They sure do have their FOOD PREFERENCES!

February 8, 2009 12:57pm CST
Don't they? Or do they? What are your children like (or were they like)? Do they have food preferences...Will they only eat certain things or do they like a wide variety of foods... My son has a very limited menu of items that he always wants and will eat! What are your child's favorites please do share! ~Heavens~
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4 responses
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Heavens, it is good to see you posting again.. My son liked almost anything and everything that was fed to him.. He could do commercials for hamburgers, as he absolutely loves them, but he has never been picky about any of his other foods either..
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• Canada
9 Feb 09
Thanks Donna! Yes, I have posted but not much response here!! I'm still unsure what to do here...a lot of my list has disappeared but then it is good to know that I still have couple decent friends left here including you! Thanks so much! You are lucky that your boy was easy to please... Did he have a favorite food? ~Heavens~
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• Canada
17 Feb 09
My son's favorites have got to be Hot dogs, Kraft Dinner and Chicken Fingers with French Fries..He could live on this stuff if I let him! ~Heavens~
• United States
9 Feb 09
Cooked.. He would eat anything, I honestly can't think of a favorite food, Oh yes I can.. His favorite food was a rib-eye steak, I had almost forgot how much he could drool and get a dreamy look in his eyes at the mention of a rib-eye.. I had forgotten it because we can really afford steaks that much anymore..
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
8 Feb 09
I don't have any kids but as a child I couldn't have any food preference because my parents would be unable to afford it even if I had. I don't eat egg and this happen because of my father So when egg is on the menu for that morning I just eat whatever is prepared and go on my merry way without the egg tho. Even though Mama didn't eat tripe she makes sure that all of us eat it. Tripe and Bean is my father's favourite dish. Now I see parents going out of his/her ways because of food preference where kids are concerned. I hope if and when I have a child she will be like me.
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• Canada
8 Feb 09
Hello Kerriannc! Please read my response above...It explains a lot about how I grew up! Basically i was an only child but Mom always catered to Dad and his wants and preferences first...I ate what was set before me I just took less or none of the items I did not like and had to clean my plate as well..No waste like there is today! Times sure have changed haven't they!? ~Heavens~
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
17 Feb 09
Thanks for the best response.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
9 Feb 09
My daughter is a very "plain food" eater. Very basic. Lately, there is a new development. She has gotten fussy about some things that she used to like in the past. I can't seem to keep up with her changing preferences. "I never liked that, mom!" Ummmm....... I distinctly remember her eating this in the past. I think she's just trying to keep me guessing!
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• Canada
9 Feb 09
Hello rocket! My boy is really hard to feed a balanced diet...He will hardly eat meat unless it is Hot dogs or chicken fingers. Thankfully he'll eat Hamburger Helper and sometimes chili! His favorites are Kraft dinner and canned character pastas! Don't get me started on my difficulty to pack his school lunches... He will not eat sandwiches not even grilled cheese! ~Heavens~
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• Canada
9 Feb 09
Wish I could pack lunch meat... Won't eat that either! ~Heavens~
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
9 Feb 09
My daughter was like that with sandwiches when she was younger. I could pack lunch meat and cheese separately and then she would eat it, but not in sandwich form.
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
11 Feb 09
I do have some picky kids. There is only one of my kids that will eat anything except for cottage cheese, he really dislikes that. Other than that my other kids are fairly picky. They do how ever really like freah fruit and vegetables. Which is usually and odd thing for kids to like. They would prefer salads over burgers anyday. They are not very fond of most pastas.
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• Canada
17 Feb 09
Wow! I have a hard time getting my son to eat meat but he does love fruit and veggies and salad.... His favorite meals would have to be a hot dog or Kraft Dinner...Sad I know! ~Heavens~