would u ever have a American Staffordshire terrior as an inside dog?

United States
November 9, 2006 1:32pm CST
ok...so imagine a big, high energy dog living with you. but also think about this...anyone who has owned a pit bull and took proper care of them will know that pit bulls are just as loving as any other dog!! as long as u introduce them to lots of people throughout their life, including other dogs, cats, and children. some of u might find it hard to believe but a pit bull (as long as its taken care of and not abused like MOST PEOPLE do to them) is one of most loving and loyal dogs you will ever find!
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5 responses
• United States
10 Nov 06
I personally do not like pit bulls or any big dog as far as that goes but a dog only behaves the way it is trained to, some owners like there dog to be mean so they train them to fight and some owners will tease and wrestle with there dog not thinking it will cause harm but 9 times out of 10 if you wrestle or tease your dog exspecially one with blood lines of pit bulls, rot wallers, doberman pinchers, and chow they will be mean and even turn on there owners. We as owners think that teasing and wrestling them is playing but it really isnt and it could cause trauma later.
• United States
10 Nov 06
why do u think that? we play rough with our dog but she wags her tail the whole time and the second we 'say the word' she immediately stops and starts licking us! she knows we are playing cause half the time she starts it...but my husband never gets rough with her and niether does she with him. so tell me why u think it is wrong
@nichjake (523)
• United States
13 Nov 06
Probably not, I'm not real big on pits. All the ones I've met have been sweet and loving but as a breed they just don't appeal to me. My tastes run toward labs and other big fat dogs.
• Nigeria
10 Nov 06
ccv - ccv
@lizabeth (666)
• United States
10 Nov 06
iszzy and bonzi - iszzy and bonzi
I agree with you totally. I have a pit bull that lives in the house with my family along with a chihuahua and a cat. My pit bull is so gentle and loving. I think only special people who truly love the breed should be allowed to raise them. I hate seeing owners get them and chain them in the yard for watchdogs and fighting. It is mean and degrading to them.
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
10 Nov 06
So are you asking about pittbulls or american staffy's? I wouldn't have either as an inside dog, but that has nothing to do with their temperament.