How far would you go to keep a promise?
By ahgong
@ahgong (10064)
February 18, 2009 10:40pm CST
I know we are always making promises to people around us.
And I always make it a point to only commit to a promise that I know I can keep.
That is why I expect the same of people who makes promises to me as well.
But there are people who will make promises with no intention of keeping them.
Makes me wonder, why do they even bother to make them promises in the first place.
Is it because they want to be tactful and not hurt my feelings?
Or do they do it out of courtesy just to get me off their back?
I mean, what is a promise if it is not fulfil eh?
How about you? Do you make promises to people around you?
Do you intend to keep them?
How far would you go to keep a promise?
Or are you just making a promise just for the sake of it?
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14 responses
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
well i rarely make a promise to anyone. i use the phrase "i'll try" instead. to me, a promise is a promise. there is no room for discussion or negotiation. if i made a promise, i'll go to all lengths to fulfill it. even if it means i have to pay every single cent i own.
this is the reason why i rarely promise anyone anything. i also try not to make others promise me anything. i will be sorely disappointed if a promise is broken. 

@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
ha ha ha ha ha... well this reminds me of the famous words.
"Hmm... Do! or Do Not! There is no try!" ~~ Yoda.
I guess many people will play it safe like you and say that they will attempt to do something. No promises. This is to avoid any nasty disappointments and arguments over who agreed to do what.
Good way to get out of a sticky situation in the event you cannot accomplish the task that you agreed to do.
"I said I try what... never said I promise to do what!" 

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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
21 Feb 09
well, i use 'i try' not so much for this reason. why do i want to make a promise without meaning to fulfill it? when i use 'i try', i already know i won't use the last bit of strength to do it.
it's like someone asking me for a dinner date on a working day. if i promise the person, i'll make sure i either tell my boss i got to leave on the dot or i'll take leave on that day. however, if the dinner date is not something i'm dying to do, i'll let the person know that i might not make it and i'll only try. 

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@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
19 Feb 09
when people can't kept their promise i think there is no difference with a liar ..
I never makes a promise that easily ... because when you can't keep the promise with the person, than you may hurt their feelings, and because of it, so i better not to make a promise easily 

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing yesterday when I was commuting home after work. A person who constantly makes promises and then not keeping them is akin to lying. And when you do that, what difference does it make you from a liar?
A good point you raised there. I guess to be a trustworthy person, everything you say and do must tally. 

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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
Promises are meant to be broken?? Promises are just a kind of delay to whatever things that should be done now?? Promises are to be forever when it's forgotten just after a period of time?? lol =D
So, what is promise?? Actually, promise is just a reassurance of things and feelings only.. It's not that important as doing it in actions.. Everybody is able to promise, but not everybody is able to hold their promise.. So in the end, i will rather not promise anything but to prove that i can do it, right away ^_^ haha =D

@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Yeah... as they said, action speaks louder than words eh?
But I like the way you defind promises. It is a really refreshing point of view I have never come across before.
Promises are just a kind of delay to whatever things that should be done now.

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
19 Feb 09
My husband is a person who makes promises he can't keep, but I believe his intentions are good. He MEANS what he's saying as he's promising things, but doesn't think them through to ensure that he's ABLE to keep them.
I can't count the number of times I've been disappointed by him because of something he's promised me but never fulfilled.
I gave him almost my last penny to start his business up (close to $14,000.00) because he PROMISED me I'd get it all back, with interest, within four weeks.
Well, that was 8 months ago and I haven't seen a penny. I lent him $20,000.00 to put down on a new truck because he really needed it and he promised to give that money back to me. That was over 2 years ago and I have not seen a penny of THAT money, either.
He promised to build me a new deck with a sunroom when we moved here in May 2007. He put work off to design the deck and sunroom. He spent time getting quotes for the materials needed. Guess where those designs are? Yep, still on the computer. I even went out and bought tiles for the floor of the sunroom because he had me convinced that the deck was going to be built THAT YEAR! (The tiles were on sale and I loved them so I thought, why wait until we need them when they're half-priced right now?) The tiles are piled up in the garage, gathering dust.
He promised me, before we moved here, that he would be helping me with planting all the fruit and nut trees, plus help with the vegetable garden each year. Nope, hasn't happened. Oh, he dug a few holes for a few trees, but that's the extent of the help I've received from him. I cut the grass, too! He doesn't seem to want any part of it since we moved here.
I ALWAYS keep my promises! When I make a promise, it's because I've thought about the situation from every angle I can think of to ensure that I'm able to keep that promise.
Too many promises are made on the spur of the moment without any thought going into them. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm good for my word. Unfortunately, I've lost faith in my husband and don't believe any promises he makes to me any more. I've been disappointed too many times by him to be able to continue to believe him.
I have, however, learned a valuable lesson. I'll never lend him any money ever again unless he pays back to me all the money he's borrowed. (It's over $100,000.00 that he owes me right now. I doubt I'll ever see that money again.)
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Wow... that is a lot of commitments that are not met.
I guess there are some people who just make promises they do not have confidence to keep.
I can understand how you feel. And I am not surprised at the way you behave when it comes to dealing with your husband.
No wonder you feel liberated when you read the book on the Peter Pan Syndrome. 

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Yes, very very true my friend.
And our word is the thing that many people will judge us by.
How we carry ourselves and how we act upon our words will determine how much weight our word carries.
And if our word carries no weight, no matter what promises we make, they are meaningless.

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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Promise should be a permanent thing, once youpromise, it's gonna be forever. That's what I think.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Well, not all promises are like that.
Some promises are related to getting some task done. Once that task is done and over, that particular promise is no longer valid.
For example, I promised my wife we'd go to Europe for our honeymoon. And we did. And that is the end of the promise. It is fulfilled and accomplished.
But there are some promises that have to be kept for the long term. Like the promises I made to my wife when we got married. Those vows and promises are for life.
So it really depends on what the promise entails to know if they are permanent or not. 

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@carlynganda (749)
• Philippines
19 Feb 09
i always keep my promise as i wan't my friends to keep their promises too..i don't want to lose my trust to those people around me..i want a healthy environment..i don't want to be angry with anybody as i know myself very's very diffucult to fix the relationship if trust is not there..and the main ingredient of making promises is trusting each other..
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Yeah, trust is one of the main foundation in a relationships.
And people who are constantly making promises and not keeping them will make people lose that trust placed in them.
You raise a very valid point there.
That is why when a promise is made, people who were given the promise will trust that you will fulfil it. Otherwise, that promise will just turn out to be a lie. And lies are not very good to have in a relationship with anyone. 

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "The best way to keep one's word is not to give it."
I do not think we should ever trivial with our words and we should always keep it once it is said. IMO, people today seldom keep their words and it would really be a shame if these very people are making promises.
I prefer to be a man of my words for Denis Waitley once said: "Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep. " I would keep to my words once given even if it is going to cost me. So, to this day I have barely made promises more than my 10 fingers. What's the use of promising when I cannot keep my words.
I just conclude an interesting observation from Carl Jung: "The man who promises everything is sure to fulfill nothing, and everyone who promises too much is in danger of using evil means in order to carry out his promises, and is already on the road to perdition."
Have a nice day and it has been interesting here.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
Those are some powerful quotes you got there!
And so meaningful too!
Thanks for sharing them with me. I'd be sure to note them down!
Yeah, it is always better to keep the word you give. And if you cannot keep it, don't give it. But there are some people who just love to make promises that they just cannot keep. Sort of like trying to wear a hat that is too big for their head.

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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
19 Feb 09
I keep a promise as long as I can. I only break it if I can no longer fulfill it. But I make sure I make up and be really so sorry. I hate broken promises. Because I know it hurts so deeply.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
How much a broken promise will hurt will depend on what that promise is.
As long as a person can keep that promise, no one usually will get hurt.
Hmm... I do share your point of view though. Some promises are long termed. And effort is required to keep that promise. And due to different situations that are presented at the different phases in life, we may not be able to continue maintaining certain promises we made.
Hmm... that is indeed food for thought! 

@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
19 Feb 09
Hmm, I remembered I answered a thread that's similar to this not long ago, well, anyway...Here we go again? Ahaha
I don't like to simply promise anybody anything. If I say I'll do something, then I'll do it. If not, I won't even mention a word to raise hopes for others. Basically it's about integrity as our word must carry weight. I'm the type that what you see is what you get, my YES is YES, my NO is NO. So I guess I'm plain blunt huh? Hahaha
There are too many irresponsible people around so I won't join in to add to the number? Haha

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
That is good to hear my friend.
But being blunt is not the way of life my friend. You never get far by being blunt.
Tact is required as well.
But it is assuring to know of another man who is willing to keep their promises that they make.
Keep up the good work! 

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Feb 09
ha ha ha hah ha... you are not that bad.
Seriously, I have not known you enough to be a good judge of uour character.
So we will have to spend more time chatting here to find out.
It is good to be truthful all the time. But tact is still required. As some people cannot handle the truth.
So, depending on the situation, the truth is not necessarily THE only way to tell it to a person. Actions and sometimes gestures or expressions will go a lot in communications as well.
As for promises, well, as long as you know you cannot do it, then don't make the promise. That is the best way to avoid disappoint anyone you know.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
19 Feb 09
I don't think I have any problem for being tactful, depending whether I want to or not. Maybe sometimes my tactfulness others may perceive that I'm too sharp as my word can poke? Haha
I guess you would have figured out by now through the way I write, hahaha. Bottomline, it's always good to be truthful whether sharp or blunt? As although both are opposites yet both can still carry the same meaning? Haha, what an ironic oxymoron

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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
26 Feb 09
if i make a promise i fully intend on keeping it and unless it becomes really unreasonable i will do anything to keep it.. otherwise it would eat me alive!!
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@neknna (63)
19 Feb 09
as for myself, i can keep a secret for a lifetime. Whatever happen if it is secret.. its secret.
And this ability is good and im applying it in the company i am with. We have this committe, and i am part of it as a jury for a crime commited within the company, amongst co-employee, superiors and staffs. And as a commitment, we should keep every incident confidential. Nobody should leak it outside the committee. And it sure helps me
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
Erm... keeping a secret and keeping a promise are not exactly the same.
And it is good that you are able to keep secrets well. It is a good trait that many people in hight sensitive industry seeks.
Keep up the good work.
But when it comes to promises, how far would you go to keep them?
@LaPrincesa77 (104)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
I don't make promises very often because of that old saying "promises are meant to be broken", but on the occassions that I do make promises, I try my hardest to keep them.
I've noticed that alot of people do make promises for the sake of saying "i promise", that's why I prefer to give someone my word over a promise, because your word is more stronger than just a promise. People can lose alot of respect for you if you go back on your word, and I don't want that, so I always keep my word.
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