Do you have a self-cleaning oven?

@4ofmyown (1119)
United States
February 6, 2009 6:55pm CST
A couple of years ago we had to buy a new range. We actually found one on clearance at Lowes, it is a flat cooktop and has a self cleaning oven. The thing is that I have not cleaned the oven since we got it. Remarkably, it really isn't that bad. I usually try to put a cookie sheet or something under any dish I think might boil over but of course, it does happen. But, I remember when I was younger, living with my Mom and all 4 of kids were babies and she put her oven on to clean (it , also, was self-cleaning). After about 15 minutes the whole house smelled horrible and the air was awful, like you couldn't breathe. I remember freaking out thinking the oven was on fire but my mom said that it was normal and that it happens sometimes. I insisted we leave the house until it was done, so we packed all the babies up and went shopping. Now I am afraid to clean my oven. Does anyone out there have a self-cleaning oven that has ever had that experience before? I would hate to set it and leave the house because we have 2 small dogs. I would be afraid to come home and find them dead.
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17 responses
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Feb 09
hello 4ofmyown yes, i hear ya about the smell of the self cleaning ovens like that. lol wonder why that they smell so badly? i still do have a self-cleaning oven that i use and have to run the self-cleaning part of it several times a year. and then when the self-cleaning feature is complete on the oven, i still have to get the can of easy-off oven cleaner out and spray different areas of the oven that didn't come clean while the oven was cleaning itself. and what that i do is pick a nice day outside weather wise and open the doors and put up all of the windows in the house. take care and have a beautiful afternoon.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
So, you basically have to suffer through the horrible smell and being out of your house to turn around and have to clean it anyway. I hope the self cleaning part does most of the work for you. The one time I experienced with the self cleaning oven feature, when it was done it looked like ash in the bottom of the oven. I can only imagine how hot it really does get.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
8 Feb 09
yes, and i guess that the oven gets so hot when that it is on the self-cleaning feature, that it burns the spilt food off of it.
• United States
7 Feb 09
Great discussion! I just tried to clean my "self cleaning" oven yesterday and the same thing happened. I have tried several times in the past to clean it with that method but every time the house fills with terrible smelling smoke and I can't take it...I even tried to open up windows and run the fans...didn't work either. I can usually make it about 30 minutes into the cleaning until I can't take it anymore. I too was afraid to leave the house due to having a dog too...not to mention that it scares me to leave it going while I am not there...god forbid you come home to no home...that would be a very bad day. The only thing I can suggest is what I do. After about 15-30 minutes of the terrible smoke I turn it off, let it cool and then scrub the inside until I can't scrub anymore. I think that the spray oven cleaners would work too but I have yet to do that...never seem to have it handy when I need it...LOL! If you hear of any good suggestions let me know...I will also keep an eye on this one.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I am flabbergasted at how many people have tried a self cleaning oven and had the same thing happen. Is it kind of like the one thing no one talks about. It is actually kind of funny. I am sure a ton of us actually paid a little more for our ranges, thinking the self cleaning oven feature would be fabulous. Turns out none of us can use them practically at all. I feel the same way you do about leaving the house. I would practically have sit across the street waiting for flames to come shooting out. Plus we have the 2 dogs that I could never leave in there. Thanks for your comment.
• United States
9 Feb 09
It does seem to be one of those features that everyone wanted on a stove but also one that never seems to work out as planned...LOL! I completely get the whole pet thing...would never leave my dog in the house when something was acting up like that. I have had a house fire at one time and that is the most fearful thing I have ever been through so I think I am also a bit over cautious when it comes to leaving things running when I am gone.
• United States
27 Feb 09
We have very basic appliances that dont have neat functions. I have never used a self cleaning oven but cleaning the oven is one of my least favorite chores. Id love to have an alternitive to climbing in there and scrubbing for hours. I guess when it is time to replace the oven I should look into it.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Based on all the comments I have received about the self-cleaning oven, I would reconsider buying one with that feature. I know that it is usually extra to have it and that most automatically come with it now. I thought I would love it on mine but do not use it because of the effects of the cleaning process.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
7 Feb 09
Wow, that's quite a machine! I wish we had one. But yeah, there are trade-off's for allowing the machine to clean itslef. I guess I'd rather be safe than sorry. I mean, if that thing exploded on me, it'll be a bigger problem and an even bigger mess! Eeeks!
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Yeah, I agree. I don't know what bothers me the most the smoky, bad smell or the fact that it is getting that hot to do that. I would be a wreck until it was over.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
21 Feb 09
I love the fact that my oven is self cleaning. It saves me the work of cleaning it. It smells a little, but not too bad when I use it. The smell is nowhere as bad as when I used to use chemicals for cleaning. Try it out and see how you like it. It should smell a bit like burning, but not bad.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I never thought of it that way. I do suppose I would rather smell burnt oven drippings then the horrible smell of oven cleaner. Thanks
• United States
20 Feb 09
Iv'e had the same problem for years. Today I came up with an idea because I'm desprerate. I haven't cleaned my oven for 3 years now. i was looking at the exhaust where the heat and smoke excape from the interior and thought, " If only i had an exhaust tube that i could contuor to the ovens exhaust and bring directly to the exhaust fan above the stove top." Tin foil! That is what i came up with. I have the heavey renyolds foil, the tall roll. I took a good size piece an formed a tube with a 90 degree angle. I folded and pinched the ends and the line along the side where the tin foil ends, to seal it as best I could from smoke seepage. On the short end of the 90 degree angle ifolded the foil until it became more firm then slid it around the oven exhaust as far back on the oven exhause as i could get. Then i carfuly pinched the foil around the oven exhaust to seal it. i made sure not to be rough with it, don't want the tube to bunch up, bend or fold. That would restrict the smoke and heat and it would find other ways out. I found the tallest pan I have aboult 12 inches tall and put water in the bottom for stability and used that to hold my tube in place up agaist the back of the stove. Then i got another longer piece of foil and made anouther larger tube, pinching the side and ends again. and slid it over the first tube already in place. Then i carfully pinched the larger one down to fit the two together.The end of my homade exhaust tube touches the grill of my stoves exhaust fan. I am testing this as I type this. However, I have the stove exhaust fan on high and the broiler on to test this. I turned the fan off to see if it was working. And to my surprize i could see the smoke rolling from my tube. The house does have a smell but not bad. I think I'm gonna turn on the self cleaning. I really think this will help alot. If not it is gonna get really cold in the house, because the doors and windows will get opened. I'll let you know how it turns out.
• United States
21 Feb 09
OK the verdict is in. This really helped out! eventhough there still was some smoke excaping from the door of the oven. i could see that there was ample air flow from the exhaust fan to draw that smoke into it. The smoke from the tube, i made, was billowing out like a chimney. the smoke was drawn out by the exhaust fan. anyhow this worked and i will go to the hardware store and get some high temp tubing that will work better the next time. It sure is nice to have a clean oven!!!!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I do not have a self cleaning oven unless you consider the fact that I have to do it myself...but you have the right to be concerned. A gentleman that I knew didn't really know about their self cleaning oven....he put in a pizza and I guess you can't open the door of the oven until the cleaning part is done....well his pizza went up in smoke! So I wish you the best of luck with your oven!
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Yeah, you're right the door does lock so cannot open it because it does get so hot. This self-cleaning oven sounds even worse now.
• United States
7 Feb 09
I have a self-cleaning oven, but I rarely use it in the winter because the fumes are terrible. I use it in the summer, though, when we all can be outside for a long period of time without noticing the smell. I can also keep the house wide-open without worrying about my heating bill skyrocketing, too! LOL I never understood why it smells so bad.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Yeah you really can't stay in the house while it is cleaning. I don't get the smell either. I know it gets really, really hot but it doesn't even smell like burnt food to me. The one time I did it you literally could not breathe in the air. It was awful. Did your house smell afterward? Or did keeping the windows open really help?
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
7 Feb 09
We do have a self cleaning oven but I only did it one time. Like you said it smoked up the whole house, it was completely aweful. After that it didn't even look all that much cleaner after it happened, it was just not worth it. I never did it again. Now if I spill something in there, I just wipe it up as soon as the oven is cool enough for me to safely wipe it out. I don't think I will ever use the self cleaning feature ever again.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I guess I don't get why they even make a self cleaning oven. It seems like you can't even use them. I will have to dig out the manual that came with my oven because I want to see if it says anywhere in there if it should smoke and stink, etc....I do what you do, as soon as the oven is cool I try to remember to wipe up anything on the bottom.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I am pretty sure my oven is not self cleaning, how sad is it that I don't even know. Well it's not OUR oven, it came with the house, but I've been using it 3 years. I bought oven cleaner once and tried to clean it, but whatever was on there did not want to come off! Anyways, years ago when I got my first apartment I did have a self cleaning oven, and one day I tried to set it to clean itself, and it was the same as you described, a nasty smell that I wasn't too comfortable with. I assumed the thing was broken so I turned it off and have never attempted to self clean a self cleaning oven again.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
7 Feb 09
The smell is horrible!! It is almost noxious and there is practically no way to stay in the house while it is cleaning. I have never cleaned an oven before. I know you have to be careful with oven cleaners because they can be very strong and burn your skin. If it comes down to that, then maybe my husband will do it.
• India
7 Feb 09
I would rather not have such one. automatic ones are expensive and rather heavy maintenence costs
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
This is very true. Do you live somewhere that you don't need an oven or have something else you use instead? I really don't have much choice but to have a regular oven.
@AbbeyB (670)
• Spain
7 Feb 09
I wish I hate cleaning the oven and make hubby do it lol which he hates I have heard they do stink though when they are being cleaned!
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
It is pretty awful but I am wondering if the smell of the smoke is any better or worse than the smell of oven cleaner. That stuff can be pretty harsh.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I have a self cleaning oven, I tried it once and that was enough. Not long after started it, the whole house smelt and it was very hard to breathe. We have had it about 8 years, I generally wipe it out if something spills in it. It is not bad, I just can not bring myself to use the self cleaner. I had one at my other house and was able to let it run its full course, I did have to close the door between the kitchen and the rest of the house and leave the windows and back door wide open. But after the self cleaning finished I still had to wipe it out and clean it. My opinion not worth it.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Yeah, that sounds exactly like what happened before to me. I guess if you were to clean often that wouldn't happen but now I am afraid to.
@moneymommy (3418)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Last week when I made a turkey in the oven and all the oil and juices over flowed. I really wished I had a self cleaning oven. What a mess! I had to scrub and scrub and it took forever to get clean. Self cleaning ovens are much more desirable then the regular ovens.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I can only imagine the work it took to clean that up. Have you had a self cleaning oven before? Because almost everyone who has responded basically all said they would never use one again.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Feb 09
nope I never had one, for the last 30 years I have had second hand stoves and none of them are self cleaning
• United States
7 Feb 09
I wish that we did. We lived in an apartment years ago that had a self cleaning oven and I loved it. I hate my oven right now and it is so dirty. I do put foil on the bottom though so any drips gets on it so it is much easier to clean.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I used to do the foil on the bottom but this oven has no bottom burner it is coil-less on the you can't put anything directly on the bottom.
• United States
21 Feb 09
I hav a self-cleaning oven. It was in the house when I bought it. But, I don't tink it works. I have never had a self-cleaning oven, before tis one. So, I don't exaclty know how they work. I tried it out one day. I turn it to the Clean mode. I found an old manual on the internet, to figure it out. After Ist it and it turned on, I waited for awhile. I opened te oven after awhile and it was not at all hot. I didn't know for sure how they worked, but I figured it was suppose to heat up extra hot. I was never able to get it to do anything. So, I assume it just doesn't work. I don't normally cook things that cause a mess in there. So, I guess I am lucky, since it doesn't work.