I'm Shocked At What I Just Read
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
February 3, 2009 10:47pm CST
and I had to share it with you! I'm bored and decided to check out aol's listing of stories to read and I came on this one story about schools having a camera in the bathrooms just showing the sink area. Some say it's to keep kids safe or to keep them from using too much soap or towels. I have mixed feelings on the subject however, that's not the point here. At the bottom of the page is where anybody can leave a comment and this one comment is mind boggling!! I'll admit, I don't know much about the religion and don't want to because I am a Christian but still that's not the point either. Read it and you'll get my reason for being so shocked!
If the unspecified problems in the bathroom are the same as they are at my kid's schools...it's the Muslim students washing their genitals in the sinks before they pray. Many, many times my son comes home from Jr. High, complaining that the boys are washing their "junk" in the sink again. My HS daughter complains that you walk in the bathroom, and see nothing but the girls with their clothing thrown up over their shoulder, and everything they have is on display for all who enter. I find it disgusting. If my kids were to expose their "privates" in any way at school, they'd be suspended. This group does it regularly, and no one has anything to say. How can this be right? And, yes, they do have Muslim prayer rooms- where they basically goof around- not many of them actually pray, but they have a "get out of class free" card anytime they want, with the idea that they have to pray.
Here's the link, see for yourself!
comment #4
This is unbelieveable! It's one thing if they have to do what they have to do for their religion but to wash their "junk" in a public sink where all the other kids wash their hands in? Excuse me but eewwww!!
Hubby came up with a brilliant idea for the schools, for the prayer room, have a bathroom in there for these kids to wash their "junk", away from the public bathroom then put up a camera in the prayer room to be sure they're doing what is required of them so no one is there just to get out of class.
My question is this, what does washing your "junk" have to do with praying? To each his own thing but I do find that strange. Don't you?
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13 responses
@tsledd (154)
• United States
4 Feb 09
OMG !!!!
I cant believe this crap... I have never heard of this before.. This is awful.. So if it is taking place at your schools then it could also be happening in any restrooms anywhere not just at the schools, like maybe in restaurants.. I dont no about their religion but the praying is done when ? just whenever they need an excuse to leave the area they are in..So far they have been seen doing this in the schools only.. have there been other reports?? where is this happening at, what schools? I dont think putting in cameras is the best way to handle this. this is unreal.............If I was GOD !!! I would------:)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Oh gosh, I didn't think of it that way! Ewwwww! Makes me want to stay home and NEVER eat out again!! lol But seriously, I don't think it happens in a public bathroom because they know when it's time for them to pray and they know it's not ok to do it with others around but apparently they taught their kids that it's ok to do it in the school bathroom which is soooooo wrong! It's still a public bathroom regardless and should not be done there. What ever makes them feel comfortable in their religion, I'm fine with although I think it's strange and wonder what the reason is but, NOT washing their things in a public bathroom but somewhere else and private.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I admit, I am Baptist and know nothing about the Muslim religion. But that just disturbs me. I believe in freedom of religion and all, but we have to draw the line somewhere. People washing their genitals (or any other part of their body other than their hands) in a public hand-washing sink crosses the line into public safety and the health department. Your husband has a very good idea. Give these kids their own bathroom. If they don't want a camera in their prayer room for any reason, then at least assign an adult to supervise. (When I was in school, we went to Bible class. We had prayer time, and we had adult supervision.) If the schools don't want to shell out the money to build new bathrooms, they could always use the locker room showers. Isn't that their intended purpose anyway? I mean, I always thought that the shower was where you washed your "junk". LOL
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I'm not a prude either when it comes to freedom of this and that but this one thing that involves everyone else's safty is just plain wrong not to mention gross and very inconsiderate of others. I agree, either a camera or a superviser in the room, which ever they prefer and the showers.... yup, that's what they're used for! lol
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Feb 09
There are many rites in religions other than Christian that may seem strange or unusual to me but that is because I do not understand what role that particular rite plays in their beliefs. I do agree that washing their genital area in public is not something I personally approve of. I think your husband has a very good idea and special toilets for these student should be a part of their praying area if that is a necessary part of their beliefs.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Oh I'm all for freedom of religion for all even though I'd like to see us all be Christians but I'd never dock someone for not being one because my religion believes loving everybody as my sister or brother. Apparently this person is a troll spreading lies according to the person above your comment. I don't understand exactly and if I have time, I'm going to look into the matter a little further because it does have my interest.
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@property (453)
• United States
4 Feb 09
i am not Muslim nor do i claim to be an authority but a great deal of my children's friends are Muslim. None of the Muslim children i know wash their genitals in public. i have never seen reference to this sort of public ablution before. i agree with the poster who called "shenanigans".
Washing the face, hands to the elbows and feet to the ankles prior to prayer, i have seen. The children that i'm in contact with do not do this practice when not at home, though.
i used to work in a restaurant years ago where there was a Muslim co-worker. He used to wash in the sink that we used in the kitchen. This upset me at the time for sanitary reasons. i repeatedly asked him to do it in the bathrooms, but he protested that the bathrooms were public. Personally i think that individual was slightly off... he used to wash his feet with his socks on. i'm pretty sure that is not the custom.
Anyhow, i think our children are safe in school from Muslim genitalia... sounds like anti-Muslim propaganda to me.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I thank you very much for coming on here to set the record straight! It takes a strong person to do that and I applaud you for doing so! I agree, I wouldn't like my co-worker washing up in the resturant sink, in fact, I'd have to demand he do it in the bathroom or lose a job. Anyway, you're not the only one who's said this is not true and maybe it is someone trying to smear the muslim faith.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Hey cats! I had read this article earlier today and thought
that it really was quite disgusting too! I do know that years
ago when I was in school the bathroom was a hangout! But,
way back then it was used for smoking! There was always stuff
going on in there even then! So I really can't blame the
school for putting in the cameras! And after hearing that
comment I really don't know what to say! I had never heard
of such a thing before! I don't know what the washing has
to do with the praying! It sounds ridiculous to me too!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I'm not against the cameras in the bathroom because I was beat up once by a girl more than three times my size in a bathroom so for the kids saftey, I'm all for it as long as the tapes are viewed by 3 or more adults to keep pedophiles from taking the tapes home and using them for their own sick enjoyment. The reason I say this is because I was molested by a counselor who later became a principle of my school and taunted me time and time again. It's one of the reasons I left school.
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@MissAmie (717)
• United States
4 Feb 09
So now Muslims are washing their privates in my hand sink? Good grief! I live in a pretty rural area and there aren't many Muslim folks around here, so I don't know if this is a real problem for my area, however I did work with a Muslim guy once and he did pray a lot. But I'm POSITIVE he was not washing his "junk" in my sink at work! I used to get aggrivated at him a little because it seemed like whenever we were the busiest it was time to pray. I would start looking around for him and then walk into the back of the store to find him on his knees praying. I was always very respectful and never interrupted him, but I did keep a close eye on when exactly prayer time was and it was at the same times each day, so I knew he wasn't just going to pray to get away from customers.
I can't believe your children are having to deal with this though. I know this behavior wouldn't be tolerated here, because...well...we're not that tolerant. I agree with your hubby, Put a washroom in the prayer room and let them wash up for prayer time there! The other kids shouldn't have to see that!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
It's not my kids for I don't have any and I didn't make the comment, someone else did. I don't know how much truth is in it and I've gotten a couple of comments that say it's not true. It could be someone just trying to smear the muslim faith, I don't honestly know but it was quite disturbing to read!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Oh My, What the Heck, Ewwwwwww. I have never heard of such a thing. I know I don't want to use a sink where someone has washed their "junk", ewwwwww. That kind of bathroom activity is supposed to be done at home. I like your hubby's idea. I am flabbergasted and really don't know what to say, very strange.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I had to read it again and again to know I was reading it correctly! It's unreal!! I know if I had a child and he or she came home and told me that, I'd be taking them out of that school in a heartbeat and rose hell from one end of that county to the other!! That is unbelievable!! I know that different religions have their own way of doing things but this really does take the cake!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
4 Feb 09
Guys, take it from me as a foreigner living in a predominantly Muslim country, Muslims do NOT wash their genitals before they pray! I have some 200 staff working around and for me and at least 70% of them are Muslims. The washing ritual they undertake each time is explained as follows:
"A Muslim performs wudhu (washing before prayer). Muslims wash in this order: hands, mouth, face, arms up to the elbows, then they wipe their heads to dampen their hair, and lastly they wash their feet. This is to show that they are clean in body and in mind before they go to pray."
I looked at the link provided and whoever it was that stated that boys and girls were washing their "junk" in the sinks every time has been grossly innaccurate with their statements and is definitely misinformed. 

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Ok I believe you!! I believe you!! lol I just threw me for a loop when I read it and what better place than on here to find out if it's true or not and even if it were, I'm curious to the reason for doing it.... what does it serve. I'm not out to hurt anyone just for clarification and a few of you did just that and I really appreciate it!! 

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Apparently the comment this person made isn't true. I don't know what country this person is from but was concerned about what she said because there are muslims everywhere but apparently this person is out to smear the muslim faith.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I'm with you in EWWWWWWW!!
I mean there are kids that brush their teeth in there...I sure wouldn't want to put my face, toothbrush, hands or anything else near a sink where someone was washing their privates. I don't know anything about Muslim religion but, like you, I don't see what washing your privates has to do with praying. I think your husband has a brilliant idea. That would solve both problems.
There is one other thing about this that bothers me: Why is there a Muslim prayer room???? I thought prayer was taken out of schools??? Or is that only for Christians???? It doesn't seem right that one group not only can pray in school but get their own room to do it and everyone is banned from praying in schools. It sounds too much like discrimination.

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
7 Feb 09
You know what twoey, you brought up a really good point that I missed and so did the rest of us who responded which is why is there a muslim prayer room when prayer was banned from schools? What a GREAT question!! However, apparently this is incorrect information for I've gotten a few responses that say it isn't true. I don't know what country this person is from but I was concerned about what she said because there are muslims everywhere but apparently this person is out to smear the muslim faith. But you caught that one so pat yourself on the back!! Way to go!! lol
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@mummyofthree (2715)
4 Feb 09
My guess is that this was someone trying to cause trouble. Well I really hope it is. I have never heard of such a practice and although other religions have some rather odd customs in my opinion I can't imagine this being one of them. Muslims have always come across to me as being very private about these sorts of things.
If it really is happening then then I think it should be stopped! It would most definately not be acceptable!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Please read the conversation above yours by two because apparently this person is out to trash the muslim faith because the comment this person made isn't true. THANK GOD! lol
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
4 Feb 09
As a non-religious Canadian, I'm not at all shocked. What happened to the wise old saying,'Cleanliness is next to Godliness?' Also whats wrong with washing before praying? Junk you say? This is funny! I'm like to know more about your "Junk?" Why is it so filthy? What do you do with it to get it contaminated? I've been around the block a few times, and I've never seen any filthy junk hanging (or stabilized for that matter) on any body yet. ( God did a Great job of Creating all Humans (yes Muslims too) in His Likeness and Image!) This Post sounds like a racial slur. Is there a problem with washing body parts in any washroom? What are washrooms for? Tell me something- if you pee on your finger is it ok to wash your hand in a public washroom? For God's sake let the kids wash themselves in Peace! And be Thankful the Kids are Clean!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I'm NOT mocking the muslim faith one bit. I'm merely posting something that I read and even included the link for you to read. I'm ALL for freedom of religion however, I'll be honest, I would love for everyone to be Christian but as God wants us to be, love one another as we're brother and sister to each other. However, I'm NOT for anyone washing their privates in a public sink where I may later use. Gross!! Who knows where they've been and when? Who knows what the person was born with. Germs are so easily spread as it is, why make it worse? Besides that, are we ok with exposing ourselves even in a public bathroom? I think NOT!
Now on the flip side, I've had a few commenters who have said it's not true or at least they've never heard or seen it done and that the writer could've been a troll trying to smear the muslim faith. I, myself am trying to find the truth of the matter and the reason behind it. I admit, I am curious for I love to learn about different things. Call me weird or cheesy I don't care. I do love to learn about different things and they how or whys in all situations. It's how we learn.
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@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
4 Feb 09
Hi friend,
I find this not only weird but absolutely disgusting. I am so sick of these other religions and immigrants coming into this country and doing whatever they please. We have bowed down to them for too damn long as far as I'm concerned. Listen, I was not born prejudice, but believe me, in my 47 years I have become very prejudice. I don't have patience for people who come over here, bring their whole family, including their aging parents taking our health care and giving absolutely nothing back except what they want, what they expect, what they need. I am fed up.
They have taken the Lord's Prayer out of schools and elsewhere. There are so many things we can no longer do (IN OUR OWN COUNTRY) because it is against their religion. What about OUR religion.
When in Rome.....Learn OUR language, learn OUR religion, learn OUR ways.
And most of all, for Gods sake, dont complain about OUR country or OUR ways. They have some nerve. If they dont like it..... then damn well go back to THEIR country and take their hatred and killing with them.
Wow..... sorry for the rant, but as you can see, this is a real sore spot for me.
Thanks I feel better.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Cheryl, rant all you want because all of what you said is the honest truth. For some reason, a lot of the american people have turned a blind eye because they don't want to get involved but yet they complain to anyone who'll listen. I don't mean you but "they" know who they are and they know it's true. Like some races, not nameing any, stand up for each other and for what they believe in. Why can't do the same? Then again, why does it have to do with race? Why can't we just stand up to what we believe in? Why are there so many weaklings out there? Christians seem to be the weaker relgion when we're suppose to be the strongest.
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@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Well I am shocked to read that this is going on but am not here to slander. But I do find it rather concerning. Not to be weird or anything but I would worry that possibly something could be transmitted from this. I could be far from right but there are somethings that I would think could be, I don't know but I do think that they should at least have a "Private" bathroom outside the prayer room also. I am not bashing noone's beliefs, religion or any of that just stating that I do not feel that everyone that does not participate in this should have to see this. And I totally agree with you that if another child was to show their privates in any way whatsoever that they would be suspended but this is okay? I do find it a little doublestandard that children have to have a dress code for school so as to not show to much skin but yet it is okay to just plop it out in the bathroom to wash it. Thanks for the information.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Apparently the comment this person made isn't true. I don't know what country this person is from but was concerned about what she said because there are muslims everywhere but apparently this person is out to smear the muslim faith. I hope someone calls this person out and straightens this out once and for all.
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@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Thanks for stting it straight here Cats. I am glad to hear that this is not true. Woooo. That just sounded horrible. Have a blessed day.
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