Why I believe that Zionism is a Terrorist Organization
@western_valleygirl (1363)
United States
February 5, 2009 1:23am CST
I realize that there are many people out there who are going to be against what I write, because they have been fed Zionist Propaganda for the past 60 years or so, and are not going to be able to differentiate between reality and their biased opinions.
So, this discussion is not for you. Please do not read what I have to say, because I do not want to hear any Zionist propaganda. I have heard it all, more times than I can stomach. I want to be able to speak my mind, and not have to always listen to the same Zionist spiels being regurgitated constantly by lobbyists and the like. This is not another Zionist support group that feeds lies and poison to the rest of the world. This is reality.
A reality that says, if you are an organized religious group that carries out war, war crimes, terror, death, and destruction then you are a Radical Extremist Terrorist Organization. And that is the fact of the matter. So, why is it that Nazis, the KKK, Al-Qaeda, and so forth, are all considered “terrorists” and yet, amazingly, if you are a Zionist; you are “above” being labeled from a radical terrorist organization?
I cannot understand where the difference is. Haven’t Zionists massacred Lebanese and Palestinians throughout the years? Don’t they kill women and children? Innocent people? Why are they not labeled terrorists, as they should be, like every other terrorist organization? In fact, they are the most skilled, organized, and funded terrorist organization this world has ever seen. They use every method of war and terror available, and brainwash people into supporting their terrorist agenda. So why are they not labeled terrorists? Are people blind? Or just afraid?
Do people not consider Arabs and Muslims innocent people, in general? Is there some unwritten law that says that if you are not Jewish, you are free to murder, pillage, and massacre at your will? Perhaps it is because that is the image that Zionists have projected to the rest of the world for over 60 years. That if you are Palestinian or Lebanese, you are a terrorist for defending yourself against Israel’s terror and occupation.
I have lived my entire life under the shadow of Zionism, even though I was born and raised in the States; it has effected me my entire life. And when I lived in Palestine, I was terrorized by bombs, gunshots, tanks, and the IDF, in general. Why? Because of who I am. I am a person that can legally claim ancestral ties to Palestine. That is all it takes to get killed in the West Bank and Gaza. Just trying to live there; and you are liable to be threatened or killed because that is the last thing that Israel wants; more refugees and inheritors coming back.
I am tired of hearing people call Palestinians militants. You are not a militant if you are trying to defend yourself against being killed, displaced, or terrorized by Zionists. On the news, you hear, “a number of Palestinian militants died after Israel tried to defend itself”, for example. What you don’t hear is that 99.9% of the time those Palestinians were killed on their lands, defending themselves, trying to resist occupation or terror. I have seen people’s home destroyed after being rebuilt more than 3 times. Why? Because Israel has plans to occupy that region in the West Bank (illegally), and wants to terrorize more Palestinians into leaving, or resisting, so that they are then killed for doing so (hence, Israel “defending” itself).
Where is the justice? Where is the equality? It does not exist. It will not exist because there is no peace for the Palestinians. Israel pretends to want peace, by proposing Two-State Plans that are a mockery to all Palestinians, and humane societies.
People talk about the Oslo and Clinton Plans, like they are something feasible. I think that they are living in a parallel world. Palestinians would be virtually living in a prison sentence, similar to what Gaza is today. No air (aero) control, no water control, no border control, etc. All illegal settlements would remain in the West Bank, and in fact, Palestinians would have to give up more land, for that to be accomplished the way that it has been proposed. That is crazy. Absolutely insane. Not only are Zionists terrorists, they are greedy terrorists. How much more do they want to take from the Palestinian people? When will the injustice end?
So far, President Obama has not accomplished very much, with respect to the Conflict. It remains to be seen if there will be a better proposal for the Palestinians. It might take hundreds of years, but it will happen. And we will not stop praying, hoping, and living just because Zionists think that they can annihilate all the Palestinians in the world, by terrorizing them from their homes and massacring them as they did our ancestors.
I will never stop voicing my thoughts against the Occupation. I know that I will be labeled as “anti-Semitic”, and worse. But, it is all Zionist Propaganda. Jews are not Semites, they are a religion. Not a Race, Not an Ethnicity, but a RELIGION. And Zionism is a Radical Terrorist form of Judaism. So, for all those parrots of the Zionist propaganda that continue to spread their poison, you are not Semites. To be Semites, you would have to be ethnically Middle Eastern, which, the majority of Jews (especially Zionists) are NOT.
I do not support terrorist organizations. I support a Free, Independent, and Equal Palestine. And, I hope that people will stop being afraid to call Zionist Jews Terrorists. Because that is what they are. They like to garner sympathy for the German Holocaust, and use that to justify what they do to the Palestinians and the Lebanese. No Holocaust is right. Why is it that we must always be sympathetic for the German Holocaust, and yet, we are all supposed to ignore the Holocausts that Israel commits? Since its inception, all Israel has done is war, war, war. That qualifies it as a Terrorist Country (that breeds terrorists). And, just because European Jews suffered a Holocaust, they use that to defend their Holocaust upon the Palestinians and the Lebanese.
Why is that so difficult for people to admit? I believe that is because they are led to believe that Israel is always “defending itself” and that Palestinians just can’t recognize “Israel’s right to exist.” Which is the most backwards piece of logic that has ever existed. The reason there is war in the Holy Land, is because Israeli’s cannot fathom that Palestinians exist. That they are there to stay. The time in which Israeli’s succeeded in getting thousands of Palestinians to leave (through terror tactics) has ended. Palestinians are not going anywhere. They will live, grow, and be free. And, that is what Israel needs to face. The same spiels and media monopoly will end. I hope that Christians will actually realize that their support of Jewish Zionists is a detriment to their religious sites. Many Christian Holy Sites have (and will) be destroyed at the hands of Zionist Jews, just as they are doing with Muslim Holy Sites. Even many Orthodox Jews are against Zionism, and they are outcast by the Zionist Regime.
Palestinians never asked to be occupied. And yet, they are labeled the guilty party. That is the power of Zionism. That people are sympathetic for them when they occupied an entire country, massacred, and displaced thousands of people. Children, women, and elderly were slaughtered by the thousands. And, guess what, Zionists are everyone’s best friend. They lobby in our governments and stuff their wallets with our taxpayer dollars. All for what? So that they can claim their defense against innocent women and children, and pretend that Hamas is a militant organization, because they are not submitting to their prison sentence in Gaza. Our tax dollars are wasted arming a terrorist country.
It is my sincerest wishes that there will be a day when all Zionists will be tried (preferably in The Hague), and executed, or even better, imprisoned for life. They deserve no better for being the terrorists they are. And if people easily label Radical Christians and Muslims as terrorists, they can also label Zionist Jews as such.
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6 responses
@connierebel (1557)
• United States
7 Feb 09
You couldn't have stated it better. Yes, I have known for a long time that the Zionists are terrorists. And I believe that it is because the US always supports Israel that we have so much trouble with Muslim terrorists. That whole issue about being labeled an anti-Semite if you don't support Zionism is ridiculous. I read a book a long time ago written by an American Jew who was a real Semite. He said he went to Israel to live, but was persecuted by the Zionists there. So apparently they are the real anti-Semites! I wish I could remember the name and author of the book.
I don't think Obama will do anything to remedy the situation and get some freedom to live for the Palestinians. The US is so dominated by the Zionist mentality that I don't think anybody in the government will try to make things right. It is a very sad situation, because I believe America is the only country that has the power to bring lasting peace to the Middle East, but they don't have the will.

@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
8 Feb 09
If you ever find out which book it was, let me know. I will research and see what I can find myself. It sounds very interesting.
And, you are right, about the U.S. and the Middle East. I believe that fostering a close relationship between the two would bring peace and cooperation between Arabs and Americans and would end the stereotypes and radical reactions of both sides. But, with the lobbying that Zionist PAC's do over the Senate, it is highly unlikely to ever happen. One can always hope, though.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 Feb 09
It is so true, the first Israelis (of European ancestry) were prejudice against the Sephardic jews, the only reason they let them immigrate into Israel was so there would be a large Jewish population. They did not want them there and treated them like dirt in the first settlement camps.
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@GlamorousGifts (3)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I remember one time while I was in Jerusalem, on the Israeli side, (although technically speaking, they shouldn't have a side since it's not their land to begin with) and I met an older Israeli Jewish gentleman while I was riding the bus. And we got into a conversation about the Palestinians and Israelis, and he just told me that he didn't feel like it was his homeland, and that he disliked everything about Israelis, from their language, to their lifestyle, and the greatest thing he said was their sense of ownership. He just had so much anger, and didn't want to include himself in that ownership. And I think that's what really bothers me the most about Israelis and Zionists, is that they feel entitled to something (they really think they're the chosen people) and feel like they have the right to take it, even if it's not theres. They're like the BIG BULLY on the playground, who takes everyone's lunch just because they didn't bring any, or their parents didn't give them any. And when they're bombing Gaza, and destroying homes and lives, they feel like they're entitled to do so, and if pushed for an explanation from the United States or the United Nations, their mere response was, "it was an accident," or "we are defending our country." Both double negatives since blowing up someone's house is not an accident, and the country you're defending (destroying) isn't yours to begin with!

@murderistic (2278)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Zionism itself is not terrorism, it is the oppressive acts and violence that are being committed in the name of Zionism that are where the terror comes from. That being said, I don't know how attainable establishing a Jewish homeland inside Palestine would have been achievable WITHOUT terror - at least at first. But the past is the past and there is nothing that can be done to the steps taken in 1949. Once the state of Israel was established, Zionism's goal was accomplished. There is something that can be done about the terrorism that is going on NOW that has nothing to do with establishing a homeland for the Jews and everything to do with ethnic cleansing - something that is unnecessary in establishing a home land, especially when that homeland is already established. If Israel was so concerned with being able to have access to Holy cities and sites in the West bank and Gaza, they would have tried to make steps for a bipartisan government of all of Palestine and Israel. But they are not concerned with equal access and opportunity in Palestina, they are concerned with complete domination over the Arabs and for that to be possible they must oppress them by taking away essentials needed for life and by killing as many as possible.
I am a mennonite and I do not believe that violence is a righteous means to solve any conflict. And in the Gazans case, not only is it unrighteous, but it is simply not working. It is giving Israel the international "right" to attack them. Of course if one does further research they would know that it was Israel who broke the cease-fire on the night of the US elections, but when information like that is oppressed, Israeli terrorism is suddenly a means to defend themselves. Also, one could argue that the West bank does not have a so-called "terrorist" government or rockets flying into Israel, and they are in an even worse situation than the Gazans are. So what are the people of Gaza SUPPOSED to think / do? There are too many children in Palestine - mainly Gaza - having violence as an only means of fighting back pounded into their thinking that they can no longer be children. The violence will not end. The more people that are killed, the more the violence from the Palestinians in Gaza will prevail. Unless Israel can promise those Palestinians who do not resort to violence (the people of the West Bank) a free state, why should they expect the Palestinians of Gaza to reject Hamas and Islamic Militants as a means of defense?
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I do not condone violence in any way either. I have done what I have always done on this issue, and that is write my thoughts and feelings, expressing my opposition to this conflict, as I did here in my discussion. It is my hope that awareness and enlightenment will prevail in ending the violence on both sides.
I used to believe that Zionism itself, is not a terrorist organization, as you have stated. However, I just do not know if that is the status quo any longer (or ever was). Times have changed, and Zionism has come to represent, as you also mentioned, ethnic cleansing. And in my belief, hate for those people who are ethnically tied to the Holy Land, Lebanon, and also Syria. Zionism itself, seems to have become more focused on war and war tactics than is warranted, and this I have heard the IDF speak of in interviews.
And that conincides with what you have stated, about there not being bi-partisan governments, etc. I do not believe that Zionism can ever become a non-war movement. It seems to thrive on war, thus, making it ultimately anti-peace. I pray that I am wrong, though. For the sake of all innocent people, on both sides. And the way that Zionism is now, is not aiding any one, especially not civilians living in Israel.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I see what you mean. And, I do believe that the Israeli government condones oppression and genocide. However, I believe that Zionism itself is the fuel for the Israeli government's actions (and that of the population that engages in terror tactics). It is the fuel for the fire.
You do make a good point. But, unfortunately, I think that if many people call Hizbullah a Radical Terrorist Islamic Organization, and then decide not to call Zionism a Radical Terrorist Jewish Organization, it is just biased labeling.
And, it is my understanding that Zionists themselves, have a certain criteria (which includes their theories and attitudes towards Palestinians) that need to be followed or the person is outcast. The entire purpose of Zionism is the creation of an Israeli State, and this state has done nothing but war since its inception. There would not be an "Israel" today if there was not Zionism.
In the Jewish Faith, there should not be an Israel. This is something taught in all of the Books (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). And it is something I have always known. Jews had been in Diaspora for thousands of years before Israel (as is decreed in their Faith). Even now, they live peacefully in many countries around the world, including Arabic Countries, such as Iran, Morocco, Tunisia, and so forth.
You might find this interesting, it is from Jews Against Zionism. What I feel about Zionism is absolute horror at the extent to which it has it's reaches in our Government, Media, and in almost all major political powers of the World. But, it is even far more upsetting when you do more digging. This Rabbi, and many others against Zionism, hardly get heard because there is such an extreme "cover-up" going on. A friend had sent me an interview the Rabbi did on the News. This website goes into detail.
Here is the Website:
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
6 Feb 09
You are absolutely correct. Also, joining the IDF is a mandatory service of about 2-3 years I believe for all citizens of Israel once they reach the age of 18. It is the fourth (or so) best equipped and trained military in the world. Which is astounding considering it is one of the smallest countries in the world.
I do not consider Hamas or Hezbollah terrorist organizations, personally. They were labeled as such by Zionists (with the support of Western Media) because they were defending their countries against Zionist aggression. Doing so, does not make you a terrorist. And what you said about terrorism is correct. However, I do not condone or believe in many of their teachings, which stray from Islam.
Zionism on the other hand, is all over the world.
Speaking out against Zionism is difficult for all people, especially Jews. In addition to being jailed (or outcast, as I previously mentioned) Jews have been assassinated for the "greater good" of Zionism, if they are against it, or worse, if they make good targets to blame upon Hamas, Hezbollah, or others, they will be "taken out".
I really hope that awareness and people speaking out, as they do in your area, will increase in all areas, because Zionist ties to the U.S. are strong and detrimental to our well-being, as Americans.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Feb 09
Why bother writing something in a public forum if you don't want anyone to respond unless they already agree with you?
Talk about propaganda!
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Feb 09
You obviously didn't bother to read what I wrote. You just wanted to respond, with anything mundane, so that it can seem as though you read what I wrote. I specifically stated, that if someone is going to respond with Zionist Propaganda (which is the same old spiel, we've all heard many times before), then not to read my writing.
That is what I wrote. Not to READ my writing. Obviously, you didn't read it, but you still responded. If you are interested in reading what I wrote, then I am genuinely curious about what you have to respond.
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@Sawsen (793)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Parated2k: She was implying about the people "who are not going to be able to differentiate between reality and their biased opinions." And many people have been fed lies due to the media, and to many zionist organizations who distort the truth in order to be victims in the Palestinian Holocaust that they are creating. Let's say you had a big house and you lived alone. Would you like someone to come into your house and force you to get out because the house was to big for you? Or kill you because you wouldn't listen? When Osama bin Laden threatened American Soil, we were all defensive and we combated the "War on Terror." But when Israel threatened Palestinian soil, and Palestinians tried to combat their war on terror, they became the terrorists. And that's how Israel likes to portray Palestinians to the world, as terrorists? When I think it's the other way around.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Feb 09
I did read it until I realized that I wasn't welcome to read it. So I wondered why you only want people who already agree with you to respond to what you wrote.
I also complied with your wishes, I did not write anything in my comment that was "Zionist Propagana".

@Sawsen (793)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I agree with you. I think that many Zionist organizations see themselves as being above and beyond being labeled from radical terrorist organizations. In fact, if you so much as deny that the holocaust happened, even if you're even a bishop, you have to apologize! I believe the real Holocaust is what's happening in Palestine.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Yes. That is what I have experienced for many years. There is a biased treatment towards Zionists that is completely unwarranted. They are just like every other radical group out there, and they deserve the same treatment. The pandering of the West and others to the Zionist Regime has to end.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
5 Feb 09
We don't mean "denying" it per se, we mean denying it's "extent". The Holocaust of Germany is so overblown in numbers and "sympathetic" movies, pictures, stories, and journals to keep people always thinking about it. Even now, after Gaza, more movies are coming out so people can sympathize again for the Holocaust. That is the problem, it is a sympathy tool.
More Palestinians have been massacred (and continue to be) than Jews because of the Nazis. Palestinians are the number one refugees in the world from one region.
Of course, saying that the Jews of Israel are "modern-day Nazis" is unacceptable to you, because you think there is nothing more evil than German Nazis. But, actually, it is the Jewish Nazis of Israel (the Zionists) that have committed the most war crimes and terror to any people in our modern times (far more than the German Holocaust).
I recommend you visit Palestine and see what the camps and the terror they are living is like. It is worse than your "Holocaust of Germany".
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Feb 09
"In fact, if you so much as deny that the holocaust happened, even if you're even a bishop, you have to apologize! "
That's because the Holocaust did happen. Anyone with sense knows that. There are pictures and plenty of witnesses to verify that. Denying the Holocaust is often seen as condoning it which is why the Pope expects bishops who do something so stupid to apologize.
By the way, Obama knows the Holocaust happened. He even claimed that his uncle liberated Aushwitz.

@farazkh1 (1153)
• Pakistan
15 Feb 09
Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza: Norman Finkelstein
By Selcuk Gultasli
BRUSSELS -- According to Finkelstein, Israel, a state built on the ashes of the Holocaust, is now committing a holocaust against Palestinians in Gaza. In a telephone interview with Today’s Zaman, Finkelstein said Israel was a “terrorist state” created by the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948. Praising Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish people for their courage in supporting Palestinians, Finkelstein referred to Israel as a “satanic” and “lunatic” state. Finkelstein’s parents survived the Nazi camps in World War II and then immigrated to the U.S.
http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/article.php?pg=11 &ar=2510)
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
5 Feb 09
If religion has caused you so much trouble in your life why don't you just forget about it? I don't think that this is an accurate description of zionists and if you take all the wrong things that a religion has done then you would think that all religious groups are terrorists. I think that zionism is a pretty good religion but I know that there are better ones out there. If you're just speaking your mind then so am I and I definitely don't think that zionists are terrorists and I don't really care about your reasons for why you think they're terrorists because all religions try to convert you and they could all be labeled as terrrorists.

@murderistic (2278)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Well if you are talking about the rastafarian movement, you are definitely not talking about oppression of Palestinians. But as I said, the Zionism itself is not a terrorist group.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Zionism is not a religion, it is a religious movement.
And the author of this thread didn't seem to be conveying that it is religion that has caused so much "trouble" in her life, she was actually talking about how the specific religious movement of Zionism has caused so much "trouble" in the Palestinians life.
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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I don't think that you really know what you're talking about to be honest but that's okay because none of us really do. Like for example me I don't know what the heck I'm talking about but I guess we could be talking about some different kind of zionists I'm talking about the rastafarian version of zionists that believe in babylon and stuff like that.