how are your sales?

United States
February 5, 2009 2:59pm CST
I have been ebaying for years off and on. I am not doing as well as I used to do with it. What is selling best for you? I don't have the money to go and invest in stuff and resell right now, but I also don't have money to list things around the house that aren't going to sell. How are your sales? What has been your best selling items? I've got things I want to get rid of but if they aren't going to sell on ebay, I don't want to have to pay those fees...wondering if I should just take it to goodwill.
6 responses
• United States
7 Feb 09
We just started selling on ebay in October.we found that anything to do with rc boats,motors,and whatever else that men like in that like to spend on stuff like that.the motors went like hotcakes.we also had a bunch of icom radio stuff that sold was all from my friends old hobby.he has retired from it now and just decided to sell it off.we also sold a few collectibles which went really well.we had a huge on going yard sale all summer and again it was all the tools that made a big we are kinda running out of stuff too.we tried Craigs List too and sold some big stuff.they say if you open an ebay store its a flat rate per month but i haven't really looked into it myself yet.funds are really tight here too.good luck to ya.
• United States
7 Feb 09
yeah, with this economy, it is tight for a lot of people. I feel bad for the people who have lost jobs. I know that has really got to hurt. My husband is disabled and doesn't work (or get disability) and I just have a part time job, so I guess I haven't really noticed a difference in our household. It's been tight for several years here! I dread seeing how bad it could get!
@2oldn2ys (64)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Well, before you lose heart about selling on Ebay, let me share with you what I found out yesterday. While going to my favorite flea market which I am now friends with the owner, she could hardly contain herself while telling me the story of a customer that comes in now and then. This woman had gone to one of our local auctions and purchased (as they regularly do here)a box of odds n ends. I am in Kansas and when you go to a sale the people have a lot of junk that otherwise would not sell for .25 at a yard sale, but in each box of junk they have one good item you would purchase and the rest stuff you throw out as the owners should have done. Now in this box, was a small one inch button. It was a presidential button of Calvin Coolidge and the vice president which I do not remember. Their pictures were facing each other. The lady posted it on Ebay for $9.99 and ended up with $20,400.00!!!! So, that should give you incentive to look at everything as a potential bonanza! The funny thing is this certain auctioneer is very smug and rude so I think he probably had a heart attack that someone bought something so valuable in one of his boxes of junk. The bad thing is, that the person or family that sold it was out all the money because they did not know what they had. I look at everything as a possible sale. I am in the process of collecting packing materials and looking for a good scale for postage. Just in case no one has thought of this, your local recycle is a great place for odd shaped boxes (got to get there early before they get crushed)and free (at least mine give them to me) packing peanuts, bubble wrap and styrofoam. One thing I have discovered is you can go to yard sales and find all you need to sell on Ebay. The saying is true, one mans junk is another mans treasure. I have done it, and you can too!
@owstalaga (4703)
• Philippines
7 Feb 09
wow that's amazing... that's a good idea you got. =)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I actually listed two things on Tues for the first time in a good while and they are both sold already which is nice..I'll be listing more come Sunday and hopefully it'll all sell as well..
• United States
6 Feb 09
what did you sell? I'm just wondering if clothes or books or what is selling best right now? I seriously need to make some money!!!
@owstalaga (4703)
• Philippines
7 Feb 09
I'm new to selling in ebay.... just testing the waters... haha... I do hope my sales will be good this week since i'm selling unique Twilight Desk Calendars for this month. I'm checking to see if people would like bulk orders so they can save on shipping. Shipping internationally is really expensive when it's got insurance... *siiiigh*
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
5 Feb 09
You might remember that I did pretty good on eBay a number of years ago when I was able to list name brand sweaters that I could find. I lost that niche when I left MN, though. I haven't really done any eBay-ing since then, so I couldn't tell you what is selling right now. I think a lot of people lost faith (and a lot of business!) when they changed a lot of the rules in the last year or so.
• United States
7 Feb 09
yeah, I remember you did quite well! I also did quite well for a while. I would love to be able to do that again. I have listed my candles before and they never sell...not for what I want for them anyway and I just can't afford to put that much time and money and then get less for what they are worth. So, I just sell those to people around here. I had a website for nearly 2 years and never got the first candle order from it, not even an inquiry! That was money down the drain. Live and learn! I was cleaning my closet shelf off last night and found stuff where I had tried making gift baskets...that never worked for me either. Of course it helps if you have a place to sell them. I have some extra Avon stock, but I don't think we are supposed to sell it on ebay. Of course, that doesn't stop some people because I know I have seen it on there. Oh, well, guess I will quit rambling. Hope everyone has a great weekend! The weather here is gorgeous - it's supposed to get up to 70!!!
@user_786 (1338)
5 Feb 09
Well i have been trying for ages to sell something on eBay but never been successfull despite selling cheap items, etc. I am keep trying and looking for more items that could be sold on eBay.
• United States
7 Feb 09
I continually look for stuff for ebay, but you have to watch out because after all the fees, you want to have something left!