Its Official, we are now on the dole!!!!
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
February 16, 2009 9:02am CST
My poor hubby, he is trying so hard to keep up a brave front but he had to go and sign on for benefits today and I think it has got him down a bit. Each week the government gives him a pittance while he tries to find work, every fortnight he has to go and sign in at the office and show them what he has done to try and find work. My hubby feels humiliated that after 10 years of providing for his family he has now been reduced to that I feel really sorry for him. He is convinced he will get a job and he has been up early every day trawling the internet and papers looking no one could ever accuse him of being lazy and not trying.
Has anything happened in your life lately that has caused you to feel humiliated and down?
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14 responses
@CharleneRB (125)
• Canada
17 Feb 09
Remember when you were small and couldn't wait to be a"grown up"? Some times it is tempting to wish you were little again and life's biggest worry was what was for supper or homework .
You both sound like you know what has too be done and you are doing it!It's great to see.
Take care!
@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Feb 09
Yeah something I have not wished for simply because I know it will never happen!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Feb 09
That's horrible, I can only imagine how he feels. My husband did go through that once, as I explained in another post awhile back. He hit a horrible depression and honestly wouldn't even look for a job. He can be a bit stubborn though, he refused to take particular positions, and got his hopes up on certain jobs he'd never recieve. It did work out for him in the end though and he was finally hired by the company he's still with, and has been there 4 years.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Feb 09
At the moment he is only looking for driving jobs, but he has had the licence just four weeks and it is going against him because these companies want experience behind their drivers. If he does not get anywhere he will look for something else but it is a shame that no one will give him that chance because he is a hard worker, makes me so mad for him!!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Yeah, I'd be mad too. We've all been through it, and not just with jobs either. I found that problem when I was trying to get credit. Nobody would give me credit because I had no credit. I couldn't even so much as get a department store credit card without having a major credit card, and I couldn't get one of those without a department store card at the very least. It seemed the only way to build up my credit at the time was to buy something expensive, like a car, but I didn't have that kind of money! It's just nuts!!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Lately for me, the only thing that has made me feel Humiliated and down was when they gave Employee of the Month to a girl at work for showing up all of the time when we had our Bad Snow storm in December, and I actually only missed one day as well during it, and was never shown any recognition. To make matters worse she got wrote up for being Tardy, etc. the same day they put her picture on the wall, and she has been Tardy at least once since. So for me, it makes no sense, but I guess I will never be appreciated at work either?
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@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Feb 09
That is ridiculous, I would have thrown a tantrum at that. Sometimes I think the harder we try the more we get kicked in the teeth.
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I'm so sorry for you guys. It's a hard thing to want to work and not be able to. My husband and I are wondering whatever happened to getting the illegals out of our workforce in order to give the jobs to American citizens. No one seems to be talking about it any more. We lived in a town that was overrun with illegal workers. Not only do they take many of the available jobs, they also block citizens from a lot of positions which now require that applicants be bi-lingual. Recently on the news we saw where city government was eliminating 1800 jobs, like lawnmowers, and contracting the jobs out. Most of these subcontractors employ illegals. Therefore, more American citizens are losing their jobs to these interlopers. They keep saying, "We only want to work", but so do Americans, and it's becoming harder and harder to find and keep jobs. My son-in-law who is the sole support of my daughter and 3 grandkids was layed off two weeks ago. Like your husband, he's reduced from being the breadwinner to being unemployed, and he finds it hard to live with.

@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Feb 09
It is hard really hard. I can see that we are in a pretty good position compared to most, my hubby was given a redundancy package whereas another factory laid off its workers with just an hours notice and nothing more so we are lucky in that respect as the money will allow us to carry on for a few months, then we have mortgage protection so we will have a roof over our heads for at least a further year. So all in all we have about a year before we are in big trouble.

@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I am sorry for your troubles I know what you are going though mt hubby had got laid off also an where i have a twisted spine I can't help waitting on ssi for me but after what seemed like forever my hubby got a job at the proison here he is a guard an they will pay for him to go to the police acdamy great huh keep your head up I know your hubby will find something you will be in my thoughts tell your hubby I wish him luck I know in these trying times its hard to find a job an he should also hold his head up at least he is tryin
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Feb 09
Yes, it must be very discouraging for a man who has supported his family to lose a job through no fault of his own. I thank God that you are eligible for support as in my country they lose their jobs and that is that. No benefits so they are dependant on friends and family to help them. It is awful all over the world. It is a blow to one's self esteem when this happens and it must feel awful
As to being humiliated, my boss does this so much to me and I know that my self esteem has taken a nose dive. But this too will pass.
I do hope and pray that your husband will land an even better job than he had before. Take care my friend and God Bless you all.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Feb 09
Yes it is but he is so positive and always looks at the bright side of life. Yes in my country we are lucky in that we get a lot of support from the government a lot of people do not seem to realise how lucky they are with all the help they get, I dont think they realise that in some countries they would not get a penny. Thank you for your kind words.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Feb 09
Well, my friend, he is certainly not alone. Thousands of people throughout the world are finding themselves in the same predicament. Some families will lose their homes. Some families will fall apart. Tell your hubby not to get are's a fact of life at the moment. You will need to be prepared to give up some things because the money just won't be there. Maybe have a garage sale might make enough for an emergency fund be kept in case of emergencies.
@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Feb 09
My hubby took a cut in pay first, this was supposed to be to stop any further redundancies, they lied. The next week they laid off 500, then this last time a further 600 have gone. They are now due to lay off a further 97 workers so maybe he got out at the right time.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I know it feels humliating but it's only temporary. At least the dole will help a little until he finds another job. I know if it happened to us, we would do the same. I hope something comes up soon for your hubby. Hugs!
@Phaedra_Scythe (3325)
16 Feb 09
I have to say that I feel for you because we're in the exact same position right now. I'm too ill to work and my partner has had really problems finding a job.
Originally he didn't want to sign on at all because he didn't want the stigma and he was too proud, but he had to give in in the end. I told him that's what the money is there for, people who want to work, but are struggling. Even the Job Centre told him that he's doing all he can, but the jobs just aren't there at the moment. He keeps telling me that he feels like a failure though and I'm really worried about him. He's been in a depression ever since he lost his last job last year.
@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Feb 09
My hubby has been searching for less than a week, he finds jobs but by the time he rings for them they have gone. with so many redundancies being made I think he is going to struggle to find anything straight away.
@aamoore (61)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Hi! I wish you both the best in these times! I'm glad he is trying to make things right and not like some people who just give up and either kill themselves and their families! Kudos to him and others like him who refuse to give up!
If your husband and yourself are looking for other ways to make money from home, give me a call at 816-399-0131. It's not going to cost you money per month to do this! If you know people who need help with Travel, Dental, Vision, Shopping, Coupons, Lawyers, Medical, Chiropractic, then give me a call. Also if you know people who need help with their prescriptions, also, give me a call and I will explain a few things to you!
I wish you both the best and tell your husband that he must not think of himself as being nothing, just because he cannot do the things he could in the past. Just keep the good fuight and things will work out for the best.
Have a great afternoon!
@aamoore (61)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I see that you reside in United Kingdom and may not be able to do what I do! Have a look at! I beleive they not only offer a work at home in the USA, but also in the UK! They take calls for many clients. Have a look and see!
All the best to you both!
Take care of yourself!
@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
With the global economic crisis, many people have lost their jobs. It's not easy to lose a job. When i was younger, I also lost a very good job due to retrenchment but it never stopped me from dreaming. I didn't feel good about it but it gave me the opportunity to look for new opportunities. Right now, I'm not working because I am taking care of our daughter. it was a mutual decision between me and my husband. I know your husband will be able to find work soon. Good luck and God bless.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Feb 09
I worked for 34 years Gemini and vowed never to go anywhere near the Jobcentre. So far I've managed not to. I feel bad that people like your husband, who want to work and have a track record of working are treated so badly. Funny how all the people that say "GET A JOB" don't have to. I wish him all the best. I'm sure that he'll find something.
@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
16 Feb 09
It's always horrible losing a job. I lost mine last month due to health problems - it came as a real nasty blow, since it's the second time in two years, when I thought I was getting better. I hope he finds something really soon. Bear in mind that there are a LOT of sites out there with job adverts, depending on what he does and how far he can travel: don't just limit it to the Job Centre and a few others.
One other thing: my last job was actually at the Job Centre. Make sure you're claiming EVERYTHING. I was surprised just how many different benefits there are and how many you can claim together, depending on circumstances. Feel free to ask, if I can be of assistance - I'm not a specialist, but may know a little more.