2012 the world will end??
By aconites
@aconites (768)
United States
February 16, 2009 4:57pm CST
i'm not sure if i'm posting my topic at the right discussion place .. i thought the one who care about paranormal stuff might have heard a theory of the world ending at 2012 that's why i'v posted it here
so i was on youtube and i saw alot of videos about this subject.. some say its at 6/6/2012
the other said its in 12/21/2012
it is the doomsday that were foretold in the Mayan calender..!!
so how accurate is this calendar and why its so important ?? and why the Mayan think that its on that piticeler date?
But not only the calender that Predict the end..
well ..there is another thing.. have you ever heard of a web.bot?? apparently this is a program that Predicts the future based on collecting information.. I'v heard in (youtube) that it Predict up to 60 days in the future .. and they said that it Predicted 9/11 .. so i was interested to know more about this webbot thing and i'v googled it to see if its real..
so what do you think?
is it the end this close to us??
another three years to live and that's it??
as much at this professes scarring me but actually i don't believe it .. and i don't think that the end is this close
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12 responses
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
17 Feb 09
My son asked me the same question a couple of days ago. That was the first time I had heard that theory. Now you bring it up here as a discussion. It is interesting and scary and hopefully totally false just like they had us going with Y2K. I hadn't heard about the web.bot though. That is a truly science-fiction idea come to life! I hope its all wrong.
@aconites (768)
• United States
17 Feb 09
you know if you asked me one month before about this subject i wouldn't know nothing about it.. just recently a friend forwarded me a link and i saw it.. then i started to do research about this subject ..even my husband said if i keep watching this stuff I'll go crazy ..lol ..i admit its scary and i want to know who heard these theory's or who believe them and who don't
@ROYALG333 (126)
• United States
17 Feb 09
There are so many speculation about politicians being reptiles and how the planet Nibiru will come into our solar system after a 2000 year vertical orbit to our sun etc etc. Yes look it up on youtube there are plenty of theories out there. One thing that is for certain is that in the year 2012, the north star will line up with the 3 central stars of orien. What kind of worldy implication that has I am not sure.
I do firmly believe that we are headed towards the end of days. As a christian and having read the bible, I think the events happening in this world coincide too much with what the bible tells us.
@aconites (768)
• United States
17 Feb 09
hi there , oh I'v heard of Nibiru or the planet X and i saw couple of theory about it in youtube .. they are think that its gonna come to the core of our solar system in 2012 .. now is this a coincidence??
if the planet x really comes it will have a big effect on earth ,they are expecting big meltdown and city's drowning..
I'm like you .. i do believe that the end is coming ..but i don't think its in 3 years..
i believe that because I'm a Muslim and our prophet (pbuh) worn us from it and gave us a signs
am i the only one who feel it or do you feel like me that the time is going by so fast??
i only start the week and suddenly its Friday.. it gose by so fast .. i remember yesterday i had my baby and shes now 8 month !!
wow it gose by so fast ..and do you see alot of poeple are not believers any more ?
how can you not believe that there is no creature !!!
when i was asking about the world ending at 2012 .. i totally forgot about planet x and i think that it make some sence to me why the webbot predicted that the apocalypse in 2012
@ryaj21 (208)
• Philippines
29 Mar 09
i guess it is up to you if you believe it or not with facts and evidence at your side it will be up to you on how heavy you will believe on it..it will surely depends in your culture if you believe it or not?every cultures have a unique faith and understanding..if you believe it it is your prerogative as a person and noone can question that..happy mylotting..just relax!!.think!!and enjoy life to the fuillest that's the best way and remember everyday is like the end of the world who knows...LIFE IS SO SHORT TO ENJOY!
@Arjen07 (164)
• Romania
17 Feb 09
I don't believe in the end of the world but i believe something important will happen in 2012, probably a dimensional shift. In the recent years a lot of "evidences" had been showed that can confirm that. The best we can do is to continue our lives and wait to see what happens. After all is not the first time the end of the world is announced, but we're still here.
@hacker006 (126)
• United States
11 Apr 09
you people need to read your own books in libaries, I will go ahead & simplfy what happens exactly. The planets line up, the asteroid belt is rediscovered as a planet that fell apart due to core instability. The sun reaches it's zenth point that it goes through every 1,250 years. The egyptians often incorperated this idea with their pyramids. Queztacol rizes again, or proably the title he will have this time is feather snake. The global tempature rizes a few decrease due to increased solar mass. Japan already got one surge from this. The sun emits somewhat of a emp every now & then. As for the mayan calender. It's a reset time. Unluckly this also means a new super culture occurs. Who that is I'm afraid I'm quite unaware of that one, the holy grail never explained. The holy grail is a book, I'll give you a hint as to what it is, you want to hide something put it in plain site. As for 144,00 people of earth 7 the rise of 666. 144000 is the speed of light in miles per hour, & 6.66 seconds takes a photon to circle the earth. So we live on hell
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
17 Feb 09
That is a crock. It only means that the Mayan Calender will start over again, that's all. The world will not come to an end. Anyway if it does, I don't care, just means that I won't have to pay taxes or my students back. I won't have to worry about debt or human problems anymore. I'll be free.
@dreamhealer (812)
16 Feb 09
Yes, I believe 21 December 2012 will be big. How exactly, no one really knows. I think on the whole it will be a good thing. There is talk of the world ascending to a new level, that it may die in this dimension. To mother earth or 'Gaia', humankind could actually be seen as a cancer, bleeding or screwing the life out of the mother planet. The credit crunch seems in actuality, to be quite a natural thing in the build-up to this time. Like the Indian god Shiva is destroying all the rotten structures, to enable a re-build! So there maybe endings, but these will lead to new beginnings. So, please don't let it worry you too much. There is a lot of media out there, that loves to hype things up for their own end. There is a human thing sometimes, that we like to be scared sh*tless! Just witness all those horror movies! Hold on tight for the exciting times ahead, that will bring much good

@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 09
The calendar was fairly accurate about major catastrophes which will affect and change this world from what we know now. It does not predict the end of the world as hinted in the Scriptures. The prediction was about major climatic changes and the shifting of the poles. There will be mass destruction and the sea level will rise. Many will die. Well, these are the basic predictions.
The Scriptures do not give a specific date on the complete end of all of us. Nevertheless there are hints on what will happen first. Based on the teachings we still have more than three years.
all the best,

@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
16 Feb 09
Just about every culture/society has a doomsday or armageddon prophecy. Several have gone by already - remember all the fuss around the year 2000? The reality is usually simpler: mankind is slowly working towards the day when it will either wake up and stop being so self-destructive or it will wipe itself out. I doubt it'll happen in the next three years, but then I grew up in the 1980s, when the daily fear of a nuclear war was very real.
We survived. We've been surviving for thousands of years. Three more shouldn't be too difficult. 

@mohamedthoufeeq (322)
• India
17 Feb 09
Predicting the future is an absolute foolishness. Its really a blunder to believe that world will end in 2012 exactly. Who knows about all these?
Prediction is the very easiest thing but it never applies in real life most of the time.
@msureshmca06 (27)
• India
17 Feb 09
hai friend
i also heared about this news through messages to my moblie.they also reffered the nasa also accepted this .me too not clear about this .they also mentioned that the sun will not raise for four days