I hate when people don't use the sidewalk!

@stinge (810)
United States
February 5, 2009 11:06pm CST
I never understood why people choose to walk in the middle of the street instead of using the sidewalk. I was driving home from work one morning, and three men were walking side by side in the street. And walking side by side means that they were further out in the street, causing me to drive -round the one that was on the outside. And he was walking and holding a bike in hand. Usally here in NY you get alot of this from the younger teens and elementary school kids. It's common sense. The side walk is there for a reason. I get ticked off every time I have to swerve out the way for someone that's walking in the street. You ever notice some of these morons that walk in the middle of the road in groups. They part like the red sea when a car comes passing through them. And then they come back together to clog up the road again. Sometimes I think there should be a fine against people that walk in the middle of the street, especially when there's traffic.
4 responses
@suzzy3 (8341)
8 Feb 09
That would just not happen in England they would get killed,or arrested for jay walking.The drivers of the cars would have something to say as well,walking in the road they must be mad.We all kick up if there are not enough pavements in our country.We have road safety officers who go into schools and teach kids about the danger of traffic.If you walk in the road and cause an accident you could go to prison.We did have a craze of kids walking out just as you drove along the road and would bang your bonnet,my husband used to drive at them,leaning on the horn that used to make them run onto the path,he is an advanced driver and knows what he is doing,he really frightened one boy,a few other people started doing itthey soon stopped walking across the road like that.It was normally on older boy showing off in front of the younger ones,they all laughed when my husband drove at them.He shouted out you "ant to die bring it on," ran like frightened rabbits.
@stinge (810)
• United States
9 Feb 09
That's pretty funny about your husband lol. I had some young kid stick his umbrella out showing off in front of his friends. So I drove into him just enough to hit his umbrella. He was looking at me after I passed him like I was crazy.
1 person likes this
@suzzy3 (8341)
10 Feb 09
Good for you just don't kill him.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Same hear in Pennsylvania. You always see it hear especially in the winter when there is snow on the ground people walk in the middle of the street. Also in the summer they constatly do it and its not just teens its grown adults doing it also. I just dont understand do they not belive in side walks. I agree there should be I fine for wqalking in the street and not using a side walk thats crazy it can cause accidents. The side walk is there for a reaqson to protect them from on comming cars.
• United States
6 Feb 09
I completely agree. We have a huge problem with people walking through the middle of the street at our apartment complex. They walk in the middle of the road when a car is coming so you have to wait on that car to pass. Then they look at you like you are dumb when pass close to them. It makes no sense. It seems like people think they are so important that it shouldn't matter where they walk.
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
6 Feb 09
..same here in our country, people seems to ignore the sidewalks.. sometimes, people are too many and they cannot be accommodated by the sidewalk especially if they are rushing so they rather walk outside the sidewalk which is also very difficult because they are prone to car accident.. the problem is, we can't tell those p[eople one by one that they need to use the sidewalk..