I'm About To Hang Myself In The Oven... (Rant...long)

Hanging... - Hanging...
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
February 3, 2009 5:41pm CST
As some ppl know from other discussions I’ve made, we have been having more than our share of stress right now. First, Hubby’s pc went down forcing us into the position of having to buy a new one…did I mention we just bought his 6 months ago and no, the warranty isn’t any good now…it was only good for 60 days. Then I find out after 8 months of payments to my student loan that was supposed to have it just about paid off, they scammed me and wanted me to pay another $1300. But the biggie was still to come. Last Friday I woke up to one of our bank accounts being $177. Overdrawn. Now, we have 3 accounts…a primary, a second one for just online stuff and a third for our savings. It was the second one for online stuff that was overdrawn. So I called the bank and told them that we didn’t authorize these charges and what do we do. The manager put a “hard hold” on the account and canceled the debit cards. I also got the phone numbers for the company that charged us so I could call them. The manager told me that with the hard hold on the account that nothing would be able to come in or go out of the account but they couldn’t close it as long as it had a negative balance. Well, from what she said I quit worrying about it, afterall since it was locked, more or less, it was safe…we just had to wait for the company to return the money. I called the phone numbers and got some laboratory and spoke to a woman who had to be something like Guadimalian or something b/c I only understood about every third word. I mean it was practically impossible to understand her. I couldn’t find out anything but she kept saying “cancel?” and I kept saying “cancel!!”. I also looked it up online and found that it is a huge scam. Well, this morning I was up at 3:30am and when I checked the bank it showed nothing pending so I thought “good, it’s all cleared up, we can close it now”. Then about 2 hours later I looked again and now it’s overdrawn $247.!! Oh, and the bank added two overdraft fee’s totaling $70. I was furious! I called and their like “oh, it got through”. Well, their suggestion was to leave it for 10 days and they’d do a dispute and try to get the money back and there “shouldn’t” be any new charges. Well, this charge wasn’t “supposed” to go through and it did. So I talked it over with Hubby and he said “just pay it and close the &*^*%*%&^* account”. So we did. With his high blood pressure and my migraines we just can’t take anymore stress. It just p*sses me off that they let this happen after I called and told them about it in the first place and then they even made sure to add their fee’s so that they could steal even more money from us. The manager even told me that ANY purchase you make online gives your card number, expiration date and the little 3 digit number on the back of the card to ANYONE working in that company. Any one of those ppl can steal it and do what they want and the only thing a bank can do is do a dispute and IF they find in your favor they won’t make you pay it…but realistically if they can’t get the money back from the thieves then their going to get somewhere and chances are it’s the customer. It just made me want to take all our money out and go back to using cash. I don’t know about others but we just can’t afford this type of thing. I bet if the money had to come out of the bank workers pockets they’d make sure it wasn’t going through. Have you ever been scammed like this? Would you have paid it and closed it or left it open and hope nothing else is taken out? Do you think they should have closed it the minute they saw the bogus charge or at least froze the account? Do you think they should have charged overdraft charges? [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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50 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I haven't had a bank account in years. Bank of America screwed me over so badly that for a long time no other bank would give me an account. Hell, I couldn't even get a checking account from my own credit union. So, I just said the hell with them all, I like cash better anyways. I do have a credit card, but it is a prepaid card, all that can be spent is whatever I put on the card. This is good for online purchases and cash at an ATM if I need it and that's good enough for me You got royally shafted by that bank. Yes, I would have closed the account and I would not do any more business with that bank.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I hate banks, they're so crooked it's ridiculous. If you go a penny overdrawn they'll charge you up to $50 overdraft fee then up to $30 a day for being overdrawn & wait a week to tell you. By the time you get the notice you've already written more checks expecting the money they took in fees to be there & your even more overdrawn than before. Yet they'll happily hold your money for you interest free if you want to deposit it ( ignoring the fact that they're loaning out YOUR money to get interest for themselves ).
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Wow!! I would not want to be with the Bank you are with. There is no way I would go for excuses like this. The bank I bank with is a Credit Union, and if it is from my account there, and something I did not authorize.. they go get the $$ back themselves usually and then a lot of times will cancel our Debit Card, etc. in the meantime to keep anything from being able to go thru from there. I do not Blame you for being upset, and would think that there would be a way for companies out there to keep from doing this to others. Just goes to show how much work still needs to be done to Stop Theft online from happening.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
4 Feb 09
YOu sure are having a lot of stressful problems right now and I don't know what, if any, advice that I could give to you.. I would have fought it and I wouldn't have paid for it.. We recently had a situation where we were bien scammed for $1,200 and I didn't pay it and I will not pay it.. We live int he county where we can burn brush and we were burning brush one day whent he fire department came out to check on it.. We had burnt brush for the last 10 yrs with no problems at all, but now someone called in on us.. After a 4 minute visit and the fireman telling us that we were legal, we had the burn permit, had called to make sure it was ok to burn on that day, the waterhose was at hand, along with rakes and shovels, everything to make for a safe burn.. He left and I thought that was the end of it, until I got the bill.. I called and argued with the lady that answered the phone and ended up telling her that I would not pay this amount, to send the bill to the person who called in the complaint of "illegal burning", although we were legal, that even if my house were burning down, they had better not step foot on my property and for them to send the bill to a lawyer because I would not be paying them a penny.. I was told that if we purchased a subscription to their company, they could reduce the bill to a bit over $200.00, and I replied that I didn't appreciate their mafioso tactics and that they could send this 200.00 bill to their lawyer also, I wasn't being bullied.. I haven't heard from them since and it has been about 6 months but I may still hear from them, I never know.. I will not pay it anyway, because I do not owe it.. I get so tired of people trying to steal from me, too many are trying it nowadays... Anyway, good luck to you whatever you decide to do...
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• United States
5 Feb 09
wow lol all i can say right now is... good job
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Feb 09
No, I would have closed it because if you keep it open they could charge you all the overdraft charges if they can't get the money from the company. I had a similar thing happen to me. I was charged before I could stop a program I was trying. My bank was very quick in getting to the bottom of it and I didn't have to pay any over charges as I remember. That overcarge keeps me on my toes!! I am sorry this happened to you. Rediculous that you had to pay it.
1 person likes this
3 Feb 09
Hi twoey68, That is so disgusting, they couldn't even hire honest staff to work there, I have never trusted the banks anyway, my husband deals with his bank so I don't have to worry about it, I got my own saving accounts in the bank and I know how much is in there and I draw out cash, but I don't blame you for getting mad, hope all will be sorted out. Tamara
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 Feb 09
I think you should demand that money back from the bank and make them go after the scammers, that is their job. CAll the manager again and say you are taking this to the highest authority this is not done with your authorization and it is illegal. Then get in touch with the banks ambudsman's office which is an outside agency that reviews bank practices.
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@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
3 Feb 09
Since you already notified them of the bogus charge, they shouldn't have added the service charges. And you shouldn't have paid out the account, but continued to fight it. I once had a bogus money transfer taken out of my PayPal account for several hundred dollars (that weren't there, but it was attached to a credit card at the time). I disputed it and they eventually reversed the charge. And I took the credit card off the PayPal account. And when I moved from Vancouver to Ontario, the bank lost my money in the transfer... $85,000 no less. I got on their case right away and made sure they credited me the interest I lost on it in the week it took them to find it again. It wasn't like I was switching firms, just branches in the same company.
1 person likes this
• Canada
4 Feb 09
We have bank accounts - not much choice in the matter because of the mortgage. We also have credit cards that I use for stuff online. This reminds me of last year when my web hosts charged me double for each website, then I blew a gasket and called my bank. They said all I had to do is speak to the company and if they didn't return the money, I can initiate a dispute and the credit card company would investigate. This went on for several months and they kept charging my credit card hosting fees. I know it's confusing but here's the basics. I pay one amount annually for each website. They were charging me that amount EVERY month -- by the third month, the credit card company was saying that it's a monthly amount OH MY GOSH -- I was going ballistic.... ended up canceling the hosting plan for several of the sites and moving them So I sympathize with your situation I admit what you're going through is so much more than what I went through -- but I just want you to know I understand your frustration. I think banks and credit card companies, have gone crazy.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I flipping hate banks LOL!! I have the same beliefs my gram does. They are the biggest flipping rip off artists ever. They get money for your money being in the bank yet they charge you for taking your money out at an atm, they charge you if you go over instead denying the charge, they charge you if you take your money out before it matures, they charge you if your card get ate and you need a new one. My god if they could charge you for depositing they would this is flipping ridiculous.....
• United States
4 Feb 09
i think that they should remove the bank fees and I bet if you talk to the bank manager you might be able to get it recovered from the bank!!!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Banks are heartless pits of greed. They should not have charged you overdraft but they will because they don't care. There's always other people who want to open accounts. I'm so sorry this happened! I usually use Paypal to make purchases, I don't think anyone can scam that and they're very good about disputes, or so I hear. I've never had any trouble. Have you tried doing business with them? You do have to have an account to link to it but nobody can get your account info. All this will be over with eventually, and someday you might laugh about it. (I doubt it, but that's what people are supposed to say) I've heard that Vision computers has a 3 year warranty parts and labor with life time free tech support. I'm going to look into those when I need a new pc. Put this in perspective--you have each other, you're still walking around and you have a warm place to live. And you have myLot!! I hope things look up soon for you!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Feb 09
If the manager told you a hard hold would prevent any further charges going through,then the bank should have to reimburse you the additional amount plus the fees. No, I wouldn't pay it, not without a lot of arguing first!
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
4 Feb 09
This is terrifying - and as you say, when we use credit cards online, all the people from that company have our information if they want to use it for evil intent. I really hope the bank sorts out the problem and pays you back the unfair charges and fees - that's adding insult to injury and is SO very unfair.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Banks are the BIGGEST RIPOFF going!!! Since they wanted you to wait 10 days for them to dispute it, they should have waited 10 days to see if the dispute could be settled!!! Don't even get me started on how little I like banks!!! Maybe, if they're not going to loan us any money, we should ALL pull our money out & plump up our mattresses.
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• United States
6 Feb 09
I'm so sorry to hear that but they are sure right about the company people getting your card info and using it back in 2000 I had AOL and used a credit card for it that was the only thing that I had put on that card and when I got the card bill there was a lot of charges on there so I done like ya first I called the card company and they put a hold on the card and then I called Aol and they found out what happened and they credited all my money back even the fee that they charged for that month and offered me a year free but I told them yall could give it to me for life free and I would not take it I guess I just got lucky.
• United States
8 Feb 09
No we have not had this happen to us before. I hope you will get your money back for the fees you had to pay just for peace of mind. Sometimes I wonder who works in the bank are they all morons?
@messageme (2821)
• United States
9 Feb 09
This has happen to me before. I put a stop payment on an automatic withdawal because I didn't have the money to pay for it. They asked me how much it was for, I told them I wasn't sure the exact but it was around $100. She said ok and put the stop payment on it, that costed me $25....Come to find out they allowed the payment to come out. I was furious because it had overdrafted my account. I called the bank and asked them why they let it go through. Of course i talked to someone different than who did the stop payment. The lady I talked to said I had a stop payment for $100 and the payment that went through was $101.16. I said and why did it go through if I had a stop payment, she tells me I didn't have a stop payment for the amount of $101.16. I had to have the exact amount!! and because I didn't they let it go through plus charged me the overdraft fee!!! I told her then I wanted my money back for the stop peyment since they didn't stop it. She told me they couldn't do that and it was my fault that I didn't have the right amount. I told her then the lady that did the stop payment should have told me I needed the exact amount because I told her I wasn't sure and it was around that and she told me that was fine it didn't matter. She told me I don't know why should wouldn't tell you that. Of course she sounded like she thought I was lying!! I closed my account and have never banked with them again and I told them they weren't getting my money for their screw up!! All she said was Im sorry you feel that way. Makes me wonder how many people they really screw over!
• United States
5 Feb 09
i'm not one to rail against 'big business' or 'evil' banks, but these cats are getting out of control. about a week ago, i screwed up and had my acct overdrawn by like 30 bucks. my bad, my screw up, i definitely should have to pay a fee. well for a grand total of $81 in transactions, the bank charged me $500 in fees. and no that is not a misprint $500! these *&^$**!@!-ers allowed a $10 charge to be authorized from godaddy after the account was o/d for 2 days and by more than $300, so it cost $80 for a domain. we called cust service and got back some money, then went to the branch manager, and next to the regional vice prez. i don't mind paying for my screw-up but i am not paying for theirs. when running into these types of problems, may i suggest that you avoid cust service depts, they don't provide much 'service' anymore, and call your/any branch. they will most likely give you the run around, but then start asking for the numbers to regional managers, and corporate vice-presidents. running it up the chain of command is your best bet, because soon or later you will get to someone who doesn't have the time or patience to deal with your problem, but they do have to power to fix your problem. Squeaky wheels may be annoying but they usually get the grease. peace phil
@misskyla (40)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I too recently had an charge that was an error and affected my paypal and bank accounts and then my ebay seller account. It was just an awful domino effect. I called everyone and filed the dispute of the charges. I waited it out and didn't use the account for about a week and the bank corrected all the problems, reversed the charges and reverse the over draft fees. I would stay on it, even though you closed the account and get your money back!!!-Good luck to you...things always get worse before they get better, so it goes.....
• United States
6 Feb 09
This happened to me 2 or 3 years ago, pretty much the same thing. It was a company I had never heard of and this account was only used for a couple of things. I suspected someone in the bank did it, but of course I had no proof. I tried calling this company to get it taken care of over and over again. They "cancelled" it, but their version of cancelled and mine are totally different! They cancelled it to further charges but would not refund the money. The people at the bank were no help either. So, they didn't get a dime out of me....I didn't have it. I guess they eventually closed the account and counted their losses. I haven't heard from them in over a year now. Don't know what happened, but I have no money, so I can't pay it.