Doctor (Dr.) is the Qualifications or Surname??

Dr. - Doctors
February 11, 2009 1:59am CST
Now a days, most of the people in all the fields will be awarded the Doctor surname by some of the recognized institutions or the some of the big colleges or something. And also the students those who are completing their medical college for 4 to 5 years of their medical courses also will be awarded the Doctors. The second one is the medical practitioner, they may be called as doctor, who is responsible for the humans health related issues.. What about the first catagory of people, because those who are in the top positions in vairous field like the movies, writters, politicians and other catagories.. this may be only to make them to recognise.. Let us discussions about this "Doctors" and the "Dr" under this discussions.. Have a good day.
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