9-11 is a hoax
By lilnono
@lilnono (228)
United States
February 11, 2009 1:24pm CST
This morning as i was taking my son to school I saw a lone protester with a sign saying that. Our own government was behind the terrorist attacks on September 11th. I've read a lot of articles and seen a few documentaries on the subject but I'm still undecided. there are people who say that the twin towers were designed to withstand the impact of plane crashes and that the buildings were actually blown up with dynamite. I don't know enough about physics to judge that part of it but it always seemed odd to me that a large group of people would allow themselves to be subdued by a few guys with box cutters. I wouldn't even let a dude with a box cutter steal my purse let alone allow him to murder an innocent person in my presence. Another thing that bothers me is the fact that no one ever formally claimed responsibility for the attacks. Isn't the whole point of terrorism to scare people into doing something you want them to do. Bin Laden never said "if you don't do this this and this I'll blow up some more buildings" did he? If you did know for certain that The US government was behind something that sinister ,would you try to do anything about it?
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12 responses
@extromadball (70)
• United States
12 Feb 09
lilnono you may find yourself in a strange world with this subject. be careful because once you say something and know something it makes you more open to target from the same people who did what you suggest. i'll tell you what.. charlie sheen said the same thing, KRS-one believes the same thing.. alec balwin believes, so do many others. its not a delusion that something doesn't seem right. when lilnono says its hoax it doesn't mean it didn't happen. she means it didn't happen like we are led to believe it did. some on here are wrong the towers were built to withstand jet liners. its even in the design of the building.. look for the building of the towers. thats a fact! research it. here's a scenerio, 100 or 200 plus people or even 40 will let a few guys with box cutters get a plane and do nothing? use logic when responding to these questions. lilnono is very courageous for even bringing this up in this current climate. for what happened on that day has led us to where we are now. do i believe it was what lilnono said, use logic and tell me what you think. not using logic would get you to where millions of people are right now.
here is a link for some of you to watch..
power of nightmares part 1(watch them all) - watch this and you'll understand the current climate.
@extromadball (70)
• United States
12 Feb 09
in plane site directors cut
part 1 9watch all)
zero an investigation into 911
part 1(watch all)
@extromadball (70)
• United States
12 Feb 09
once again the logic is left out. if there are ex amount of people on a plane why would so many not try to stop a hijacking besides one jetliner crew and passengers. a person with a boxcutter can eb taken down by more than 1 person. 4 people with razors can be handled by more than 12 people. don't we all have jackets, bags, all that is a cover to be shielded by anything that is like a razor. once again look at the logic and also apply it pass the actual hijackings. who has been fired for mishaps that day? no one!
@extromadball (70)
• United States
13 Feb 09
oh yeah that makes sense now. like the stand downs when the air force didn't shoot anything down that day. like many articles you can find online about the technology to use cell phones on planes didn't exist until 2006! keep going you'll get further lost because everything you said opens up more questions than answers and you don't seem to want to confront anything worth looking into. stay sleep.

@gamingworld (577)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I dont really know. I dont want to believe the gov did it though. Why would the gov kill there own people anyways?
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Our own government was going after Iraq's oil and they had already decided to do what ever it took to get it. This is just one way the rich outside our government is using our government for their own profit. The US oil producers fully intend to control the bulk of the worlds oil. They know when they do they will control the world. Watch this close. Any country the US invades in the future will be oil rich.They are already trying to work up the American people against Iran with the scare of nuclear weapons. With Iraq it was weapons of mass distructions.
Now exactly what is our government going to have to do and blame Iran for it to get public support for an invasion of Iran? People we are being treated like idiots and I for one refuse to accept it laying down.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Again, Art, why don't we already have Iraq's oil? Why isn't there a big USA sign on the top of the refineries over there? Why have the Iraqui people been keeping the money they make from that oil all this time and why are we working on pulling out and letting them run their own country...elections and all? Doesn't sound like much of a plan to me.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Now, this is where you and I can agree. I have always believed that we jumped in too fast based on intel that turned out to be bad and I would like to see our troops out of there as soon as possible.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
16 Feb 09
i wouldnt doubt it. the govt creates problems and blames it on other people. or the govt gets others to do their dirty work for them.
we have to just learn to be smarter so that we dont support it. spread the word and lets be smarter.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
14 Feb 09
The builders of the Titanic claimed that not even God could sink that ship, but we know how wrong they were. Don't believe everything you hear and/or read.
@rocko5150 (62)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I believe that our own government was behind the 9/11 incidents i mean there are too many things that don't add up. they say that a 757 boeing crashed into the pentagon yet there was and is not evidence of any plane debrie. And the fact that the wing spand measurment of a 757 did not match the Opening they found on the side of the pentagon that they allegeded plane crashed into. They planes that crashed into the twin towers were not airline planes, and they had some kind of round thing attatched to the bottom =of the plane and just before it hits the buildings you see a flash like something was launched at the building right before it hits. then as you watch the building burn, if you look at the floors you will see a flash right before it starts to buckle at every floor. Their were people such as fire fighters who knew of the building being demolished by a team and they spoke about it and they next day they had lost their jobs. There is so much that if you think about and watch this video online it will help you to find the truth of what really happened on 9/11
The video is called 9/11 Confronting the evidence.
this video is the most explantional video i have come acrossed
there is a video called 9/11 loose change
this is an ok video but its not as good as the first named video
you can download it free through torrent sites such as mininova, isohunt, piratebay
you may need to dowload a torrentclient like bitcomit or utorrent to be able to run these files on your computer.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Feb 09
"Their were people such as fire fighters who knew of the building being demolished by a team and they spoke about it and they next day they had lost their jobs."
So, you're saying that these firefighters knew about this in advance and didn't say anything to anyone beforehand...costing fellow firefighters as well as police officers and innocent civilians their lives? And are you also saying that after they lost their jobs following such a horrible and newsworthy event that they just slunk away into the sunset and didn't talk to so much as one reporter? If what you claim was true these people would have been on every network and cable news program within hours of their firing.
There was plane debris outside of the Pentagon. The impact tore the wings off which is why the hole was smaller than the wing span.
The planes that hit the twin towers were standard passenger jetliners, which is why they had passengers aboard. Anything attached to the bottom of either plane would have been noticed by the ground crews at the airport as well as the pilots who check out the plane before take off. Are you suggesting that all of them were involved, too?
@Veriteigh (126)
• Canada
12 Feb 09
This reminds me of the South Park episode about this. It was entertaining.
@extromadball (70)
• United States
12 Feb 09
southpark is a cartoon. the creators know nothing more than what some are saying here. it was all what they said it was. well some of us disgree.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
12 Feb 09
Personally, my gut feeling is that it was something our government did because it wanted to go overseas and justify doing it. They knew there were no WMD over there but needed this country's support.
@ronacruz2007 (650)
• Philippines
12 Feb 09
well guess this thing still not settled till now. But what i thought is this noone or no insane person would do such thing i mean blown two buildings on purpose whith a lot of people inside. no way. it is not a hoax it is very true.
@crisella74 (32)
• Romania
12 Feb 09
I don't believe it was, it was just a situation that could have been prevented and this is where the government has its own fault. I don't think they needed an excuse to start a war. The war in Iraq was about so called weapons of mass destruction, which they never found. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 so it couldn't been an excuse. They could have used the weapons excuse with or without 9/11.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I don't believe that 911 is a hoax, those things did occur. In terms of who exactly is responsible, well that is what was searched for in the hearings. I don't know if we'll ever be told the full truth, but the truth is out there. The thing is, our government is not without its issues. Do not be lulled into thinking that we don't have our dark secrets in America. Just don't get too caught up either in conspiracy theories.