How racist are you?
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
February 6, 2009 9:58am CST
I do believe there are degrees of racism.
I truly hope that those who respond to this discussion can do this in a respectful manner.
I don't think racism only applies to whites.
I believe there are black racists as well.
I believe there are bigots of every race, nationality and religion.
I believe some of us are more racist than others.
So, if you stopped for a moment at truly evaluated your level of racism, what would it be?
I will use the percentage system. You can also rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 if you prefer.
I am curious about what your answers will be.
My answer...between 5-10% closer to 5% I hope.
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26 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Feb 09
I hate racism it get my blood boiling, I am a writer and I write out against racism, and prejudice,
and I will not listen to statements starting with,
xxxx people are....
if it is in a negative fashion,
I think it is absolutely wonderful to say something nice about every group of people in the world but not the reverse,
I have spend a lifetime making my percentage 0 because these are my principals.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Interesting that you used the word "hate".
Question...Do you just hate racism, or do you hate racists?
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@Mozzak (89)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I am not a racist.I dig blacks,dig asians too.Dig everybody.I'm white though.I am thinking that you can't judge people by they colour of the skin.Nobody got to choose which rase will he be.He is just BANG! borned,just like that.Simple.I think races should get along.People who are rastist are usually less-smarter(not to say dumber) people that don't have what else to do so they HATE HATE and HATE the differences between them.Differences are good!If we were all the same,life would be boring as hell!
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@banukkiran (58)
• India
7 Feb 09
I hate those people who show racism towards other religion,colour and all other dirty things as all are the wonderful creations of god and i will never tolerate this racism.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Not to start an argument, but I find it ironic when people say they "hate" people for racism. Isn't that somewhat hypocritical? You "hate" people for "hating"? If not hypocritical, then it is at least ironic.
@Gmdem13 (156)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I myself am not racist at all. I was braught up knowing that everyone is made equally and race is nothing but a color. I will admit, though i feel sorry that they feel this way, I do have quite a few friends that are pretty well on the racist side. The way i see it, if you were to walk in to a corporate office just about anywhere, you would not only see white americans. You would see hispanic americans, african americans, and many more... and those hispanic and african americans did not get to the place they are at in that office by being bullied with racism. yes, they have seen it, they have most likely experianced it. But they worked just as hard as any of the white men in that office to get where they are at.
Im a whole mix of Italian, Polish, Puerto Rican, Spanish. But Just because im puerto Rican and Spanish is not the only reason i would have no problem standing up for anyone i see being treated badly because of racism. I would stand up for that person not only for the sake of that person but for the sake of all of the people that have to go through that. I watched a show on Tv a while ago. They had an actor pose as a deli clerk and he would act as if he were racist towards any black, mexican, spanish, man that walked into that deli. there were many people that stood up for them. But not all of them did. Afterwards, they had these men go outside, they told them what they were doing and asked them how that treatment made them feel. I sat there and watch a hard working hispanic man cry for five minutes because he doesnt understand why people cant see him for who he is, and people cant see that we are all the same.
Now- On that same show they did the same thing. except they mixed it up a little. Now, they had the deli clerk being racist towards the white americans that came in. The white man started complaining about how the clerk just served a black man but wont serve him and the clerk has "the system" backwards. There was a big step there when the hispanic and black men stuck up for the white man. Ive never been happier than when i was able to see that one persons view change completely on the topic of racism. just in that ten minute period.
I think we all know that racism is out there. but we also have the faith that it will change.. one day.
@SeoulBoy_Art (193)
• Japan
7 Feb 09
Well racism is a learned behavior. No one is born a racist. As for me I don`t think I`m racist at all. It`s kind of hard to be when you sit at the table with your family and every race is represented at the dinner table. You grow learning that people are the same. Most of us want the same things out of life.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I agree that it's mostly learned behavior. That's a topic that I want to explore more. I may do other discussion in that direction. I'm not sure yet.
What I wonder is, why do some people UNlearn to be racist while others don't.
I've seen in that happen with my siblings and even my children.
My sisters and I are not (or at least considerably less) racist than our mother was and our brother is.
I have once child that seems to have racist tendencies and one child that becomes angry when racist things are said around her.
I just find that interesting.
@ddfreedie (690)
• India
7 Feb 09
i totally disagree with racism....wats ter in racism...
we are all children of God...abusing eachother is like abusing the creation of the Almighty...
After all we are humans going to live for some 60 - 80 yrs...y to fight over a community or races...
let us b united...considering me...iam -100% to racism
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@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
6 Mar 09
My best girlfriend in grade school was an Afican American. We did everything together. I don't believe I'm prejudice. I do get a bit scared when driving and I turn down a wrong street and realize that it's all black's and/or mexicans. So, I guess I'll have to say 2-3 out of a 10.
I agree that there is racism in every culture. I try to take a person at face-value. If they prove differently down the road, then I just don't hang out with them anymore.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
6 Feb 09
hello all iam not rascist at all when growing up my family never talk about blacks are whites we had other things to discuss.i do believe racism exist however in my heart color don,t matter to me.because we all bleed the same if cut there is no black blood are white blood are whatever type blood you here today iam trying to love anyone who will give me the chance heart is just that big.if you don,t like me well i love you and if my color of my skin you don,t like i still love you mistreat me and i still love bad about me i still love you.and list list goes iam proud to say iam 10 and if you like to be my friend i welcome you with open arms you are my brother and sister no matter what color you are and thats on level 10.have a blessed day all
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
6 Feb 09
well iam assuming 10 mean you are not racist so this is way i went sorry if it not if 1 is the least well that way i went you choose because it don,t matter to me either way.
@wifeofharvey (1156)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I am assuming from your number in the 1-10 scale that one is totally non-rasist and ten would be a total bigot. If that is the case then I have to admit that I am about a 3. I live in south Texas and the population here is very mixed. Many of the people here are of hispanic decent, blacks and asian along with caucasions. I have found to my own embaressment that I am aware of color, I use the words black, hispanic, asian as a description, example, the BLACK couple next door, the ASIAN woman in the store. I know that we all are people, and that those traits are just part of our genetic history. I do NOT think all blacks are ----, or, you know how ALL ASIAN do this or that. I know there is good, bad and indifferent in all of us. Blessings to all of you, no matter what color or where you are.
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
Since I qualified my answer in my original topic about racism, I will only reiterate it briefly. I do agree that racism is not solely applicable to white people berating other races.
One of it's most succinct definitions is: hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Since it clearly doesn't state that only one race is guilty, it would be fairly safe to say that any person of any race could be guilty of racism. I never once said only white people were guilty of it -- only that one person in particular (who happened to be white) on this site was doing her fair part to show off her ignorance to the MyLot masses. I didn't condone it when she did it, and I wouldn't condone it if a black person started a topic filled with negativity towards white people.. or a Chinese user started a topic filled with hateful remarks towards Japanese people.. and so on. Hatred of another race, or feeling that one race is superior to another is always racism, and it will always upset and outrage me.
If the scale of 1 to 10 means that 1 is not racist at all, and 10 is highly racist, I would quite comfortably place myself at 1.
@soumodeep (944)
• India
6 Feb 09
Just to let you know, Indians are the most racist people in the world, and me being Indian is admitting that!
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I am definitely not racist - we have a gorgeous, lovable mixed racegreat-grandaughter. The great grandmother on her fathers side and Dr. Martin Luther King were cousins. As for the statement racism not only applying to whites. I agree with that 100% for in my opinion Jesse Jackson is one ot the most racist people around. Every time that man opens his mouth he is spouting racist garbage. He might garner more attention if he pacticed what he preaches.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
7 Feb 09
I have been debating my answer, ever since I read your post 21 hours ago....and I can't come up with a definitive answer! I had sincere childhood trauma with one sect of a "race".....and I must admit it has jaded my opinion of this "sect" and only this sect....and it is their disrespect, disregard for a caucasian woman, that I still see prevalent today, that makes me still prejudice! I cannot seem to treat them I would have to say...10 regarding this sect...but absolutely NO other races, nationalities..religious sects do I have any daliances about! Hard to answer, m'dear...but have tried to be totally honest! Have a great weekend!
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Thanks for your post. As a woman, I have also experience more oggling from certain Nationalities than others. I'm not sure what to make of it, but that has been my experience.
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@coolmailpankaj (338)
• India
6 Feb 09
I don't recognize people on the basis of their color, cast and creed and hence can safely say that I am 0% racist.
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@Zezloler (497)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Feb 09
I agree, I think that there are different degrees of racism too, and I also think that being racist toward blacks is just one of the many forms of racism that exist (although the most dominant one, I would say).
I think that I am racist to an extent, mostly because of where I'm from, because of political views, and because I'm very patriotic towards my country. Generally, I'm open-minded though and I don't think that the racism that I experience has a high magnitude. If I talked to a person that was from a country I didn't like, for example, I would probably be a little wary and doubtful, but I wouldn't consider there no chance of me befriending them just because of their race, because, after all, generalizations don't apply to every individual.
Keeping that in mind, assuming it made any sense at all, I would probably rate my level of racism at about 3 or 4 on a scale from 1 to 10.
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@soumodeep (944)
• India
6 Feb 09
Nice topic to start
Well first of all I am not racist against any particular type of people because all races, ethnicities, religions and languages of people exist in India, so if i am being racist against Portuguese people then I will be racist against people of state Goa in Western India. If I am being racist against Muslims then I will be hating 15% of Indian population, If I am being racist to black people, then i will be hating people in Andaman islands and Western Gujarat and some southern states in India, If i am being hateful towards Asian people then my Northeastern mates would be hated. So I am not racist against any particular group but if someone is being racist with me I will go all out to prove that I am superior to them.
But I am a huge country racist, mainly because I love my country too much! And countries which work against my country, I become racist against them.
main tagline, If i am attacked I attack back!
@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I agree with you there are different tyoes and different levels of racism. Some people show it more then others. Also, racism is taught and learned from an early age. Alot of people think that racism is mainly toward races but it can be towards religons and countrys also. The most dominate form of racism is towards blacks in particular.
Me, I think that I am a racist to an extent in regards to how I was brought up. I am open minded toward everything just about. I like just about everyone that I meet. I personally can careless if you are white, black, blue, purple, red, brown. I also dont care if you are from another country or from another background, polictial view, or even religion. If i don't like someone which is rare its because I don't like them as a person not because of there color.
Since you are asking where would I rate myself it would be 1 or a 2 more towards a 1 though.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Hi miamilady! I really don't like to think of myself as being
racist, but you are right. Everyone does have a bit of a racist
streak in them. I am not racist when it comes to color particularly.
My boyfriend is black and I am white. Color has never been an issue
with me. But, I do have a small problem with some people and I do
not wish to say who or why. So I would have to say I am a 1. I really
do pride myself on being as open minded as possible. But, every now
and again I do catch myself slipping a bit!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I truly don't have a problem with race, but I do with habits, I like it when people are clean. And you can say what you want about being poor, but when the poorest in India can keep themselves clean the rest of us can.
• United States
6 Feb 09
Its not racism, its evolution and peoples lack of knowledge in the field leads them to call it "racism".
Human beings are social animals, but throughout our history we have been living in groups of people because of geographical conditions that used to seperate us all. Now we live in a global world where everyone can see everyone else, and if you haven't noticed, we are all different.
The likes and dislikes of eachother is not global and is dissipating as far as negatives are concerned, but its simply a matter of your genes and instincts putting you up against competition with any others who are different from you.
WE have always competed for resources, it used to be that tribes a few miles apart hated one another, even though they all look the same. People who do not understand how life has gotten to this point see others and dislike them, but they don't know why.
We all have differences, we are all different people. See life and humanity for what it really is, animals living together. Just as there is violence and anger in the wildlife kingdom, so to are we a part of this, even to eachother.
I'm not a racist, I can just see the evolutionary differences in us all.
White people had moved north out of africa to the cold where they mixed with neandrathals and adapted to the cold lifestyle and less sun, therefore became paler skin, more hairy, and brutally violent to survive.
We can see asian evolutions due to climate as well, thinned eyes to protect against wind, sand and dirt, plus the incredible ability to adapt to the cold and extreme heat.
Africa with its physical strength.
The americas with darkened skin from heavy sun and moisture.
It is the places we live and the foods we eat that determine our appearance over long periods of time.
To all you racists who don't understand evolution, don't hate your neighbor, just understand why they are different and you can put it all in perspective, whether positive or negative to you.
*Also, as long as society doesn't crumble and we all continue on this global path, there will one day be a single global race of human beings, a mixture of all of our strengths as the genetic heterozygote advantage passess down our strongest genes, what would you call them?
how about....