Should Obam unilaterally pass stimulus package and to hell with republicans !
By ronnyb
@ronnyb (6113)
February 13, 2009 11:12am CST
Well I mean when he takes office lol
Or should he continue to engage the republicans in dialogue while the economy and possibly the world around him crashes ? What if he unilaterally decides to approve the package ,wont history absolve him of any wrong doing should this backfire ,wont they say he was trying to save the world ? .Wouldn’t it be worse if he continue “twiddling thumbs “ and send the world down the tube ?
And what is the problem with the republicans ,are they so selfish that they cant put politics aside and participate in an action that will serve the greater good. We all know that they have enough money to weather this financial storm through. Or do you think they really have the United States at heart and are genuinely concerned that this stimulus package can do more harm than good ?
What say you ,should Obama unilaterally pass the stimulus package or follow due process and wait until Republicans can come on board ?
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14 responses
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Obama took office on January 20!
We all have the right to representation in the decisions made by our government. Whether our Senators and Representatives are Democrat or Republican, they deserve to be heard and their opinions considered, as they represent the American people.
I think we can say, that if this stimulus package turns the economy around, Obama will be deemed to be a successful president and those that already worship him will be kissing his feet. HOWEVER, if the economy doesn't turn around during this term in office, he will be deemed to be a failure and will serve only one term.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I think you're absolutely right and President Obama said pretty much the same thing himself, he admitted if his plan doesn't work we'll have a new President in four years. I think if nothing else he deserves credit for taking responsibility for his actions.
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
13 Feb 09
He should sign it as soon as it hits his desk. The repubs are playing the same game they always play. They don't care if the country goes to hell, they want the Obama administration to fail regardless of what it costs our country and the people. Rush Blabbermouth made the statement on the radio that he wishes the new administration would fail. They made up their mind before the stimulus package was ever put together that they would fight it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Feb 09
You're right, they decided sight unseen to vote as a group. It's the same game they played back in 1993 with President Clinton. I really don't care whether something gets the support of both parties or just one as long as it WORKS! Notice how 3 GOP Senators from the northeast voted for the bill, including one of my Senators, Arlen Specter. They know if they play their political games they'll be outside looking in come next election.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 09
"He should sign it as soon as it hits his desk."
Why not? The jerk has already broken his promise to post things on his website for people to read for five days before signing. Might as well keep breaking that promise. If congress didn't read the bill, why should he?
"they want the Obama administration to fail regardless of what it costs our country and the people."
If that were true than they wouldn't mind COSTING our country and people $1 trillion dollars. I'm sure you've already forgotten, but most republicans voted against the bailout as well because they don't want to cost the American people money.
"You're right, they decided sight unseen to vote as a group."
Ha! The DEMOCRATS VOTED SIGHT UNSEEN ANNIE! You KNOW this. Not ONE of them actually read that stupid bill. I know YOU didn't read it but you'll blindly support it since the democrats are pushing it. How can you possibly accuse republicans of this "sight unseen" crap?
"Notice how 3 GOP Senators from the northeast voted for the bill, including one of my Senators, Arlen Specter. They know if they play their political games they'll be outside looking in come next election."
They sold out. Odds are some bribes/earmarks were included for them in their closed door session. If/when this fails, they'll be dumped just like many democrats.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
13 Feb 09
The problem is one side thinks increasing spending is the answer and the other side thinks that tax cuts are the answer. The other thing is this bill needs to be looked at in details. It is a 400 to 800 page bill depending on who you listen to. Like most bills it is referanced and cross refrenced to other law. Once it is passed then all the details will come out by then it is too late. How much is job creations and how much is pork and how much is policy changes.
If you check history in the past a resession has only lasted a few months and then things started to fix themselves. With the market crash of 1929 the government stepped in and tried to fix the problem and the deperession lasted for several years.
Lets take a close look at this bill and make sure it is what we want it to do.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 09
"It is a 400 to 800 page bill depending on who you listen to."
Actually it depends on which version you read. Despite some lies by democrats on this board, it was NEVER only 400 pages long.
The original one passed by the house was 647 pages.
The one passed by the senate was 778 pages.
The latest one that was blindly signed by ignorant democrats is a whopping 1,071 pages long.
I agree that recessions have always been able to work their way out without interference. When government uses a recession to push their agenda they can be prolonged for years as with Roosevelt.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Well congress is there for a reason. So is the process. It is called checks and balances.
No he should not do it. Let the process play out. That is how it is designed to work so nothing is pushed through too hastly without due consideration for all the possible out comes good or bad.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I think it's funny that when Obama became President all the Republicans became budget conservatives. Hell, if they were that way before, we wouldn't be in this mess.
The stimulus package will only prolong our suffering. It's like throwing gas on the fire.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
13 Feb 09
Yes very good point .They forgot that they were ion charge of thi seconomy when there was no regulations and ponzi schemes ,sub prime and fat cat salaries for CEO'S weer flourishing.I dont quit eunderstand though why you say the stimulus package will prolong our suffering
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I totally agree with you...There is no quick fix for the hell we are in right now. It is funny how lavishly the politicians have spent our money. They should have to give an account of EVERY dime that is spent. Here is another idea...why not let voters somehow approve the spending just the way we vote to elect the politicians who have helped get us into this mess.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
13 Feb 09
No I don't think he should ram the stimulus package through . It has well over 1,000. how are they going to read and and understand all that is in it. I'm sure that not Oboma, the senate or congress knows what all is in it and so how can they know it will help or hinder. I believe that is congress and senate do care about the country ans so does Obama. They just don't agree on what is going to be for the best. I really don't think it is all about politics. I don't think that Pelosi really cares she just wants it passed by tonight so she can take a jaunt to Europe to visit the Vatican this weekend. Besides it was to be published so we could also see what is in it.
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Let's take a poll. Who on this board would like to see the stimulus package work and keep us from falling into a deep recession? Who on this board would like to see the stimulus package fail and the country fall into a deep depression?
It's simple, all you have to do is respond with: "Succeed" or "Fail" you don't have to make any other statement or comments. Let's see how many want the country to fail and go into a depression like the one that started with the crash in 1929 when Hoover was president.
Are you able to do this? If you aren't able to respond with only a "Succeed" or "Fail" and no other comments, then we will know that you are not a real patriot. If you don't respond we'll know the same. you are not a patriot of this great country of ours.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Your pathetic demand for a one word reply is in violation of the mylot TOS.
"Now for the DON'Ts
Start discussions asking for one word answers like “Yes or No”. "
As such, I will not, nor would I ever, limit myself to your narrowminded attitude.
I do NOT want this porkulus to happen, period. It is the worst example of how foolish and willfully ignorant our elected officials, especially the democrats, are for signing a bill that they never even tried to read. It is not completed yet. It has passed the house and the senate but it must still be signed by Obama. I know he won't wise up, but I hope he does.
I hope this country succeeds and is pulled out of the recession DESPITE the porkulus. There you go. There is no black and white in this world and it's very narrowminded of you to think patriotism means blindly supporting a bill that nobody even bothered to read. Patriotism is just the opposite.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I suggest selecting the last version marked "public print" as it easier to read.
This is H.R.1, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009
Once you scroll through all the deletions which there are a number of you will get to what remains. It isn't that hard to read. I got through it in about 4.5 hours. All this discussion that our Congressmen and women and Senators have not read it or cannot read it, well that just says they are too lazy to do so.
As for whether Obama should pass it, he should read it first. If it is the legislation he agrees with he should sign it. Personally, I don't think he should. I think he should send it back to them. But that is just me.
1) Buy American needs to be strengthened.
2) Hire American needs to be strengthened.
3) All tax cuts and shelters need to be fully removed.
4) Any items that should be part of a budget rather than a stimulus should be removed and there are many.
5) Accountability needs to be strengthened.
6) All "shovel ready" projects are good but need to be more clearly defined within the context of the legislation as to how money will be distributed and accounted for.
7) Money for the states is good, especially how it is defined, however again accountability needs to be strengthened.
8) Lots of agriculture money that doesn't appear to be well defined. Need better definition and control. In the last administration Middle Eastern Sheiks were taking huge grants from the Department of Agriculture, millions of dollars in fact. This will continue under this plan. Need to fix it.
9) Education money to the states is good, however some of it is to shore up losing programs. Fix the problems first than some of the money won't be necessary. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul. Another area that might be better addressed in Budget. By the way - ABOLISH No child left behind.
10) Lots of additional Tribal monies. Need to get back through this one as I don't fully understand how this is Stimulus, it appears to only benefit one group of people.
11) Remove "pork" spending surrounding "studies" for anything. While I am supporter of some of the issues around Health Care this is a budget item and not a Stimulus item and should not be hidden in here.
My list goes on. I am posting my list to the Obama site. I am mailing my list to the public Presidential e-mail and to others in the Senate and House.
We all should do the same.
I am an Independent. I support much of what the President is trying to do. I believe we must do something.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Unfortunately your link didn't work. It's a temporary query that doesn't work when posted to forums. I posted links to the entire piece of crap in it's current 1,071 page form in a discussion I started earlier. It's shameful that these morons are passing it without even reading it.
"I believe we must do something."
I believe we must do the RIGHT thing. Some people are in such a hurry to do something that they don't care if it's right or wrong. They just want it now.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Dang it.
Well anyone can do the same thing I did which is go to the
Then type in HR1 or H.R.1 which will bring up the real version that has been submitted and passed.
That is what I did. I believe in going to the source. It really isn't that long or that hard to read. It is in large font and double spaced which is part of the reason it is so long. It also has pages and pages of deletions, another reason it is so long. The meat of it is really not that long, that is why people should not be intimidated by it or adverse to reading it.
I also believe we should do the right thing, however that doesn't mean doing nothing at all. It means remaining involved as citizens and holding our government accountable for their actions and decisions. I don't believe the Republicans in their block of "no" are doing the right thing. I don't believe that idiot Peloski and her cohorts are doing the right thing in their drive to simply push things through either.
Again, I believe we must do something but it must be well planned. I think it must be well considered. I think it must be well thought out and well defined. I don't believe what we have today is any of that.
I freely admit that I am an Obama supporter but I am not a blinded supporter and I will hold him to account. I am not a Democrat and don't like most of those currently in "charge", certainly not the Majority Leaders (idiots). But I am also dismayed by the Republicans right now.
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• United States
13 Feb 09
the republicans can' see the forest for the trees. i was just watching ruch limbaugh on tv. what a jerk. somebody should have shot him a long time ago, surprised thet haven't,lol. rebublicans & democrats might as well get over it. obama is president & will be for 4 years so might as well make the best it, support in any way we can & shut your yapping mouths. there is not a darn thing u can do about it & all that yapping gets boring. i wish him luck & god bless the u.s.a.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 09
"somebody should have shot him a long time ago, surprised thet haven't,lol."
And there's that hateful attitude we've come to know and love from the left. We can't kill or imprison terrorists, but you're more than happy to see a man shot and killed for disagreeing with you politically.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I saw the lol. I just don't think it's funny to laugh and joke about killing someone for disagreeing with you. Perhaps you'd also like Al Franken. He thought it was fun to make jokes about helping al Quaeda assassinate Bush. Seems right in line with your sense of humor.
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• United States
14 Feb 09
first of all i am not a political person. i can't stand limbaugh but i was teasing in what i said & i think u know that. u are just wanting to pick a fight w/me. u came to a good place. i wouldn't shed any tears if they did wshoot him but i believe if you'll look back i put lol after what i said. if u want to fight go join the army.

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Ronny, the US does not have the money for this stimulus bill. It's going to put our children and grandchildren and more in debt for years to come! Obama wants this bill passed, period, because "HE WON", and he has full control of both houses, with the exception of the Senate where THREE renegade republicans signed over to his way of thinking. The Republicans are smart enough to know this bill is not what we need, period. There is hardly ANYTHING in there to stimulate the economy. Most of the bill is simply spending, and giving back to those that helped him get in the house. There are stupid things in there that shouldn't even be in the bill because they have absolutely nothing to do with stimulus. I hope you haven't been listening to the nonsense coming from people like Chuck Schumer who tries to tell you, along with the other big-wig Democrats that the Republicans are against such things as public education, getting jobs going, and others I can't remember. But that's not the point. They want a CLEAN bill for the stimulus and it would be MILLIONS smaller than this pork-loaded one! That is why you are finding no republicans outside of Arlen Spector and the 2 Maine (think they are some Maine) women voting for this bill. They are they ones that Obama courted at the White House to get their votes. HE knew nobody else would vote for it. AND now the people from Spector's home state are saying, when he comes up for re-election next year, he'll be gone. They aren't happy with what he's doing. l
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Barb, Our country was buried deep in depth to the tune of 6 trillion dollars or more before this stimulus package, mostly caused by the illegal war in Iraq. So our grandchildren already had a load placed on their backs. We need to give things a chance and don't believe all of the comments made by some of the politicians, they are just trying to cover their vote. The problem now is that the republicans in Washington have once again voted the way their leaders told them, like sheep going to the slaughter.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Feb 09
No, you are listening to the rhetoric from the democrats. The Republicans knew what was in the bill; therefore, they were not going to sign a stimulus bill that had mostly pork in it. And I think it was very wrong of Reid and Pelosi bringing a vote quickly so nobody could read it through. Nobody on the hill has read the entire bill. It would take them a long time to do that, and they aren't willing to let them find out exactly what is hidden in there. Don't you find that a little offensive?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Feb 09
"Should Obama unilaterally pass stimulus package and to hell with republicans when he takes office?"
Do you mean when he gets the office away from Nancy Pelosi?
"Should he continue to engage the republicans in dialogue while the economy and possibly the world around him crashes?"
That question has been answered. Obama gave up working with Republicans within three weeks after taking office, not that he made much of an effort to work with them in the first place.
"What if he unilaterally decides to approve the package, won't history absolve him of any wrong doing should this backfire."
Some might, but the honest ones won't.
"Won't they say he was trying to save the world?"
And Bush was trying to save the world from terrorism. Where did that get him? Some use to think that FDR helped the country during the depression, but what he did was take a recession and turn it into a depression and enlarged the government so much that future generations are still paying for it.
"Wouldn't it be worse if he continued twiddling thumbs and send the world down the tube?"
History has shown that an economy recovers better when government stays out of it. It corrects itself. Haven't you noticed how things get worse rather than better when the government gets involved, case in point SCHOOLS!
"And what is the problem with the Republicans, are they so selfish they can't put politics aside and participate in an action that will serve the greater good?" That stimulus package! Is it selfishness to vote against something you believe will harm rather than help the country?
"We all know that they have enough money to weather this financial storm through." Since they have so much money, maybe we should learn from them rather than the Democrats who obviously don't have any and have to take from others.
"Or do you think they really have the United States at heart and are genuinely concerned that this stimulus package can do more harm than good?"
It's a big gamble for them to vote against the bill if it is what will save our economy.
"Should Obama unilaterally pass the stimulus package or follow due process and wait until Republicans can come on board?"
I think that has already been decided.
@tdavis (117)
• United States
14 Feb 09
It really doesn't matter what the Repubs do, the Demos can push through what ever they want. Additionally, Bush was more a democ. than a repub. in his attempt to show his willingness to work with Dems, espically in the last two years when they controlled congress, he passed every bill they sent.
As far as stimulis, Obama's speech he stated, in a fire everyone needs to grab a hoes, the only problem with that is, you had better make sure your hoes is attached to the water truck and not the gas truck.
Obama also referenced the Japanese lost decade, for ten years they flooded their economy with huge sums of money and made it worse, that was why it lasted for ten years.
As a small business owner, it is not rocket science, you do not borrow money to make major improvements, or large expendatures when business is down. The amount of the stimulis is akin to making your house payments with a credit card, the interest there fore the payment will be increased, sooner or later you have to either pay it back, at a higher rate or lose it.
As far as the demos, this stimuilis bill is a spending bill. It should be for those items that will directly increase jobs with in 18 months, everything else can be done on a case by case basis with the budget. Also, we as Americans have lost our center. Fair use to mean, everyone is treated equally, if a person had a hard time their family, local non-profits (churches), and friends in the community would help. Now, we want people who make more to pay a higher percentage of their income than everyone else, we want the goverment to take care of our problems, and blame everyone except ourselves for our choices in life that have led us to where we are. As ben franklin said, to help the poor isn't to take care of them, but is to push them to take care of themselves. Welfare in most cases, don't work, don't eat. I think they will work before they pass away.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Feb 09
People's idea of what the stimulus bill is going to do for them is very warped! I heard this woman saying, 'now I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage,buying my gas' and more! She got this from Obama's speech. And these people actually think he is going to pay their mortgage, their rent, buy their gas, etc. They are in for a big surprise!
You are right about not borrowing money for major improvements when the business is down. Likewise, you shouldn't spend money when you don't have it - the government is spending money they do not have to try and stimulate the economy. And the stimulus bill is not going to stimulate, but rack up a huge debt for America. It is a spending bill, not a stimulus package. Take away all the pork, and you'll have a rather small stimulus bill.
I heard today on the business at Fox News that banks were given money to help them. Some banks have issued a request to get you to transfer your balances from other credit cards to theirs for a smaller fee. Now, some of those credit card holders are having to pay a fee as much as $100 to use the credit card they transferred to. They call that a bait and switch. That should be outlawed. But it will never be!