How many time u take a name of god?

February 8, 2009 2:08am CST
i take 5 times in a day when i wake up then before lunch then in evening then before dinner then before sleep
1 response
• United States
8 Feb 09
Is this a serious question or a play on words?
• India
8 Feb 09
this is a serious question .
• United States
8 Feb 09
Ok, just wanted to make sure before I engaged. I don't "take" any "God's" name specifically but we do have a shrine set up. We have two actually, one out in the living room, and one for the children in their room. Ganesh is on their shrine because it was the statue that we were given when I was pregnant with our daughter. We have our Buddha and Shiva statues out in the living room. I suppose for us, we do spend time in meditation, but other times we just speak to them as if they were just there, like speaking to a friend. We leave offerings though.