Is it alright?
By mermaidivy
@mermaidivy (15394)
United States
February 18, 2009 7:52am CST
I am not a Christian, I don't know much of it, but if a person says he believes in God but he is not doing things right according to God's beleive. Is that right to say he is believing in God? For example, We should honor our father and mother, but he is saying all crab things about them. We shouldn't swear, he swear. God doesn't say we should smoke, he smokes. Getting married in the church in front of God, he didn't. etc.
So what does that mean? I hope you guys can give me some opinions please :-)
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15 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Feb 09
My firm conviction is this, regarding others.--
I am a Hindu , incidentally, and I have many Christian friends, have been educated by Catholics and nuns all my life and I have nothing against any religion.
According to me, religion is a personal thing;belief and conduct are all one's own.As long as the person is not a menace to society, does not harm me or any one else, I would not bother about his personal convictions or behaviour within his own family or his conduct within his circle.Each to one's own.
Have a nice day!

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Mar 09
Believing really isn't important to God. Your choices and actions hold more meaning. We learn from the consequences of our actions so CHOOSE WISELY.God is unconditional love. You are eternal. Hell is only an invention of religion to get you to believe.Of course some think the consequences of one's actions can be hell. Some will learn some hard lessons.
@shaunckennedy (55)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Since you're not a Christian, then I would suggest you tread very lightly on trying to criticise someone on religious grounds for acting unchristian. There is nothing more anoying than someone who doesn't understand my religion telling me that what I'm doing violates it. For example, you said that he speaks ill of his parents: Yes, we are to honor our father and mother, but we are also to call evil what it is. You said that "God doesn't say we should smoke." Well, God also doesn't say we should drive, doesn't say we should we should use microwaves, and doesn't say we can shop at a supermarket. No where in the Bible does it require you to get married in Church.
On the other hand, if I were there with you, as a well researched and studdied Christian, I might (if I knew the person and circumstances well enough) criticise him on every point you mentioned... BUT I would have the background, the research, the years of communion with God and getting to know the Bible required to make that criticism meaningful.
Now, if you wanted to aproach him on purely moral grounds, there you're cool... just don't bring the Bible into it unless you yourself are a believer. Otherwise, that makes you four times the hypocrite he is.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
19 Feb 09
I would start with saying that beliving in God isn't the same thing as being a christian *lol* judes belive in God, so do muslims.
You shall not kill - and all wars that have been fought in the name of God ....
The part of smoking - I haven't read....
If he believes in God he probably does. I do belive in God, I'm married in church and so on, I don't swear, but I belive that the thing isn't about that - after all - there is always the chance to be forgiven...
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 Feb 09
There's a Bible verse that says "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble." Just because a person believes in God doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to live according to His precepts.
@shebeck (114)
• Jamaica
19 Feb 09
Christianity means christ like, not only followers of Christ but that we should strive to be like christ. Yes, we are humans and we make mistakes, but the question is how do we deal with the mistake, do you crumble when you fall or do you pick yourself, repent and make an effort not to go that route again. When we follow the example of Jesus then we can profess that we are true believers. That is why God sent his son Jesus in human like form, to feel all the depression, the stress, the pain, the hunger etc that we all faced, so that he can be in a position to mediate on our behalf to the Father, to have compassion on us. A Christian life is not easy, but we should strive for profection and be an example of Jesus. If we are not doing that then we cannot truly say that we are true christians. God said if you love me you will obey my commandments. Study the word (the Bible) for yourself and do not let the false lifestyle of others prevented you from having a relationship with your saviour, because in the end, it will be every man for himself.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
19 Feb 09
By living through your life as a firm believer,it is not essential that all codes of conduct enunciated by the religious echelons wish us to be.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
18 Feb 09
any christian is a human being he is bound to make mistakes.That does not mean he is not a good christian.If you looking for a Role Model then you have to look to Jesus Christ from whom the name is derived.If you look to human being you will fail.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
18 Feb 09
I once heard a sales pitch which began by telling how 4 young Christian Men started a Company.That was enough for me. I didn't buy. Most of the American CEO's who through Mismanagement and Greed,brought America and the World to its knees, in the recent Financial Crises, are professing Christians. George W Bush, a professing Christian, was elected and reelected by the Christian Right. Notice where he left this Country. The Fact of the matter is, it doesn't take brains to be Christian, but if you are out to Steal, Plunder and Line your pockets, professing Christianity will open doors that would otherwise be tightly locked.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
18 Feb 09
There are persons who believe in God but does not practice his/her beliefs. The word of God says that we cannot say that we are walking in light and still dwelling in darkness. Christianity does take time and it comes with practice. This is the reason why the bible says we should not judge. All one have to do is help a falling brother/sister by encouraging them to go to bible studies or just having fellowship together and also placing the word of God on our heart. You don't have to get married in a church to be in front of God. We are in the presence of God everyday of our lives and this is the reason we should always ask for forgiveness. Everyone is a sinner I would like to live these scriptures with you.
So Jesus said to them, "For a little while longer the Light is among you. Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. "While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light." John 12:35-6 NASB
If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:6-8 NIV
Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any one walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if any one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him." John 11:9-10 RSV
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
19 Feb 09
Well, maybe he have a different believes about the faith that he is believing.. As for me, I'm not a religious person I always ask such question whether God really exist.. But even though my faith isn't that strong still I'm doing the right thing as what it is said in the bible.. Of course, not all the things it stated there I've done but for moral act and not hurting other people that's what is more important to me.. There are really such kind of people who is so religious but only in their minds and inside the church but they don't put it also in works and in their heart.. Nobody can help them except their self and God.. Hopefully, they will finally found their right path or way in dealing with their faith in God.. 

@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I suspect that most people who profess a particular religious faith do so very selectively. I think there are two main categories within any kind of religious organization.
One sort works hard to live their faith. There may be a bit of backsliding from time to time, but the effort to incorporate the essence of their faith is clear in the way they live--in the way they talk, not just the professions they make. It's easy enough to profess a particular set of values, but to live that faith is another matter. These folks look inward to apply the essential elements of their faith. It's a matter of personal discipline and self improvement--trying to live up to the standards set by the higher power in whom they seek their examples. You might say that this group walks the walk.
The other sort is big on looking outward to apply the standards of their faith. They are all too ready to find others who don't measure up, but they aren't so good about applying those standards to themselves. Somehow, they are exempt. They may contribute to the cause, attend the services, and complete the rituals, but somehow they neglect the personal role they themselves ought to play. They apply the rules outward, not inward. They simply talk the talk--and as you point out, the words they choose are too often undisciplined, if not downright crude.
I wouldn't worry about trying to figure out the motives of a particular person. He (or she) may simply like having a religious affiliation as a matter of convenience, for the ready-made social associations found in a religious community or as a means to some other end. The point is, they aren't fooling you. So be it. It's on their chin. All you really need to worry about is your own focus on your faith (or set of values). The ability to recognize the difference between the real thing and the camp follower is all you need to recognize a "real" Christian, or a "real" Moslem, or a "real" person of any sort. A mensch is a mensch, no matter the faith.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
27 Feb 09
It sounds a little complex but thank you very much, let me re-read it again :-)
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
18 Feb 09
There's a big difference in believing in God and than believing and accepting him to be your Lord.
The first one is exactly the one you are describing. The person may regularly go to church, baptized and wed in the church, openly profess that he/she believes in God and that God created the world and everything in it. However, the belief in God ends there. The person will just do as he pleases not minding if he is violating any God's regulation. Sad to say, many professing Christians are like this.
For some, Christianity is not just a religion but a lifestyle. To them, believing in God is recognizing God as your creator and master. That God should be the center of one's life. And God outlined his laws in a simple creed, love your neighbor (meaning anyone) as you love yourself. This I think is the real essence of Christianity.
@scarlet84 (64)
• Indonesia
18 Feb 09
Actually it's not because religion but from that person personality if he/she had a sad story from his/her life than religion only a name but they didn't do as their rligion.Well that my opinion,hope can help u.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Some people also say, "I am this or that MY WAY". All of those are people who either are fooling themselves or are trying to fool someone else.
I've known a couple of guys who were happy that their wives were into a certain religion "because they kept them straight", but they themselves cheated on their wives.
Bottom line is that anybody can SAY anything but mean nothing.
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
18 Feb 09
Hello MermaidIvy, well it is easy to say that a person is Christian, but it will really show well in the way we acts, the fruit that he bears. If the things you see in him, contradicts to what he proclaims he is, then don't believe in what he/ she says that he or she is abiding the law of God, obeying God's will and living a life in accordance to God.
A good tree will never bear a bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit Matthew 7:18 tells us clearly about that.
If your professing christian friend is not doing the things that God says in his Word the Bible, then my friend i can say that your friend is not a real Christian nor does the nature of Christ dwells in him. Don't be stumbled on what you see in a person, try to focus your eyes on God alone, read his word the Bible and get to know Him better.