Bathrobes: Who has them?
By ehlana88
@ehlana88 (330)
United States
February 10, 2009 12:07am CST
Now I know this may be a strange thought. Certainly my boyfriend thinks so. As does about 10 of my friends as I took a casual survey to see not only who has one but did they purchase it and when/why do they wear it.
Now I worked in a Pajama/Lingerie department of a large retail chain store and we sold fluffy bedrobes. These were meant to cover up your pj's so you could go outside and get your newspaper without shocking the neighbors. They were warm and fluffy or soft and silky for women. I think we only sold one that was similar to a bathrobe but it wasn't made of terry cloth. Rather it was a rougher velour that didn't feel nice against your skin. We sent a lot of those back because by the end of the season we couldn't give them away.
Now I'm not talking about those ancient snap or zip up housecoats that older ladies in nursing homes wear. I'm talking about the kind you see everyone on tv wearing at odd times. You see my interest got sparked when I was reading a book and it seemed that the dead benefactor in the book had about 10 bathrobes because at one point everyone in the house was wearing one of his.
So I looked in my closet and I saw that I had one of those super fluffy bedrobes from that store that I purchased on clearance and typically only wore when I was sick. When I walk around the house, I wear pjs. Tops AND bottoms or clothing. But WAAAAAY in the back of my closet, hanging and dusty I found 2 shower robes. Now these were just glorified towels that a friend had given me a long long time ago. I think she had gotten them as a free gift when she purchased that towel thing that wrapped up your hair and dried it.
Now, they were sorta like terry cloth sun dresses. They have terry cloth straps and velcro parts on either side that cinch it closed to hide the unmentionables. To be honest, I believe I've only used them once. Their texture reminds me of those horrible robes I mentioned earlier. So I wonder, who has a bathrobe? Why/When do you wear it? And is having a bathrobe you walk around in a sign of being "posh" as a few of my friends put it?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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