Are you easily offended or angered?
By apples99
@apples99 (6556)
United States
February 10, 2009 9:17pm CST
I'm not a person who gets offended easily in fact it takes a lot to really make me angry because no matter what someone says its only words, and if someone who's not close to me trys to insult me I usually just ignore them, and if someone dose something that really gets on my nerves I just stop hanging out with them, it dosent make since to hangout with someone that brings the worst out of you, some people are extremely sensitive though, and will get angry at the slightest things and I just dont understand people who are always looking for reasons to get upset I'm just not like that, and some people are so easily offended that they cant even except an apology, I mean even if you say your sorry for offending them there still angry thats just strange to me. so tell me are you easily offended?

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20 responses
@AmbiePam (96391)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I'm not easily offended any more! Not after the life I've led (I make myself sound like a hooker). I've heard so many insults in so many ways, that although I'm not numb to them, I can put them in context pretty well. Of course I'm not going to say I never get offended, but I've come along way. I just can't go through life very well if every little thing offends me.
@Nancy312 (282)
• China
11 Feb 09
generally i'm not easily offended.Even when i met something offended me,i will think it over in another angle.To change a way to think.Thus can make me calm down and ignore the offended things.I think i'm an optimistic person.
As we all know,if a person is too easily angry,it's bad for health.Why don't we try to find another way to transfer our attention ? such as listening to the music,Or we can tell it out to our friends,then we will feel release in our heart,or write it down .Anyway is ok as you like
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@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I have been so stressed and depressed lately that I have been easily angered and upset. I do not like it at all and I have been trying to stay away from everyone so I do not upset them.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
11 Feb 09
No I think I have a pretty good tolerance. I think someone has to go out of their way to really get me angry as I tend to find humor in what you are saying or doing rather than respond negatively .Also if you offend me ,I will say it to you by taking you to the sied and calmly explain what you did.
@mamabeezy (172)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I know I'm easily angered, haha.
People have told me that I'm also easily offended,
but I feel that it's the subject on which I'm being put-down.
A lot of things don't really bother me
but when it's on a sensitive subject, I am in fact easily offended.
@rakeshlalwani (320)
• India
11 Feb 09
Yes, My nature is also Angerness.
I angry in small matters also, i easily getting anger when someone telling lie to me or making mischeives to me.
But i try to control of my angerness.
Becoz angerness makes heavy wrongthings between peoples and i really try to ignore makes issues to friends and families.
Always try to control angerness otherwise we all will pay for this in future.
@jaffna (778)
• India
11 Feb 09
Am a person who gets anger very rarely too.But the fact is that if at all i get anger on any time and at any situation,it will be the worst one for the opposite one who made me so.I keep pressuring them up with ma rack of angry words and the person would really cry too.It most often happens with ma friends.Ma friends would tell me that they don't like to see ma anger because they are afraid that i will not talk to them from those momements on.I have tried to change ma attitude several times but i cannot
@eksmith (64)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I'm not easily offended, angered or embarassed. It takes a lot for me to feel these things. However, when I do, I deal with it and move on.
I realized a long time ago, that people don't make me feel a certain way, I accept responsibility for how I feel. Therefore, I don't hold grudges, I move on rather quickly. If there is something that I'm having a difficult time letting go, I self reflect on why it hit me so hard.
However, I do feel hurt, empathy, compassion and sympathy A LOT! I'm the one who cries at commercials because they touch that depth of my heart. LOL
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
11 Feb 09
Hi, there was a time i wasn't easily offened by people. people got it very hard to find the situation with me. but at that time I used to be very strong mentally. but, times have changed for me the day I lost my X i stopped interacting with people. things and messages all went wrong and suddenly i found myself in a pool full of crocks...any how i managed to escape from it though. but, there is still a big regreats about it I couldn't save one precious relationship from grinding...which is still makes me sick sometimes. now, its been 4 years that the inceident has happened but, its so fresh in my mind. the only time i got angry with others was that and its still continuing in me...
@chuabalneg7 (10)
• Philippines
11 Feb 09
I always take control of my feelings. I don't easily get offended or feel angry over someone or something. I always give a way and let that person do whatever he wants to make me angry. But when a person touched the most sensitive part of my life, I don't just stand in the corner and cry. I investigate and then make a move,I want that person to feel the same way that I felt. ^ ^
@dilip_naik11 (261)
• India
11 Feb 09
Even i had this question in my mind.. i just dont find any reason to be angry on anyone.. Just be the way u like to be n keep the friends u lik to be with.. :)
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
11 Feb 09
I am definately not easily offended and I can't remember the last time I was angry. Seems such a waste of time to me. The people who get their kicks out of offending others have, in my opinion, some sort of problem. Maybe they don't fit in and feel that by offending they can get their point across and feel themselves to be better than the person they are offending. This doesn't work with me. 'Sticks and stones could break my bones but names will never hurt me' suits me to the ground.
As for anger, what's the point? It makes your hair go grey sooner and your wrinkles go down instead of up! It is wasted energy most of the time because usually nothing changes, the situation is exactly the same after you've lost your temper. The only person to feel a difference is the one who was angry and they feel, if they're like me, worn out after an angry fit. Having said that, I must add that it has happened that I have felt anger inside but have not let it be seen on the outside, thus putting the other person off-guard. I feel that in a discussion the one who loses their temper and gets angry has usually lost the argument.
So I am a very placid person on the outside but I do have a very controlled temper inside 

@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
11 Feb 09
hello apples99, that's a very nice attitude you have, which is not easily angered by others' wrong doings against you. In my case, it depends, there are times, I would just ignore and there are times I'm so sensitive at that moment that I easily get offended.
And you are right, when the people around you brings out the worst in you, it's better that you just get out and find people who would bring the best in you... :)
@hildas (3031)
11 Feb 09
I am not easily offended either. My hubby embaress me though in front of people, as he always winds them up. Everything is a great big joke to him, so I think thats why I do not get offended easily from different people.
I hate people who get annoyed over the simple things in life. Life is far too short for getting upset. Take care apples99
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
11 Feb 09
No I'm not easily offended or angered by anything really because in the end you've got to realize that life will go on no matter what will happen. I only get offended or like hurt when I feel like my friends have deserted me but then again life can be very weird and your feelings can turn into a mess. We're all just on a rock in space.
@melvill (392)
• Philippines
11 Feb 09
Hello apples99!
I am a type of person who is not getting angry with someone without any reasons. If someone got do things that I don't like or against my will, I didn't got angry so with them easily. I've hurt but that's that mean that I will be angry with the,/
@Lindery (853)
• Latvia
11 Feb 09
I have a good sense of humor and it isn't easy to offend me. Actually, no one who I don't know can really offend me. Sometimes the closest people get my nerves by being inequitable in their words at me but usually we speak through the problems and everything stays as before. I don't keep sad feeling for anyone in my heart, it helps me to stay happy and free in my thoughts.