Are you a saver or a spender?

@shamzy18 (2316)
February 7, 2009 5:39pm CST
Well this is a simple question. Do you tend to save your money or do you spend it? When you get paid from work do you straight away go and spend it or save it? do you save on a regular basis? Like save some every week or like whenever you have extra? Well i know i do spend a lot but i do save some too. I think i am in between dont go crazy and spend money all in one go hehe but i do spend some of it.
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6 responses
@dodo19 (47312)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
8 Feb 09
I'd have to say that I'm a bit of both. I like to save up as much as I can, mainly for the things that I may need. But sometimes, I like to buy a little something for myself, something that I may not need for school, and isn't something that I absolutely need. I think that saving is a good thing for the unexpected things in life, but sometimes, I think that getting yourself a little treat now and again certainly doesn't hurt.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
8 Feb 09
Yeah treating yourself doesn't do no harm, but doing it all the time would be getting out of hand hehe
@dodo19 (47312)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
8 Feb 09
Yes absolutely. There is a limit as to how much you can treat yourself.
• United States
8 Feb 09
Really I'm a bit of both. I'm trying to save more than I spend but I've gotten into this terrible habit of spending more than saving lately. It's really difficult to break that type of habit. I'm really thinking about in one of my more spare times to make up a budget of some sort and try to stick to it as much as I can.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
8 Feb 09
Yeah i tend to save more than i spend but since after christmas with the sales and all i have gone over board i think hehe.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
7 Feb 09
I guess I am a bit of both, I was brought up to always save a little for a rainy day, and this is what i have done through my life but I love spending also so I have to keep myself under control as now I am not working, it is hard sometimes to do that.
@shamzy18 (2316)
7 Feb 09
Yeah it is definately hard to control.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
8 Feb 09
hi there shamzy18 to be honest with you i am a spender i wish i was a saver but i am obessed with buying things and i dont know why. happy postings to you.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
8 Feb 09
Lol yeah i understand
• Canada
7 Feb 09
I'm definitely a saver. I don't like buying thins impulsively because the novelty wears off in a day or so. And it's not like I have a lot of money to begin with.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
8 Feb 09
Cool. Yeah sometimes i spend and spend and then realise why did i do that, but then other times i spend and spend and the things i buy make me happy hehe.
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@moneymommy (3418)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I am a little bit of both. I try my best to save it but it usually will end up getting spent on something.
@shamzy18 (2316)
7 Feb 09
Yeah that is true it does in the end get spent lol