option.
Because I've had around a dozen surgeries at this point, I think that where you are now is perhaps the worst part of the whole experience, because you just have to sit and wait to have the surgery, there's nothing you can do between now and then, and then once you have the surgery, you can start the road to recovery. At the moment though, you must feel like you just sitting there twiddling your thumbs waiting for them to do the job.
Just like you did a couple of years ago I am sure you will come through this surgery fine as well. Probably one of the hardest things to deal with is the you can't really plan ahead, you just have to sort ago up the flow and deal with problems as they arise.
In the meantime you'll be in my thoughts, I wish you all the best and be sure to keep us posted on your progress, until next time, happy Mylotting!

@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Feb 09
That is really bad that you have been waiting all that time and losing function too, I am not surprised you are angry. My problem is now starting to worsen and I know that the waiting time they give me will not be far off the mark unless they have a lot of emergencies and it gives me time to prepare ready. Thank you for your wishes and I hope that you hear something real soon too.
@dorypanda (1601)
3 Feb 09
First of all, I hope all goes well for you, secondly I know how hard it is to do anything at all if you're ill. Yes, my partner's got his head screwed on, he's not too good with the financial side of things, but family will help him out if necessary. He would make sure the house was clean and reasonably tidy, my son would also help him with anything he'd need help with.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Feb 09
Yeah my hubby can run the house and keep the kids in order, financially though I do it all he has no part of it. When I am not here he will be stuck so will have to take the weeks money out and write a list of what he has to do with it!!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
there is nobody in this world that is prepared for every possible thing that can happen in life, there are just too many things.
Illness can fall on anyone anytime and just sneak up on them, I have many sicknesses now, but I take them one day at a time and I prepare as I have too.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
3 Feb 09
[u]H[u]i gemini,
I am sorry to hear about that but just be positive and wish everything will be doing great!
I hate to think about this but I know this is real! If ever something will happen to me, hubby has a work and in laws are far from us as well as my parents so, hopefully, we are far from that!
If ever for hubby, I cannot drive and might be asking friends to help but savings are not that big also though we have a great insurance!
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Feb 09
No one likes to think about it, but it happens, I can plan for mine as I have some time yet but if it was something that just happened it would be a mess.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Oh man! I'm really sorry to hear that gemini rose!! I had a hysterectomy about 3 years ago and they took it all! lol It didn't work the way I wanted it to except the month nonsense! Oh yeah, it was on time or late but that part worked well or too well! lol I was laid up for 6 weeks which was more than long enough for me. I had some complications but in the end, I came out on top. Hubby took care of everything for me during those 6 weeks but with my help in telling him what to do and how.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am hoping nothing very serious happens as it is just the two of us with absolutely no family support.. We would have to muddle through the best way that we could, it would be make do or do without at our home.. I guess you really can't always be prepared for life's little unespected happenings.. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out well for you.. Good luck, I will say a prayer for you..
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Feb 09
A lot of it does boil down to just muddling through doesnt it? We have got family but they all work have their own lives and families so we cannot expect them to drop everything for us. Although I know they will help if they can, thank you for your kind wishes as soon as I know anymore I will let everyone know.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
3 Feb 09
hello gemini_rose
i am so sorry to hear that you have to be operated on again. bless your heart. how long will you be in the hospital before that you get to go back home? three months off of your feet is a long time. have you got a laptop computer that you can lay in the bed with once you get back home? and if something like that ever happened to me or if my hubby would get sick, we would just have to wing it and try to make plans like you are doing until we were able to get back on our feet again.
take care and have a beautiful day today!
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Feb 09
I am not sure, it will all depend on my recovery. I am crap with the anaesthetic and so that always delays my coming home time! I do have a laptop, well hubby does so we might have to swap computers for a while.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Feb 09
first, I am so sorry that you have to go through this again. Secondly, I am only visiting for a few minutes as I have bronchitis and have to go home so will be off line. Thirdly, how ever much you plan for something - stuff happens - life gets in the way, however much we are prepared. We can only do the best we can in preparation and be flexible when stuff happens. Blessings
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Feb 09
Well thank you again for popping in especially when you are not well. You are right stuff does happen and thats life!!!
@tehsnipes (45)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Best of luck to you gemini. I hope your procedure goes well. Life can sometimes be difficult but hang in there and tough it out. You'll appreciate life more after you go through this hardship. Many families are stuck in the same situation you are. I hope you get better.