@nitesh_hsetin (421)
November 9, 2006 3:16pm CST
GENERATTON GAP "Oh! you can't understand this! this is not your time! this is our life funda!" this one sentence you sure to hear from Indian teenager of present era, when some one elder, ask about the behavior of them, some of youth go even further by adding " Remember there is a generation gap between you and us."Now the series of questions start taking place. What is generation gap? How this gap is created? Are we never be in the position of filling this gap? Are the two adjoining generations of human beings will remain cursed to live for ever with this meaning less word? and so on.
In my own view human generations are flowing in the stream of time and all the past present or the futures generations are tied up with each, science has also proved by discovering genes and heredity. Now how is possible that the things tide together and in the same flow, have a such huge gap between them that one look completely different from other and separate presence of that can be observed? Surely it is not possible and it means there is no gap between the generations, Whatever we are observing in our day to day life is not more than an optical illusion. But surely there is something which is creating a difference, a kind of separating line between the present and upcoming generation of human beings. Since the start of existence on earth human has a natural tendency of getting bored even from the top most interesting and comfortable aspect of the life, that's why love is always in the search of new ways of expressions. The curious nature of human doesn't allow him to remain quite and keep him on continuous search of new ways and style of doing the same work. If you wish, you can call generation gap, to these efforts of locating new work style.
What happens, when we see present youth adopting an approach[even for the creations and maintenance of social relations] unknown and non familiar to us, we often look-over it with a comment " Today's youth is beyond control and not ready to understand". In fact our this attitude is giving birth to irresponsible behavior of the youth and this is so called generation gap. What must be done by us in such situations, is to find out time for them. After all they are our future and hence are the most valuable assets. Can you see misuse of your assets? surely not. than try to understand what change youth wish to have in their life, be there with them to guide and help. Leaving alone them is just as of dropping a non swimmer into deep sea, it is possible that dropped person may come out as the perfect swimmer but the most chances are of loosing him for ever. My tiny knowledge suggest that if we don't wish to hear this non realistic and meaning less word generation gap than we must adopt
The human life and natural laws are constant and unchanged but the human made things are changing with the time and life style hence it become of no use to compare present youth with the youth we were.
Changing technologies are sure to affect our life style. How many of us, who are at and across the fifty, have heard or handled a laptop or a mobile during their adolescence stage of life? Demands of this changed life style will surely be different and if we are not aware of, these demands will remain unknown to us and making us deprived of helping & guiding our present youth with our experiences.
Present youth has to keep it mind that present generation was also part of youth brigade some time back, there is nothing new which was not done by their elders the only difference is of the style and equipments. We were used of writing letters and the present youth is using SMS, Scrap and e-mail etc for the same purpose.
It is responsibility of present youth to make aware and familiar the present generation with that latest technology, only than the youth will be in position of taking the advantage of experiences of present generation. It is sheer nonsense that we learn to remain away from fire only after our own hands are burnt in the fire.
My dear friends, you are of my generation or of the younger generation try to implement this simple thing in our life, make your father/mother your best friend, as my father was or my son is[initially this will look impossible and hard to work out but this is just as of schooling all the lower classes than of ones seems ease]. I assure you but more perfectly you, your self will feel that your life is become more cheerful, more enjoyable and more worth for living. Just develop sense of understanding, Surely the word generation gap will become a forgotten past for you. In Hindi it is said " Jab Jago Tabhi Savera"[ It is morning when you awake].
1 response
@mansha (6298)
• India
15 Nov 06
I feel we become more rigid in our beliefs and opinions as we grow old. I am not as adapting and accomodating as I used to be when I was 20 or 21.I kept thinking my parents do not understand me now I hear that I do not understand my younger siblings .My kids yet have to grow up. I am 35 and in my time computers had just come in my country nd were a new subject I missed out on learning about it. My brother went abroad and I emailed him with help of a person managing a cyber cafe. He was so surprises that I did that. I educated myself further and now I am a programmer. Its the will to learn on my generation part that will bring us at par with our kids.On their part when I look back all the mistakes I had made when I was young I only wish I could stop other people from doing so. Recently my cousine got married to a guy who was not financiallysound. we all tried to stop her. she didn't listen. She has never in her life traveled in public transport,she never wanted to work after marriage- she is now forced to do both. Her suffering are her own doing-but we could see what she could not. why regret later and be so eager that you end up spoiling your life, On their part youth must learn from experience of older generation.
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