I'm a Little Spooked...
By LadyMarissa
@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
February 6, 2009 10:27am CST
I wake up between 4:30-5:30 every morning. I start my day with a good HOTTT cup off Hot Chocolate that I make in the microwave. This morning I had forgotten that I had my space heater on (dayum it was cold when I first got up).
Can't have the microwave & heater on at the same time as they are on the same circuit. So, of course I blew the breaker.
My breaker box is outside...so I wrap up good & warm & head outside. I get in my back yard & can see a mess of torn up whatever all over my yard. I'm wondering what the dogs have gotten into as I thought I had everything either put up or locked in so they couldn't get to it. My house has a detached garage. I keep it locked because the neighbor behind me helps himself to my freezer & I don't want to buy his groceries. As I'm looking around I can see the door to the garage is open. Not the big roll up door but the regular entrance door. The dogs had apparently pulled several boxes out & proceeded to tear them & their contents to shreds. I go over to shut the door back so they can't do anymore damage...thinking I know I locked this door last time. When I checked the knob, it was locked. Now I'm concerned how my locked garage door got open. I'm wondering if somebody broke in for a warmer place to sleep or if the dogs have figured out a way to open the door. If somebody picked the lock I doubt they would have relocked the door & left the door open. (Don't think Saint Anne dropped by
) If the dogs figured out how to open a locked door, I need to figure out how they did it. They love tearing up things & there are a few important things out there that I don't want torn up. Has your dog ever broken into a locked area & did you figure out how he did it???

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12 responses
@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Feb 09
Hi LadyMarissa,
I don't have any dogs but I would get a lock smith to have a look at it to be on the save side, after all it may not be the dogs doings.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I had to be away from home most of the day today. If I have the same problem in the morning, I'll install another lock that is safer. I think I already have a spare deadbolt lock here. I can install it myself. Thanks for the idea!!!
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
6 Feb 09
A lot of those door knob locks can be locked and still opened by slipping something between the door jam and open it (and the button on the inside of the doorknob is still locked). I think you need to put another lock on that door.
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@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
6 Feb 09
we had a cat that used to get into places and open cabinets and stuff, scared me bad. I thought the hosue was haunted when I was a kid until we caught his doing it.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
If my cats were outdoor cats, I'd blame all this on them!!! They get into all my cabinets & even open up the fresh bags of cat food. I brought in a new bag of dog food one night & never did open it as I feed the dogs in the mornings. When I got up the next morning, not only had they tore open the top of the bag, but they had turned it on its side so they could get to the dog food inside. All the while they had a full dish of cat food waiting about 5 steps away. Dogs aren't usually as sly as cats!!!

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Nope. My girl's a lady and waits for someone to open things for her! LOL
Now it's seven days since you posted this.
Have YOU figured out how your dogs figured it out?
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Yep, but I don't think they know how to do it again (or they would have tried it by now).
There's a spot on the door that if you hit it just right, the door pops open. I believe one of them accidentally bumped into it &, once open, they both went shopping. My brother will be adding another lock so it will no longer pop open. As I said, it hasn't happened again since then!!!

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I feel stupid asking this because I have gotten to know you a little and I'm sure you're a compassionate person but--do your dogs have a warm place to sleep? If they're "destructive" they may have been trying to keep warm by being active.
Now, get a hasp for that door and put a padlock on it! That is very strange. Do you know about "bump" keys? It's a type of key that will open just about any lock and they sell them on the internet for a couple of bucks. Your neighbor might have one. If it happens again, I would stay up for a night and watch that garage! Then call the police on whoever is breaking into your garage.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
If I didn't know you, I'd be offended!!! These 2 are just as destructive when it's 100 degrees outside as they are when it's 15. The male has been like this since he was 3 weeks old. He has taken a bumper sticker off the bumper of my car. He ate the year sticker off my state tag. he pulls the vents off the side of my house. He dug up my cable company's wiring & chewed it in two. He's been like that since before I got him. He REFUSES to come inside. His wife was adopted last summer. She hates cats. I have 2 indoor cats. When it first turned cold, I tried to get him to come in & he wouldn't so I put the cats in the bedroom & brought the female inside. The male sat on the back porch & howled because he was alone. She scratched on the door trying to get back outside to him. They were both miserable. The 2 cats were scratching the bedroom door trying to get out. They were miserable too!!! I was miserable because ALL 4 of my babies were miserable. To answer your question, they have a carpeted porch surrounded by thick shrubs. They have a dog house with thick cedar shavings as a bed. They have 2 3-sided sheds with the wind blowing to the back side. They have a 4-sided shed with a flap door so no wind can get to them. All 3 sheds have a down filled bed in it. When it gets cold, they both go into the dog house & curl up together. If they broke into the garage to get warm, they didn't sleep in the garage. When I went out this morning, they both came out of the dog house. I don't like leaving them outside but they seem to prefer it. The male is a Black Lab/Boxer Hound mix. The female is Black Lab/Retriever mix. Their fur gets real thick in the winter. They are both miserable when inside. Tonight is supposed to be 20 degrees warmer. I'm just watching the garage tonight & will check it before I go to bed!!!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Feb 09
Now you take good care there LadyM and make sure that everything is properly locked tonight. I'm sure that it's nothing too serious but please don't do anything risky. Call the cops if necessary. This is a break out story. My cousin and her husband had a Great Dane which they locked in their stable when they went out. One day they caem home and the door of the stable was hanging off and the dog was nowhere to be seen. Closer examination revealed that the door had been kicked open from within. Said vandal was found lying by the back door anxious to get to his bed!!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Thanks P1key. I'm sure the door was locked when I went to bed last night. The door knob was still locked this morning...it's just the door was opened. I really don't think the dogs would let anyone in the yard. If they did for any reason, they would be barking like crazy & I would know. Their bark is completely different when a human approaches the fence than when a dog or cat does. I don't think the dogs could have done it. Still I don't think the dogs would have let a human do it, so I'm stumped for now. I called the police department today & they said to let them know if it happens again tonight. Since it has only happened once, they aren't concerned. I don't know wtf I thought they would care!!! So tonight I'm going to check that door frequently to make sure it isn't open. YES, I'm POSITIVE it's locked!!!

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Sounds like you have some pretty smart dogs. It may have simply been that you didn't pull it shut tight enough. I'd try pulling it shut and then giving it a good push to see if it's latched.
As for the neighbor who helps himself, what on earth is he thinking to just go into someones freezer and help himself...no wonder you keep it locked.
I hope you figure it out.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
ALL 4 of my furbabies are too smart for their own good!!!
I usually slam the door shut, lock it with the key & then butt my rear end against it several times to make sure it doesn't pop back open. I feel sure that is what I did the last time I closed it. It has been a couple of weeks since the last time I had a need to open it & my aged brain can't remember that far back...but, I'm almost positive I followed procedure!!! My brother was supposed to come by today & look at it for me to see if he could see anything I didn't see. Unfortunately his car broke down & he never made it over. So he's coming tomorrow instead. As for the neighbor, I've toyed with the idea of cross contaminating some chicken, leave it sitting out for a few hours & then placing it in top of the freezer. Would serve him right to get a good case of Montazuma's revenge!!!

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Yikes Lady you sure do get up early..I'm usually still awake..LOL. And yikes again I can't believe you have a neighbor like that who helps himself to YOUR food..what an a$$. You're definitely going to have to keep us informed if this happens again to you and it is spooky. I happen to have my two "darling" cats though that just LOVE opening things. Such as the bottom kitchen cabinet even when it's shut tight, and same with the one closet in the living room area when that is shut tight too. I got a real royal fright one time. I had been out, opened my door to get in..as I'm coming into my apt. all of a sudden the living room door swings open a bit, I froze thinking OMG..someone must have gotten into my apt somehow and is hiding in the closet...I'm expecting any minute for a person to come out of that closet so you can imagine my heart was in my throat....out sweet as you please comes Kissy sauntering out...don't ask the language that came out of my mouth when I reprimanded her by telling her DONT DO THAT AGAIN--YOU GAVE YOUR MOM A NEAR HEART ATTACK!!!

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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
If my cats were outdoor cats, they would be the prime suspects!!!
They are ALWAYS getting into cabinets & closets & anything else they can find.
I have a mesh screen in my bathtub drain to catch all hair & anything else small that attempts to get down my drain. The cats were stealing it daily & playing with it...batting it all over the house. When time came for my shower it was always a treasure hunt to find the screen. So, I placed a half dozen bottles of shampoo over it. That worked well for the first week until they figured out how to double team the bottles & move them to where they could get to the screen. So I go hmmmm...rethink & decided to set a 6 pack of Coca~Cola in 20 ounce bottles on top of it. That 6 pack weighs close to 8 pounds. That lasted for about 3 days when they figured out how to bump the 6 pack off the screen & steal it again. So, now I have 2 6-packs...one directly on top of the screen & another just in front of the first. It has been over a week & they haven't figured it out yet. It's interesting to watch them working together to get over on Mommy!!!
My little boy from hell, lets himself into my closets & pulls my clothes onto the floor. Then he walks our & yells at me to let me know he needs his closet tidied back up. That means he can start over. I spend a lotta time at flea markets looking for heavy items to sit in front of doors. His other favorite is my old CRT computer monitor that's too heavy for me to pick up. He loves hitting the ON button to watch the blue light come on. The outlet is behind a desk that I can't move to unplug it from the power source & the power cord is hard wired to the monitor. So, now I've covered the power button with electrical tape so he can't see the button nor the light. Staying ahead of his thought process has definitely become a challenge.
My good little boy has recently started opening drawers. So far he's not pulling items out of them...but my guess is that he will!!! 

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I know that when I lived with my grandparents there was a door that was easily opened even if it was locked because the lock was rot and it wouldn't stay locked. I'm sure you'd know if the door knob was that rot though, lol. I'm not sure how a dog could do it,
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
If I could figure out how the dogs could do it, I'd be happy to blame it on them!!!

@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
7 Feb 09

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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
10 Feb 09
That's really creepy, and I hope by now you've figured out how the door was opened. It would be a worry to think someone had gained access and might even be LIVING in your garage - I remember a story a few years ago of a family in England (in a big old house) who discovered an old lad had been living in their attic for years - really gave me the willies! I'm sure your dogs would have let you know if there was an intruder ... but it's very strange. It's dreadful your neighbour has been stealing things from the freezer!
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@vijayanandp (682)
• India
7 Feb 09
well i did not face any such problems but well i safe side check every thing daily
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
The door WAS LOCKED!!! I'm not sure what happened, but I WILL find out & it WILL be fixed!!! It didn't happen again last night. My brother will be by in an hour or 2 to see if he can find anything I didn't see. It will be interesting to see what he finds!!!