Let's take a look at how harsh life is !

@tudors (1556)
February 16, 2009 9:58am CST
carmakers are cutting jobs worldwide. Aston Martin : 3-day week began in January Bently : also 3-day week in October, no long X-mas break and closing plants 7 weeks since March. GM: 40-day shutdown Honda: 4 months shut down between Feb and May Jaguar Land Rover : 450 redundancies planned Nissan : 1200 redundancies Oh , lord, let's cherish what we've got at hand.
2 responses
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
18 Feb 09
Life is really at its most difficult stage these days. The sluggish economy is obviously affecting the world and with that, the harsh realities are continuously occurring. We should be in our fighting form this time. We should fight this crisis to save our family. To those who lost their job, it's better to look for another job swiftly than murmur about the situation. Kudos.
@tudors (1556)
• China
18 Feb 09
yeah, save for a rainy day. The basic rule in nature. Animals store food in seasons when supply is in shortage. why not humans?
@huaduo (40)
• China
23 Feb 09
yes, my neighbours and my classmates' parents are losing their jobs too. it's very hard to find a job now.