Good Ideas but do'n know how to start

February 8, 2009 7:25am CST
I plan to write a book or a short novel or whatever and I really have really good twisted ideas about what the main context of how the story should be. The only problem is, every time I turn on the computer open word, I can't seem to start to write even a single line. Any advice, pointers, guideline or whatever that may be of help so that i can get these things out of my head and hopefully be read by others one day?
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19 responses
8 Feb 09
Write the bits you *can* do. Don't start at the beginning: a lot of authors will tell you the hardest part is the opening page. Jot down little bits of conversation, write a scene, make a few notes on how things could go in the story. Before long, you'll find you have half of it written already!
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for your thoughts. that really helps..
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@Annie2 (594)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I am working on my bachelor's in professional writing on the creative track. The thing I hear most from my instructors is to keep a daily journal. I am also of the "old school" where all my writing was done by hand -- pen/pencil on paper. My instructors encouraged me to do my writing on computer instead. It is faster and I can keep up with my thoughts better. Writing was too slow and I would not be able to keep up with my thoughts. (I was a secretary for years and can type quickly the proper way instead of the hunt and peck way.) When you write/type, just do it. Do not stop for typos, spelling, grammar, etc. Just let it flow. All corrections can be done after the thoughts are recorded. As other posters have said, you should keep a notebook and pen with you all the time because ideas will come and will forget them if you don't write them down. Keep them by your bedside. Many excellent ideas come to you in your dreams. You will probably forget them if you don't write them down the minute you are awakened by the dream. If you have some good, twisted ideas about the main context, get it down. Get the flow going. Don't worry about the beginning or end or title if you don't have them. Just start with the ideas. GOOD LUCK!
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for your thoughts. really very helpful.. now it's up to me to come up with a really good concept and put those to work. thanks a ton..
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• Singapore
9 Feb 09
I have not written a fiction piece before. But whether you write a fiction or non-fiction, we are all writers and do suffer from writer's block sometimes or that feeling we do not know where to start. Jot down small ideas into a notebook when it pops into your head. I do that sometimes. Other times, I try to brainstorm for ideas and then quickly write as many points as possible. That way, you have a few things to work on, when you sit on the computer. Thinking about writing an entire book can be daunting. Why don't you start with writing shorter pieces first, that can be compiled into a book later. Just some suggestions...
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks. i'll keep those in mind. thanks lots.
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• India
9 Feb 09
well you start writing what is in your mind, how ever the contant be you first start writing it and well you can make changes as you go on.only starting is a trouble as many thaughts will come so once you start writing every thing will be set.
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for the advice.. i'll keep that in mind.
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@Claireds (35)
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
Then it's good enough to get started! Just write what's in your mind at the moment. It doesn't have to be good. In fact, it' better if it's not. Don't be bothered if you'll get it right or not just write. You'll do the polishing up later on. I also suggest you to have a notebook nearby. You don't know when new ideas strike in so better jot it down before it gets at the back of your head. Try writing a few sentences summarizing your story. You know, like the ones you see on a book's back cover. From each sentence, develop another set of sentences that will support the first one and so one. keep going to the other sentences. You should be finding some great ideas as you go along. It's called The snowflake method. There's a lot of good sites out there discussing that method. You might want to check them out. It works well for me in writing my stories. You might also want to use a mindmap software. It helps you to get your ideas organized. I recommend using Freemind. It's free and easy to use. You'll find it helpful. Hope this helps. Goodluck. Keep writing!
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks.. hope i can apply all of your advices. But i'll be keeping those in mind for sure.
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• China
9 Feb 09
well,I think, you can take a notebook and a pen with you wherever you go. and when you have something want to write just write them down immediately. then one day you will find that you have written a lot,then just put them together and make up.i have try this way's helpful,maybe you can try it.come on!
2 people like this
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thank you. that's really helpful indeed.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
8 Feb 09
You're having a writer's block. I have experienced that too. I have talked to friends who are writers and I was told that there's a way to overcome a writer's block. Here's one way: Get a favorite story and copy it manually and savor the flow of the words as you copy. I was told that this stimulates your mind. I have tried this and it worked for me. Another thing to do is to just write whatever comes to mind. Don't worry first about grammar or structure. Keep writing. This exercise brings back your focus on your ideas.
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thank you, your thoughts are really really helpful.
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Carry a journal with you or even a PDA and when ideas come to you capture them right then. From that begin to create an outline of what the book will be about. Creating an outline will not only get you started but is much easier to change as you continue to develop your thoughts. Once you have a good clear outline of what the book will be about it is a matter of filling in the blanks. Many authors of great books have taken years in creating that book. Not only because of the complexity but because of the very thing you fight when you sit down to begin. Never start anything without some form of outline. A plan. It is like creating the book in it's simplest form. Good luck to you and let us know when we can read it. *smile*
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thank. your thoughts are really helpful indeed. now it's just up to me to come up with those ideas i once had again.. thanks a ton..
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Feb 09
just write about everyday life things that happen in your life are history are things that going on in the world today.there is plenty to writr about just look around can even talk about the weather are your children are family members so go ahead enjoy your self.
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for the advice. i'll keep that in mind.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
i used to write and publish non fiction articles and have the inkling to start writing a fictional story (not sure if it will be a short story or novel) but what i have been doing on word is just jotting down ideas, backgrounds different scenes, etc and then i will put it all together later. maybe thats what you should do?
2 people like this
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for the response. that's really helpful.
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Whenever I have to write a paper for school I just start writing or typing. It isn't the best start to the paper but I can always go back and change it. It helps me to get my mind thinking and words out on paper, helps to get the paper started. It doesn't always work but most of the time it does. You can always reorganize your paragraphs, go back and edit your writing. If that doesn't work I read someone suggested that you should keep a notebook and a pen and write the ideas as they come to you. I am stuck in the middle of my paper right now. My mid-terms are coming up this week and I have to do a paper for my English class as a mid-term. I wanted to get a early start on it, so I began to write it in my English notebook. I am kind of stuck in the middle though, I don't have anything more to say so I decided to take a break. Later on tonight I will probably type what I have wrote and then see if anything else comes to mind. Good Luck!
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for those precious thoughts. i'll be keeping those in mind. thanks lots.
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• United States
8 Feb 09
Keep a pen and a little black book handy at all times. If you go blank at a computer screen, don't fret. Keep your mind clear of the stress of having to pound the keys to a successful novel. While doing things that make you happy, jot down random thoughts as soon as you can. Keep a log of any ideas that come to mind when you are thinking of a way to develop the killer's alibi, etc. Once you've filled a few pages full of thoughts and ideas, then try turning on the bright light. Turn on some soothing music and see what happens. Good luck!
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thank you.. very helpful indeed..
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@MissAmie (717)
• United States
8 Feb 09
One thing to remember is that you don't need to start at the beginning. Just start typing what's in your head. Even if it's the middle of the story, you can always add more to it later. If you're having good ideas get them on paper before you lose them. Once you forget it's hard to get the story back.
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for sharing. i'll keep that in mind.
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@SaMB2509 (22)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Make an out line first. That way you can start planning the events by chapters. Then you just basically fill in the story but with structure.
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks for that really helpful thought.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Personally, I think we all have been there from time to time. Wanting to write a Story we would Love to have published somewhere someday, and then loose train of thought or not sure where to start when we actually are trying to Write it down. I actually started a Christian Romance Novel once, and then had my Computer crash to where I ended up loosing the first 2 or 3 chapters of it, and have never been able to restart it, so I know how frustrating loosing thoughts and ideas can be.
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
yep.. well hope i can write something like you did. thanks.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
8 Feb 09
carry a notebook and pen around with you and start by hand AFTER ALL, think of all the books writen beFORE computers were invented.
2 people like this
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thank you all for the advice. All have really really helpful thoughts I sure can use. I'll try to start my writing keeping in mind all of your advice. Thanks a ton..
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I think the best thing you can do is just start writing and then later when the book is "finished" you can start going back and editing, but make sure you keep copies of all the revisions and changes. I wrote a couple of short books when I was younger and had the time. I would never publish them, but it was a great sense of accomplishment to know I wrote them! A good site that might help you is - its dedicated to writing the 30 day novel :) They have a good book to read too that you might be able to find at the library. Good luck writing your book!
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
thanks so much for your precious thoughts. Really helps.
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• United States
10 Feb 09
Make plotline notes. Carry a voice recorder as well.
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
8 Feb 09
Hello friend, I am facing somewhat similar problem.I have talked to a few people about this and this is what they had to say- Carry a small notepad and pen around with you, all the time. Most of the times, when you get an idea, you are probably out of your house or you are not in a mood to write.And after a while those thoughts skip your mind. Note down the ideas as and when they come and use that notepad when you sit in front of the PC. It has helped me a lot. Hope it does help you too. Cheers!
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• Philippines
9 Feb 09
well guess our problems has just been answered.. thanks for sharing.
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