Illegal Aliens sue a Rancher for defending his property and our country
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
February 9, 2009 3:22pm CST
I couldn't make this up if I tried. 16 illegal aliens are suing a rancher in Arizona for rounding them up and calling the Border Patrol. That's right, he didn't abuse them, cause them physical harm, or do anything illegal. He detained them and called the proper authorities.
This hero, Roger Barnett, 64, began rounding up illegal immigrants in 1998 and turning them over to the U.S. Border Patrol. He told The Washington Times in a 2002 interview that he began rounding up illegal immigrants after they started to vandalize his property, northeast of Douglas along Arizona Highway 80. He said the immigrants tore up water pumps, killed calves, destroyed fences and gates, stole trucks and broke into his home.
These CRIMINALS are suing him for $32 million for emotional distress and violation of civil rights. Rights which they, as illegal aliens, don't even have. The criminals are represented at trial by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which I would guess is just another pro-illegal alien group. I'll research them a bit more later.
In March, U.S. District Judge John Roll (Phone number 520-205-4520) rejected a motion by Mr. Barnett to have the charges dropped, ruling there was sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury. Mr. Barnett's attorney, David Hardy, had argued that illegal immigrants did not have the same rights as U.S. citizens.
Even if they were American citizens, he would still have the right to detain and call the police on them for trespassing on his land. We call it "Citizens Arrest" and it's done all the time on private property, typically by security guards that work for businesses.
Read the article people. Tell me if there's any way you think this guy is guilty of a crime. How did this corrupt judge (John Roll Phone number 520-205-4520) actually allow illegal aliens to file a lawsuit in OUR courts?
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14 responses
@sugarplum9084 (1771)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Oh yeah, this was just posted not long ago, , but it is okay, it is definitely an interesting story, it is ridiculous that a case can even be made from that. I think the rancher did the right thing. I am sure once they get sent back they will be nosing over his property again to get by the border. It is crazy how they can even use our court system, though they are illegally here, we should have a case against THEM instead!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Yeah, as soon as I finished I saw her post. We must have started at the same time and she just finished sooner, because I checked before posting the story.
It really bugs me since I'd expected there to be something about him beating, abusing, or firing at these people. The fact that he followed the law to the letter by calling the Border Patrol while detaining the people just shows exactly how honest and law abiding this guy is. When I say he deserves a medal I don't just mean ideally, I mean this guy is truly a fine example of a law abiding, patriotic citizen.
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@AllenTaylor (60)
• United States
10 Feb 09
OK, I will be the devil's advocate.
First, this guy absolutely has a right to protect his own property and he did do the right thing by calling border patrol, but the idea that illegal aliens have no rights because they aren't U.S. citizens and that they shouldn't be allowed to sue in U.S. courts because they aren't U.S. citizens is a not-so-subtle form of nationalism and racism. Any one can sue in court. Anyone. That's been the law of the land since the founding of the country. Since this is a nation of laws, we have the law as a guide and a secure blanket to insure that justice is done. If it works the way it is supposed to then justice will be done most of the time - at least more times than not.
I hope this gentleman gets a judge and jury that believe in property rights and are willing to look at the facts rather than be clouded in their judgment by some PC philosophy. The aliens should be deported, but they should be allowed to make their case in a court of law that will be fair and impartial to the parties and judge based solely on the facts and the rule of law.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Feb 09
"the idea that illegal aliens have no rights because they aren't U.S. citizens and that they shouldn't be allowed to sue in U.S. courts because they aren't U.S. citizens is a not-so-subtle form of nationalism and racism. Any one can sue in court. Anyone."
Do you also believe this man could then sue every Mexican he's helped deport for the damage they've caused to his property? Do you really think a Mexican court would allow that? There is nothing racist about being against frivolous lawsuits. I couldn't care less what race these people were. I'd feel the same way if they were Canadians, Haitians, or Cubans trespassing and vandalizing someone's property while illegally entering this country.
@AllenTaylor (60)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Well, let's see ... since the incidents occurred on American soil I really don't understand what the Mexican courts would have to do with it. Yes, I believe the man has a right to sue the Mexicans for damage done to his property. If he can prove that they did damage and he can prove that the damage done was of a specific value then he could try to receive due compensation for the damages. But I'm sure the old guy is wise enough to figure out that illegal aliens from Mexico are probably not in sufficient economic position to be able to pay for the damages, which is likely why he didn't bother taking them to court.
OK, maybe you're not a racist. But you're definitely a nationalist. A bane to civil society.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
10 Feb 09
Actually, if he held them against their will then he did break the law. There is something called "citizen's arrest" but the arresting citizen still has no authority to hold the arrestees.
They were trespassing, but again, trespassing laws do not authorize a person to detain anyone.
It's kind of ironic, if he had of shot them, then he would have been within his rights and they would have no case against him.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
10 Feb 09
The citizen's arrest is well within his rights, but a little known fact about citizen's arrest is, no private citizen has the authority to detain anyone.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Feb 09
The law permits a citizen's arrest if a felony is witnessed by the arresting citizen. Some states also allow it for various misdemeanors, but I'm not sure about Arizona's state laws. While trespassing alone is not a felony, the man could easily claim he was arresting them for burglary, which involves unlawfully entering ones property with the intent to commit an offense. Since these people had routinely vandalized his property, killed his livestock, and stolen from him, it is perfectly logical for him to assume their intent was such when he made the citizen's arrest. Since burglary is a felony, he was well within his rights.
Dude, I should be a lawyer for this guy.

@K46620 (1986)
• United States
10 Feb 09
It is a real sad sign that such a case would even be considered seriously. A first grader would probably make a better judge! I just don't see how you can trespass and vandalize someone's property and then sue them for having you arrested!
I think what is really going on with this illegal immigration being allowed is the attempt to mix our cultures. Then power hungry politicians can use this as a stepping stone to create a North American Union.
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I think it's time for some higher court to take the case should just take it, probably not even hear opening statements, & then just toss the case out. Then turn around & have the lawyers held on contempt of court & fined, as well as paying Roger Barnett's lawyer's fees. As for John Roll, he should be disbarred from ever practicing law again, & held on criminal charges for letting this case go so far.
How did you manage to get that phone number, anyway?
@starr4all (2863)
9 Feb 09
I'm also in the thinking that don't you have to be a citizen to sue? Good on him for doing at least something in regards to the illegal aliens. I hope they don't win this case because it will set a dangerous precedence.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
9 Feb 09
If the countries involved in this were reversed, imagine the result. That is, suppose some illegal Americans in Mexico trespassed on a Mexican's land. What would be the result? What ever happened to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?". These Mexican's have no shame.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I do not think that this man did anything wrong and I think that he should be brought to justice in regards to his actions as acting civillian officer arrest.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Feb 09
How ridiculous...some judges are such idiots. This is a good case for adopting legislation similar to Florida's Stand Your Ground law which would have made it legal for him to just shoot them when he discovered them on his property. That woulda saved everyone the time and trouble. 

@ulalume (713)
• United States
10 Feb 09
We should install new laws allowing us to just start shooting these people. Seriously. We should also shoot that judge (and all judges who are stupid like this). These judges should be checked in power, because it is OBVIOUS they are in the wrong. Especially considering the life of an actual citizen hangs in the balance, not to mention our tax dollars at work.
@sengelmohr (44)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I will never understand this either. I live in Arizona and see the large amount of illegals, whether it is around my home, at the gas station or at the hospital where I work. I have no problem with anyone coming to this country, but do it right. Get your citizenship, learn to speak English, get a job and pay your taxes. People that are breaking our laws have no right to sue anyone and this rancher was only doing his part to protect himself and others. I say throw the case out, ship them back and stop wasting the tax payers money.