What would you do?

United States
February 13, 2009 6:44pm CST
I work at this donuts shop, I am a manager. This pass Monday (02/09/09) a customer came and said she bought food from my store and it made her sick (stomach ache and run all day). then she ordered another Turkey and Cheese, so I asked her if any of those allergic to her. She said, it is ok and she will take it. Then she asked me, what would I do about the food that make her sick? I said Sorry to her and offer her Turkey and cheese free of charge. She was happy and left, but she stated that she would never come back here again. However, this morning (02/13/09) she came back and said she bought a Turkey&cheese and it made her sick (a bomb in her mouth). I asked when did you buy it and with who? she said Yesterday evening and she never mention with who. She also said she will go to see a doctor about it. Well, I was stock when she bought food from my store twice and sick twice. Do you think it is a scam? What would you do about it? how do you prevent this problem if she show up in your store again? What would you say to her? I need comments here please!!!!
2 responses
• United States
14 Feb 09
you know I hate to say it but this sounds like a scam to me. She got a free sandwich from you now she is saying it made her sick again, no come on I do not believe it for a mintue. I am not sure what to do in this kinda of situation I would be real careful selling to this person I mean it sounds like she wants to sure your company or something. Anyway look it up online and see what you can find out about it. I myself would be very catious about this and people are so desperate so I think people are pulling a lot more scams than usual. I would also call the corparate office for your company as well and see what it is that they would like you to do. I hope this helps in someway and good luck.
• United States
14 Feb 09
It sounds like she wants to scam us too but I didn't give out any more food to her cuz I already know she would come back to say like this again. I talked to one of my friend, who is a lawyer, he said I should write down what she said the first day and the second day. Sue for money is what I am worrying about, but I have insurance to cover her medical expenses and I have no problem with that. I dont understand why she would do that for, 7/11 (close to my store) is richer than me and why doesn't she go and do that with them? thanks for comments
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
I think your lawyer gave you excellent advice. Make a log and be sure all your employees know about this individual and exactly what is going on. I think the reason she is targeting you is sad. Forgive me, I don't want to make you offended, but I can tell that English is not your first language, and that person may think you can't protect yourself because of the language issue. Maybe the 7/11 is having problems, too.Have you asked them? They might have the problem and you may be able to work together to discourage this person. I doubt that a person who is so short of cash she has to steal sandwiches is likely to try to sue you, but then again, I've seen some strange people. I hope you find the solution soon. It sounds like it is really stressing you. All the best.
• United States
14 Feb 09
You are right, English is not my first language. I am very stressful about this matter but everyone told me not to worry about... just prevent and more caution about this lady and if she shows up again, just give her a big sign of (We Reserve The right to refuse service to anyone) I am not good with writing thing, cuz of weak grammar and how the sentence goes. hehhehe... but I totally understand every single words she wants say. Thanks
@Mywrlot (95)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 09
IT'S A SCAM! If a shop makes you sick , avoid it (I'm not saying anything bad about your shop or anything mate ) but if food makes you sick , you avoid it. She's running a scam . tell your fellow workers and supervisors about this woman and to watch out for her . Report her to the authorities or something. That's what i would do :)
• United States
15 Feb 09
That's what i was thinking too, If it makes me sick then I would never go back but if I do then I just let them know and I won't buy anymore. However, she took my offer and came back to tell me another story. I was like, " What the hell?" When I confront her that I didn't have Turkey&cheese to sell on Thursday evening, she turned and about to leave really fast, even forgot to get her receipt too. But I dont know what she will do next... I just be more caution. If I am not happy with the food at any shop, I will call health department... but she keeps come back for more food. Thanks for your advice.