@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
February 14, 2009 6:45am CST
Yes, it is true.
The cristicism of liberals at the provided link is fairly harsh. The linked article implies liberals are emotionally driven without giving thought to the interactive complex nature of human behavior. Thus, while mostly having good intentions, again and again, liberal's ideas "crash and burn".
Here's the link.
I say the criticism and analysis at the link is fair.
What do you say?
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6 responses
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I say the article is self serving and one-sided. It is the economic policies of a Republican that started the mess that we are in today. Agreed that both sides had a hand in the end result, however it is the deregulation that got us here, the lifting of tariffs and the lack of fair trade policy that really put us in this mess. The Democrats didn't start that particular downward slide, the trickle down theory isn't one the 'liberals' stood up.
As for Walmart, jobs that pay less than what people can feed their families on and treat their employees like slaves they are nightmares. Is this what we are coming to? Where we should be grateful when Walmart comes to our community, runs off all the small businesses and employees people with no benefits, for less than 40 hours a week at less than a living wage? Wonderful, lets all jump on that one.
Here is what I think, first Obama is a social liberal but hardly an extreme liberal in many of his political stances. People miscast him and this is a mistake. His one true liberal stance is on the right of women to to control their body and their choice, interesting that this casts him as a liberal across the board. The Bush administration left him with many difficult issues, he has been in office barely a month and has continued to reach out to the Republicans with little luck. He has the unruly Democrats to contend with as well who think they now have a free ride with him in office, I suspect they don't.
Look around this country today. Millions out of work. Companies shutting down. Education in the toilet. Homes being lost. Peoples life savings being lost. Hundreds of thousands without health care and a day away from financial ruin. What would you consider the right answer? The conservatives seem to think the right answer is do nothing. Doing nothing means that we enter another depression and take the world with us. We are entering into a feudal state where the rich get richer, the middle class has all but disappeared and the poor are virtual slaves. I won't even ask about fair, I will ask though is this reasonable? Is it reasonable for the United States?
I am in the middle of reading H.R.1
Has anyone else read it yet? There are some good things and some bad things. Personally? I would have stripped out any tax breaks. Personally? I would have made the Buy America language stronger. Personally? I would have made the hire American language stronger. I am still sorting through the aid to military members and family but so far it looks pretty good. I don't think the Accountability language is strong enough, but I haven't read all the way through it yet.
Like I said, what would you do? Nothing?
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Feb 09
"It is the economic policies of a Republican that started the mess that we are in today."
The above quote reveals an incredible lack of knowledge of history and economics. Not that Republican polices have not been terrible, they have. However, Democratic policies are almost the same as the Republican policies.
Both parties have been engaging in SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and SPEND some more. Defict spending is the problem. This is totally destroying the value of the US DOLLAR. The current 0bama bailout plan is even worse than what we have seen lately, as difficult as that is to imagine.
My analysis of the US DOLLAR index projects the bailout plan is going to devestate and slaughter the value of the US DOLLAR which had been recovering. You can look for this drop in the US DOLLAR in the next month or two.
Would I do nothing?
Of course not. The problem, in addition to deficit spending, is that big business owns our current crop of politicians. This is due to the high cost of campaigning.
The problem with that is small business is what creates new jobs, invents new technology, and grows into the industries of the future. Big business is stifling competition from small business using political clout. So, here's the problem with our economy.
1) Deficit spending
2) Big business using political power to clobber small business.
The solution to the current problem is to:
1) Balance the budget (reduce federal employee pay, eliminate government agencies and etc.)
2) Eliminate the government regulations that serve more to benefit big business at the expense of small business.
If any of this sounds familar, it is because it is essentially the position of Congressman Ron Paul.
Long story short, neither Republicans or the Democrats currently are helping the American people with the problem of the financial crisis. Both are lying and playing political and word games meant to confuse the issues.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Interesting that you and I don't disagree on the essentials but disagree where it started - that would be with the "great communicator", that is right Ronald Reagan. He was a Republican, right?
He was also the one that put us in the position of big business owning politicians. He was also the one that put de-regularization into a whole new world. He was also the one began the downward spiral of the middle class. He was also the one that opened up import without tariff, thus essentially shutting down American industry. The list goes on, but the big one is that it was him that valued the wealth and devalued the rest of us.
Naive? No I don't think so. Hardly that, I simply disagree that it is all a "liberal" problem.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I love it when you liberals try to blame Reagan. He was the best thing to happen to this country in quite a long time.
His policies worked so well that it took 26 years for the liberals to finally tear down our economy.
It wasn't big business... it was too much regulation and the wrong kind to boot.
You might be surprised to learn that big business does not necessarily mean republican... plenty of large corporations are run by evil rich liberals... so take that.
It was the liberal policy of forcing banks to give mortgages to people who were not eligible and had no business getting them in the first place that began this whole mess... and that is Carter's deal... not Reagan.
Nice try though... thanks for the laugh.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I love American Thinker! He is right on! Liberals are now fighting among themselves in Congress. But wait; they will blame all this on the republicans.
We are watching the 'show' of the century on Capitol Hill! They finally got what they wanted, and now what they have they aren't satisfied with. They can no longer just fight the republicans/conservatives. They are having to fight their own left! I think it's sort of funny and indicative of the way they think! The left is right, no matter if they are fighting the left.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Feb 09
The AMERICAN THINKER is a good source of a lot of insight and food for thought. As to the left, what I've found most distrurbing lately is how they twist the truth with words.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Feb 09
The left surely would win the award for 'TWISTER'! They have the habit of saying one thing and when they are faced with what they said, they will reply that it isn't what they meant! Well, it isn't what you mean, say what you mean so people won't misinterpret what you say! They do a lot of double talk!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Agreed, most liberals have good intentions. Of course, we know where the road paved with good intentions takes us.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
15 Feb 09
The only reason this article could be considered "unfair" is that it doesn't equally criticise the conservatives; but, maybe the author does have another article blaming them that I am not aware of.
Liberals are dreamers. The world SHOULD be certain ways - peaceful, loving, fair to everyone, etc. They do not understand that 100% liberal does not work; it is not realistic.
But, conservatives are stuck in the past. This is the way it was; so, it has to stay that way. Someone hundreds or even thousands of years ago said it should be done like this; so, it still must be done that way. This does not work either. The world is changing whether conservatives like it or not.
What we need are more centrists. People who are willing to look at new ways; compare them to old ways; and make changes AS NEEDED based on the facts of today's world - not based on the past or some fantasized future utopia.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
15 Feb 09
For balance an article critical of conservatives would be reasonable.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Not only is the link fair... it is entirely accurate.
The best thing about the way the elections turned out was it put the liberals squarely out front. They now own this economy and everything that happens is going to be blamed on them, because they have no one to hide behind now.
That whole Bush did it is going to run out of gas very fast, and at some point the democrats including this joker in the White House is going to have to take the responsibility for their actions.
This is part, or maybe a lot of the reason that so many are now pushing for the return of the so-called Fairness Doctrine.... with that in place... or some form of it through regulatory measures... then the 0bamunist and his co-conspirators in Congress can control the public discourse.
They already have control of the press and of the MSM... now they want to control the airwaves as well.
When you control the media, then you control the people.
Pelosi herself said last year that Congress should be in charge of what news was released to the public.
How Owellian can you get?
All of the liberals are for this... but I bet they wouldn't be if we were to shut off all liberal ideas the same way they are trying to muzzle Rush and the rest of us conservatives.
The very things that American's saw happening in the communist countries years ago... government control of the press...government approved speech... and the imprisonment and re-education camps of those that spoke out... these are all things that the liberals are now trying to do.
That is nothing short of Fascism... and iot gets worse everyday.
Welcome to the USSA.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Feb 09
As usual, I agree with you.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Feb 09
I think it is fair and very true. Unfortunately, liberals cannot see it. They are so busy defending everything they do that they don't even think about how their actions hurt them and others. One character flaw they have is that they are always blaming conservatives. Even if they are at fault, they will blame it on something a conservative did 20 years ago.
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