Wow! Racism appears alive and well on MyLot!

@breepeace (3014)
February 5, 2009 3:46pm CST
I was just stumbling around looking at discussions started in the past few days, since I've been sort of MIA, and came across one user who has demonstrated in the past month that not only are there still white supremacists out there, but evidently they are just as vocal, bigoted, ignorant and narrow minded as they always were. Wow, here I am, excited that it seems like the world is moving into a brand new era of tolerance and understanding, and there are people like this user who are bashing black people, running down the current US president for (*GASP*) being half black and making ignorant comments about other race's, even going so far as to suggest that white people RESCUED the Africans they enslaved, and that by electing Barack Obama as president, white people are being set up to being forced into slavery themselves. Wow. I can't even express how disappointed I am. It's times like that, though, that I can see why we have our Star Ratings. That is one well deserved 1 starred user.
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25 responses
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
The fact alone that racism occurs it just plain sad. I'm an Asian and I get hurt when people look down to our race. It's just not right. We are all just human beings here in the planet and we may have our own differences but we are all equal. I can't believe too how narrow-minded people can be in terms of their race. I believe that everybody should be treated with fairness and equality whatever his race is and whatever is his status in life.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Well said thedutchess. Its good that you also mentioned status in life. I've also seen the wealthy look down on the poor and the business men look down on the Janitors. Sometimes people look for any excuse to judge eachother and think themselves superior.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I haven't read the discussion that you are referring to yet. I may do that later, I may not. But, isn't it better to know that racism still exist than to naively think it's gone? We can't battle something if we don't know it's there. Although I wouldn't want to encourage that person to continue to spout his (or her) hatred. I think it's good for people to recongize that racism is still going strong. I started a discussion on racism as well. I received mixed responses (which, I think is a good thing). I think sometime we hesitate to talk about sensitive topics because we are afraid to offend or maybe we are just afraid of speaking our minds and being judged for it. I think racism is alive and strong. I hope that the election of Obama teaches more people tolerance, but it may not. It just might send the bigots further into hiding, but they will still be there. Although I don't consider myself a racist, I don't stand up against it as often as I should. Maybe that makes me a coward. According to a few myLotters, I AM a racist. But that's okay. I think the question of what consitutes racism is a question that need to be explored. One more thing I'd like to add. The election of Obama has made it as clear as ever that racism does exist. I've received a number of e-mails and heard a number of Obama related jokes that were very racist. If I have friends and family that are racist, does that make me a racist by association? I hope not!
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
No. My family and friends have often been guilty of making racial slurs or remarks, and it upsets me every time. My ex boyfriend constantly made those type of remarks. I told him how uninformed and uneducated it made him sound, but he didn't stop it. My mom forwarded me the emails regarding Obama being raised Muslim and how by electing him in, the US was setting themselves up for internal terrorism. Also disappointing. I don't consider myself racist. I am friends with people because I enjoy being around them. The color of their skin doesn't matter to me. And I've never naively thought racism was gone, what I'm disappointed in is that people can make slurs, remarks and comments that are blatantly racist on a public forum like MyLot and not only have people respond, but have people respond positively and in agreement.
• United States
6 Feb 09
No what makes a person a racist is if they have to ask themselves am I a racist?
• United States
6 Feb 09
bree I was responding to miamilady not you she has asked this question "If I have friends and family that are racist, does that make me a racist by association? I hope not!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
12 Feb 09
It seems that martin Luther has been killed for nothing. It seems that we still refer to us as "whites" or "black" or "hispanic" or "filipinos". it seems that we fail to understand that we are humans who have the same God and that we are his children and that we are ALL EQUAL in his eyes. Love thy neighbour as yourself...
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• India
19 Feb 09
Well said. brother. We all bear the image and likenss of God, and so we must love and respect others as we do to ourselves. We are all equal in worth and dignity. Our worth does not indeed depend on our colour.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
6 Feb 09
There is an old saying that goes like this " you can't teach an old dog new tricks" I believe we all know who you are speaking about. I have called her at as being racist a few times. When I run across racist people and they begin to talk in a negative way about any culture it makes me crazy. They start to throw the N bomb around I just call them for what they are and do not correspond with them any longer. I have also stopped them in their tracks and say omg I got a new picture of my adorable grandson would you like to see it? As I pull it out I talk about how proud I am of my daughter and him. Then they see my daughter with her husband and the baby. God I just love that look of oh man I screwed up. You see my future son and law and my grandson are black and I love them to pieces. He treats my daughter with respect and they love eachother in abundance what more can a mother want for her daughter? You will see a picture of them with this posting expecting their second child. I have some great pics of my grandson which is the happiest child I have ever seen in my life. Why you ask? Because he is loved by all of us and we all join in celebrations and have coffee with one another. We are all one big happy family.
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• United States
6 Feb 09
daughter and hubby  - Expecting their second child
here is the picture of daughter and hubby
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• United States
6 Feb 09
How cool am I  - wooooohooooo he is a rock star lol
How could you not love such a sweet and innocent child? A child is sweet and innocent until the adults in their life decides to corrupt them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
5 Feb 09
Racism is against myLots rules. Or I should say racist comments are against the rules. WE can't do anything about what a person thinks, but we can report racist comments. The mods will deal with the person. I personally would like to string them up by their toenails and make them beg for mercy. I don't like racists.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
I did report some of her more blatantly racist remarks, but I assume others have as well, since she tends to be pretty prolific in starting discussions based on one topic.
• Israel
5 Feb 09
I also report the ones that are over the top. I find these people really annoying. I don't come here to read hate speech.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I guess the question that MyLot has to ask them self probably is, how much is too much? Sometimes racist comments can be ambiguous. And as I've stated elsewhere, if we allow it to hide, isn't there the danger of fooling ourselves into thinking it doesn't exist when it actually does?
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• United States
5 Feb 09
Everyone always talks like whites are the only ones the are racist. This is far from the truth, there are just as many blacks as their are whites. I have worked with a lot of blacks and believe me they talk just as much trash about whites as some white people do about them. I even went to one site that someone made the remake 'maybe now whites will be put in their place and see how it feels" I guess what I'm trying to say is its not all one sided like everyone tries to make it always sound like. Until people can let go of what happened in the past and learn from it, instead of using it against each other, there will always be racism.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
So do two wrongs make a right? Because some white people are racist, and some black people are racist, it means that it's ok because it balances out, or something? That's garbage. Racism is defined as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. So yes, of course, black people or asians or native americans could all be just as guilty of making racial remarks, but that still doesn't mean it had to be tolerated.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Well said, sweetashoney. I understood your point and I agree. No..two wrongs DON't make a right. But if we ignore the fact that racism exists in both races and ALL walks of life, then really, what is the point of trying to fix it. If we only adress white racism then we are only addressing half the problem.
• United States
5 Feb 09
It's not right to be racist. But my point is that people are always pointing their finger at the whites when it comes to this.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
Some things don't change and you just have to accept that fact or live with lots of disappointments. Whether we like it or not, the color of our skin does matter. I am Asian and I know what prejudice is all about. I know how it feels to be discriminated against. No, it is not ignorance that drive people to be so prejudicial but rather it is fear and uncertainty. When people are scared, they turn against those people who represent their fears. People want to defend their perceived turfs and there is nothing ignorant about that.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 09
It is sad when racism is seen. People have different looks and that is just as well because if we all looked the same it would be boring. I am very keen on traveling and know that a black skin is beautiful. It is that color because of the sun. I am white but I wish my skin was darker. People may disagree on politics but I think that respect for all colors is important. I think that world religion is fascinating and I respect every different religion. I have been to Israel and have seen how close the different religions are to each other. I wish that the world could become a more peaceful place and the racism would disappear.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I agree, who cares if the president is half black or half purple I could give a flying ____. What matters is his character and the way he runs the country, I don't care what color a person is it's how they treat others an if they have morals that should matter. We ALL have the same organs inside and we ALL have the same feelings. So I say to those of you out there that are racist GET THE HE!! OVER IT! If you where having a heart attack an on the verge of dying would you check the genealogy of your Dr. before he operates on you? Everyone is mixed anymore there is no pure this and pure that so you racists get your heads out of your butts and get with it.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 Feb 09
It is unfortunate there are still persons out there who still think like this. I have some idea but refuse to point fingers as to who some of these people are (and there is more than one here!). Even in this day and age there are still some who are living in the dark ages. I laugh at them though. I take no offense in their bigotry and I am more offended by ignorance than racism. I am proud of who I am and a lot of times I chalk it up to jealousy. Say what you want on MyLot. Say it to my face if you are that bold. I'll send an address and mapquest your directions for you. Come see me face to face and call me out of name. Or just keep your ignorance to yourselves. I love this site and no one's racist comments will shake my faith in this website. Its a brutal reality we live in. Some of us are still just that ignorant but eventually they will die off!!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 Feb 09
White guilt got Obama elected? Whatever! A clever campaign strategy got Obama elected and the fact remains that voter turn out was at an ALL TIME HIGH!!! The people have spoken and we elected our man! It was people of all races who were fed up with the crap our past governing officials have been laying out for us.
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@j47lee (740)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
Racism is everywhere... whether the US or Asia or Europe....being a chinese born in India.. its different when you're growing up and going to school there too.. you just feel you dont belong to that country even if you're born there.... coz we look different than the local people... we speak their language as fluent as how they speak.. we are treated differently... like for example... in school... when it is an Indian festival... they have holiday for a month.. but when it is our chinese new year... we take off from school for a day... even though we have an excuse letter from our parents... the principal of the school.. gets angry with us... and we get shouting .... being in india... there are no such things as human rights ... if it was in US or Canada.. you probably could have gone and complained to the Human rights you see.. its not always with the black and white that racism happens...
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@miccant (154)
• United States
6 Feb 09
This world will never over come racisim. I come from a family of all white. Then my brother has a mixed daughter and my husbands sister also has a mixed daughter and son. When I look at them I see NO difference then when I look at my own kids. The color of your skin does not make who you are. The brain you have and how you use it does. If Obama is able to take us out of this recesion we are going in then I say he's the man. Last time I checked we all have family that came from overseas. Unless you are full blooded indian.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
I think children who are mixed race are BEAUTIFUL! I'm not a big baby person, but some of the prettiest babies I've ever seen are from a Hispanic parent and a white parent, or a black parent and a white parent, and so on. I don't understand how anyone could fault people of different races for wanting to be together.. they're both people, love is love, and they make the most divinely gorgeous babies!
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
It is a sad fact that there are still racists in this day and age. Considering how connected we our because of technology. One would think that the world became smaller because the technology was able to somehow created virtual bridges between countries and cultures which should lead to better understanding of why you are you and why I am me. Our reality now is that we are connecting more to strangers from distant shores than we were before and find this interesting otherwise blogs, social/community portals would not prosper. I guess for some people, their judging someone because of skin color is more than "skin-deep". It's who they are.
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@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
Wow that is sad, you would think that considering how much we have evolved over the years, that these people would change. I guess there is no changing the ignorant though. Sad that these people actually get to share this beautiful world with us. As far as I am concerned if they think that they are so great, they should all go live together and leave the rest of the decent people alone to live in peace. I can't stand people who think that they are better than others just because of the color of their skin, I just have to think that in this case, I hope Karma takes a big chunk out of the a$$!
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• India
6 Feb 09
Well, I would just like to say that the election of Barak Obama makes me think that the USA has gone ahead of racism and shown remarkable maturity in identifying the real issues that need to be tackled, rather than the skin colour of their president. Being in India, I hardly watch (or am interested) in current issue in USA but I watched the inauguration programme live on BBC, not only coz I did not want to miss seeing history being created but also I wanted to see the type of people around…let me say that I was amazed and moved by seeing people of all colours hugging each other and crying in common joy on seeing their dreams coming true and hoping for their aspirations to be realized by a man they had elected simply on the dint of his qualities and abilities.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I don't understand people like that. Skin color is so important to some people. I just don't get it. I didn't vote for Obama because of some political differences, but I believe he may turn out to be a good president. I always liked Obama and his family but had doubts about some of his associations. Some people find it hard to adjust if the person they voted for didn't get elected. Not me. He is the leader of our country now and I support him.
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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
6 Feb 09
Racism is something which wont go and everyone likes to tell world how good they are.. epically those who are no good and who know they got nothing else to show off.. I got very close friends who are white and i can vouch they are not racist at all even though i know i sometimes when it comes to racism tell her you ppl did this or that and she never fights back though she always tells me what ever was done is not her fault and later on i feel very sorry that i uttered those words but about Obama you may like him or may not like him as a person or President is another thing but simply declare him useless or incompetent or blacks would rule usa is not done and give the guy some time before passing judgment on him. He has just took over and if u dont give him time then what ur stuck with him for atleast 4 years so now give this guy time. I am not from USA but India and it is not skin of my nose if he is good or bad but as a normal thing everyone should be given enough time to prove if he is better than last president Mr Bush ( incidentally white) or not.
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@sahmof2 (274)
• United States
6 Feb 09
When I see really ignorant people like that I always wonder are they truly really like that, like they have no clue, because there is no excuse for them to act like that yet they do. It is sad to see because I truly fill sorry for people with such narrow minded ways especially because it's not the truth.
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@gomae16 (29)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Yes part of that is true there were alot of people that voted for him because he is black...BUT thats not the point: He is very educated. Speaks intelligently compared to past presidents, and graduated from one of the top schools in the country...What more could you want?
• Singapore
6 Feb 09
Well, thats human, as long as people have differences, all these problems will occurs.. Racism not only occurs in the states, and in asian countries as well. I remember that there is a riot in Indonesia in the 90s, and the chinese there are being raped, robbed, etc, as they are not happy that the indonesian chinese are the majority that is doing business there, and belongs to the majority of the higher end family. Racism is a big problem, all of us know.. This scrolls back to the correct upbringing, as well as the correct education to minimise the impact. Emphasize the importance of racial and religious harmony...
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