Are high prices making you a bargain hunter?

@TessWhite (3146)
United States
February 19, 2009 10:55am CST
My guy and I have noticed how expert we are becoming in grocery shopping. He works at our local grocery store and he comes home with the sale ad each week. My next week's menu is planned around the sales or coupons. Our store has what they call a "meal deal." You buy the main item, usually the meat, and they give away multiple free items to make the meal complete. I LOVE this feature. They also have some really great coupons and sale prices. Last week we went shopping and had a fairly full cart, which managed to fill up about 7 bags. We had everything from meat to fresh produce and yet only spent $57.00 on a weeks worth of groceries. I was THRILLED. To me its become a quest to see how much I can get for how little cash. I've also started using meat as more of a side dish rather than the main attraction of the meal. This way I can make things stretch. For instance I can make one pot roast stretch by using leftovers in veggie beef soup and bbq beef sandwhiches. I can also make a small package of hamburger stretch by using only part of it in my spaghetti sauce and using the other half for a pot of chilli. How about you? Do you have any tips on how you are saving money at the store? Do you ever watch for the sales when planning your meals?
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15 responses
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Those are great tips and very good information. If you have any more please share them with me. I have started budgeting and saving to I don't have any special ways I just spend less, and deny myself the little pleasures of specialties. I have cut back a lot. I don't do any unnecessary spending. I am staying home more. I don't spend much on gas anymore because I am only in the car about once or twice a week.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
19 Feb 09
If I could get my utilities from increases I will be doing great. My gas bill went up the garbage and sewage bill went up. The water bill didn't go up but the late fee on that did. I wonder what is next.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
These days you won't need to go to a high class department store to buy things you need. Nowadays people are opt to buy at local markets and bargain for the price. Aside from saving money, they will also buy a lot at a cheaper price. It is difficult to bargain from store to store , from vendor to another but at least you are enjoying what you do just to save some money. It will be practical to do this since prices are sky rocketing and people are not happy with what is happening in the economy. We just hope that it will get better somehow with your positive attitude.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Thanks for the reply.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
20 Feb 09
My BF swears that I never pay full price for anything. I don't use too much beef because of the price of beef. I much prefer turkey or chicken. I also live near a lake so I do a lot of fishing for free protein. I grow my veggies during the spring, summer and fall so I have plenty of fresh salads and munchie veggies. Since it's only me, I spend about $60 a month for my food (I spend more on the dog and cat food!) so it works out very nicely. I like chili and soups during the winter and salads during the warm months so it's easy to keep the food bills down. Unfortunately our stores don't have the great offers that your's would be nice if they did!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Maybe you should offer this suggestion to your store? It might help them get more customers in. Thanks for your reply.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
I've been a bargain hunter since i've moved out from my dad's house in the south.. i've learned how to be practical in so many ways.. i used to buy things that aren't that important but now, i consider comparing items so i would be able to get the best deal.. then i used to be a brand conscious before, i tend to buy signature clothings, bags and other stuffs but now? i go to discount stores and buy trendy clothes at low prices!!! with the global recessions, we should all learn how to be wise shoppers!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I guess I'm lucky enough that clothing or shoes has never been a big thing for me. I'm perfectly happy with thrift store items or Walmart clothing. Since I wear Crocs or tennis shoes only, its easy for me. My one big weakness is purses. I LOVE them. But even there I rarely spend more than 35 dollars or so for one, and haven't bought a new one in over 3 years.
@nchap36 (556)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I gather the sale paper on Wednesday and Sunday. Then compare all the stores. Whoever have the best deal thats where I shop. I also try get majority of the things I need from the Dollar Store.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
You know I've never found our Dollar store to be that much cheaper. Maybe I'm just not buying the right items to make it count. I tried buying pet food there and it was actually higher than the grocery store. What I wish our tiny town had was an Aldi's. We could get some great bargains there.
@Jae2619 (1483)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I've always been a pretty big bargin hunter and have always been a frugal person. Making things last longer by really watching portion size and not over cooking and having a ton left over to throw out. I plan a monthly menu and always buy what is on sale. Our local grocery stores have half priced meats on Monday's and Thrusday, we always try to pick out shopping days to be one of those so we can stock up for two or three weeks. I spend approx. 100 to 110 for a months worth of groceries. I cook morning noon and night around here so we have to make things last and stretch them as far as I can. We are the type of family who don't really do the left over thing inless it's something that we would like to reheat for the next days lunch, but it's seldom, so that's where the portion cooking comes in, so we don't waste. We use coupons and stores savers cards as well and it saves alot more than what you would think it does. We also look for close out deals. Threw out the month if we feel the need we'll run to the store and look for nothing but majorly on sale items and close out deals. And always remember [b][/b][i][/i][u][/u] Never go to the store hungry!!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Yes, shopping when hungry is a big no no. I always end up with junk food if I do that. Luckily we don't mind leftovers. Matter of fact we plan for them - it saves me having another night of cooking. LOL One thing I make that we love leftover is pasta. Sometimes I put the leftovers in a baking dish and top with mozeralla cheese and bake. Its like a whole new meal.
• United States
19 Feb 09
I've been a bargain hunter ever since I first moved out of my parent's house. Just like I finally started eating my vegetables because they are cheaper.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Sadly, I once had enough money I didn't have to worry about bargains. But a nasty divorce and a disabling illness made all that change. Glad you eat your veggies now. :P
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I am always a bargain hunter, especially when food shopping. I buy store brand food products, and I try to center my meals on whatever is cheap (beans, potatoes, rice, etc.). We don't eat meat so that saves a lot of money in our family.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I would love to do several nightly meals without meat. But my guy insists on meat. Often I give him the bigger share since I can do without it much of the time.
@ElicBxn (63705)
• United States
20 Feb 09
these are great ideas, I'm going to run them past my client
@dvschic (1795)
• United States
19 Feb 09
i have made it a quest to only buy something when i have a coupon or its on sale. i shop at Ralphs/Kroger and they allow me to add coupons to my shopping card and they take and double all other coupons. its fabulous! last time i went shopping, i got enough food for a weeks worth of meals plus some snacks and only spent 50 bucks. mind you there are only two of us, but still, i saved over 43 dollars with coupons and such.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Good for you! Sounds like you too are now an expert shopper.
@jashley1 (746)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I have always considered myself to be a very price conscious person. Call it frugal if you want (smile), but I was raised for the most part by a very elderly grandmother who taught me everything she knew about stretching the value of a penny. I really appreciate the advice though because it's amazing how many people were not taught budgeting principles and now are in a bit of a rough spot. I have always thought out my meals and tried to buy things at the best price. I love the new Fresh n Easy which came to town. They are really reasonable and sell fresh everything - then on or around the day before the produce/meat expires, they mark it down at least half percent which is great - all you gotta do is freeze the meat or cook it that same day! Because I have a family of five, I also try to make meals that stretch, just like you mentioned. Crockpot meals, lots of leftovers, soups, etc. I find that it not only helps me around the home, but allows for us to enjoy healthy affordable meals without me having to break my back. LOL. As far as kids clothing goes - I only shop clearance and always shop online. I love Childrens Place - especially now that they do Place Perks - I always get tons of clothing for my money and earn rewards which is an even greater incentive!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I grew up wearing clothing my mom bought from garage sales. Only my shoes and undergarments were bought new. Most everything else came from thrift stores or garage sales. I still like thrift stores. Since I like the faded and worn jeans more anyway, thats the best way to find them.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Hey tess! I kind of do something very similar to what you described! I have found ways to stretch my meals much the same way! I will use the meat to make more than one meal out of it. Like the hamburger meat, I will maybe make meat sauce and hamburgers or meat loaf and sloppy joes. I will get a few meals out of a package of meat too. I have become quite creative. I sometimes will have leftovers that I will somehow pull together to make a whole new meal out of just by adding vegetables and rice or pasta! You be surprised what you can do if you just put your mind to it! I watch the sales circular very carefully too so I shop when the things I want are on sale so that I can save the most money and my boyfriend has gotten pretty good at watching too! I have taught him well! e
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Hey there - :) Sounds like you've got the creative shopping/cooking thing down too! In this day and age we have to do all we can right? Thanks for sharing.
• United States
19 Feb 09
I've always be a bargain shopper. I do look for bargains more than I used to. I read a lot of blogs that help me plan my shopping trips with what's on sale and what I have a coupon for. My goal in to to buy a full cart full of groceries and walk out paying nothing. My store has bogo roasting chickens at least once a month. I always buy two. I make one and freeze one for later meals. I make that poor chicken last for a whole weeks worth of meals. I use what's in the pantry to fill in the sides dishes. I have a soup night every week. I make a different kind of soup from scratch. I will also serve a sandwich with the soup.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Sounds like you've got the right idea too. I love to make large pots of soup and then freeze the rest for later. It always makes me feel like I'm saving money.
20 Feb 09
oh sure i look for bargins all over the place, my husband and i are saving to buy are own house after i get my dergee and the the market and banks get on there feet again. evey penny counts and we will be thankfull when we get our house. at the moment it hard not buying everything we what to, but who cares it will be worth it
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
20 Feb 09
Yes, whenever I go out then I try and choose the offers which are the chepest. I try and get the deal out of the place so save on money.