What is the best way to move to another state on the other side of the country?

United States
February 8, 2009 12:12am CST
If I wanted to move from Georgia to say Arizona, etc. What is the best way to do that? Should you get some kind of job? Rent an apartment first? I am kind of lost. I have moved out of state once, but my friend was there to hold my hand. I would like to move, maybe, but I do not have any idea how one would do it by themselves. I also do not know the wisest way to do this, especially in this economy. Any advice would be appreciated.
1 response
• United States
8 Feb 09
If your looking to move fast, go get a job at Kroger or someplace that is everywhere! Then in a few weeks contact that company in the area you want to live and see if you can transfer. Then if you can, look at places to stay in the area close to that job. If your not planning on moving anytime soon but still interested, try to find a good paying job in that area and if you get hired, just try to find any place to live near that job! Basically all you need is a job and place to live! Make sure you have a RIDE ALSO to get to work... lol GOOD LUCK!