What else can I give my kids for lunch?
By 4ofmyown
@4ofmyown (1119)
United States
February 3, 2009 8:32am CST
My husband & I make our kids lunches every night for the following day. Having them buy lunch is out of the question, with 4 of them it would be at $50 a week. Our problem is that a few will only take the same thing over and over and over....do you get my point? My oldest and youngest will eat a variety of things in their lunches but my twin boys, different story!!! One has turkey and cheese sandwich and the other peanut butter with butter sandwich, EVERYDAY!! Do you think they should have more variety? I know that it is probably more me thinking that they should be eating other things. For 2 year one of the twins would only take bread with butter. If you gave him anything else it would come home in his lunchbox, so I gave in and made it for him...at least I knew he was eating. Do you have picky eaters? Do you have any unusual ideas for kids lunches?
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14 responses
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
3 Feb 09
peanut butter is pretty healthy except for the saturated fat but at least he's eating something, it's better than not eating, so make what they'll eat. i know kids are picky when my daughter was going to school she'd take leftover cold pizza, ? hey she likes it plus she's getting her bread,tomatoes,dairy, and whatever else she ordered on it. maybe you could infiltrate a oatmeal bread or something with alittle extra in it for vitamins, or they'll stay with that stick on the roof of your mouth wonder bread like my daughter. all the good stuff has sugar so they will get a rush then when in class they'll start comming down off the sugar rush and get sleepy and not pay attention. sounds like you have everything under control, kid's will be kid;s next month they'll be on another food kick.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Thank you for the reassurance. And, you are right, they always find something else they like and then whatever it was they have been taking they no longer like. My jar of peanut butter is almost empty...is okay to buy peanut butter again? Does anyone really know?
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
3 Feb 09
i do know the problem is in georgia at that peanut butter plant,and what's worse they knew about the problem 2 years ago. so far publix here in s.w. florida hasen't removed any peanut products yet, but i read somewhere msn i think that they removed peanut butter "snacks" from the shelves.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
i have four children too and i am a single mom. so it is a big battle on expences for me when it comes to food. i make sure that i show them how i prepare. i mostly use mayonaise in most of the sandwich. i use hard boiled egg mashed it mith a fork put mayonaise salt and pepper, spread on bread put lettuce and it is ready to go. sometimes i use pre boiled chicken with mayonaise or sometimes tuna in can. i dont give them peanut butter too much. sometimes i make burger patties and i make burger sandwich. now that they are teens i ma glad they are not picky eaters. food can be really expensive when you have a lot of children.

@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
in our country people are rice eaters. do you also cook rice? does your kids eats rice? there are a lot of food that can be eaten with rice too. my children eats rice with omelets. i put some cheeze in the omelet so it melts while cooking the egg. sometimes i put mushrrom in the omelet as well. they are in high school already well three of them and i still pack them lunch... it is affordable that way. my oldest is in college already

@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Honestly, I would just give them what you know they'll eat. If they get tired of it, let them take some part in the decision. Ask them what they would rather have and tell them that you won't make it unless they eat it. I remember when I was in elementary school, I took a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to school EVERY DAY for like 4 years. That was all I wanted. Eventually, I got over it and started taking other things. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I have a picky eater and I am lucky that he will even eat a vegetable. The only vegetable he will eat is raw carrots, so he has that with almost every meal because I want to make sure he gets some veggies. When they get older, they will start to try new things. It just takes longer for some. If you're worried about nutrition, make sure the picky eaters take vitamins every day.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I think maybe you have had a very good idea, My kids are old enough now that they can actually help make their lunches for the next day. Maybe that will help with some variety. Plus, it would give me a bit of a break from the lunch making, I would be more like a supervisor. If your son starts turning a little orange then you will know why...from all the carrots. One of kids loved carrots and sweet potatoes as an infant and they started to turn orange. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself.
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
4 Feb 09
Well my child wants her lunch with ham and butter and I do it everyday the same since if I change it she will not eat it. However this week I had an idea to give her some bread sticks with her lunch so to change abit, she loved the idea and now she is having lunch and breadsticks. Well I cut the lunch in different sizes so it would be fun for her.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
4 Feb 09
That is a good idea! I can make their normal lunch and then just add little thing here and there to see if they like it in addition to their regular lunch. I guess if it is something they really liked they will ask me for it again. Thanks for the idea.
@sahmof2 (274)
• United States
3 Feb 09
If they eat it it's better to give it to them than them not eating at all. My son just turned into a picky eater and his sister is following behind so I am learning what foods they like and sticking to those so at least I know that they are eating. When they have had enough of that one thing they'll let you know.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I completely understand...that is why my son ate the nutter sandwiches for 2 years, at least I knew he was eating something. I love that my kids are getting a little older so my oldest is starting to like just about anything. He asked me to buy him sushi the other day...but I can barely get him to take a sandwich to school. Go figure!
@Sammy_pink (163)
8 Feb 09
I think if your children eat their lunch and you give them a healthy dinner after school with healthy snacks such as fruit or carrot sticks or some such then you really have nothing to worry about. You could try having some of your childrens friends over for a small tea party and have different foods for them to eat (foods that you could put in a lunch box) Sometimes children like what they see their piers eating. And if your children enjoy the different party food you might be able to introduce it to their lunch. This might work for you? :)x
@swietekfam (363)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My kids eat at school. I have 3 boys. We get free lunch for them as we are on a limited income and the cost even to send them in with lunch was costly. But before then, it was the standard lunchmeat sandwhiches or PB & J. Sometimes they liked yogurt, left over pizza, chicken nuggets, pizza rolls or even hot dogs. Kids do not care if the food is cold or not, so why just give them the same ole same ole. Be creative or ask them to think of some different things.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My daughter is pretty much the same as your kids. She knows what she likes and if I vary, she won't eat it. I can either make her pb&j sandwich or bologna and cheese, then I give her an orange or a bunch of grapes, then when we go shopping she picks a treat for her lunch for the week. It is usually brownies. And I add a juice box.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
3 Feb 09
That is one thing I have noticed helps a little is by letting them help pick out things to add to their lunch. I always try to do the sweet sugary snack but also add like a yogurt or fruit. At least I feel like they are not eating complete junk. I love this time of year because they fruit and it gives me more choices.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Have you applied for free or reduced lunch? I know this doesn't answer your question at all, but I'm lucky that my kids get free lunch, so I don't have to think about what they're going to have for lunch except for when they're home from school. When they are home it's either PB&J or whatever left overs we have in the fridge. The only time they've ever brought lunch to school is when they're going on a field trip and the school requests we send them a bagged lunch. In that case I'd usually go buy them a lunchables, but to do that everyday, you'd be better off paying for their lunch, lol.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
3 Feb 09
My kids go to a Catholic school (public around here is not an option). Besides our mortgage this is our next big expense and the school helps us out tremendously. The lunches they have at their school are horrible. You would think for a private school it would be half way decent but everything is fried. Besides, I can't afford it. If my kids did go to public school, no doubt would they be on a lunch plan.
@Lilli810 (13)
• United States
3 Feb 09
If your kids are healthy, I wouldn't worry about it. My kids are 4 and 1 and they want to eat the same thing every day too. You can do yogurt with kid flavors or see if you could put bananas on the peanut butter sandwich. See how they feel about pieces of cheese (like cheddar). There is a store, ALDI that has locations all over the US that has private label food at a decent price and they seem to have a good variety of inexpensive, kid-friendly stuff. Still, if they are healthy I wouldn't be too concerned.
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
4 Feb 09
Do they love Plain cake?can you prepare at Home?
If answer is Yes to both.it may give them some variety & also not much expensive.
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I have a daughter that is 6 and she is the pickiest kid ever. My son is 17 months old and he eats anything I put in his mouth without making a face. I'm not sure if he's just not old enough to be pick yet or what...all I know is that by his age, my daughter was down to eating corn dogs, hot dogs and tuna salad (at least I got her to like one thing that was healthy...lol).
I agree with you on feeding them what they like. At least then you know they're eating something. When my daughter went to school I gave up the fight on trying to please her every single day and just let the school cook her a nice hot meal every day. I really like not packing her lunch. Not only is it easier for me, she's getting fed a hot, nutricious meal each day for less than $2 and I can tell that being forced to choose one food or the other has made her slightly less picky.
If doing lunch at school is totally out of the quesstion, as it is in your case, I would just go for the old standby. Get a loaf or 2 of bread and simple things to make sandwiches out of. If you can get your kids to eat it, I think the tuna salad is a great idea. The folks at my daughter's day care were always very impressed at how well she ate on tuna day. ha ha.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I really do wish that I could let my kids get their lunch at school. There is no way I could afford for all of the to get lunch all week and the food is horrible...it is all junk food. Sandwiches are usually the main lunch I just wish they would add some variety.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
3 Feb 09
We had this issue with our son when he first started school, they offered hot lunch, peanut butter and jelly, and then a salad. He was only eating the peanut butter and jelly... day in and day out. We felt he needed something else ( which i know this isn't an option for you) but we set down rules that he HAD to eat more, and had to eat hot lunch at least 3 times a week, no if's and's, or but's about it. He finally come around and started trying new things, and enjoyed it. For you though with yours, you already know they are picky.... set down the rule that they can eat their regular turkey and cheese, and peanut butter and butter, two times a week, or three times but on the other days, they will have to try something else.
On a none busy weekend, have them sit down with you and try new things, tuna salad, chicken salad, pimento cheese... something that would offer that variety. You could also, have them help you make their lunches the night before, they might be more apt to putting something new in there because they could sorta brag to friends the next day.. "Hey look I made my own lunch!"
Also, make things fun with them...
Like Ants on a log... which is just a celery stick cut in half, with peanut butter on it, and raisins sprinkled over the top.
Piggys in a blanket... little hot dogs/little smokies wrapped in crestant rolls with cheese in them...
Mini pizzas... a tube of plain jane bicuits, then let them add cheese, sauce and meats/veggies.
Spaghetti Hogies... If you have left over, grab a hot dog bun and put the spaghetti in the middle of it, put some cheese on it and then let them warm it the next day if possible at school.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Thanks, those are some really good idea. I will have to have them start trying more things when they are not in school. Have you noticed that kids can eat something one day and love it and then you make it again and they tell you they don't like it anymore. Thank you for your suggestions.
@mmiceli (382)
3 Feb 09
My younger sister loves peanut butter with absolutely anything. Her daily sandwich could be any of the following: pb & banannas, pb& fluffernutter, pb&j, pb&honey. It's all good and I don't think it's too bad for you! They should also try cream cheese and jelly sandwiches, delicious! I personally love my simple ham and cheese though.