The ultimate Cat lover!
By lagirl1966
@lagirl1966 (709)
United States
February 17, 2009 12:32pm CST
Hi all cat lovers,
I have got to be the most ultimate cat lover there is. I would do anything for my cat. My beloved Stuffy passed away in 2004 and he was sick all his life. I spent countless thousands of dollars putting him in the hospital over and over. But I didnt care. Now he is gone and still missed so much. Now I have Boots, a black cat whom I adore. I want to add another furrball to our home to! It would be heaven to live with a dozen or more. I think I was given this love in my heart for them for a reason. When I got divorced, my ex-husband said "no one will ever want you .. you will end up an old spinster with cats" well I don't care. Cats are better than men anyway! They won't cheat on you or treat you badly! Anyone agree??
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16 responses
@suegt31 (165)
• Australia
17 Feb 09
I have a beautiful white fluffy female cat. She is mad i think. She does all sorts of crazy things. As for your ex-husband, he sounds just like mine. Don't believe anything he said to you, not even for a minute. Their are are very few good men out their. I found one. I thought i would have trust issues, but not with him, i know he will never cheat on me. You see women cheat too. His ex-wife did. I have 5 small dogs and i love them to bits. He loves them too. You can still find the right man for you. One who will love cats as much as you. Yes, cats are very loyal and in alot of cases are so much better than a cheating male.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
You are right. Maybe I will find someone. I dont know. Your cat sounds so beautiful. My cat does crazy things to. You are very lucky to have a guy so wonderful.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I love cats as well, I have two. Yeah, a cat can be a better companion than some men. In my case my husband is a cat lover too, he would like to have more than two. Cats can be so cute and entertaining, I know one of mine is, he thinks he is a person and has the greatest personality.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I dont know where all you guys find all these good men. I rarely have met a man who loves cats. They are all hunters where I live and I despise hunting. I just cant keep my hands off my cat. I just love to snuggle with him. They are the best pets ever.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I have both kitties and a husband, and I'll admit that the kitties are easier to live around. Yes, they make messes sometimes, but they are always glad to see me. Dooey is a lover who wants to be cuddled and petted. He also scratches my back for me and loves to try and groom me. Quincy is so smart that he can figure out how to do anything. We just had to put our Sebastian to sleep. We'd had him 16 years, and he was a sweetheart. There's a real hole in our family where he belongs.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I am so sorry for your loss. I know what that is like. It is the hardest thing in the world to go through. I agree. Kitties are easier to live around! Dooey sounds so sweet and lovable. I bet quincy keeps you on your toes! I think some cats are smarter than dogs!
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@nancyrowina (3850)
17 Feb 09
Yes you can always rely on your cat to love you and be loyal, don't listen to your ex husband anyway he only said it to hurt you, one day you might meet someone who loves you and your cats.

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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
17 Feb 09
Thankyou for your comment. I never do listen to my ex. He is just bag of hot air. I know I have a huge heart and he dosent. He is the one missing out. My kitty makes me happy. You never know, maybe I will meet someone someday. But they will have to be a cat lover, I know that.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Your babies are so beautiful!!! I am jealous! The black ones look just like my boots. But I guess all black cats look alike! Have fun with them! I know you will! You are so lucky!
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
18 Feb 09
black cats looking alike - well, Scamp and Nef do look a lot alike from a small distance, but Scamp is longer, bigger and SOFTER! Nef has ear tufts. Tuti (not in the pix) is fat and has grooming issues so her head, paws and tail look kind of attached to the wrong cat - and she's actually LOST weight since she came.
Then there's Sassy - the one closest to the camera, she's small, and kind of round and has some white wiskers - I blame that on her age, that is thought to be around 18.
We'll have had her for 8 years come April 1st and we were told she was 10 when we got her.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
17 Feb 09
Yes, and my ex is still an jerk. He abused my cats when we were married and even though Boots dosent know him, every time he comes to pick up my son Boots runs and hides. Animals can sense animal abusers! And yeah, why cant they just leave without saying that? And he said it in front of my son to!
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I guess all ex husband's are alike. My husband just filed for divorce. He told me I was fat and lazy cause I couldn't get a job in 4 weeks. Please. I have two lovely cats that he told me once we should just get rid of cause we wanted to travel. Said we could just get some more when we got back. Should have known then. And he is the one who wanted to get them in the first place! I love my cats and he will not be getting them in the divorce to say the least. They are my constant companions and they are there for me when I get home. I can't imagine life without them. Ashley, my avatar, is a grey, orange, black mix. She is shy around people but she loves to hang out with me. She has some medical problems but it would take surgery to fix them and I don't think she is up to it. She has had since she was born, so I am going to leave her like she is. Carlye is a black and white bundle of joy and mischief. She gets into everything and loves everyone. She is such a comic. She loves to hang out on the couch and watch tv with me. She is also my vocal kitty--likes to talk.

@Aurone (4755)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Luckily we don't have any kids and it looks like our divorce will be fairly cut and dried and then as far as I am concern he can drop off the face of the earth. Its good to get men like this out of our lives. Mine was emotionally abusive rather than physically. I am glad you and your son are alright. Here is to us and making it through situations like this. Take care.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I am sorry you are going through a divorce. Mine was pretty bad. He was always threatening me to take away my son. He also abused my cats. Which I hated him for that. My cat stuffy once jumped in my sons crib when he was a baby(my son was not in the crib at the time)and my ex saw it and grabbed him and threw him against the wall. Stuffy limped for 3 weeks after that. I hated him so much for that. Believe me, your ex will not even want your cats. By the way, they are beautiful!!!! My ex also told me that I was fat and lazy and a pig. I am so much happier with out him! It was hell being with him, and his family treated me just as bad. So this is a good thing isn't it?? That is how I saw it! Your free! Carlye must be so fun to have.I love cats that talk alot! Take care.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Ohhhh I'm so with you lagirl!! Yes I do agree! Especially when the man is as bad as your ex that he just had to down you the way he did!! Any ole cat is better than that type of man any day of the week!! I hope you know he said that out of pure meanness. He just wanted to cut you in half and make himself feel better by doing so. You'll find a man for you some day when the time is right, trust me on that! As for cats, I have 10 of them right now and I'm loving every minute of it!! I also have 3 dogs too.... kind of a minature farm here.... lol However, I didn't plan for it, it just happened. I've taken in a couple of strays and rescued one from another mylotter and got the rest from various places and now I have 10 of 'em but I love it!!
About spending thousands of dollars, we had two cocker spaniels and the female was so sickly with skin, ear and eye infections as well as mild seizures constantly. It was so bad that all I had to do is call the vet and tell him what I smell or see and right away he'd order me some medication without seeing her! It was a great relationship! I always said if I could get her to 10 years old, I'd be happy and ok with putting her down IF needed, if only I could get her to 10 years old. Well, she lived until she was 13 years old before we had to put her to sleep. It was late at night when she had a massive seizure and my friend who was visiting at the time rushed her to the vet and had her put down. We cried all the way home and most of the next day. They put her body in a cardboard shaped casket so I didn't have to build a box (like I'd know how!) and my neighbor buried her because hubby was still in another state in the army. But she'll never be forgotten just like her brother, he'll never be forgotten either. He lived till he was 12 and we had to put him to sleep too because he had cancer. He had problems too like my female but not nearly as bad so I know how it is to spend thousands of dollars on a pet or two.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I would be in heaven having all those cats!!! You are so lucky! But how do you afford it? I know it costs alot of money to keep your pets healthy. I am sorry for losing your doggies. I cryed to for days and days when I lost my other two kitties. I had to put them to sleep because they had stopped eating and using thier litter boxes and would just lay there and moan. It broke my heart. But the vet said they would be in a better place. They are now in the bridge waiting for me to join them. I know they are happy and young and healthy there. I wish I could get another kitty right now. But I cant afford it. Unless if I could find a free one. I had my kitties cremated and they sit in my bedroom. I didn't want to bury them. I just can't imagine having their bodies rotting away. I always felt that was discusting. Be happy with all your kitties!
@DCMerkle (1281)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I'm a cat person. I love all animals, but cats will always hold a special place in my heart. My whole family are cat people. If teaching my son or daughter to love a cat or feel the special joy that a cat can give a person then I've just condmended my son to being a grumpy old man and my daughter to spinsterhood.....NOT! I wouldn't have chosen my husband if he didn't love animals. He had two dogs and a cat when I met him. I didn't care how great a cook he was or how excellant a musician he was, he loved animals and that was it for me.
I will say that living with more cats than you can love isn't being fair to the cat or cats. Believe me, I've thought about owning more than the two cats that I have had at any given time, but that would be just wrong. Ignore what your ex says. He's just jealous because he knows that you have the capacity to love anything but him and he wishes that he was brave enough to love somethng as gentle as a cat.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Thankyou so much for your response!! You are right. You should only have as many pets as you can love. I just wish I could save all the unwanted cats in the world so they don't have to live outside and die of starvation, or get killed by a car. Also, I was young when I married him. And stupid. So I didn't know better. But at the moment that he hurt my kitties, that was it. I knew I could ever be with anyone again that didn't love animals. Yep. He cant love cats. He dosent have a heart. Thanks
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Well, I managed to find a man who is absolutely wonderful anyway, but I admit a lot of men can cause a woman great pain and grief. I do agree that cats are better than people in general, all people. I have been hurt by almost everyone in my life, family and so-called friends alike. Therefore, I have an extremely low trust level. I am not just a cat lover, but an animal lover in general. I love them all, even the ones people hate. I love large spiders and scorpions. I'm not so big on the small ones since I'm visually impaired and can't really see/feel what they are doing. However, if I could help it I would try not to kill even the deadly ones. They are here for a reason and they keep other smaller animals like flies and mosquitos down to a minimum. If we had no spiders, the fly and mosquito and other insect populations would skyrocket! I also absolutely love snakes and lizards and things like that, another thing a lot of people dislike, especially women. I love them all! I do believe that animals are much more genuine than people. Some of them may be able to physically hurt you, though even those don't do it on purpose. It's almost always self defense when they feel threatened. However, animals are unable to emotionally hurt you, except when you lose them, but again that's out of their control and a natural part of life, one which humans must endure anyway. Animals don't lie or cheat or steal...well except maybe the occasional raccoon or something, lmao. But you know what I mean I am sure.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Yes I know what you mean. All animals are here for a reason. And even though I don't like all of them, I don't think anyone has the right to kill them. They all deserve to live. That is why I despise hunting. I have never understood anyone that can shoot a innocent animal. There might be some good men out there that adore cats, but I haven't found them yet! Take care.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I too am a cat lover, and once thought like you. I even have a cute picture that says "One can never have too many cats." However, I learned that isn't the case. I DID have too many cats and it became overwhelming. I am also a dog lover. A short time back I had 8 housecats, 4 dogs and about a dozen stray cats outside that I fed daily. It reached the point where I was doing without so that the animals could have what they needed. So silly. My health declined and I was put on oxygen because my asthma became so severe. And here I sat with all this fur. I had to make some tough decisions. I now have 4 housecats, and its still too many. But, I'll deal with that for now. I only have 2 little dogs now also. I AM still feeding the strays, but only because animal control here refuses to help me with the problem. So love your cats, but remember to not get carried away by it.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hi Tess,
I have a magnet that says One can never have to many cats! And a plack to. It must have been heartbreaking for you to get rid of them. I only have Boots right now, But I do want to get another one. I miss having a female. My female Pepper was the most loving cat in the world and I miss her so much. I would love take some of them off your hands. But I am in a situation where I am living on hardly anything. I hope this will change soon so I can adopt another one. Then I will have two.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Feb 09
Absolutely! I adore cats and I have two. One I have had since he was a kitten; he is 13 years old now. I struggled with fertility issues and it took my husband and me almost six years of gruelling treatments for us to finally have a baby. It was an extremely stressful and painful time and I owe coming out the other side to my beloved cat. His name is Friday and he used to go everywhere with me just like a dog! He was, and still is my "baby".
The other cat I have is Rosie. We adopted her when she showed up on our doorstep and we could not find her owners, she sleeps with me every night.
I also have a dog and a bird and I love them but my beautiful cats are just so special to me.
I agree with you that (don't tell my husband) cats are definitely better than men! They are better listeners for a start!
Before I was married I lived with my girlfriend and 2 cats, when we felt fed up with men we used to joke that she and I would end up living in a big house with 25 cats.
So don't worry you are not alone!

@busibee (187)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I love cats. They are such interesting pets and so interesting to watch. I have a kitty (named Lulu, because, she's nuts). I got her when she was just about 6 weeks old from someone who didn't know how to spade their cat. But I love her. She has 6 toes on each paw... she looks like she has mittens on. Also, she can grab her little toys like a human (with the "thumb" thing). It's kinda creepy but really neat. Oh, and she's insane. But I love her! XOXO
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Awww! That's so cute! I'd love to see that. I have never seen a 6 toed cat. I have seen one with 5 toes on the back where normally there are 4, but never a 6 toed one. I bet that is absolutely adorable when she uses that sixth toe to grab her stuff. Hehe she's a lucky girl. Most cats don't get opposable toes, hehe
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hi Busibee,
I bet lulu is a joy to have! I have never seen a 6 toed cat either. It must be so funny to watch her! I just love to sit and watch them do their thing. It is so entertaining! We all love our cats cause they are silly!
@skyle487 (17)
• Philippines
18 Feb 09
hello kindred spirit. i, too, call myself numero uno cat lover. though i love animals in general, i relate to the cat as i feel it is most similar to my personality. independent, self-reliant, quiet (when contented), furtive, graceful and fastidious. and yeah, kinda snooty, too.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Like I said before, Cats Rule!! I love all animals in general to, but my heart goes to the cat first. They always know when you need love. And they are so independent you don't have to spend 10 hours playing with them.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
18 Feb 09
My mother and I have four cats, three boys and one girl. We have spent a lot of money on our cats. We love each and every on of them.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
19 Feb 09
go for it. i think u r they way u r for a reason. everything happens for a reason. adopt homeless and unwanted cats and give them a better life. if u can, start ur own no-kill animal shelter and maybe help some get a good home elsewhere in the process. maybe this is ur calling. and who knows, maybe in the process, u will meet a man who is also an animal lover and get married again. maybe ur first husband wasnt the man for u.