Stop the Senate
By thedogshrink
@thedogshrink (1266)
United States
February 5, 2009 7:48am CST
As you probably know, the Senate is now debating the Economic Stimulus Package. This package, by the President's own calculations (I mean, those of his staff), will mostly not even take effect until 2-4 years from now!! That is NOT an economic stimulus, it's just a package with a small amount of tax cuts, and the rest is special interests, and special programs that the De3ms have been wanting for YEARS. Instead of honestly bring a real stimulus package NOW, which both sides agree is NEEDED URGENTLY, and then honestly bringing another package that clearly shows the programs and special interests they want, they decided to be sneaky and try to slip their special programs in under the radar by calling it a stimulus package. But it won't stimulate our economy if most of it doesn't even begin for a couple of years! They refuse to allow the Republicans to bring an alternative to the table, for debate, much less for vote. Some Democrats are also complaining that this is NOT an economic stimulus package, ie, will not stimulate the economy.
Our country is in dire straits, and NEEDS a stimulus package immediately, according to most all experts that I have heard, as well as President Obama and the Repubs and the Dems. Please read the letter below from Senator John McCain, and consider signing the petition to stop this bill and get a BETTER one that will actually HELP US. It's not that the programs aren't good. It's that this is supposed to be an immediately stimulus, not a long term goal for developing programs -- they need to be addressed separately. Republicans are NOT being partisan or nasty by voting no, and they are NOT saying they don't want us to have any help. They are saying this won't help, just like many others are saying, and the number crunchers on the Obama staff have also reported. Please consider signing the petition to stop this.
from John McCain:
"Yesterday, the Senate began debate on an economic stimulus package that is intended to get our economy back on track and help Americans who are suffering through these difficult times. Unfortunately, the proposal on the table is big on the giveaways for the special interests and corporate high rollers, yet short on help for ordinary working Americans. I cannot and do not support the package on the table from the Democrats and the Obama Administration. Our country does not need just another spending bill, particularly not one that will load future generations with the burden of massive debt. We need a short term stimulus bill that will directly help people, create jobs, and provide a jolt to our economy.
I believe we need to evaluate every bit of spending in this stimulus proposal with one important criteria - does it really stimulate the economy and help create jobs - if the answer is no, it does not belong in a so-called stimulus package. Furthermore, the stimulus must include significant direct relief to American workers in the form of payroll tax cuts and programs to help homeowners keep their homes. Finally, we need an end game to this stimulus so that when our economy recovers, these spending programs do not remain permanent and saddle our children with a skyrocketing national debt.
I appreciate the discussions President Obama is having with my Republican colleagues, but the time for talking has come to an end and we must now begin some serious negotiation. But as of yet, Republicans have not been given the opportunity to be involved. The House of Representatives passed a stimulus bill without a single Republican supporting it. In the Senate, the Democrat leadership is trying to jam the existing proposal through regardless of reservations from a number of members. With so much at stake, the last thing we need is partisanship driving our attempts to turn the economy around.
I have long been a fighter against wasteful spending in Washington and long an advocate for a balanced budget -- that will never change. I realize we face extraordinary challenges with our economy today, but that is not an excuse for more irresponsibly from Washington. I hope you will join me in saying no to this stimulus package as it currently exists by signing this petition ( )"
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8 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Feb 09
Looks like Obama just might lose his first major push. That and the nominees who dropped out (as well as the ones who should have and didn't), he's had a pretty rough first few weeks.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Unfortunately, I don't think he views it as a rough first few weeks! I think he still feels he can do no wrong.
And if anyone tries to tell him he's doing wrong he will shut them up, even if they are just a lowly entertaining pundit, like Rush.
Well, I for one, and still burning and still reeling, from the idea that Geithner was approved!!! I cannot believe all the Senators looking so lost and sad (ha!), saying there is no one else as qualified. Awwww! we are in more trouble than we think if he is the only person in this whole country who is qualified to be Secretary of the Treasury -- and that to the point that it's OK that he's a criminal. And he had a major hand in the first bail out which by all accounts was NOT helpful and did NOT get handled correctly.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Feb 09
We can only hope he looses this one.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I also recommend calling your congress person about this. In my expeirence emails get ignored more (or you just get a form letter reply) than an actual call or fax. So take a few minuates out of your day and do this.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Very good point. Here is a tip from Mike Huckabee on calling/writing to complain to a Congressman or Senator:
If you call up and immediately say "Are you crazy? I'll never vote for you!" no matter how politely you say it, once you say you'll never vote for the person you've lost them. They know it won't matter.
Instead say something like, I would love to be able to vote for you again in the next election, however, I won't be able to do so if you continue to support xyz...
That way, you still have their attention, and their hope that they will have your vote, so they just might listen.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Feb 09
very good idea. It is always good to stay polite and give the politican a reason to know they can earn your vote and support. Being diplomatic is always important.
Also I know people call and tell our elected officals we are mad about something....but when your elected officials does something is a good idea to call and say good job and thank you. It will get you farther than just calling when you are mad about something. they too deserve praise when they do something right.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I agree that this pig bill will do us no good and only cause greater problems. While I salute the petition, it will be pointless. The senate is going to do what it wants. I wish more voters would pay attention to this crap and who is voting for it. Unfortunately, most Americans are very lazy when it comes to this and will count on Obama saying that the reason we aren't all rich now, is because the Republicans wouldn't work with them.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Feb 09
The petition may not work, but it at least puts the American people on record with the Senate. Also, with Obama. And it possibly might help pull the Democrat Senators who are against the bill over to the Repub side, once they see for sure that the people are not supporting it either. Certainly it can't hurt and only takes about 30 seconds.
I can't stand for us to stand by and not even try, you know?

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Anything that is not even going to be in effect until 2-4 years from now does not even belong in this so-called stimulus package to begin with.
This is not a stimulus package anyway... it is a spending package containing the wish lists of the democrats that have been proposed and defeated over the last several years.
A big component is also payback to those entities who supported the democrats... a payoff.
The only way to spur the economy and get things moving again is to cut spending... not raise it... and cut taxes across the board.
Our corporate tax rates are among the highest in the world, which is why our companies have been going elsewhere... and it is why people are losing jobs.
Cut the tax rates and give those companies a reason to come back and hire Americans.
The 0bamunist has rejected these ideas under the mistaken assumption that his win gave him a mandate.
It didn't... he won by 4 points, and that was only after this crisis conveniently arose just in time to unduly influence the elections... kind of like it was meant to do.
I saw a report yesterday that suggests that this crisis may be improving... it seems that housing sales are up slightly, which may be a sign that the economy may be starting to recover.
This massive spending plan by the 0bamunist and the rest of the liberals will do nothing to help the economy, and will do much to hurt it.... not to mention push us even deeper in debt, and consign the next generation or so into paying for it for a long time to come.
Never has an economy been spurred by increased spending... FDR tried it and failed, and Hoover did as well.
Reagan had the right idea... he took a failed economy and turned it around. All it took was lowering taxes... although he also had to increase spending to rebuild a military that Carter pretty much decimated.
Ever since then, the democrats, and these filthy neocons who are just democrat lite, had done everything they could to reverse the good that Reagan accomplished, and they finally succeeded... although it took them 26 years to do it.
History shows that the 0bamunist is wrong... and consumer confidence is low because people know this can't and won't work.
That is why the 0bamunist is using polling and focus groups to find the right words to use to sell this pack of pork to the taxpayers.
This whole thing began because of government interference, and if the government doesn't butt out soon ti will only get worse.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Thank you for the petition. I signed it. Obama will be doing this sort of thing for the next four years. And his excuse will always be that Bush left it in such a state that it will take him eight years to repair it. And he will have to do some crazy things like giving money to his special interest friends just to jump start it. How stupid does he think people are? Well, America, you voted for him. I did not, and I stand proud.
@markbrauer16 (265)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I think maybe if they cut a few wasteful million dollars out of the stimulus it would be much better.
@hometyme (288)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Lower taxes are immediate and would immediately put money into consumers' pockets so they could 'spend' as everyone seems to think is the key. If General Motors, etc. would arrange to sell cars to those consumers then GM could go back to work building more cars. Is this too complicated to understand?
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Feb 09
From everything I've read this "stimulus" package is nothing more than a goodie bag for the Democrats and 0bama. It has very little if anything to do with helping ppl...and everything to do with funding 0bama's new projects and getting things that the Democrats have been trying to get for years. Also the Republicans have been trying to get them to revise or compromise on it and they flat refuse. I honestly hope it doesn't pass b/c it's only going to make things worse.