No fault, no blame please. My pettest peeve.

United States
February 18, 2009 4:02pm CST
I was talking to my English fish friend this morning and one of the many topics we were on about is the concept of fault or blame. I can't stand it. I will always accept fault or blame for something I've done, but I never (although I hate to say never) say that anything was anyone's fault and I don't like to place blame on anyone either. So what! Something's been done, it's wrong, it's a fu*kup. So go on, get it fixed, and forget about placing blame. Honestly folks, it's just something that drives me crazy! Ok, crazIER. I wonder what it is about the whole thing that's made me so freaky about it. No idea. It is, however, as I said above, my "pettest" peeve. Wanna discuss some of your own? Wanna discuss mine? Hey, I won't fault you..................nyuk, nyuk.
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12 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
18 Feb 09
I am much the same my little Nova chuckle. However, I am slowly starting to "let go" and accept that not all the ills of the world are my fault. They're not yours either. I think that the problem is that people like us prefer to "let sleeping dogs lie" and it's simply easier for us to say "blame me" than to face the possibility of confrontation. Problem is that then builds our sense of guilt and whoops....... we f*ck ourselves up again.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Feb 09
And you're not even Catholic! ROFL I used to do that all the time. But I'm getting old now, and the priests and nuns don't scare me anymore. LOL Actually, I think it's more a matter of life experience, waning energy for small stuff, and being more comfortable with ourselves. Great friends who truly care for you help a lot too! Right Mr. Fish? Of course right! ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Feb 09
FYI, I ignored the last sentence because the rest of what I typed wouldn't have made sense otherwise! LOL (Actually I didn't even see it!)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
18 Feb 09
I am very fortunate to have those great friends too Sparky. I'm off to bed now. Night night. XXXX
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Feb 09
Well I certainly blame you for this discussion about pet peeves and I further fault the English Fish for putting you up to it! So there! Are ya peeved yet? ROFL My pet peeve is people who can't let go and get over it. Pretty much the same as yours I guess.....great minds colliding again! When something happens and the other party just can't leave it alone or get over it, I get obsessive with reaching a resolution. But mostly I just get a heartache that so much energy is wasted.............
@p1kef1sh (45681)
18 Feb 09
Huh?! Don't go blaming me Sparky. Nova came up with this one all herself!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Feb 09
Pfftt! We all know how inspirational English Fish are...................LOL
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• United States
18 Feb 09
Yeah well, missy, it's your fault that I got hooked to this place in the first place! But it's not the fish's fault that this discussion was born, nope. I came up with it all on my own! Aren't you proud of me, mommy? But seriously folks, I feel the same way, Sparky about people just not getting over things. There is a time to be mad, then a time to forgive or just move on, for sure. And it causes me the same heartache about the wasted energy. Such a shame, yes? (love ya, baby!)
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
19 Feb 09
My pet peeve is when someone goes into bulldog action and won't let it go..they keep naggig and yapping about it over and over and blaming this and that but never themselves about certain things. I don't like being blamed and i don't lay blame at someones feet unless they totally are 100% to blame but I don't get in their face about it. I drop it let it go..just to keep the peace..well what little I can
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Feb 09
Good mornin Sunshine! Wow, sugar, very well said. "Bulldog action". Boy, talk about to the point! As I said to Lexus above, it's so great to find so many like minds. But I shouldn't be surprised. The majority of people here are thinking, kind human beings and I'm constantly reinforced and delighted by their intelligence and wisdom. Yourself included. I'm so happy to see you here, Sunshine. That's what you're like, you know. Sunshine. Fiona's little face smiling up at me. I love it. And I'm crazy about you. Keep typing, girl. Please.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Well, I am talking from experience..I have a sister who goes into "bull dog" mode pretty often and others in my family. I thank you kindly from my heart about what you wrote. I fills my heart with warmth. And have given me a better outlook on this cold blustery day..OXXOX So if I am the Sunshine then your the rainbow...which uplifts everyone moods and makes everything better so that we can be better.
• United States
20 Feb 09
I guess i am one of those people mtdewgurt74 is talking about hi bab.I get realy mad when someone accuse of something i didnt do. but i also will say i am sorry if i am wrong ,this is where her sister gets it from . love you baby
• United States
18 Feb 09
I don't think I have any pet peeves I just have a low BS tolerance. So I guess you could say people who lie for no reason would be a pet peeve but I prefer to call it a low BS tolerance. Good to see you momma.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
I love you too :*
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• United States
18 Feb 09
And me you, baby girl.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
Good to see you too, darling. Are you keeping that man in line? Wait a minute. What's wrong with me? OF COURSE YOU ARE! You wouldn't be you if you weren't!! And if anyone knows you at all, we know you have a very low BS tolerance. I mean, it's not like you pull any punches or anything..............
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Hi nova! Nice to see you again dear friend! I do agree with you about fault or blame! What difference does it make in the actual realm of things? If you make a mistake just get on with it! If you do something wrong, own it, move own with it and forget it! That's what I do! And for those who can't, grow up and get a life! I have no tolerance for those whiny babies who can't get past it! Go on and forget it! Life is way too short ya know!
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• United States
19 Feb 09
Hi, Opal!!! Great to see you again too, Miss Opal, just wonderful. I love what you said about how it doesn't make any difference in the "actual realm of things". Verrrry well said, Opal. So let's dismiss all of those whiny babies and just get on with the pleasure of life. And of course, the pleasure of MyLotting!!!! Thanks Opal. Very much.
• United States
19 Feb 09
My pettest peeve?*L* At this very moment, bratty people! (And, you know who you are!) I am just kidding. I don't think I have a pet peeve. Lots of things aggravate me, but I usually let it go pretty quickly. If it bothers someone else, it is their problem, not mine. My time is too precious to let too much of anything bother me.
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• United States
19 Feb 09
Humph! Me??? Bratty???? Never!!!!! Ok, fine! I'll admit it! I do have a very bratty side but I try realllll hard to keep it under wraps. Because when it comes out, yikes, everybody duck. And ya know? It's nice to hear that you don't have a pet peeve. You probably do, somewhere in your subconscious, but don't think about it till whatever it is happens, ya know? That something that just makes you cringe when you hear it. Like sexism. Like all the isms. But you're a verrrrry kind heart, Bo darling, and it shows in your responses, all of them. You're also very naughty, and supremely clever, and stupendously talented, but don't let all of this go to your head, missy. Hooboy, I haven't been up but for about a half hour and I'm not, not, not awake yet. My clever function is still asleep I do believe. But I'm so happy to see you here! It's been a long time since I've written a discussion ('cept the last one) and seeing all of you here just warms my lil heart. Hey Bo. I need help changing my avatar. Sparky changed it the last time for me and I've asked her to help me yet again with the same. I'm endlessly hopeless on the computer, I'm afraid. But it's in the works. And won't it be fun!!! So many of us with such similar yet very individual avatars, and all MADE BY YOU!!!!! Can't wait! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my current avatar and intend to return to it at some point, but I reallllly want your gypsy for a least a while. Shoot. I'm rambling. As usual. On to the next one. Love ya, kiddo. XXXX
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• United States
19 Feb 09
You, embarassed? Ha! Suffer, woman!
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• United States
19 Feb 09
I wasn't talking about you when I said bratty people. Really, I wasn't.*L* And, shut up! You are the heck out of me! Heehee
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
19 Feb 09
Placing blame is nothing but a diversionary tactic to release oneself from personal accountability and responsibility, so therefore action! Based on this explanation, I applaud your own mindset in relation to NOT playing the blame game, nova! Now..... If you end up getting any responses you don't like, it's ALL your own fault and you've got no-one to blame but yourself.
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• United States
19 Feb 09
THANK you, James! Maybe. But don't blame me if you don't like what I say, mister. I love this discussion. And damn, you guys are just so friggin cool. No sarcasm on that one, case ya didn't notice....And thank you so much for gracing my discussion with your presence, darlin James. Kisses, baby!
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
Hi there nova, I live by the same philosophy too where faults and blames are concerned. I always feel that people should be man enough to admit blame for something they are responsible for, without having others pin the blame on them. Pointing fingers at others when something goes wrong is unfortunately a human tendency some people practice maybe because of pride or fear of embarrassment. But deflecting blame causes more conflict and resentment, and doesn't solve a problem, just more hurts and quarrels. When something has already happened, I'd usually take the stand of getting on with fixing the situation and making things better, rather than bickering over who's at fault. What's done is done, and no one can turn the clock back. But lessons can be learned, and if they are, then something positive can be salvaged from the situation that has happened.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
Hi there, nova, you really flatter me...but I won't fault you for that. But I will have to pin the blame on you if I can't sleep tonight...LOL. I enjoy writing here and I usually try and gather my thoughts and ideas before composing my response. I am glad you enjoy reading my posts. I also enjoy reading yours too, and have you on my radar so each time you initiate something, I get notified. There are many people who write well on this forum, and I learn a lot just interacting with them, and that includes you. I would never have the chance to experience such interactions across the globe if not for a site like this so I can count myself very blessed to be in the 'cyber-company' of so many wonderful myLot faithfuls. My life is enriched by all these interactions, and I trust yours is too. Take care. ~ Victor
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• United States
19 Feb 09
Hi Lexus, my friend. Wow, you have the most lovely way of saying things. And not just lovely but wise too. Everything I've read that you've written is like that. It's a beautiful thing! And you make so many salient points. It's really wonderful to know that so many of us feel like that. Blame is a waste of energy, plain and simple. And yes, I think pride or fear of embarassment plays a large part in the whole concept of blame. Wise words, my dear, very wise words. Thank you so much for coming in to my discussion. I always look forward to seeing you, Lexus. So - till the next time, stay happy, and DO NOT change anything about yourself. You're perfect just the way you are.
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• United States
20 Feb 09
Absolutely! My life too is enriched by my interactions here, and yes, I feel very blessed by the friendships I've forged. Most definitely. Thank you, Lexus, so much for everything you've said and for being such a thinking, caring, very human being.
• Canada
19 Feb 09
What are you on about, my dear? You are NEVER at fault for anything, yet you take the blame on yourself. I don't blame you for anything, nope, NEVER! Ya hear! Loves ya, sweetie. XXXX
• United States
19 Feb 09
You are too cool, Miss AnnieO! And yes, you would be one of the few who wouldn't blame me for anything and that's just a small part of why I love ya, girl. Thanks for dropping by too, Annie. I love seeing you. Always. XXXX Loves ya too.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Mar 09
I don't like "blamestorming" either. I'd rather just figure out how to fix the problem. Although if somebody is pointing the finger at somebody else for something that is their fault, I will happily point out where the fault lies. But my biggest pet peeve is probably rude, pushy, impatient, me me me behavior...
• China
19 Feb 09
honey,do you notice that although you didn't blame,you stated to complaint in your topic!if you want to happy everyday,just follow the principle of dont egotism.i'm not criticize you,i just suggest you may consider from other's sides,then the blame will decrease naturally.
• United States
19 Feb 09
Thank you for your wise and kind words. I'll definitely take them into consideration. And welcome to Mylot, Amadali! Here's wishing you many happy hours, laughing and having fun.
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• Philippines
27 Mar 10
I agree with you.. The point is, when something's been done, it's already done. Whoever is at fault doesn't really matter anymore. There was always a way to prevent things from happening. Putting the blame on someone will just worsen the situation. it's a very painful process to have to look past 'who caused it', and it takes a very mature person to do this. (And by the way, this post is totally in the right place. LOL) So it's better to just move on from the situation and start thinking of ways to fix it up instead of thinking who dun it?