Joaquin Phoex ON David Letterman: What Has He Done To Himself???

Joaquin Pheonix - Joaquin Pheonix's current appearance (2009)...
February 16, 2009 10:59am CST
I was shocked, when a couple of months ago, I saw that Joaquin Phoenix announced that he was quitting acting to work on his music (who even knew that he had music lol). I was EVEN MORE shocked when I saw the video of when he first made the announcement. Here's a clip of it on YouTube: What was that anyway??? Then, the other day I came across his recent appearance on David Letterman and I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here, take a look for yourselves: Once again, what was that??? First of all, he needs a major shave and he needs to comb his hair. Next, he needs to get off the drugs!!! I just don't get how a guy who watched his brother overdose from abusing drugs, can then go on to get addicted to drugs himself and pretty much ruin his career and most importantly, his life. To me, that just makes no sense whatsoever. Of course, then I remember where he's coming from, which is the poison that is called Hollywood. Look, don't get me wrong, I'm all for watching movies, tv and listening to music and all that goes with it, but a person with any sense can't deny that most individuals who become a part of Hollywood don't even have a normal and stable life. Drugs run rampant in Hollywood and if you're not a strong person, you're bound to fall and become it's prey.... I'm just wondering what others think about Phoenix's current state and the videos posted above. Or, I would love to hear your opinion on the whole subject of Hollywood, which I mentioned above....
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1 response
• United States
16 Feb 09
Yeah... I saw that. I think he was acting though. You can sort of tell at the end when he went to shake Letterman's hand.
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• United States
16 Feb 09
Oh, Crispin Glover did that too on Letterman, you should watch it.. it's scary yet hilarious.
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• Turkey
17 Feb 09
No, I don't think he was, since the first video that I posted was a few months before and he was just as weird. I also saw another video, which was taken around the same time as the first video here and he was extremely weird as well. Putting that all aside, I don't think he was acting because he was just too weird and you could tell that he started getting upset with David Letterman, as well as the guy from the band. No, I personally don't think this was an act....
• Turkey
17 Feb 09
By the way, if you have a link to the Crispin Glover one, I would love to see it...