I get This I phone at prize4planet it's free and SImple Job to do

February 6, 2009 11:29pm CST
hey guys, l am not tryng to spaming here just want to give some information that maybe useful for you. I got this i phone simply by joining in prize4planet, collecting point by point and for worth of 17400 point i got this diliver to me.Well is not to hard to gain point in here, because alot of jobs you do you got point, and even you login you got some point and most of them are with no cost offer. Here are the point that you can collected Invite Friends 40pt + 5% commision Complete Offers 20pt - 3000pt Play Games 20 - 100pt Buy Products 100 - 6000pt Daily Login 20pt I hope this information was useful, and all i can say that everything that we do in consistancy way i am sure the success will come to you Please visit them by your self, and if this worth to join for you, only you who knows...cheers http://www.prize4planet.com/default.aspx?r=147452
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