You Know..This Really Doesn't Make Sense For Me?

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
February 8, 2009 4:12am CST
Many of my friends are familiar with "My Story". Since I'm on SSI benefits due to a disability I also get Medicaid. Thanks Goodness! Now I'm not a bit one for medications and don't take any all at least not conventional medicine if I can help it. I rather go the more natural routes of healing. I get that from my great-grandmother who was a nurse and thought all doctors were idiots. She was a walking encyclopedia of natural remedies, never took anything stronger than aspirin and lived to be 98 years old. Now unfortunately neither my grandmother or mother took the slightest interest in a more natural approach to healing I'm winging it on my own by using more natural methods of healing and many have worked wonderfully well. There are less side effects from natural remedies than the pharmaceutical mad scientist's concoction in which many major medications have been either totally recalled or reinstated with severe warnings. So like who wants to take this crap anyway? It may not affect you now and may indeed help you but what about years women sucked into Hormonal Replacement Therapy believing it will help those hot flashes, etc but may open themselves up to breast cancer? Anyways the whole point of this discussion....I haven't been feeling too keen lately a combo of bronchitis, sinus infection and maybe a touch of the flu.. so in other words been feeling like do-do ca-ca poo-poo. My energy level has completely sucked and have been sleeping more. Finally I gave in. I went to my doctors to get antibiotics as I have found even with my more natural approach in getting rid of a "bug" in me it just wasn't working. BUT---why is it??? I can get name brand prescription medications for near nothing with my SSI/Medicaid, but if I try to get the more natural alternatives, Medicaid won't recognize it? I think as far as treating my bronchitis bouts I have to resort to going to the doctor, where my visit is "taken care of" via Medicaid/HIP and resort to the medications...even to get a multi-vitamin ISN'T covered by benefits..How sick is this? Since our food sources don't have the same nutritional values as in our ancestors time, we are NOT getting the same natural nutritional values as they did which is why so many of us resort to vitamins. We are supposed to be concerned with "preventative" measures to keep healthy...yet it's almost as if the government doesn't want this and instead wants us dosed up with medications that could have severe side effects triggering only more health issues Does this seem sane to you? Being on benefits I can't always buy the more natural means of healing like I said have to resort to medications. Is there a conspiracy with our care and the pharmaceutical companies? I have even looked for doctors into alternative medicine via Medicaid/HIP..nothing comes up...they are not supported..I would have to pay out of pocket to see these doctors which I just can't that fair?????? So you think there is a conspiracy here? That in general the medical profession just plain doesn't want to support more alternative means of healing since lets face would put them out of business...the same with the pharmaceutical companies..and that it hits people MORE who are on benefits?
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16 responses
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
8 Feb 09
It is a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies... who bribe the doctors in order for them not to recognise the value of alternative medicine. And if alternative medicine is not recognise by doctors... the government cannot honestly subsidise it. Take Homeopathy... it is supposed to be a very successful alternative medecine... and is recognised by the French government... probably because it is mostly being manufactured in France. But in the UK, Australia and the US... it is ridiculised by the medical profession... because they know that homeopathy can put doctors out of business. My whole family in France use homeopathy and swear by it that it works better than anything doctors can prescribe you. And the government pays for it at the same rate that it reimbourse pharmaceutical prescriptions.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Feb 09
It is a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies... who bribe the doctors in order for them not to recognise the value of alternative medicine. yep thats exactly it...My husband and I had an interesting conversation abut this very thing a few months back actually..the pharmacutical industry is MASSIVE a multi billion dollar industry..if all the docs etc promoted alternatives and holistic healing etc etc mass amounts of money would be lost to them (the pharma co.)
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
8 Feb 09
First of all I convey my good wishes for your health. and feel sad too. So far your doubt about the general medicine and the suspected agreement between the Govt and the pharmaceutical companies I feel there is a room for real doubt. When there has been much discussion on the effectiveness of the alternative medicine why these people openly do not say that alternative medicine could be more effective in say your case and that of many. But ironically that is not the case. But on personal note I believe from my observation that healing certain disease alternative medicine really works. Hope you get solution to your problem soon.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
8 Feb 09
That is wonderful. This is the faith in the Almighty and the chemotherapy that worked. Its fantastic. Its true indeed that alternative medicines really work.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Sure tere is its called big BUCKS for all . and no way are they going to let us go to alteritive Doc. For they can charge as much for the pills or herbs they would recommend!
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@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
8 Feb 09
In a word, Yes.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Feb 09
There is a conspiracy then huh?
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Feb 09
I think there are definite payoffs between pharmaceutical companies and doctors, as well as insurance companies. I feel that all involved would deny it vehemently. I can't figure out why else natural medicines or even vitamins would be denied from coverage by Medicaid. Is it because they aren't conventional? Well, like you say, conventional meds have all kinds of side effects that cause other problems, but they're made by pharmaceutical companies. Smells like poo-poo to me. Thanks for posting a relevant topic!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
10 Feb 09
It could be that the health insurances even Medicaid wouldn't get much money out of "prescribed" vitamins or herbals...think of it, for the most part they are much cheaper than prescription medications, yet too expensive for people on benefits to buy out of pocket. I can get my prescribed meds for only a few bucks
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I agree with you, it doesn't make any sense. I've even read studies where some natural remedies are shown to be benefitial. You would think, in fact, that more natural remedies would be incorporated into medicine, especially now that they're finding that as we use more antibiotics, diseases are becoming resistant to them. It's a vicious cycle, stronger medicines, stronger diseases... As far as what's covered my Medicaid/Medicare and other all boils down to lobbyists and politics. Most producers of natural or homeopathic medicines are small. If they could somehow unite under one umbrella, perhaps they'd be big enough to be heard.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Pye, you are right. I have seen this myself. A few years back I had Bell's Palsy. I went to the ER thinking I was having a stroke. The doctor told me they don't really know what causes it, and they don't know really how to treat it, so they gave me high doses of steroids and some antibiotics. I fill the medications and day to arrived. I felt like my body had been beaten with a two by four. I couldn't wear clothes with out being in the worst pain I have ever felt up to that point. I stopped it all right then. I started researching Bell's Palsy and found thousands of people and hundred of doctors saying that Noni Juice healed them from Bell's Palsy or healed their patients. The thing that was most shocking, people were saying it healed them in 3 days. I ordered it. Started taking it an ounce a day, like everyone who had already gone through this, had done. It was nasty, and I wasn't gonna take anymore. But the next day I woke up and had a good 30% movement back in my face. So I took the second ounce, woke up that second day, and had 70% if movement back. So I took the third ounce, and that third day I woke up to having 100% movement back in my face, with out the side effects. My daughter has Ulcerative Colitis. The medications for it, has side effects worst than the disease itself. I found Pine Nut Oil for her. Since she has been on it, we have had less trips to the hospital. She is doing better, and we have hopes that the pine nut oil will reverse the damage that was caused by her disease, as it has other people. Before we found the Pine Nut Oil, she would go into a flair every couple of weeks if not more. Since we have started the Pine Nut Oil she has only had two flairs in the last two years. Modern medicine can be good, but also bad. I will always look for natural ways to cure or heal before I take any modern medicines, because of my experiences and seeing for myself the herbal treatments can work. Noni Juice comes from the Noni Fruit, Pine Nut Oil comes from Pine Nuts. Its a lot easier on the body to use things from nature than man made products.
• United States
18 Feb 09
they use the excuse it's "untested" and "experimental",even if it's a remedy people have been using for centuries. ..however once it has become tested,and found useful..then they name it and call it medicine,and charge through the nose in point-asprin. basically if you treat yourself and it works,they won't make money off it,so they're not gonna help you aquire the alternative.
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Pye, you are on it, 100%, as usual. Pharmaceutical companies rule the world. Doesn't matter what's healthier for people, what matters is the bottom dollar. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, I hope you're feeling better!
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• United States
13 Feb 09
It makes you wonder some times what we are going to. I think the government is not paying for holistic medicine because they cannot regulate the ingredients like they can the chemicals.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Feb 09
There is big big money in lab produced pharmaceuticals Pye. NO ONE wants to rock that cash boat. And the reason? Because SO many of the pills and 'remedies' produced by those companies are a load of crap and don't really do a thing! It's the power of suggestion and good marketing that sells them and convinces people that they work and are necessary for health. For these companies to abandon that in favor of homeopathic medicines would bring the world economy to a crashing halt. So don't hold your breath that more natural medicines are ever going to make the top ten curative list! Your gran sounds just like mine. And as a result I grew up with an affinity for more natural remedies and the only pills I've EVER taken on a regular basis are the one I take for my arthritis when it is severe and my teas and tisanes aren't strong enough on my bad days.
@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Feb 09
These pharmaceutical companies are making big bucks. And, I think the doctors are in cahoots with them. You need to take some L-Lysine and get your immune system strenthened up. And aloe vera juice doesn't hurt either. I am one to go nature too. I have tried every anti-depressant on the market and they don't help anyway. Side effects are scarey. Etc. I am on SSI myself.
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8 Feb 09
Hi pye, What do they care anyway when they ca make money out of us, as for me I just stay in bed and have honey and lemon drinks, deat chicken broth and drink plenty of water, stay warmth, I am on benifits as well, but my husband on low wages we get tax credit so we don't have to pay for our medications, the only medication I get is my asthma inhalers only. Bright Blessings. Tamara
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Hey pye! I definitely do know what you mean! I also have a very similar problem. I do take a simple mulitivitamin, which I have to pay for since it isn't covered, as you know! My doctor doesn't even really think that much of vitamins which really surprised me! I know that I don't always eat as healthy as I should, but I do love veggies and I do try! But, I do for some reason constantly feel run down and have a weak immune system. If I am near someone who is sick I most certainly will get sick too. In fact, right now I think I might have finally come down with the flu! Now I haven't been anywhere except yesterday and I was already feeling sick before I went out! So what did I get sick from? Touching the mail, money, door handle? I have no idea! I was out Monday, but why I am first getting sick now? I also won't take anything for it! I will drink my Green Tea, orange juice and have some chicken soup! And I will rest because I feel like doo-doo now too! I won't go to the doctor unless I absolutely have to! I don't know what else to do! I know what I'm covered for and I just don't want to go there!
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Would you be able to get vitamins if the doctor would prescribe them? I know that the whole system is backwards, and I have great sympathy. I have no insurance, but will be eligible, soon.Ours will have a wellness component that will give us rewards for doing certain healthy things.
• United States
8 Feb 09
The government can't control nature or natural medicines. Of course you can get the regular medicine because the doctors and the government get their money from these companies. They Really don't care if it makes well or not. Just as long as they get their money.Don't get me wrong , there are doctors out there who Really want to see get well but they are few and far between.As you can tell I don't trust doctors. I will go to one when I am ready to die because I Know they will eventually kill me.I hope you will feel better real soon.