anxiety disorder
anxiety symptoms
no stress
separation anxiety
social anxiety
stress test
Do you suffer from any related anxiety, stress or depression ilnesses?
By BrunoMiguel
@BrunoMiguel (3)
February 19, 2009 4:26pm CST
Hi all,
This seems to becoming a huge problem amongst our society and I feel that help doesn't get to where is required most of the time. Some people shut themselfes in their house, their bedroom and don't talk to anyone about the issues that are affecting them, and why do they shut themselfes out from society, from seeing their friends, etc... Others are getting bullied/discriminated at work/school and feel they can't do nothing about it and don't seek help, or feel embarassed/afraid to talk about it...
Can any of you feel connected to any of the things I mention above or know someone that does feel/behave like this in your friends/family etc?Let me tell you a bit about me... I went through hell in the past 3 years at my work and on the street and bars etc... Since day 1, I been a victim at work, walking on the street, being at a bar of racist comments, discrimination and bullying based on the fact that I'm originally from Portugal but live in Scotland, UK for the past 8 years...and still I get abuse everywhere I go... Was off work for more then 8 months due to GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). I took me a while to overcome my fears, feelings, anger (sometimes reacted very violent) and what I used to overcome this, will not discuss it because It might be consider advertising, but it was the worst 3 years of whole my life...and I find out that are loads of people living in same or similar hell and don't know what to do. My first advice to someone about it, say how you feel about it, detail by detail, don't be afraid, talk to someone that will really listen to what you have to say. I always felt that everyone in this world deserves to be here, in planet earth as much as anybody else, no one is above no one, all of us are same especies, Humans, that's it, whatever color, whatever background, whatever religion, it doesn't matter... WE ALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS. Just thought I shared a bit of my own story, as I'm happy to have defeated my GAD and today I ignore all these people that still behave disrespectfully towards other people like they are something special. Well, they aren't, just ignorants! and I leave you with my last comment but in a certain way, a funny one ( and expected i suppose). You know what a police officer from Scotland told me when I said to him that I just been a victim of racist abuse?? He said to me " Don't raise your voice to me, do you understand?" anything about the racist abuse??? Well, I leave you to figure it out what was the answer to that one....
3 responses
@pinkpassion5 (351)
21 Feb 09
Hi Bruno,
I understand what you are going through because I suffer from Anxiety and have for many years. My husband and son are very understanding. I can't say the same for some of my "friend". I use the word friends loosely. I do see a therapist on a regular basis to deal with the issues I have. I don't get the support from certain friends. Even after explaining to them that there are times I just need to be alone and don't want to talk. They get mad,accuse me of being bi-polar which is not something to take lightly. I am in return supposed to ingore this and carry on like they have done nothing wrong by making things up.
I deal with it the best I can. If that means I'm not in the mood to talk, go out or do anything I don't want to that's my right. Even a friend who is going through the same thing isn't understanding. It gets turned around to their problems and makes you feel like you don't matter at all. I've shut myself off from just about everyone in my life because it give me peace. I can't heal myself with all the drama going on around me. I expect some understanding but there is none.
I hope you can get this under control because it can control your life and that is awful.
Take care and I hope you feel better soon.
@BrunoMiguel (3)
22 Feb 09
Thanks for your comments.
It's amazing how suddenly the supposed "friends for life" turn theirs back on you when you not well, for something they don't understand and don't even try.
I came to find out that a lot of my supposedly "friends" and I had many, were all fake. Only got left with 1 or 2 really true friends.
Some of the others even had a laugh at what I was going through which made me feel even worst.
I'm really sorry to hear about your supposed "friends" and what you are going through. No one deserves to go through this.
I really hope that you do well in the future with your anxiety and that you live a very happy life with your husband and son ( glad to hear they are very understanding!!) and that all the best things in life come in into your life.
Thanks again for taking the time to write your comments.
Take care and best wishes.
@LadyCroft (701)
• Australia
19 Feb 09
I have been diagnosed with PMDD... which is basically a severe form of PMS. With this comes all sorts of stuff that hinders my personal relationships and living in society.
For 2 weeks of the month I am me... the wife my husband knows and adores... for the next 2 weeks I am a beast... I have raging attacks and anxiety attacks (right in the middle of shopping centers) I am depressed alot of the time about things I have done during my "man phase"
As of yet they have not found anything to help with the chemical reaction that PMDD sufferers go through. It is just something we must "live with" but try to control.
I will lock myself away from society if I feel a rage coming on, and I wont talk to anyone about it, so noone understands. I have lost alot of friends too with this because Iw ill be snappy and rude to them without any provocation. And because I havent sat down and explained it to them, they just turn their backs.
I am saddened by your treatment, that so obviously goes on these days. There are still some poorly educated people out there, who dont realise we all bleed the same colour.... It is just sad.
@BrunoMiguel (3)
21 Feb 09
Thanks for your comments.
I'm saddened to know that you are living life like this.
Isn't fair and you feel when times comes that you feel a rage coming on, you have to lock yourself away from society to avoid any clashes, basically protecting yourself and other people.
I can imagine is difficult to sit down and explain to your friends what you are going through...I lost many as well due to they do not understand what I was going trough.
In terms of your depression about things from the past, my advice would be the best way to move on from them is go back in your memory and clear your conscience.
Try to free yourself from these ghosts from the past. Maybe you should try and use some kind of CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) that will help you challenge these thoughts from the past and see them in a different way, with help of evidence, etc...
I use to have certain attitudes and thoughts that I couldn't figure it out why and later on came to realize it was related to my past, teenager times and related with my Mum and Dad.
It's amazing the things you come to realize you become because of your past history. Try and figure it out yours and you might be on the road to free yourself from this past "man phase".
Thanks again for sharing your experience and comments on this discussion.
It's good to feel connected with someone and realize you not alone on this battle.
We will be victorious!!!
All the best for you and your family!
@markbrauer16 (265)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I think stress and depression are just states of mind, and are not real things at all.