Would you consider having Cosmetic Surgery
By scorpio19
@scorpio19 (1363)
February 5, 2009 1:58pm CST
I bumped into a friend today and she proudly announced that she'd not long since had a tummy tuck, I was amazed, so asked her to show me, so we stood in the middle of a aisle of our local supermarket, admiring her stomach, I have to say it had been done brillantly and her stomach was so flat, no visible stretch marks and I could see why she was proud. She said that after having her children she just wasn't happy with the lose saggy skin which she had been left with, so had decided to have the surgery done. She asked if I would ever consider having cosmetic surgery and yes I would if I felt I needed it plus if I was brave enough, which I aren't but I don't have any problems with people having it done, their body so therefore it's up to them.
Would you consider having anything done and what are your views and opinions on cosmetic surgery ?
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23 responses
@apoots77 (104)
• United States
5 Feb 09
In general, I'm not the kind of girl that would have most types of surgeries. However, I have considered getting a tummy tuck. After having 4 children, I would certainly love to be able to look down at my tummy and not see the stretch marks or extra skin. Funny thing is, in my clothes, you can't even tell I've had children. I'm only a size bigger than I was before I had the 4 of them. But, regardless of what kind of shape I'm in, the skin and stretch marks are still there. At the same time.....they're a sign that I'm a woman and are nothing to be ashamed of. :-)
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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi apoots77,
I think most woman can relate to another woman having a tummy tuck if they have been left with lose skin from having children, I'm very much in the frame of mind as yourself, it doesn't bother me enough to go and have surgery or it's not needed with me in clothes I look alright and only have stretch marks which have faded over time so it's not a hugh concern for me.
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@apoots77 (104)
• United States
5 Feb 09
You're right. Although I've contemplated it, I think I'd be too afraid of having a bad job done and looking worse! Plus, I prefer to stay in shape and stay healthy. Having a perfect looking tummy (especially after having children) isn't always possible. But I'm happy with who I am on the inside, happy that I'm healthy and have a wonderful family. That matters to me so much more than some stretch marks and a little loose skin. :-)
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@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi apoots77,
I couldn't agree with you more and well said, that is what is really important, having our health and been able to be with our family.
@PatMcCue (48)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Personally, I would not get anything done. Not because I'm afraid, but because I don't want anything to be changed about me. Unless I were in an accident or anything like that, I would never get cosmetic surgery.
That being said, I am not totally against it. I think if it is used in a healthy fashion, such as your friend's, then it is an okay thing. But when people get 45 surgeries done to their bodies just so they can look how they want to, I just find that to be a waste of money and natural beauty.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi PatMcCue,
I agree with you about the people we see that take having cosmetic surgery to the extreme, that is less appealing and I find it less understandable and acceptable but for those like my friend that do have a valid reason, then yes why not get it done.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
6 Feb 09
i must say i have thought about it iam scary i have also heard some horror stories about cosmetic and how we should do our leg work before getting this surgery making sure the doctor is who he say he is.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi annjilena,
I agree there are to many horror stories out there, that put me off and even if a person did do their homework I think I would still be very afraid to go ahead.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I would love to have a tummy tuck and get rid of my stretch marks! I wouldn't mind a boob lift too:) Did she say what it cost her to have this done? I know someone who had a tummy tuck and her butt lifted and they goofed. ONe cheek is higher then the other. She is cut totally all around her body too. She didn't say the cost, but she did say they had to take a loan against their mortgage to get it done. I wouldn't want to do it if I had to borrow against my home.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi sunshine4,
I have kicked myself all day for not asking her how much it cost because I would love to know myself. I wouldn't have it done in case they did make a mess of it like the lady you know, I've seen some horrendous surgeries shown in the media and I just feel the risk of it going wrong is to big and it is definitely not worth going into debt for, like you have mentioned.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
5 Feb 09
Hi scorpio,
I wouldn't mind a tummy tuck, mind you I need more than a tummy tuck hehe, no I am not aginst it as it is their body but really I wpouldn't beside, I cpuln't afford it. Love and hugs.
@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi Tamara,
you are lovely I've seen you and you don't need anything done I think a woman with age on her is very attractive.
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@samma00 (342)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
I don't have problems with people getting it done. But I would not get any kind of cosmetic surgery done. Our body is the way it is, and should be left alone. I wouldn't want someone fiddling around with my stomach, and screwing it up. There are some people who get tummy tucks and are left with huge scars and lumps. I'd much rather leave my body the way it is, then risk ruining it for good.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi samma00,
I think that's what would put me off, going actually through with it, I just couldn't live with the risk of it going wrong all for the sake of vanity, I'd prefer to live with the affects of having children on my body although if needed I wouldn't mind some botox.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
5 Feb 09
Yes I would. 20 years ago I was atacked by a dog I have bite mark on my arm (that one does not bother me at all) and have marks from me falling in roses on my lip and my nose I would like to have them removed. I am used to them and they dont bother me a lot and at times I even forget they are there but still I would prefer if they were gone. And maybe brest reduction one day after I am done having kids. Biger is not always better.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi violeta_va,
I can understand why you would want to get all those done it sound like you have got valid reasons but your living with it, I have marks on the side of my nose from having shingles whilst pregnant with my son and yes if I was able to have the scars removed then I would but like with you, they are not a hugh concern and no one as ever mentioned the scarring to me and I don't even notice them myself now.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Feb 09
I could do with a tummy tuck - but wouldn't dare expose myself to the knife. But a boob job would just look plain silly! Look out Jordan here comes P1ke!! I did once think of getting my nose done but my then gf liked it the way that it was, and the next one I married. So I guess that we both have to live with it. Generally I regard cosmetic surgery as a complete waste of money, especially things like face lifts. Same with Botox etc. Who wants to end up with a completely unlined face and lips that you can use to stick yourself to the window? The bottom line (pardon the pun) is that we all age, and unless there is a real disfigurement or a medical reason why we should have surgery we should get used to living with ourselves. We are all beautiful in our way.
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@TheManager24 (1302)
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
Given the money, I dont see any problems with having Cosmetic Surgery. There are no cultural or religious ideals that goes against it. There will be a lot of people who feel that whatever god has given has to be there. However, there is free will. Again, if we are not hurting ourselves and/or other people, go ahead.

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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi TheManager24,
I think it's a personal decision and I'm not up for judging someone for going ahead and having it done, I appreciate that it takes a lot of courage and I really admired my friend for doing it, although she did say she was in pain afterwards which put me off.
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@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
I would when I'm older. Right now I have great skin so I don't worry about wrinkles and any body parts sagging yet. I can also easily get in shape because I'm healthy. But when I'm older and achy, I won't be able to run and exercise anymore so if I can't lose weight, then AI might get surgery. Of course, the procedures are very expensive so I should be able to afford it first, haha. ANyway, I'm not looking into changing my skin color or the shape of my nose. I just want to look myself, only slimmer.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi mimico,
I agree when someone is older but are in obvious good health, so their skin may show age but be healthy also their eyes are clear then it shows and looks much more attractive than someone for example like Janice Dickson who looks ridiculous and yet when she was younger she looked so beautiful but now she's gone overboard with surgery and enhancements. I have to say natural works for me although when it's needed then fine get it done.
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@jaymeeliz (505)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
Once upon a time I thought of having a cosmetic surgery but now I am contented of what Gave me. I believe there are more important things in life than looks. When we worry too much about trivial, petty things, the devil becomes jubilant.
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@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi jaymeeliz,
I think that's best to look at what you do have and make it work, instead of putting one's self at some risk and let's face it there is more important stuff in life than how we look.
@Humbug25 (12540)
8 Feb 09
Hello scorpio19
Na I wouldn't have any done but I sure as heck look like I need a fair bit of work doing to my body but I am just not interested in going under the knife for that reason, even if I had the money, I'd rather use the money to take my kids on a holiday of a lifetime or something!!
@scorpio19 (1363)
8 Feb 09
Hi Humbug,
I'm sure your just fine and don't need owt doing but I agree I also have other things that the money could be spent on and a family holiday would be great right now.
@scorpio19 (1363)
5 Feb 09
Hi ds6413,
I think if you could afford it and are happy to go ahead then why not, it's no ones business but our own.
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@eileenevasco (91)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
In my opinion I wont go for cosmetic surgery coz i believe that what God gave you its the best for you..and once u have surgery its just sems like your you change urself as a whole...
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@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi eileenevasco,
It is a personal choice whether to opt for surgery or not and I respect your point of view.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
when i was younger , i use to wear a long hair like steven siegal kinda look but because of my genetic make up plus the damage done by my gels in the past, i lost most of my hair.so, now i am bald. i have thought of having cosmetic surgery done but i realized i am kinda fine being bald and it looks good on me. besides, the money i will have to spend to get it done , i would rather spend it somewhere else more fun!
@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi tigerdragon,
the fact your happy to show the world your bald wins my admiration, I much prefer to see people and who they really are, walts and all, than fakeness and people trying to be what they just so aren't.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
I am scared of going under the knife so cosmetic surgery such tummy tucks is not for me. Forget it, nobody is going to cut, nip and tuck my tummy even if it is already sagging so badly. If I want my tummy to be flat, I will diet and excise as I have done so in the past. If diet and exercise do not work anymore, then I will just have to live with my sagging tummy.
@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi alindahaw,
I think that's a very sensible approach but I do know for some women their stomachs can be left very saggy due to having children, so I can understand why some would opt to have a tummy tuck but like yourself I would find other alternatives and live with it.
@manunulat (604)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
Yes, I would if the problem becomes bothersome. Cosmetic surgery isn't all bad, there are therapeutic aspects also in undergoing some procedures. For example, a patient had developed keloids after a major surgery and he or she wishes to have it removed. It is no problem as long as the "standards" are followed, there's excellent patient information and there's reasonable price. Cosmetic surgery has both beneficial and non-beneficial effect/s.
On the other hand, let me share to you this thought from my friend who is a surgeon himself. Ironically, he does not agree with other procedures because it is obviously for vanity and as a practitioner, he asserts that some procedures can have an ugly result in due time. So, if one alters, he or she should maintain it and if it is not necessary and the patient is generally healthy; why waste for such a great fee? Besides, he continues "Aging beautifully matters...".
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@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi manunulat,
that's ineresting that your cosmetic surgeon friend should have said this and yes I have to agree aging beautifully even without been a beauty is very attractive indeed.
@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi gracie04,
If you happy with yourself why change it, so I agree with you.
@scorpio19 (1363)
6 Feb 09
Hi inuceres,
i think it would be painful even though some woman who have had it done protest it isn't, well it looks painful to me when they are all swollen and brusied.