I have quit eating.

United States
February 11, 2009 11:51am CST
No no dont freak out I am not starving myself i am just dieting. And well now i never knew how much fat i really ate and cutting it down is not easy. I started taking ALLI and you have to limit your fat to 15grams a meal or get not fun side effects. So who knows some good fat free or low fat foods,meals or snacks that I can try (no fish yuck)? Or maybe some tips for losing weight fast I have a trip in March i needed to wear a bikini again so i need lots of help lol?
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24 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I have lost 15 pounds and it hasn't been easy! LOL.....sometimes I feel like I am starving but in reality I need to lose more. I eat alot of low cholestral things...but that includes pasta's etc....and that isn't always the best for losing...I imagine more fruits and veggies...that always works. Good luck! You didn't look like you needed to lose weight to me...even when you were pregnant!
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 09
Yeah Ive gained a bit over the winter. Im not saying i am fat but theres a little to lose anyways. I would love to wear a bikini again. Ive been working out like crazy. After savanna i weighed 164 i am down to 141 now but want to get back to 130 what i was before savanna.
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• United States
11 Feb 09
And congrats on your weight lose i feel ya its hard to not eat all day specially with the cold weather.
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Be careful taking Alli it can have some very embarrassing side effects. I am doing a Biggest Loser Challange at my local YMCA I am just cutting calories and exercising I have lost weight and Lots of inches. I just don't like taking pills and I think since I am getting it off naturally it will stay off.
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• United States
11 Feb 09
My doctor said to take Alli and it is working for me. It can have bad side effects if you fail from your diet. It keeps me on my toes so i dont give in to my temptations. I have had no bad effects as of yet.
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• United States
11 Feb 09
Oh and good luck to you sounds like its working good for you.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
12 Feb 09
The best way to loose weight is by drinking water and cutting salt out of your diet. Most people carry water weight, and salt is what keeps it in our bodies. After having children I gained a lot of weigh, at least it was for me. My mother is over weight and I don't want to be, I see what it does to her. So when I wanted to lose weight, I researched what causes people to gain weight. I found that the best way to lose it, is to spend a half hour a day dancing around the house. Drinking 8 8oz glasses of water per day, and not adding salt to foods. When I started doing this, I weighed 185 pounds. I now weigh 125 pounds. I feel better, and am healthy. I lost the weight over a four month period, before the weigh lost stopped. I also eat more now than I did back then.About 5 times a day. Because I am burning off what I take in, my body needs more fuel. I eat what ever I want, but I never eat to excess. I also rarely have deserts, but that is more because I get full after a small meal. My sister tried the Alli and it didn't work for her. She finally took my tips and went from 225 pounds to 165 pounds. So that is my advice. Sorry I don't have any other food tips for you.
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• United States
12 Feb 09
Yeah i have a scale that measures your water weight and mine is a bit high but it is getting better. I will be trying to cut salt for sure. The Alli has helped me because it keeps me inline because if i eat to much fat i will get yucky side effects. I started at 145 and have dropped five pounds in 2 weeks so not too bad.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Lots of frutis and veggis. try stir fry not the store bought make your own. Avacados and 1-12 black olives, salads, both veggie and fruit, add some chicken to it or swiss or mozzerlla cheese, cuke and tomato sandwiches, chicken is good as long as the skin is off, oatmeal with a splash of 1/2 n 1/2, yogurt, I am on a doctor restricted diet and lost so far 19 lbs. Got a long way to go but doing okay EXERCISE and LOTs of water daily. DO NOT drink sodas not diet or the other and juices are bad as well. My doctor said Alli was not safe but slim quick is healthy. Salsa and chips are another one to use.
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• United States
12 Feb 09
My hubby just bought me tons of healthy stuff like salads and salsa thanks. I have taken Alli for 2 weeks now and find it helpful and my doctor said it was healthy but to never take any of those appetite suppressant type pills.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Hey minnie! You can't diet super fast and expect to just drop the weight off! If you like yogurt try Dannon Light and Fit with fruit. I never liked yogurt until I was in the hospital and I tasted it and I now love it! You can also get those 100 calorie snacks. They help you cut down your calorie intake. The granola bars are not bad tasting either. A low fat diet means stay away from cheese, fatty foods and try to stay away from breads and pasta (carbohydrates). It isn't easy to be on a diet! Snacking is the problem! So if you need to snack try the yogurt or granola bars or 100 calories snacks! Eat broiled foods and vegetables.
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• United States
12 Feb 09
But why not lol. I dont need to drop alot. Cant eat yogurt i dont like it. Granola bars I love thanks didnt even think of them. Snacking is my downfall but i keep stuff like licorice around and even some fat free chips and salsa. Cheese is another one i am fighting i love my cheese.
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@mamabeezy (172)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I tried ALLI, and yes, beacuse of those nasty side effects, I stopped. Snack wise i'd say : Pretzels, Reduced fat Pringles, SunChips, Fruit, Veggies, and Toast!!!!
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• United States
11 Feb 09
I have yet to have any of the side effects but i have kept my fat under 15 grams a meal. Thanks for the snack ideas.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I have heard about Alli, how is that working. I need to loose some weight too. I gained weight after I quit smoking, now I need to get rid of it. Good luck with your diet. Drink green tea too, it is healthy for you plus its supposed to help speed up your metabolism.
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• United States
11 Feb 09
It seems to be working ive been on it for two weeks and have lost two pounds but you really have to watch what you eat too much fat and well bed things happen lol. I love tea but havent tried green tea thanks for the tip.
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• United States
12 Feb 09
Alli is supposed to be really great. If I was not nursing I would use it. You just have to be careful to not eat any fat because of the side effects. I would eat a lot of fresh veggies, chicken, rice cakes, -- too bad you do not like fish , there are so many types to eat. I love fish and can eat it every day.
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• United States
12 Feb 09
You can eat up to 15 grams of fat a meal its hard to do but it is possible lol.
• United States
18 Feb 09
I eat 10grams of fat a day... 15grams of fat in one meal is simply! Extremely simple, even at fast food places!!
@MsCYPRAH (394)
11 Feb 09
Oh, no! whatever you do, please don't diet! There is a very simple way to lose weight and that is just four things: 1. Eat often, and small amounts (at least 5 times each day) 2. Cut out fats and sweets 3. Eat lots of salads and fruits 4. Exercise, or simply go for regular walks of up to 2 miles a day By eating as often, but as little as possible, your metabolic rate rises as the stomach is working much harder over the day, instead of one bloated big meal and then nothing much to follow. The body also relaxes more because it hasn't got to wonder when the next meal is. You are guaranteed to lose at least one pound per week like that and, better still, your body becomes acclimatised to it, so the weight stays OFF. When you diet and starve yourself of food, this is what happens: 1. Your body suddenly goes out of synch and becomes anxious. 2. It then says to itself: "I don't know when the next meal will be so I have to protect Minnie from any problems" and then goes into survival mode by STORING whatever fat you have. 3. You then lose mainly water and lean meat from your body. 4. The minute you begin to eat again, it releases the fat, on top of what you are now eating, which is why you WILL put on even more weight when you resume your natural eating regime. I used to go on a lot of diets 20 years ago in the mistaken belief that I would lose weight and I went from 125 lbs to 140 lbs over a few years. Once I stopped dieting, started to eat sensibly, upped my exercise and walking regime, I have stayed at the same weight, or have lost some, for the past 10 years. I no longer put on weight. And, better still, I couldn't be healthier because I don't waste my days thinking about food and yearning for it. I just eat when I like which gives me a great disposition. A diet might 'lose' you weight quickly but, as night follows day, you;ll be heavier when you start eating again. Good luck with whatever you do.
• United States
11 Feb 09
As I said in my discussion i am eating just not fats. Sorry my title was misleading thats just the kind of personality i have. I could never starve myself its bad and well i love food too much. But as for your four things i am doing all but number one as i have kids so three meals a day is the way we go. But i do snack on healthy stuff between meals.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
11 Feb 09
If your one to drink soda's, drinking flavored water or kool aid helps. I'm not sure the ingredients so you'd have to check for yourself, lol. What about the kelloggs challenge?
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 09
I do have some flavored water I usually buy i will have to get me more of that. As for the kelloggs challenge i dont eat cereal cant bring myself to drink milk.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Feb 09
Have you thought of doing a body flush? And, they say the best way is to eat 5-6 snacks per day. Exercise. With any diet supplement exercise and plenty of water are two very good components. And think about the body flush. Get you a good start.
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• United States
13 Feb 09
Body flush doesnt sound like fun too me lol. I need to drink more water i always do it the summetr because its hot but come winter i forget that water is still just as important.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Feb 09
No, it is not the greatest experience but it does the trick.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
11 Feb 09
carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. I would think that you can eat any veggies or fruit.
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• United States
11 Feb 09
As silly as it sounds i didnt even think of veggies i have sio much fruit i am burned out but veggies i will have to get me some tonight thanks.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
12 Feb 09
Most fruits and vegetables and greens are low in fat, except for avocados, nuts, olives, coconuts.
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@jenj38 (51)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I have realized that the best way to lose weight is to do the "Half Portion Diet". If at lunchtime you usually eat 2 slices of pizza, just eat one slice instead. Drink a 20oz bottle of water before each meal. I have lost 25lbs in 2 months doing this and I feel great. Also, you can pick a day to eat sweet items. I picked Saturday because on Saturday i'm usually out and about. This really works...Try it! When u fix your plate to eat anytime of the day...just take half of it off but don't forget to drink a 20 oz bottle of water or your favorite drink before you eat, you won't eat as much but you won't be starving after u eat either. You can eat tasty foods just don't eat as much. It is very important to stay away from Fast Foods from McDonalds and other restaurants. Try to stay far away from Fried Foods...When out at a restaurant, instead of the burgers and fries i choose the salads with grilled chicken with low-fat salad dressing..It's awesome and tasty too. If u go to subway or eating sandwich at home just switch the white bread to wheat bread that really helps too. I eat 2 servings of fruit a day and i walk 1/2 hour a day. House cleaning is also a form of exercise...so if your like me with a hubby and kids and don't have time to go out and walk all the time just walk around the house. Also get 6 to 8 hours of rest at night when u sleep. Being tired sometimes makes u hungry and you may find yourself bindging for high calorie foods. High Calorie foods are usually your grab and go foods. Be careful with these foods. I use the 100 calorie snacks in the store or the weight watchers snacks are great too. I added a 8 oz glass of orange juice or 1 banana into my diet for potassium. I also keep slim fast shakes in the frig. too. They have lots of vitamins that your body needs. When u find yourself getting stuck on one weight and no matter what u do u don't go under a certain weight just switch your diet for 1 week..that's what i did. Instead of staying on the Half Portion Diet when i got stuck..I switched to Slim Fast Diet and was able to move off the stuck weight...then u can go back to doing half portion if u choose too....Good Luck and Don't give up! :o)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Ive tried the half diet thing and i find i am always hungry and i dont like that. But i am replacing things i eat with healthy alernatives. I will have to try the 100 calori snacks i love weight watcher deserts they are good and not too bad for you. Thanks
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Cottage cheese dessert! 1/2 to 1 cup cottage cheese (lowest fat of course) some fruit and 1/8 to 1/4 cup low to no fat whipped topping.. stir.. - good luck with the diet! P.S. even hamburger can be low fat if you squeeeeze the dickens out of it between two paper towels folded into quarters.. I even squeeze my lowfat turkey burger, brats or links.. Biggest help though of course is increased exercise/activity.. like dancing..
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• United States
13 Feb 09
I do the paper towel trick on pizza all the time never thought to do it on hamburger. Thanks for the tip.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
It isn't the fat in your diet that is the fasted way to lose weight, by cutting back on it, it is the carbs that you need to cut down on. Carbs are straight sugar and should be almost aliminated when you are dieting. So what I would suggest to you is to cut out bread and potatoes and rice and cereals, out of your diet. Just eat a little every day and eat it in the morning so that you have all day to wear off the calories, I lost 35 pounds in three months just by cutting out the carbs. And it was easy. The pounds just melted off and before I knew it I had lost 35 pounds. What I did was this, I had a protien shake for breakfast and then a piece of fruit for a mid morning snack. I sometimes had a piece of toast instead of the protein shake, with a bit of peanut butter or a slice of cheese. For lunch I had a protein bar and another piece of fruit and for a midafternoon snack I had a yogurt. Then in the evening I had for dinner, anything protein. Any meat as long as it didn't have too much fat. Also I had not mixed vegetables and a big salad. For desert I had a herbal tea. Then for an evening snack I had a fruit shake with milk and frozen yogurt and mixed frozen fruit. I am now maintaining my weight so I am still watching my carbs and don't eat too many as that is the quick way to put weight back on. Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend, Have a good mylotting day, Chris
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• United States
13 Feb 09
All i eat right now is veggies fruit and chicken. Ever so often i have some licorice as a treat since i live for sugar lol. Its hard to cut out carbs but i am trying.
16 Feb 09
Problem with dieting is you have to come off the diet sometime. What happens to the weight then. What I have done is adopted a small change in my eating habits. No more cookie jar, now embrace fruit salad and it works. And I actually look forwards to my salads. The beauty of this is it is a small change but sustainable. I got this tip from http://www.genuinefatloss.com.
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• United States
17 Feb 09
Thankfully I dont have any issues with gaining weight normally so once i lose it i am sure it will stay gone as I wont be getting pregnant anymore lol. But i will be changing some things on my diet just due to actually reading labels and seeing just how bad things are like butter wont be eating that anymore.
@22angel22 (450)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Now this is my LIFE!!! I only eat 10-20 grams of fat a day and I've been doing this for years. As for snacks, there are fat-free ice creams, yogurts, and even CHIPS.. I don't mean baked chips... Lays has a whole Light line and most of them are fat free. I use the I Can't Believe Its not Butter Spray and Promise fat free butter. You can get Fat Free bread. Lunch meat is really low fat. Chicken is great. Ground Turkey meat for Chili. Fat Free Cheese, even Kraft Singles have a fat free line. Its extremely easy to do. Just look at all your items fat count before you put them in your grocery cart. You can get online and look up low fat recipes. Also you can make Lasanga low fat. If you have any questions for me, just let me know. I can send you recipes. (also low fat oatmeal cookies, brownies, and cakes!!)
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• United States
12 Feb 09
Fat free cheese would be awesome as i love my cheese. I have been using i cant beleive for a long time now that stuff is great. I want to try ground turkey i am hoping my kids like it but im not gonna tell them till they already ate it lol. So how do you make lasagna low fat cause i love my lasagna.
• United States
18 Feb 09
1 28ounce jar of reduced fat spaghetti sauce 1 package fat free mozzeralla cheese 2cups low fat ricotta cheese 1/2 lb of low fat ground turkey (do look at the grams of fat because some ground turkey has alot of fat 1/2lb of chopped mushrooms 8ounces noodles. Just put it together as normal and cook it. Plus add any veggies you want!
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
12 Feb 09
Hi, Good luck in your efforts to be slim. Though I have seen fatty ladies with Bikini On.But if you really want to lose weight then the best way to do is stop thinking about losing it. eat as much as you can and start running everyday in the morning as fast as you can. you don't believe this trick...try for few days and see the effects...
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• United States
12 Feb 09
Not me im not even really fat just had a baby and a little out of shape yet i wont wear a bikini just yet. I cant run im in minnesota and have a baby its too cold to take her out for a run but when it warms up i will be getting out there.
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
12 Feb 09
Great then start doing Yoga at home...soon you will be shape...:)
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• Philippines
12 Feb 09
have a balance diet is a key to a healthy body. eat what you like but in moderation and observe self control. just know your limits and i assure you of a healthy body. you may look thin but not the healthy way. if youre healthy everything in your body is proportion and you would not look like as if you have aged double from your actual age.can you picture what i mean?
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• United States
12 Feb 09
Yeah too skinny is not good either. I am focusing more on getting rid of the baby pouch and shaping up not getting to a size zero