Ms. Pelosi should check her facts before speaking...
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
February 4, 2009 10:09am CST
I just heard her say if the stimulus package isn't passed, 500 million americans will lose their jobs. Pretty alarming huh? Trouble is, there are only 303,824,640 people living in this country and that includes children. You would think someone with a position of importance would research the facts before they open their mouth.
Do you think the stimulus will help? I hear a lot of commentators-and my own mother, who lived through the depression-say that it didn't help in the 30's, it delayed recovery, and it will delay recovery this time. It will even extend the recession and some people are theorizing that if we're not in a depression now, we're headed for it and that "stimulus" will hasten it.
Do you think public figures should check the facts before they speak? Will the stimulus help? Myself, I think it's a step into socialism.
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12 responses
@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Has anyone heard of the Amero? The way this is going we will end up being one big consortment of the United States, Mexico and Canada. I to have heard elders saying that efforts in the great depression didn't work. Things only improved when war broke out. I feel the main reason our country is in trouble is nothing is made in America anymore. Huge corporations are getting rich having everything made overseas and imported in to our country. We are supporting other nations by buying their crap. Ameica has some of the most talented people living here but nothing is made here and we are just now finding out that if we have no industry we have no workforce, we have no paychecks, we have no paychecks being spent on American products in our own neighborhoods. Instead you get your paycheck you cash it and go to Walmart and purchase what you want and need and the corporate fat cats like Walmart get fatter off their product, treat the American worker like crap and support China where they import all their crap to sell to stupid Ameicans.

@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Target is French owned, Walmart is a huge supporter of China, our own John Deere went to Mexico and incidently is going to be cutting contractors for local semi hauling in the very near future which means more jobs lost. John Deere cut its contract in half this year with a transportation company in Iowa and is now going to start laying off semi drivers. We need to put our people back to work and start making things in the United States again and have breaks for companies who produce, market and employee Americans. Put America bck to work and stop buying so much foreign crap. We use to be the leaders in just about everything and now nothing is made here anymore. Harley Davidson sold out for awhile and nearly lost the support of their riders until they became an American company again. Our auto industry has been getting kicked in the teeth for years by foreign auto industry because it was easy to finance a foreign make. Now are auto industry is going bust and our auto workers are losing everything. Why, because Americans were not buying American products. Yah, we became a nation of consumers and sold our selves right into debt, big corporate greed, banks having a strangle hold on us, etc and what did it get us...nearly evicted from our own country with no where to go. America has resources right here in our own country and we don't use it for ourselves, we export it. I was born in the 60's grew up in the 70's disco era and raised a family in the I'm number one 80's era, watched everything start to sink in the 90's and now it looks like America needs a bullet to put her out of her misery or a complete wakeup call that lets face it she is not going to hear now anymore than she has for the last 40 yrs. We are probably doomed like every other leading country before us. The fall of Roman empire ring a bell with anyone?
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Feb 09
We have become a nation of consumers and it was a very deliberate campaign started in the 1940's. I can probably find the article from then if you want to see it, I found it on the net once because I couldn't believe such a thing could be true. But in the 40's they figured the only way the country would survive is to make us a nation of consumers to ensure a steady flow of merchandise out the door. Encouragement to take advantage of credit soon followed and here we are--broke.
Start breaking the chain! Don't use credit cards if at all possible and if you do, pay the balance each month. Don't be in debt. If everyone would do that we would break the hold of the banks and would no longer be a country that depends on credit and consumers! It would be a hard thing to adjust to but much better than the depression that I feel is coming.

@steelwater (132)
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
whats a step to socialism? the checking of facts or the stimulus or both? :D
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@steelwater (132)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
that sounds really bad, i think people are really desperate enough at this times to sell their freedom for the promise of security and safety but like you said it is already starting and its only a matter of time that the government will own everything, and it will be too late when people will realize what has happened. probably because they are too busy being entertained to notice.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Feb 09
The capping of executives' salaries. I'm not one who thinks they should get such ridiculous salaries but that's capitalism and they're free to do what they want with their businesses. Socialism is when businesses are owned by the government, not the people, and the gov't dictates what the businesses can do. I realize the prez is doing this ostensibly to protect the peoples' investment but that's a very convenient reasoning to get the government finger in the pie of private enterprise and I fear it will continue until the government owns us all.
It's happened before. Before you think I'm an alarmist, this is how it starts, slowly and with reasoning that seems to be perfectly sound. And people who are desperate enough to let it happen.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I wasn't impressed with her intellect as soon as I became aware of so many of the things in this package! Of course perhaps it is a clever intellect that formed this package, as it will greatly stimulate the growth of the liberal base, strength, size, power and reach..
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Feb 09
It's a diabolically clever package as far as I'm concerned. It sets the stage for even more of a nanny government, making people more dependent on government services and money. I see it as further steps into socialism.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Someone needs to stuff a dirty sock in her mouth!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09

@patms1 (521)
• United States
5 Feb 09
President Obama is still walking on water but now his shoes are starting to get a little wet. Of course the stimulus package will work for a month or two but in the long run no. My parents also live through the Depression and I remember my mother telling storeys about friends getting together and sharing meals. In to days world poverty is a black and white TV. Can you imagine today's kids wearing hand me down cloths? Or doing without the Ipods?
She is saying this because she and all the other so called leaders can still blame Bush. Lets see what happens in a few months when they have had enough time to "Save America from the last eight years" All I have to say is God Help Us.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I think that the Prez made a mistake when he raised expectations to a fever pitch and he was voted in with so many people thinking he could solve everything. I think people are going to be in for a rude awakening and I hope they won't accept the socialist policies I think I see coming. I hope I'm wrong. But if the Prez would just think about what he would do to his family's budget if it were in trouble, he would come up with some much better solutions.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I don't think she was thinking. I think she just thought it was very important to make a point in the most dramatic way possible. I heard late yesterday that she was corrected by a reporter and graciously thanked him. But I don't like the way that fear is being used to make us pressure for the stimulus bill that won't do a darn thing for anyone but only prolong this crisis.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Feb 09
You should check your figures. Speaker Pelosi is a Congresswoman and a Democrat and she is third in line for the Presidency. How could such a woman be wrong. Be Careful or she will demand that the Census Bureau take a new Census and count every man, woman, Child and every Mexican, Honduran, etc to get her 500,000,000 workers without jobs.
She doesn't have to be right she just has to sound good and give the Democrat Propaganda Ministry (the Media) some terrifying sound bite for the evening news.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Feb 09
I doubt Pelosi gives a flying flip about whether what comes out of her mouth is a lie or the truth.
I also think there are a lot of Americans repeating this number without question.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Your last sentence speaks volumes about why we have the government we do--people are too lazy to check facts and believe everything they hear as long as the person saying it has a public office. We need to quite being sheep and start growing some horns!
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
She said that? She must be joking or she must be trying to scare us all out of our wits! She should be. I mean, someone who is the position to make influential statements could not be that careless or irresponsible even. I hope that these politicians will stop talking too much and get to work. They are not paid by taxpayers to appear on TV in the first place so stop trying to hug the limelight already. Tina Fey can make us laugh harder than you do and the networks already hired her.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09
The problem is that both democrats and republicans will vote for anyone that has the lead in their party's race, no matter their politics or beliefs. They go blindly with the party line and it doesn't matter if someone else is a better choice. With Pelosi, I think they wanted to get women on their side but I'm really not sure why they chose her.
@dbusichio (80)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Look, lets put it this why! As I have said before, Nancy Polosi, is an embarrasment to her Liberal Democrates, besides being a total AIR HEAD. She should keep her big mouth closed since she can't get her facts right.
I'm still trying to figure out how she even became speaker of the house.
Don't get me wrong I find her very attractive, I'd even take her out to Mc'Donalds. lol!
The Great depression lasted ten years,1929 to 1939. It probably would have lasted longer if it hadn't been for world war II starting. Which put thousands to work building war Machines and weapons of mass destruction. Roosevelt's New Deal was a bridge to no where.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09
She is a very attractive person but if she'd pay as much attention to her job and her words as she did her appearance she'd be a real asset!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Feb 09
She is using it as a scare tatic to get her "pork" stimulus plan passed. She should have checked her facts. But she figures people will not check it out...they will listen to what she says...get scared...then preasure their elected officials to vote for it, waste and all.
Personally I think your mother is right. It did not work during the great depression in fact it make things worse by making it take longer to recover. Looks like our elected officials could use a history lesson.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Feb 09
If I wanted to be paranoid I could say that it's a very purposeful set of actions in order to destroy us. The Marines have a system--destroy a man's ego then build him the way you need him to be. I think that might be what's being done here. This is a campaign of scare tactics so that all this socialist stuff will pass and the people will be in a frenzy to see it come to fruition and excited to see it begin to happen. We are being brainwashed by one of the best.