why some women just cant find that someone that will stay with them
By shawnk20
@shawnk20 (38)
United States
February 4, 2009 1:43pm CST
well their are some woman that can't find that someone. I think that some of the reason is that some of them will not clean even if they don't have a job. Another reason is that they are to clingy and want to be next to you 24/7.
My wife will not clean the house for nothing. I get onto her all the time about it. When i work i want to come home to a clean house. when i get home she is eather sleeping or on the computer neater is getting the house clean or making money. I don't know what to do about it because nothing i try works. I'm about to go into the military and i want to know that my son is in a good home and taken care of. in all reality when i go i dont have to let her see him but that wouldn't be fare for her mom. i just hope that she will learn to have some responsibility and clean and not worry about her friends or having parties. Then of course their is always the arguing. she always thinks that nothing is her fault even when it is. she tries to argue over anything and i get tired of it so i will just let her keep it up and i don't talk. lets just say that im not the one that is looking stupid. their is always the money issue. Some weeks i don't work that much so im kind of tight on the money and she doesn't understand. Now we don't have any gas to get any where. The army recruter just called and told me that i had to get another document and I'm stuck at the house. she wants a new car but i cannot get it for her if i cant go to work.
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6 responses
@angusthethird (515)
• United States
27 Feb 09
This is the 2000s.
I feel that there are two sides to every story, and there may be a bit more to this than you are telling us. Do you nag her about the house? Do you agree to help her?
See, if you do not do your share, there's a pretty good chance she is frustrated with you--and the marriage too.
Why aren't you working? Have you tried to get a full-time job prior to deployment?
There seem to be trust issues here. Trust works both ways.
It takes two to tango. Chances are that she feels that nothing is ever her fault, and you feel that nothing's ever yours? Are you willing to take responsibility where you need to?
You probably should ask yourself these questions, and do some honest soul searching.
You can't change your wife, but you can definitely change Shawn.
Good luck to you, and may God bless you and keep you.
@miccant (154)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I think that some women cant keep a man because of their attitude. My sister is like that she thinks they owe her something. In order to have someone you have to learn respect for yourself and others. I do all the inside house work and raise the kids. He does the outside and makes the money.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I think some of what you said about some women is true, but is untrue for others. I mean I have a job and I clean and I am not clingy and it still had a hard time finding someone who would want to stay with me. Right now I think I am with the man of my dreams so I have no worries there. I mean it sounds like your wife doesn't have much motivation to get things done around the house.
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@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I am a Army wife and you can tell your wife this if the house is not clean and say you live in milary housing not her but you will get in trouble and possibly lose money.
If she does not act like a wife and people find out they will be ragging on you all day at work.
Yes military men tease other military men about their wives being lazy,fat,etc.
It is very embarassing to the military man.
So tell her to get it together because the military will advise you to divorce her.
Once you go in the military you are responsible for your wife and childrens actions basically.
So tell her from military wife to a soon to be other get it together get a divorce. Military wives do not like wives who give us a bad name.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Maybe they are just too damned annoying for anyone to put up with them for very long LOL
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• United States
5 Feb 09
The more you argue with her, the more she'll be discouraged. Don't pin the blame on just her, she might just be frustrated about you going into the military. She might be simply depressed that she won't have any help at home. Think about it: when you join the military you'll be in training for several months. She'll be left at home with the kids without any help. She most likely isn't feeling too good about being alone 24/7. Plus she might be scared that you're not going to come home from the war if you end up going to Iraq. She's a human being, she's not made of stone. The best thing that you can do to convince her to do anything for your family is to show her that you're going to miss her and the kids just as much as they'll miss you. Once you show her how much you care she'll realize how lazy she's being, how arrogant and selfish her acts are, and she'll come around. She might be sleeping a lot because of depression. She's most likely just upset that you're going to be gone. Think of what she's going to be put through when you leave. No extra money, no time to relax, taking care of the kids on her own, and doing everything by herself. From a woman's perspective it's not going to be that easy on her. I agree that she's being stupid, but you have to understand that when she parties, it gets her mind off of the fact that you aren't going to be around. Women aren't easy to figure out. We have so many emotions and they tend to take us over. My best advice is to just do what you can to make her feel better, and I'm sure she'll come around for you.
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